Is Bath visit on your wish list? {done by me}

While we were in England, we spent a day exploring Bath. I’m a huge Jane Austen fan–and she refers to Bath often in her books. I also knew she lived there for a while. We had a fabulous day with gorgeous weather! Highlights included lunch at The Real Italian Pizza Co., seeing the Roman Baths, and taking in the Royal Crescent {featured in many period films}. We visited the Jane Austen Center but honestly, it’s not worth the time. The street vendors, musicians and energy in Bath inspired me!

So much history in these ancient baths.

Matthias got an handmade leather journal from this amazing street vendor.

Lunch at The Real Italian Pizza Co was absolutely delicious! I highly recommend. And they have an italian ice cream shop next door that’s yummy, too!

Period costumes made the Jane Austen center fun. It was actually fairly dry and uninteresting. But we made our own entertainment!

The Royal Crescent, or The Circus was so cool. I loved seeing it in person! Do you recognize it from period films?

Hanging out with cousins is the BEST!

Have you visited Bath? Is it on your wish list? Next time we’re in England I want to visit Jane Austen town where she was born!


  1. I love Bath, amazing atmosphere and totally agree on the JA Centre remark. I always found it so interesting that Jane didn’t like Bath, but of course she didn’t have a favourite author (like I do) to make it a very special place. 🙂 We moved from England last year and we used to live close to Winchester, the town where she spent her last weeks and where she is buried. It’s one of my favourite places in the South. Chawton House and the Jane Austen Museum are also well worth a visit, I hope they make it on your list next time. xx

  2. Thanks for the tour of Bath. I just watched a special online about Jane Austen and it said that she stopped writing while she was in Bath – the countryside was more to her liking for writing. Interesting! It sure looks lovely in architecture there. Just being anywhere that Jane breathed air would be exciting to me.

  3. I went to Bath when I graduated college. We took a trio to England and Bath was one of our day trips. It was my favorite part of the trip. I remember wanting to stay overnight and doing it all over again!! Loved seeing your pictures.

  4. Bath is such a beautiful place. The Circus was amazing. So happy you were able to visit and enjoy this magical place.

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