hello friends hello incourage

Hello friends! I am fresh back from the {in}courage retreat. I got home last night and I haven’t even unpacked yet! It was a sweet time to connect with old friends and get to know some of the ladies better. I had time to rest, have some great conversations, eat yummy food and even get a massage. Heaven! If you’re not familiar with {in}courage, it’s an online community with daily blog posts to encourage your soul. I’m part of the group of writers–and I’m honored to be in this group! It’s Monday, how about some hellos?

***Hello Monday is where I greet the new week with an open heart and a fresh perspective. It’s a new beginning–and there’s so much to be thankful for! Join me by leaving your own hellos in the comments section or linking up a hello monday post there!***

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Hello confetti fun!

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Hello loving the ‘friendship on purpose’ collection from {in}courage. Such sweet prints and more.

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Hello sweet friends.

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Hello familiar faces. Do you see faces you recognize?

Hello Nester’s barn. Such an inspiring space. Wow!

Hello time to talk and share my heart and heart others’ hearts. So good.

Hello hotel living for a few days. I love it when someone else makes the beds and coffee!

Hello warm North Carolina nights {and days!}

Hello thunderstorms like a monsoon!

Hello exercising while I was away. I don’t even know who I am anymore! It’s like I crave exercise.

Hello coming home to a clean house. What?!

Hello missing my boys and feeling so incredibly thankful to be home with them.

Hello brand new, beautiful week. Ready or not, here we go!

What are you saying hello to this week? Leave some hellos in the comments or link your own hello monday post there.


  1. Hello to long drives over twisting roads, through monstrous mountain passes. Hello to memory making adventures. Hello to new friends and old. Hello to adding blessings to a list that ribbons itself around the days of my life.

  2. I’m saying hello to crystal in your pictures above…from the same hometown and went to the same summer camp! Small world!

  3. Hello… To a bunch of beautiful & encouraging women. I love you all!
    What a great post… so wonderful you could make this gathering happen. I can only imagine the laughter, hugs & stories among you. Be blessed, and refreshed as you truly are a blessing to so many.

  4. I bought an item and it was sent to the wrong address not sure if it was my fault, or there I am trying to get it resolve and they only send messages saying they will contact you shortly, very disappointed!

    1. Hi Greg
      You’re likely getting an automatic reply to your email. We’re working hard to keep up with customer service and you should be hearing back soon. We definitely want to make it right. L

  5. Hello to a week of loving my family, writing, blogging, cooking, staying cool in the summer heat, working on school work, while we are on summer break, and a BIG HELLO to more work being done in our big fixer upper project. 😉

    Love Myquilllynn’s blog! Two of my favorite bloggers at the same place. How fun is that! Looks like a special group. 😉 Yay to friendships everlasting!


  6. Hi Lisa! I loved watching this event unfold over the weekend via my Instagram feed of all of you guys! What magic there is when a bunch of creative, real women get together – it’s its own perfection.

    I’m saying hello to getting back into the swing of life at home after getting back from Europe. Today I had a writing deadline, and more are on the way! Hello to camping (ugh!), our 12th anniversary, and to deciding to head back to my classroom full time after a decade at part time. Wow!

    1. So much going on Kelli! I hope camping is wonderful and happy anniversary! {Ours is Friday!}. xx

  7. Hello friend!!!!

    Love that you are my friend and sister! I am saying hello to a week full of routine sprinkled with a little worship. Going to a Matt Redman concert on Thursday!

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