david and goliath

If you sat through Sunday school every week, like I did, then you know the story of David and Goliath. When David was a young boy, he went out to fight the mighty giant Goliath. He didn’t wear armor and he carried no sword. Armed with five smooth stones and a slingshot, he rushed toward the giant, striking him with a stone between the eyes. The giant fell facedown to the ground. With God on his side, the mighty giant was no match for David.

Before David was born, we had already picked out his name. As I held my tiny son in my arms those first days, I marveled at how appropriate the name was.  Born with a syndrome causing a serious heart defect, two fingers on his left hand and global delay, our little boy entered the world with his own giant to face.

At eleven years old, my David faces his Goliath every day.

He has no words, but patiently takes my hand and leads me to what he wants.

He suffers from reflux throughout the day but is quick with a smile between episodes.

He’s eager to make a new friend. If you bend down next to him, he’ll likely throw his arms around your neck or climb up onto your lap.

He faces countless doctor visits, invasive procedures and surgeries, but instead of being bitter, he’s joyful.

He wakes up ready to greet the day and walks to school with a spring in his step.

My David battles his giant every day. He rushes toward the day with bravery. With God on his side, this syndrome is no match for David.

Are you facing your own Goliath? I would love to hear about it.



  1. My Natalie Grace was born in 1988, and was diagnosed with CdLS shortly after birth. She had a healthy heart, but not so great lungs. She smiled every.single.day! She made my heart overflow with unconditional love. She never walked or talked, but her laughter filled our home. She passed away 2 days after her 15th Birthday, she will forever be my gift from Heaven.

    1. My daughter was born in 1986. With the diagnosis of CdLS. Took over 6 months for a diagnosis. First it was nervous mother- I had 3 yr old twins, why would I be nervous with 1 baby, failure to thrive, Wilson’s syndrome. It hasn’t been an easy road and it still isn’t. Some days I can’t think of my life with out her and on bad days I wonder what my life would be without her. It can be a lonely road at times. Jenny has a beautiful smile, can be stubborn, funny and totally off the wall sense of humor. She doesn’t talk a lot. People who don’t know her can’t understand her. She has brought other amazing people in our lives but they are mainly acquaintances not necessarily friends.through Special Olympic sports.

  2. I purchased a necklace for my wife last Christmas because I loved the design and she loved it too. But after reading more of yours story and seeing more of work I am convinced it was divine intervention. Our 3 year old with down syndrome was born with a heart defect and is nonverbal so far. So your story of facing giants every day is spot on. Thank you for opening a small glimpse into your life through your posts. May God continue to bless your family and keep up the great work. Psalm 139:14

  3. Loved reading your story!

    God delivered my David as a girl, an angel, and I named her Jayme. My Jayme is now 28 years of age and in her early years endured 32 surgeries. Jayme has many many birth defects, a lot that were common, but the doctors told me that they had never seen all of the birth defects in one child. Yes, she was a one of a kind child.

    Jayme was tube fed and overnight pump fed for fourteen years. In working with her, Jayme finally learned to eat by mouth through patience and perserverance.

    Jayme can’t walk or talk, and as your David, she will take my hand and lead me to something (crawling on her knees) that she wants. Jayme does try to express, verbally, what is on her mind, but it is like listening to an infant and/or young toddler trying to talk. I can usually figure out what she is trying to express.

    A couple of amazing situations I would like to share. One day with Jayme sitting on my lap at a very young age, not yet a year old, God revealed to me that she truly was an angel. She was sound asleep and a golden glow appeared over her head and she was smiling, but when I looked at her she WAS sound asleep. Also, at another time, with Jayme on my lap, after a feeding, I was patting her back and I saw the almighty, powerful, beautiful hand of Jesus come between my hand and Jayme’s back. I was trying to pat her back but couldn’t because His hand was in front of mine. I feel strongly that the Lord was showing me that no matter how many surgeries, no matter the circumstances, I, the Lord God Almighty will take care of Jayme, and I am here to help you take care of His angel.

    Often times we wine and complain about our circumstances, and I know I was guilty of that, but I know God will make something beautiful of this situation.

