adorable coffee shop in birmingham and organizing thoughts

Hi friends! David is doing so well. Mostly he wants to run around and we’re trying to make him lie in bed. Last night he ate pureed roasted chicken and applesauce (which he loved!!). This morning his chest x-ray came back a little fuzzy on the left lung-so they are looking into that. Overall, we are great, just tired. I’m off to get a big coffee!!

Here are some pics from urban standard coffee shop in Birmingham. It was a highlight of the trip!




  1. I love Urban Standard! It’s one of my favorite places in Birmingham. They have the best red velvets. Also, I’m so glad David is doing well. I love reading your always-uplifting updates!

  2. Yeah, David! (And Mom and Dad) Our prayers keep following you all.
    I teach religion in a Catholic school and my 7th and 8th graders are praying for you each day.
    Sister Susan Schantz

  3. Hoooray! Big is God!

    So happy to hear the good news! Thank you for keeping us all updated, even as you are in the midst of recovery.

    The pictures you share of this coffee shop are simply amazing — what a neat place!

  4. aren’t kiddos amazing – here david had surgery and he’s up and about! they bounce back quicker than we do!!! i want to learn how to frost cupcakes like the ones in the coffee shop!! prayers continue for david and you all.

  5. Hi Lisa, so happy David is doing really well. Keeping strong thoughts that the fuzziness in his lung will clear up quickly! Love your photos and oh those cupcakes…YUMMMMMMMMMMMM. Love the shoes too! Big hugs with love

  6. you always find the neatest places to hang out and photograph 🙂 glad to hear that David is doing well! Try the Boylan’s Red Birch Beer if they have it – its amazing.

  7. Love the photos. But love even more the good news about David. Praise God! Continuing to lift up your precious family. Hang in there, mama! You’re doing great!

  8. Glad to hear David is doing so well.

    I want to be in that coffee shop in Birmingham. Okay, honestly I just want to be in a coffee shop.

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