fun in santa barbara

Last week Chrissie and I brought our kiddos and met up in Santa Barbara. It’s crazy, because before we meet up I’m counting down to our time together, while we’re together I’m thinking, “I don’t want this to end!” and as soon as we part ways I miss her again. Do you have a friend like that? It’s a beautiful thing!

The day was full of imperfections–kids fighting, me yelling at Matthias {sigh}, David constantly trying to sneak away when I wasn’t looking. but Chrissie and I were able to have some good time to talk despite the busyness of having the kids with us. And we had a quiet, lazy lunch at Bay Roadhouse where the kids played outside on the patio and I sipped three diet cokes.

We even snuck in a quick trip to an antique shop and took turns watching the kids. Time to schedule some more sister time, I think!

Tonight we have our holiday open house at the workshop! We are busy filling your orders and counting down to the holidays. I’ve got cinnamon candles burning, christmas music playing and I’ve already knocked out quite a bit of shopping. Are you in holiday mode yet?


  1. That anteater is certainly an interesting animal. Is that how the kids sled in California lol? Looks like they had a grand time.

      1. I am seeing that YOU drank them, Lisa. 😉 Yum! 🙂 You and your sister are so beautiful! How blessed you are to have each other…

  2. Ahh, I love Santa Barbara Zoo! I live in SoCal and we always stop their on the way up or down with our boys when we visit my sister in Atascadero. Thanks for sharing the sweet pics.

    And thanks for being real…life with kiddos is challenging and the ideal day we have planned is often lived out differently in real life than in our mind…but sweet to know that you and your sis still made the most of it. Praise God for his grace and the gift of just being together and sharing life!

    1. I’m so happy that we share a love for the Santa Barbara Zoo, it’s one of my favorites! Life is imperfect, but you got to count your blessings everyday. I hope you have a blessed week Becky!

  3. I’m holding my middle son and he is concerned that a certain boy on your blog is wearing his favorite rainbow sweater. lol

    Now he is quite concerned because it seems that same boy (not mentioning any names) is riding in his exact car seat.

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