have you signed up? {and giveaway!}

I’m so excited about the indie business class. It starts this march and it’s going to be amazing! Here are some details {and if you want to help us get the word out, you can WIN a $50 gift certificate to my little shop!}

Taught by Leigh-Ann Keffer, Jill Munro and Lisa Leonard, Indie Business focuses on Starting, Surviving and Succeeding in small business and covers everything in between! Indie is a 6 week online class that will take your local or online business to a new level with 27 thought provoking sessions, 7 creative business related DIY projects, 3 interactive live Q&A sessions, a printable workbook and a Student Lounge (awesome for sharing & networking). You can take this class at your own pace and will have access to the private blog for a full year.

Whether you’re a crafter, sew-er, photographer, baker, vintage shopper, painter, wig-maker, calligrapher, children’s author, designer, knitter, jeweler (ie. anything creatively inclined) or you’re already building a small business and would like more support, tools and direction, this class will give you hope and a plan for your online or local business future.

Indie 3.0 is interactive, powerful and a great investment into your Business and Dreams! For full information, teacher profiles and registration info, visit Indie-Business.com. You can also review the course outline here. Everyone is welcome, registration closes March 1st.

“Dream of having a Small Biz? Indie Business Online Workshop starts this Tuesday! Full details on https://Indie-Business.com #Indie3”

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]


  1. Just came to find your site through Sarah Markley’s post… love your things…
    You should get in touch with the Small Business owner , Todd Waddell, my brother, at Bountiful Home, on FBook, in Edmonds, WA…

    Many of your items look vintage and like found objects the focus of his small business…
    Would love to win…

  2. I’m not on Twitter, but shared on Facebook. Sounds like an amazing opportunity!! I love your designs! Thanks a lot

  3. Ok, tweeted it @justanette! One day imma gonna win me one of ur contests! Here’s hoping this is the time. LOVE your jewelry!

  4. I’m not a tweeter, but love your blog and designs. Thanks for a chance to win. Am retired, but used to have an indie business…..what a wonderful time in my life. Loved all the people we worked with in those days.

  5. not a tweeter…. truly love your designs, and just received my one little word necklace this week! i’ll keep my fingers crossed that i’m the lucky girl to win!

  6. Society tends to frown upon Nurse Cait’s Home Surgery Kits, but I’m glad to pass this along to friends who definately should start an indie business.

  7. I recently purchased this years one little word necklace and took it on a business trip to Cali in jan. Upon returning home, it was gone from my suit case. Major bummer! I would love to replace it! Thx for the chance to win a GC!! Thats very generous!


  8. Love all your creative work! You and your family are truly inspiring! Thank you for sharing your encouraging kind thoughts daily. I look forward to reading them!

  9. I love all of your great work–own several myself and have bought many pieces as gifts! Also just love and look forward to your blog each day!! Love the occasional weekend blog too! Would sooo love to win!!

  10. i just got a chance to look at the site earlier for indie biz 3.0. i’m signing up tomorrow (pay day!) and can’t wait to learn from all of you. so exciting!

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