10 things making me happy

Ten things making me happy lately—

1. Warm days with time spent outdoors. Yesterday we ate In-n-Out outside and it was simple and so fun.

2. Watching Arrested Development as a family. It’s a show filled with the quirkiest characters and we laugh so hard.

3. Slow mornings! I can sip my coffee and slow down.

4. Organizing and purging. I’m going drawer by drawer and room by room through our house and cleaning things up. Oh my gosh, it feels so good!

5. Neck scarves (or bandanas). I love them. I used to wear them in college all the time.

6. Letting go of guilt. One of the things I’m working on in therapy is worrying less about my boys. I’m trying to let go a little and let them grow up. I’m reminding myself they are not only fine—they’re powerful people. They need my love and support but they don’t need me to worry.

7. Garlic and olive oil. I’m cooking more and basically EVERYTHING tastes better with more garlic and more olive oil. Ha!

8. The Joy Diet book by Martha Beck. It’s about 10 things to make your life more joyful. She’s one of my favorite authors. ♥️

9. Sunless tanner. Have you tried it? I’m using some and it’s making my legs look less glowing white and more slightly tan.

10. My sterling cuff (from my shop) on my wrist with my boys’ names. I gotta keep my boys close all the time. Love.

What’s making you HAPPY today?

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