an everyday moment, beach play

since we live so close to the beach we are spoiled to get to play there on a regular basis. in some ways, i feel like i’ve documented my boys’ childhood with playdates at the beach! so fun!

david used to be very clingy at the beach and he didn’t like the texture of the sand. but now he LOVES the sand and if i don’t watch him closely he’ll end of running toward the water. nana was with us on saturday so she helped me keep an eye on him.

i love all the color and texture and incredible beauty at the shore. there is always something new to discover.

with matthias, i try to plan some kind of activity or treasure hunt. last weekend we collected driftwood and gold rocks {rocks yellowed by weather and time}.

it was a really chilly, windy on saturday. we didn’t stay too long–maybe half an hour. but it’s good for my soul.

and i found a heart-shaped rock! so you know how happy that made me!

what everyday moment are you treasuring today?


  1. How much fun! I wish we had a beach close to play on. We tok Grant to the beach for the first time last year and he LOVED it. Cried when we left!LOL! You should make a beach themed necklace. Oh- like the verse that refers to his handprints in the sand?

  2. I am treasuring that I am able to be with my children every morning to start the day and every evening to say good night to them. Everything in between just builds on the beauty. Thanks for sharing the beach…snowy Ontario needs that right now. xo

  3. Calling in hooky to work, having a rare day to myself, running in absolutely picture perfect March FL weather, and having my “word” necklace arrive in the mail today… “persevere” so appropriate for so many things in my life right now 🙂

  4. love your heart shaped rock!! Ever since i could remember that is one of my favorite things to find. In my traveling the world I always bring my mom home a Heart shape rock unless it is to big then i take a picture of it 😉

  5. I live in landlocked Idaho and absolutely love the beach (used to live in South Carolina) and miss it terribly. Your heart-shaped rock is fabulous! You are so lucky to live so close to the ocean.

  6. Love the small moments… just had a little exchange with my college bound daughter that made me smile. My clock is ticking with her under my wing, so those little moments are ever more precious.

  7. What fun! Even a few minutes of that wonderful beach air can be so invigorating! We just booked a little trip to the {Oregon} coast for part of spring break … can’t wait!

  8. just finished an 8 hr shift at starbucks, 3.5 of which was spent deep cleaning things like the under counter fridges, the drains, and the trash cans. good thing i like creating order and am not afraid of gunk.

    so, what i’m treasuring right now is the everyday moment of reading your blog…with my feet up!

  9. SO precious. And of course LOVING your heart rock, too. God is so sweet to give us little treasures in which we fnd so much joy and delight,

    Today I’m treasuring my toddler finding silly ways to make his baby brother laugh.

  10. I adore heart-shaped rocks too and have a little collection started. I’m treasuring the longer days and the new beginnings of springtime. I love your blog Lisa!!! ❤

  11. Lucky you! Love the heart rock picture…that would be a great picture to frame! It would also be great for a little handwritten card to send to someone, just because! 🙂

  12. Thanks for taking us to the beach with you! I love your pictures and the fun that shows through. Your boys are so cute. There is snow on the ground where I live, but if I shut my eyes I can smell the ocean. 🙂

    Have a great day!

  13. I treasure my evenings with my husband walking around our mini farm in the cool of the evening making sure all the chickens have gone up to roost and ducks are safely in their coop. Love our little talks we have about dreams and how much we have been blessed. Those are my favorite moments!
    ~Molly P

  14. Definitely treasuring listening to my little one upstairs playing with her little play bunny family after running a fever for 5 days. today she seems to have made a turn around…fingers crossed!
    love the rock heart and the driftwood, so cool!

  15. Treasuring the smiles of my children, and the sparkle in their eyes. Knowing that what I have to give to them as their mother is irreplacable.

    Love that you can make it to the beach — even chilly days are good!

  16. my favorite moments are beachside also…..
    i was able to spend the month of january in florida and then was just back there for a long weekend….oh the memories…..

    on my post today….the gift in my hand is from florida….not beachside, but in the woods where we our cottage was, just a 5 minute walk from the beach…..

  17. I am collecting pictures of hearts, and that one is AMAZING! Let me know if you would be interested in having me post that picture on my blog with a link to your site.

  18. Sunshine, cool breezes, and soothing background sounds. DEEP breaths and the sun on my face. It’s going to rain later.

    I’ve been keeping a collection of little heart shaped rocks from my travels in a jar for years. DH finds them for me too so they have come from all over the world. We call them “little reminders”…. ;-D

  19. We can’t wait for our trip this summer to the beach! it makes me feel so peaceful there! Love the pictures! Wishing you a happy day!

  20. I’m still riding high on last night’s everyday moment… I went running in the trails after dark with a dear friend. The sky looked marbled and milky, with silhouettes of the snow ladden branches against the dark sky lit only by the stars and the way they made the snow glow… incredible… incredible. I’m so glad that even though the weather wasn’t the best and our feet got soaked, we said “Yes!” to God’s leading and prompting, and went to meet with Him in the wilderness. It was so beautiful!

    I miss warm weather and the beach so much, but last night was a gift!

  21. lucky, lucky, lucky you!!! i have always lived near either a lake or a river, but i have also always lived in the north(5-6 months of snow). so right about now…that beach is making me giddy . i love heart rocks too…

  22. Today I went to the hospital to see 2 of my former patients. They’re twins, just about 8 months old. When they were born they weighed about 3½ kilos together and their mother was a nervous wreck. Today they weigh a little under 10 kilos each, they’re quite active and their mother is amazingly happy and relaxed.

    Even though it’s not an everyday moment for me, I’m cherishing being able to see the family again and knowing that everyday is, although time consuming and a challenge, not difficult or worrisome.

  23. My mornings………I just love getting up early, start the coffee, and watch the sun come up. We have some pretty blue jays that like to sing their little song every morning. : )

  24. Beautiful pictures! They make me a little jealous. I grew up on the beach, but I’m now very landlocked. I miss the beach so much.

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