    I have been truly blessed to have Jayme in my life and am forever thankful to God for allowing me to take care of one of His angels.

    1. God truly knows with whom he can entrust ‘special’ children. Enjoy you angel. Prayers offered for your family and Jayme. God bless.

  4. This is beautiful. My son was born almost 8 years ago now. At first, his health seemed perfect despite his 2 week stint in the nicu for a small spot on his long. Little did we know a short month later we would be in a children’s hospital being made aware of various diagnosis and prognosis that made us question what his future would look like. However, our faith never waivered and although he has disabilities and his development is not that of all 8 year olds, he is a small glimpse of heaven to everyone he encounters. He greets everyone with an ” I love you” (stranger or not) before talking their ears of. Their abilities are so much stronger than the “disabilities”! ❤

  5. My “David” is actually a Joshua who is 15 now with cerebral palsy. Not an easy journey for sure, but also filled with great joy!! He knows, as do we, that his trials are just on this earth and that all will be 100% in the next life. He reminds people to appreciate life and smile every day.

  6. Lisa – I have been drawn to your work since the first time I saw it and now I see that there was a higher reason than just the designs 🙂 I raise service dog puppies for children with special needs and have been waiting to have the money to buy rings with the name of each pup I’ve raised on them. I now feel like I was drawn to your work for a reason. When you work on my rings I hope it fills your heart with happiness that they represent puppies that were placed on this earth to help children facing challenges like David. If you are ever interested in a dog for David please contact me and I can provide you with information about our organization.

    1. Kris, My daughter has a 24 year old who is our special anger. She has many limitations, but being a blessing to everyone she meets is not one of them. The reason I am replying to you is this; her second child is 20 years old and a sophomore at a juco. In the 5th grade he started having grand maul seizures. He had had petty mauls before that, but we hadn’t recognized them. His seizures happen after sleep or twice during sleep. Can working dogs sense seizures? His last one was during sleep. He broke his nose and had abrasions alll on one side of his face, and 2 black eyes for awhile.

      Please, I would love information if they can sense seizures. I know they can sense things with diabetics.

  7. This is beautiful, your son is handsome, especially with that joy radiating from him. While I am not dealing with the same struggle, I have had my Goliath and always will. I will praise God for it too. I was in an accident 44 years ago causing my thyroid and pituitary to stop functioning. I was paralyzed, for a short time and had meningitis. Over the years I struggle with many issues, I still struggle with chronic pain, and chronic headaches. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have been able to help so many people find joy, in time they thought there was no joy. And because of what I’ve gone through everyone feel they can trust me. I have ministered in half way houses, prisons, schools with able and disabled people, people on the street, with ease. If we let Him God will use what we have and be proud too. We are the ones who see it as a weakness, God sees it as a strength. God bless your son and you for sharing. If you would like to get notes,and poems I send once or 2x a week, maybe more, depending on the pain in my arm, let me know. Actually anyone who made it through my letter, feel free to respond. I am a prayer warrior, I call myself GOOBER FOR GOD.

  8. In my opinion we parents of special needs children see life and live that life on own our terms in our own special way, as do our special babies. I am the parent of a soon to be 5 yr old son with Down syndrome that I knew prenatal. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us,syndrome or not. And I think he knows just how much I needed him not just him needing me.he is my only child and without him,all the pride and joy I feel as a mother I would have never known. Like your son,my son has no words yet, but like you said and it brought tears of understanding and love in my eyes, when he reaches for my hand to lead him it’s the most endearing thing ever. Often times what isn’t being said with words are the strongest and most sincere forms of communication. bless your son and family

