Our summertime to-do list!

Yesterday our family made a list of some fun things we want to make sure to do this summer. I wrote them all down on a piece of paper, and then transferred them to a large canvas. Meg from Whatever made a great list on a chalkboard last year–and it’s such a fabulous idea!

First, I drew lines with a sharpie marker, then went back and filled in each section with a fun to-do item. I tried to mix up my fonts to make it a little more fun. And then we watercolored each section a different color. Now it’s hanging in the loft, each activity ready to be checked off as we explore this summer. Yay! I can’t wait!

What are some activities on your summer list?


  1. Love love love this idea…and so will my girls!!!! thanks for the inspiration! Will be making this over the weekend and hopefully posting on Monday!

  2. Pingback: Anonymous
  3. Lisa — this is SOOOO fabulous. I haven’t been to your blog in a bit but saw this pinned (over and over!) on pinterest and just HAD to make one for the kids. We worked on our list this morning before school and they were giddy with excitement… I just finished the canvas — they’ll be so happy when they come home — I’ll share our list shortly on my blog 🙂 (i’ll come back and update!)

    THANK YOU for sharing 🙂

  4. Thanks for the inspiration! We made ours today and I can’t wait to get started on checking things off.

  5. This is so pretty! I’ve followed Meg for quite some time and love her lists too. We unschool and so we have been making pretty (hefty) fun lists for the four seasons. I’ll keep doing it until my kids get bored with it…then I might still make them for myself!?!

  6. What a VERY COOL idea!! I want to do some of those things on your list! Little hard when I am in Wisconsin. 😉
    Enjoy your to do list!!

  7. What a fabulous idea, not only for it’s artistic appeal, but for the beautiful reminder to live every day of summer…and to get to the ‘important’ parts! Thanks for sharing such a meaningful project!

  8. This is BY FAR the cutest idea I’ve seen in a long time. I love how you added the watercolors too. Can’t wait to see what things you check off as you go!

  9. I like your pretty list! I like that it’s short, too. I think I over committed myself last summer and got overwhelmed.
    We still did most of the things listed so it wasn’t a total failure. It would be nice to get them all checked off before fall.

  10. I’m using scrapbook paper and put our summer list up on a board we have. I have kids age 6-16! Here’s on our list: strawberry picking, concert at the museum by where we live, ice cream factory, RV camping trip, Zoo, water park, play dates with friends, Library events, Dave Ramsey study with my teens (to learn about money mgmt before they go to college!), fishing, Proverbs 31 online study for me, and vacation. Whew!

  11. This looks like a lot of fun, a few things on are list are, going to our towns outdoor concert series, outdoor movies and running around the yard with sparklers. almost forgot strawberry picking.

  12. I’m definitely doing this for myself (my youngest is 23, so . . . )and am looking forward to working on it this evening. What a fun way to kick of summer and enjoy my inner-kid!

  13. What an awesome idea! I love this! My last chick is leaving the nest, so no little ones to plan for, but this would be a great thing even for my own “wanna do” list! Happy Sunday!

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