Ronald Reagan Museum {checking off our summer list}

We are busy busy checking stuff off our summer to-do list. I’m thinking maybe I should make a new list–just for me, with things like; take a nap, read a book, buy trashy magazines and sleep in until 9am. I’m sure if set my mind to I could accomplish all those things. {I’m driven like that!}  Last year the one thing we didn’t accomplish on our summer list was visiting the Ronald Reagan Museum in Simi Valley. So this year, we made sure it was the first thing we did!

Doesn’t this statue look it’s made of pure chocolate? I think it’s actually bronze.

My favorite pic of the whole day–Steve chasing David under Air Force one.

We learned some new things and we left inspired! Are you checking things off your summer list?


  1. We love this place – we live about 20 minutes away and visit several times per year – what fun! Glad you had a great day there

  2. Your husband looks like such a good father, I love the way he is able to balance his attention between his boys. And you, of course, are the BOMB!!! I hope you get your down time, you sure deserve it 🙂

  3. So jealous! I am practically obsessed with Ronnie. I adore him! I hope to visit this museum some day!

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