  9. Thank-you for sharing your son’s powerful and beautiful story. Testimonies like your family’s are one of the things that is helping my family to face our own Goliath. I am 23 weeks pregnant with our second child, a little girl – Eliza Eliana. Four weeks ago, during a routine ultrasound, it was discovered that our little girl has a condition called anencephaly. What this means is that Eliza’s skull and brain are only partially formed. In fact, the ultrasound showed that her skull stops right above her eyes. We have been told that if Eliza is able to survive to full-term and the birth that we will probably only have a few hours or few minutes with our baby girl. We are still trying to adjust to the news and are slowly doing research on her condition. Our hearts are utterly broken, but we are relying on God’s strength and comfort. I fully believe that God could heal my baby girl, but even if He chooses to take her home to Heaven, I know that my daughter’s life will be used to change lives. God has a greater purpose for our little Eliza than we could ever imagine. We have also started a blog to tell her story and share God’s divine love http://posthope.org/elizas-story. Her name, like David’s, was chosen long before we were pregnant. Like you, I never could have imagined how fitting it would be. Eliza means “consecrated to God,” and Eliana means “God answers our prayers.” She is God’s perfect creation and we are trusting God to answer our prayers. Thank-you, again, for sharing your story and may God continue to bless and strengthen your family and little David.

  10. I am the house manager of a group that serves men with developmental disabilities. One of the men I work with has Cornelia DeLange and his mother said she was told by his doctors he would not live past 6. Well in August of this year he will be 50 and is still going strong! He has many of the same issues that accompany the syndrome but has outlived all predictions. He has touched so many people with his spirit. I feel blessed to know him. I am sure everyone who meets your son feels the same way about him. 🙂

  11. It is women and families like you that give me strength and hope. God bless you and David. The pictures show the joy and love he has in his life.

  12. Your David is a beautiful sunny fella that made my day with his sweet smile! God has truly Blessed you with a gift!!

  13. He came to this world to inspire and that is exactly what he is doing. He is fulfilling his purpose joyfully. We all need him and his inspiration. I need him. Thank you David, for the gift of inspiration to help me through another day. God smiles at you.

  14. Your David is beautiful. My TJ is 15 with autism, and he and his brother Peter make me smile every day! Just like your David made me smile today. Thank you. And PS – your jewelry designs are gorgeous – I’m a big fan! Have a wonderful day – thank you for sharing this post!

  15. I am the mother of a 24 years old son. Michael has CdLs, seizures disorder, arthritis, ADHD, OCD and diabetes. And many other health issues. He faces his Goliath every day with determinatiin, perseverance. With a big smile. He has mastered the art of hugging and kissing. He is so precious. So happy. So full of energy. So full of love. His speech is difficult to understand. But he uses a machine and writes it down. He uses some sign language. Can read and do math (even if using a calculator). Loves word searches, video games, music, cooking shows, cartoons). To finish the story. What Michael wants to learn, he learns. Likes to learn new words.
    I don’t think I can endure all that he 🙂 as endured in such a short life.
    He loves sports and is an athlete with the special olympics.
    I am also the proud aunt of a very brave and amazing boy. He’s 14. Has Cerebral Palsy.

  16. Love the David and Goliath analogy. A friend shared your blog with me because our daughter Faith has Trisomy 18 and just turned 7. My wife and I speak and write so we love to see people share their stories. God bless you and your family.

  17. I so needed this message today. I have been wondering how I let my joy be robbed by life’s challenges. And how to recapture it. We have 7 children who are both my joy and my goliath. They were all adopted from foster care. Their past trauma is all of our goliath, from brain damage due to prenatal alcohol and drug exposure to emotional scars from abuse. Yet they still find ways to love and be joyful! Thank you for reminding me not to quit fighting for them and for my own joy in the midst of the mess!

  18. You are an inspiration to so many! My son too was born facing his own Goliath. My strong boy was born with Hemophilia. Which means he’s missing factor in his blood that allows his blood to clot normally. He has had to face so many Giants, and obstacles along the way. But through all the doctors, and needles, and surgeries, he still has the sweetest personality. He loves everyone and just wants to be everyone’s friend. Thank you for sharing your sons story and to let us super moms know we are not alone. Our children are a blessing, a beautiful, wonderful blessing. God bless.

