playing in brighton, england

One thing I really wanted to do on our trip to England was to visit Brighton. I’ve read about it in Jane Austen novels and I’ve seen pics here and there. And it was gorgeous. And so windy! At least it was windy the day we visited. The kids had fun in the arcade and we found a great fish and chips restaurant on the pier. David wasn’t feeling well–he caught a cold and was not happy. So we cuddled him lots and didn’t stay for more than a few hours.

Next time we’re in England I’m hoping to visit Bath. I’d love to visit Jane Austen’s birthplace. Are you a Jane Austen fan? I absolutely adore Emma and Pride and Prejudice. Well all of them really! What’s your favorite Jane Austen novel?


  1. Glad to see there are people who love Persuasion as much as I do. I love all her other books as well, but Persuasion just has something special in it. Have you seen the BBC version with Amanda Root and Ciaran Hinds? It is not only a great movie, but it was shot on location in Bath. When we were in Bath, I loved coming around corners and seeing things that were used in the movie, it was too fun.

  2. Really enjoyed seeing where you visited on your visit to England, thank you for sharing your lovely photos and so pleased you’ve had such a great time. Hurry back soon and yep, definitely visit Bath. Amazing to see you visited Mead Farm, I’ve had many happy visits there with my children! Hope David’s cold has gone and he’s feeling better 🙂

    1. Thank you Margaret! We are back in California now and settling into the new time change. Thank you for following my blog while we were on our trip!

  3. I went to Brighton to visit family for a month, 2 summers ago, and I also visited Bath. I, too, am a Jane Austen fanatic and LOVED both places.

  4. That pier is so cool! And your pic of the stormy sea looks like a painting. I’m chilly just looking at these!

    I love Emma. And I loved Gwyneth as Emma. Sigh.

  5. Bath is a particular favourite of mine – not only because it is a really lovely place, or because of the Roman Baths there, but I have memories from my childhood of when my Uncle was Bishop of Bath and Wells – there were swans in the moat and they were trained to come when they rang the gong!! Have you seen the film “Becoming Jane” – it is about the life of Jane Austen, and my husband and I loved it! The Jane Austen House Museum is In Alton in Hampshire (UK) and if you’re ever around there, I think it’s well worth the visit too! – as you can tell, I am a Jane Austen fan too!!

    1. I am so happy that we share a love for Jane Austen! She is so inspiring in my eyes. Bath sounds like it means so much to you, thank you for sharing that with me Caroline. I hope to one day go there and see all of its beauty!

  6. Can I ask a really silly question, what sort of camera do you use? As your photos are always so crisp and clear. And you not seem o have any problems with low light. Makes me want to visit England.

    1. You are so sweet Leone. I use a Nikon D5000 and I love it. A lens that I would recommend to you for crisp photos would be a 50mm 1.8 lens. It is totally affordable and something nice to keep in your purse. Hope this helps!

  7. Love love Emma! My mom has made us watch the movie with Gwenyth Paltrow so many times I think we have it memorized! I don’t think there’s a Jane Austen novel that I don’t like! I would love to visit all of these places someday- beautiful photos Lisa!

  8. You really have been from top to toe in the UK! Sounds like you have had a lot of fun.

    Funny, I always associate Bath rather than Brighton with Austen – it is much more evocative of that period, go if you ever get the chance! x

  9. Such great pictures! I am a huge Pride and Prejudice fan, but Persuasion is probably my favorite! After this post I am adding Brighton to my list of ‘musts’ next time I am in England!

  10. I absolutely LOVED visiting Bath -very cool place! I remember there was a little cafe, or maybe it was a chocolate store that had the most creamy, rich sipping chocolate… I wish I could remember the name, but if and when you go, get some!

    1. Sounds like you picked a great day to go to Brighton! I am so happy that you love Bath, I can’t wait to go there one day.

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