hello california snowmen

It’s been warm here in California BUT lately we’ve had some rain and things have cooled off a bit. We need the rain so badly and we’re feeling thankful and cozy. Since it doesn’t snow where we are, we have to get creative with making snowmen. This year, the cousins painted snowman ornaments. I found these at Target and they were a HIT!

It’s a brand new week. How about some hellos?

***Hello Monday is where I greet the new week with an open heart and a fresh perspective. It’s a new beginning–and there’s so much to be thankful for! Join me by leaving your own hellos in the comments section or linking up a hello monday post there!***

Hello cousins gathered around the table. This is the stuff memories are made of!

Hello finding a craft project that works with three year olds and twelve year olds. Victory!

Hello taking this project very seriously.

Hello letting the paint dry and then hanging them from the tree.

Hello planning for other Christmas crafts. It’s our tradition to make gingerbread houses and cut snowflakes.

Hello wanting to eat healthy this month BUT being way too tempted by sweets at every turn. January is a new beginning, right?

Hello busy busy workshop! We are kinda crazy over here!

Hello quiet evenings at home. We’re working through all our favorite Christmas movies…Elf, Rise of the Guardians, Polar Express, and more!

Hello wanting more coffee because the mornings are gray and chilly.

Hello planning gifts for teachers, aides and babysitters. They are such a blessing in our lives!

Hello haircuts. Didn’t we just get haircuts? It’s already time again?!

Hello to YOU! What are you saying hello to this week? Leave some hellos in the comments or link up your own hello monday post there!


  1. I have already devoured a dozen gingersnap cookies… they’re just so yummy with that second cup of “gray skies” coffee! So, yes, January is for new beginning. 😉

    It really is tough finding something all the kids will enjoy, and this craft is a cute score.

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