  19. You are a strong and loving mama! My story, in short: 30 yrs ago, a giant entered our world when we discovered our 8 month old daughter had Cerebral Palsy (CP). She was never to walk or be potty trained (according to the Dr’s); fast forward thru the tough Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapies, the bullies at school, the lack of self confidence, the Special Ed classes, the IEP’S in school, etc; she walked independently by 5&1/2 yrs of age; potty trained by 3&1/2yrs. Learned a dependance on the Lord and an acceptance of who she is to the point where, when one of her 4 sisters asked her ‘if you could be “normal”, would you want to be healed?’ Her response -‘but, I AM normal. This IS normal for me. If I were ‘healed’, I would have to learn EVERYTHING again.’ Good point honey! She was married at 25 to a dear young man who loves her, gave us our first grandchild 4 yrs ago, and has just announced another grandchild is on the way for 2016. A giant alright! A giant blessing! ❤

  20. This is the first time i have read your story on your son. What a true inspiration you truly are. Thank you for sharing. God bless you and your family!

  21. My daughter is Olivia, she just turned 9 in August. She was born 3 months early weighing only 1lb 7oz. At two months old while still in the NICU her femur started to swell. They did an MRI and discovered a fracture that was already healing. The break had happen in utero. The Ortho Dr. William Herndon, told me that day, “I can’t give you a clinical diagnoses but she has Osteogenesis Imperfecta. OI for short is a brittle bone disease. We had to be extra careful with her because you never knew what would cause a break. We couldn’t get testing done until after she was a year old because she was so tiny they wouldn’t do the biospy until she got bigger. She always weighed about a pound over her age in months. so at 9 months old she weighed 10 lbs. Her leg bones were so bowed at birth that in her xrays, you couldn’t see a tibia and a fibula in her lower leg. All we ever did was pray for healing for our precious baby. After she became weight bearing it got scary, every time she would fall you would cringe at the thought of a fracture. But in wanting to raise her to be independent and to never feel like there was anything she couldn’t do, we would wait to see how she reacted. The first time she couldn’t get up we took her for xrays, no fracture. Repeated this a month later, and in the xrays you could already see her leg bones starting to straighten. Fast forward a year, another fall, another xray, no fracture but completely straight leg bones!!! I took her to an OI specialist and he said that was not something you see with children that have OI, when they become weight bearing their legs curve more not straighten. But not with my God, God will do the impossible, He will strengthen the weak. She has only had 4 fractures since birth and that includes the femur. She is short for her age, only about the height of a six year old and we don’t know how tall she will grow to be. But she can run and play and doesn’t have to have help walking or be confined to a wheelchair. Praise God for his healing power!! May you and your son be blessed all of your days.

  22. I am a mother of a son with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, epilepsy and pica. He’s non verbal and still in diapers but he’s still at home with me!! He also fights his Goliah everyday! Thanks for your story keep on keeping the faith because it’s not about this life it’s about where we are going and I know I have one child in heaven as sure as there is a heaven!!!!

  23. what a precious gift David is! I too have watched my son struggle and conquer in areas of his life too. My sweet Isaiah, who is now 14 (will be 15 in April!!! WOW!), was born with what they call 2 major mid line defects , a cleft lip/palate and Tricuspid Atresia Single Ventricle (CHD), there is in his case no syndrome as the culprit, just how he was made…when he was 8 he was also diagnosed with Aspergers, he’s had 20 something surgeries (heart/cleft/ENT stuff) but he is such a treasured gift, God has incredible plans to use my son, his struggles, and his testimony will be for the glory of God as will be your Davids. My cousin had asked his Mom why this would happen to me (during my pregnancy when we found out) and she simply told him “it didn’t happen to her, she was CHOSEN to have this child” God truly blesses us through our children no matter their circumstances. Thank you for sharing your story 🙂

  24. My son who is 11 like your son faces his Goliath everyday ! My son has Tourette’s Syndrome where his TICs are so bad at times it’s hard to consentrate . He struggles with bully’s everyday . And he’s the sweetiest boy you’d ever meet ! God bless you all

  25. That brought a tear to my eye. My tj faces a giant every day : brain cancer, untreatable and aggressive brain cancer. But he NEVER loses his joy, never stops loving others, never gives up, never stops don’t the things that make him happy. Thank you for sharing!

  26. I can see a reflection of my own son in David. What an incredible person and soul. The love you feel for your children are beyond words. Special needs or not, the love never waivers and is unconditional. God bless you and your wonderful mother david. You’re both truly a blessing and thank you for sharing your beautiful story! Love to you both!

