new york city, day two

Reflecting back to our time in New York, I have sweet memories and also–it was hard! David was so cold and if we were outside he was pretty much miserable. We did a lot and we bonded, but it wasn’t easy and I wouldn’t call it a vacation. New York is fascinating–so much history and so much to see. I’m so glad we did it. And I’m glad to be home, too!

Matthias sketched the skyline from our hotel window. Do you see the Chrysler Building?

From the top of the Empire State Building! For sure–one of the highlights of our trip!

I caught our reflection in a mirrored window {100 floors up!}

And of course, a kiss at the top of the Empire State Building seemed like the natural thing to do!

It seemed like everywhere we turned there were television studios and special sights to take in.

Central Park was magical. I love that there is a huge wooded area right in the middle of the bustling city. So important to get fresh air and run around!

I spy spring!

We are huge Beatles fans–so a visit to Strawberry Fields was a must!

Bow bridge was my favorite spot in Central Park. And it’s been featured in so many movies–like Enchanted {when they dance across the bridge}. So fun.

We stayed in the middle of Times Square which was NUTS and so fun. At one point Robin Thicke made an appearance at one of the stores and people were going crazy trying to meet him. We were trying to get away from there!

Have you been to New York? What are you favorite sites to see?


  1. We were in New York at the same time, 3/20-3/26! We stayed at the Crowne in Times Square so we must have been close to you guys! It took me a good four days to rest up from the adventure. Too bad we didn’t cross paths.

  2. Once, a couple of years ago for three hours on the spur of the minute. We were in Connecticut (from Maine) for an audition (my daughter auditioned for MTV’s The Real World – thank GOD she was not chosen!) and my daughter had always wanted to go to NYC. I suggested we take the train in, so we did! My girl, who thought she’d love a bustling city lifestyle was overwhelmed after half an hour in Times Square, Bryant Park was lovely though! We came through Grand Central Station and when she got to the top of the staircase I shouted XOXO to her (Gossip Girls), she was properly mortified!

    On our walk to Times Square we were walking past little shops on a side street. A window display caught my eye as we walked by and I looked back – TINSEL TRADING – heaven! I smiled like a loon as I made my way through the shop! I would have loved to have spent hours going in and out of all the wholesale bead shops. Someday we shall return for a long weekend, plan in hand and see the sights!

  3. Gorgeous photos, Lisa! And I agree, your honesty about difficulties is reassuring. And beautiful to always be finding the beauty – your family is so positive and joyful in every situation. Even if happiness (and relaxing!) isn’t easy, you all find the joy. It’s inspiring!

    On another note, I live in the UK and my sister and I are off to meet our other sister (who lives in San Francisco) in New York next week, so this was really exciting and gave me some great ideas for photos. Not sure if I’m brave enough to go up the Empire State, though! Just wondered, your night-time photo of Times Square- what were your camera settings? Did you use a flash? And did you use a tripod? Would love to know! Thank you! Xx

  4. I was raised in Connecticut and my father worked in NYC so we visited a lot! I love the museums, taking the train to the city, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, Empire State building… so many great places to visit!

  5. Your photos are great but I most appreciate your honesty! Always feel free to tell us about the hard moments – it makes you seem so real, and personally, I choose the “real” blogs over the perfect blogs any day of the week.

    I visited NYC in the summer of ’06 (yikes was that already almost 8 years ago? Sad face. A guy friend and I got to housesit for a married couple that were overseas. It was such an amazing opportunity! I love and adore NYC but I agree that it can be exhausting and overwhelming especially for us SLO town gals. Then add in two kids, one with special needs and no wonder you were grateful to get back to your coffee and calm 🙂

  6. I love your photos! They are so great. We went last year in March for our ten year anniversary. We cannot wait to go back…. and hopefully, take our kids.

  7. I love how you captured it, Lisa! Yay to you guys for doing hard things!!! So worth it.
    My fave part of NYC is Washington Square. And the Statue of Liberty! And the Empire State Building…and Grand Central Station…so hard to pick just one! xoxox

  8. tickled to see some pictures from your trip to Manhattan…looks like it was a great adventure. Sorry we couldn’t turn the heat up for you! March is a tough time…next time you need to visit in early June or mid-September to get that sweet spot in the weather! xxoo Jen

  9. ahhh… loved this post. my hubby and I moved there after college. my brother still lives there today and has been in several broadway shows! these pics made me miss that city we love but also remember how cold the winters are there! it was a struggle for me and we didn’t even have kids yet! you all are amazing for pushing through the cold and finding all that beauty! doesn’t surprise me though… thats what you do.. find beauty in everything. you encourage me to do the same thing!

  10. I kept looking at these beautiful pics and kept having the urge to click on them and “like” them! Perhaps a sign I am on Facebook too much! I had a similar feeling about our Washington D.C. trip. It was amazing, but I really want to go back when Mitchell is walking better and has more stamina (you didn’t see it in any of the pics, but we had the wheelchair with us for when he needed to walk longer distances–he wouldn’t allow his picture to be taken in the wheelchair)and also when it is WARMER and we can stay for a few more days. It certainly wasn’t relaxing but it was fun and we’ll have lots of memories. Thanks for sharing all your pics from your trip!

  11. I love your picture of those yellow buds on the branch…a touch of color in the still sort of dreary landscape. It reminded me of some of your new pieces.(wildflowers collection) New York is fun to visit…but I bet California was a nice warm, sunnier sight when you got back.

  12. I live in New Jersey and my husband works in New York, we visit often when my husband is in the mood to go in on the weekends, he says he will never return when he retires. We love broadway but love the more quiet places and there are many quiet beautiful places. It truly is a beautiful place!!

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