blissdom {2011}

blissdom was a whirlwind of being with friends, meeting new people, learning and getting inspired. the above photo is scott stratten from unmarketing.

opryland is a like a small city and i won’t tell you how many times i got lost! it’s beautiful, though!

so many sweet friends! i’m thankful to be able to join these events and know these amazing ladies! below is a little video i put together. this week’s question, ‘how was blissdom?’ other questions, ‘is it okay for 8 people to jump in an elevator?’ and ‘how was the mango torte?’

have you ever been to a blog conference?


  1. that was THE best Blissdom recap I’ve seen! too fun!!

    It was so fun getting to meet you Lisa!! Hope to see you around some more this year!! This was my first blogging conference and I’m planning to attend EVO this summer!

  2. Oh LisaLeonard…you are my favorite. I’m in line with so many who just adore you.

    I love the video! It is so fun set to music. Love the music too. I hope to see you again in 2011!

  3. Love the video…love how real you are. Brightbspot in my day when inseeva new blog post. Thanks…


  4. What a lovely post & video (I spotted me towards the end LOL) It was amazing to meet you and you are lovelier in person! Can’t wait to go back to Blissdom and I hope I see you again!
    P.S. thanks for the charm in the ‘swag’ bag! 😉

  5. no, i haven’t {newbie here…maybe next year?}. i’ve been enjoying all the post-blissdom recaps by different bloggers though. i didn’t even go and i’m inspired! so many comments about being true to themselves and authentic with their blogs…very cool and so true for not only blogging, but life! happy wednesday!

  6. I’ve not been to Opryland but have been to the sister hotel Gaylord Palms Orlando twice… same outdoorsy but inside thing going on… coolest hotel I’ve ever been to – Love it! Have fun!

  7. Wow, that’s a lot of consumed coffee!

    So great to see Opryland Hotel out from under water.

    Never been to a blog conference. I kept thinking of Blissdom last week and wishing I was there. But then read lots of posts about it and I think I’d be intimidated beyond crazy and might feel a little lonely.

    I think Meg’s gather together idea was a great one!

    Your video sure did make it look fun though…

  8. I loved being able to hug you and meet you. I love the new word you taught me….fragile. It describes perfectly my days and feelings sometimes with raising a special little boy. heck with mommyhood in general. feeling fragile comes with wearing our heart on our sleeves, with being vulnerable. It’s Ok to feel fragile once in awhile. thank you for being you!

    p.s. i can’t find the video either. i want to see our ‘jump in the elevator’!

  9. Watching that made me cry- both happy and sad. So happy that it happened, that I was there, that I could be a part of it all. And soooo sad that it’s over. I can’t wait to spend more time with you. I admire & love you SO much! xo, Miq

  10. I went to Opryland countless times during the 3 years I lived in Nashville … and STILL get lost. The last trip I made down was at the beginning of December and I was so impressed how much work they’ve done since the flood. WOW.

    Wish I could have made it for Blissdom this year. I attended some of the Saturday workshops last year but this year, having moved back to PA, it just wasn’t in the budget. Maybe next year!!

  11. When Nashville flooded, I watched a youtube video of the chairs and tables underwater at the Opryland hotel. It was devestating! I am so happy to see it back up and running. It’s such a landmark for that awesome town!

  12. Great video! You are all the best dressed group of bloggers I’ve ever seen! I want to go shopping with you and your friends. Come to Iowa and have a conference–maybe you could do a real special piece on farming! 😉 I don’t have a blog so no conference for me. Looks like fun though!

  13. I haven’t been. I’m very much a blogging newbie. Are most of the people that attend professional bloggers (i.e. – their blog is a significant part of their profession)?

    The video is sweet, very stream of consciousness.

  14. I want to go and jump in an elevator now.
    So sorry that I didn’t get to thank you first hand for my charm, what a special keepsake!
    My girls just loved watching where Mommy went – so thank you, and hope to catch up next time!

  15. Aww! This morning my girls asked me if I was going to the Princess Castle again today (aka Opryland — can’t bring myself to tell them there is no princess. . .) and how I wish I could have told them YES!! Especially after watching this.

    So much fun, so exhausting, and somehow, still not enough time with new friends.

    No matter how many conferences I attend in the future, this one will always hold a very dear place in my heart. Thanks to you and the rest of the group for being so kind to the new girl!!!

  16. Sad that I didn’t get to meet you at Blissdom, but next time we are at the same place we will have to meet up. You are so sweet and from afar the smiles on you and your friends were something that brought a smile to my face. You all were just radiating happiness and that is part of the reason why I didn’t come up right then to meet you (regretting it now) because I was just so caught up, enjoying the moment of friends new & old loving on each other.

  17. Thanks so much for sharing a glimpse of Blissdom with those of us who couldn’t make it but would have loved to be there!
    It was fun to see a few familiar faces of some of my favorite bloggers. I think I’m going to have to start saving up so I can go next year! 🙂

  18. I was there and met you, all too briefly! Thanks for sharing this video and now I want some more of those little chocolate cupcakes! ;P And thank you for the lovely charm to remember this fabulous conference… xo

  19. Looks like everyone had tons of fun. Two questions though. What do you use to record your videos? and, what was the song and artist you had playing?

  20. I’ve watched this three times already. Oh, I love it so much! (And I also love that it looks like I put on makeup at lightning speed! ha!)

    Oh, and I let Miles watch it too and he cannot be convinced that it isn’t me talking a the beginning! Must be the hair. 🙂

  21. Looks like you had a super fun time! I love that you included at the end of the video heading back home — because isn’t the best part of a trip when you get to go back home?!

    I had the chance to stay at Opryland ages ago (eek, almost 20 years) when I was in college. It is such a fun place to stay!

  22. Lisa – I live just outside of Nashville and have been to Opryland many times. It is so good to see it back open again after all the restoration from the flood last May. Did you know almost all of the hotel had to be redone because the water came up to the first couple floors? On a side note – you should see the hotel when it is all decorated with Christmas lights! Glad you had a great time in Nasville!

  23. Lisa!
    I LOVE your HAIR!
    I LOVE your soothing VOICE!
    I LOVE your style!
    I LOVE your scarf!
    I LOVE the SMILEs on your FRIENDS!
    I LOVE your SPIRIT!
    LOVE the VIDEOS!
    Can I ask?
    How do you edit the videos?
    Color/Music/clips…How do you create the video!

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