  27. These beautiful children we have been given are more special than anyone could ever know!
    My son was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis at 18mos. With no cure, endless doctors, treatments and MRI’s…..he still manages to keep a smile on his face! Each day brings with it something new! Recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor….we just take one day at a time…..and keep on smiling! Most days it is his strength that gets me through. I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer two years ago and he looked me right in the eye and said you got this mom….if I can do it you can do it! Love this kid!!!
    Wishing your beautiful little boy and your family the best!

  28. Your son should be an inspiration to everyone !! I had my son at 26 weeks and he has faced so much. He will be 16 on December 29th and still amazes me more every day. He has had 43 surgeries and is still the happiest guy I know ! I’m not sure were you guys live but I work for an amazing lady who is one of the biggest disability advocates in the US. I would love to speak with you about some of the things she does because I think David could greatly benefit from them along with other families you might know. Please email me if you would like my email is [email protected]. I hope your family has a wonderful holiday season and god bless you all ?

  29. I admire your son with his smile and his strength to make the best out of every day. I have a grandson who was diagnosed with Lissansphly (smooth brain) at 6 month’s. We were told he would not live to be 2 years old. Silas turned 5 in September. He has his good days and his bad days but no matter what he is our little Champ. Silas can not walk or talk or crawl but he has the biggest smile that melts every ones heart. Silas has a feeding tube and also suffers with seizures. He is on 7 different meds daily and sleeps with a c-pap. Fallow Silas and see his huge smile at Facebook page Support Silas. Thank you and god bless you and your little Champ.

  30. Hi, I jus had a sweet baby girl at 30wks. She has trisomy 18. She is a miracle baby and so far God has giving us 30 days to love and hold her.

  31. Lisa, I read your blog and instantly fell in love with David. It’s easy to do when a child who should otherwise be angry, short tempered and impatient teaches us the most lessons and shows the most joy. Your David reminds me of our sweet Ella, also 11. El was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome at 3 1/2 and is non verbal, but learning to use an eye gaze communication device. Like David, she faces many Doctor appointments, but happy and has typically been agreeable throughout. Have a Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing!!!

  32. What a nicely written tribute to your son, David. He looks like a sweet young man.

    Our son Adam has down syndrome and amazes us constantly. He has changed our outlook on things forever. I’ve said numerous times that I’m amazed how someone so little can teach me so much! Merry Christmas to you all!

  33. What a blessing, I love hearing amazing stories, like that it’s a testimony to the greatness of our God and the incredible love of parents.

  34. Thank you, Lisa. As a mom of a special needs kiddo, we often look for others who understand. Some sympathize but few can empathize. It is often a lonely journey. In fact, the lonliness has been the toughest piece of our journey with our son who is 10; and while no ones journey is identical, seeing/reading about/meeting others whose journey is labored helps.

    When we have medical issues, community rallies. When things have a name, I see people rally. But for the day to day, our son needs so much and most shun him. He is of course a blessing. But we had no idea how much this would effect our whole family. Our Goliath is not an event, but the constant day to day exhaustion and the sacrifices of normality our other children had no choice but to give up.

  35. Beautiful!! Both your son and your words. We aren’t promised a smooth ride during this life on earth but your son is a lighthouse!! Lighthouses don’t blow horns but are noticed for their light. Your son is a light of Christ in this darkening world. I pray continued endurance for you and your family and to continue to see the good and the positive and to keep sharing these beautiful and encouraging stories with everyone. Thank you! I feel blessed just to read this.

  36. Hi Lisa,
    I wanted you to know that I Iove your jewelry!!
    I just ordered your diamond shaped heart ring.
    But, what I really wanted to talk about was your David.
    My 2 boys battle the giant, too!!
    One is autistic & the other is bi-polar. They are chronologically adults now. But, they will always be my babies.
    Also, when my boys were in their teens, I went back to school to get my masters in special education. I now work with agencies and go into homes of these special kids and work with them & their families.

  37. Loving to hear about davids life and your journey with him.My midddle son JT is on his 2nd year of
    undiagnosed Stomach issues …cramping throwing up…. so bad now that he cant even attend school. We have been to many GI octors and had all the tests in the book….meds work for a bit….then eventually stop. After reading about Davids GI issues…I am thinking maybe getting a referral to Stanford or UCLA might be a good idea. Thank you for your blog and letting us be a part of your life

  38. I’m facing my Goliath everyday stage 4 lung cancer. Never smoke once in my life. Some days are better than others but like David I’m ready for every new days to share with my 3 kids. We always find a way to make the best of it!

  39. Lisa I am so inspired by you, your family and your beautiful business. My son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 3 days before his first birthday. I felt like life as we knew it was over. He is now 25 and with this disease there is no day off, but he looks so normal on the outside. No one knows the battles going on inside his body. I am so glad to have found your beautiful jewelry which all carries such a wonderful message. I am carrying your line and I love sharing your touching story with my customers. God Bless you and your beautiful family, David is God’s gift.

  40. Thank you for sharing your story and courage to face life’s challenges.
    My Goliath…..my 57 year old husbands progressive dementia. God is providing the strength for each new day.

  41. Thanks for these posts, Lisa. Not only is David a gift to you, but the love that you and Steve, Matthias and David share is a gift to the rest of us. Thank you for sharing David with us, and thank you for giving us a little peek into your lives together. I’ll bet you’ve made a much bigger difference for many than you can even imagine…

  42. Lisa, this is beautiful.
    I delight in ALL the ways God is glorified through your David’s story.
    The LORD our God chose the perfect parents for David! You and Steve (and Mathias) live David’s story with him, and then to tell David’s stories for him; the stories that make God known. What a gift (and I only see a small glimpse).

    I see how your relationship with David, resembles how our relationship should be with Jesus. We should live with Jesus, and then tell the stories of Who He is (We’re His voice here); stories that make God known. Hmmm… stories that really only show a glimpse. 🙂 A beautiful glimpse.


  43. I have a nephew that was born 3 months premature and weighed 1 lb. 9 oz. He’s now 20 years old, suffers from mild seizures and is basically forever a 3 year old. But he amazes me each day with his love and the basics of life. Your beautiful David reminds me of Curtis every time I see pictures from your facebook and blog. I have felt very strongly the last few months that God sent these children here at this time in history to teach us to look at life simply and to show us the way to slow down and appreciate each day. I love reading about your family. Thank you for opening your heart and family to the world. You give us strength and wonderful insight!!

  44. My son, Jordan, was born weighing 1 lb. 13 ozs. over 31 years ago. The giants he has had to face have been – well, gigantic. He completed college (in a wheelchair) with a double major and is now a substitute teacher in our local high/middle schools. I know that he is an inspiration to those school children who think – if he can make it, I can too. My Jordan has a purpose. Your David does too. Of course, you already know that.

  45. Hi Lisa,

    You are quite the amazing woman…which I’d said before!
    I’m just in Aaawww! Nothing can be said beyond expecations!
    Your action & Love shows through very deeply, & this is such a Gift God gave you!
    I see Davids face light up when you are around. Actions take place louder than words!!!
    I Love You & your Family…God Bless You All!!!!

  46. My Goliath is getting my house in order. It’s overwhelming and I am trying to declutter but it’s so much to do.

  47. I always love David’s stories, he’s always inspiring me to fight with everything even it’s looks hard. thank you for sharing. :))

  48. I found you through a contest and feel blessed that I get to share in your beautiful family’s story. Thank you for that!

  49. Oh Lisa I loved this. I really needed to hear that our special guys have been given such strength from God to face these giant of obstacles set before them. My son suffers from the decision of another to drink through her pregnancy. People marvel at how strong and patient we are. No way they would be able to take that on. I didn’t know we were taking this on. She didn’t tell us. But God knew what we needed to help this little guy to his best abilities. He battles everyday. His life will never be easy. But we were so lucky to be chosen to be his parents and to call him our son (and brother). I will provide everyday the stones my little guy needs to fight those giants set before him. Thank you for your inspiration. I admire and appreciate your words of wisdom and comfort when I need em.

  50. Lisa, I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now after discovering you through the What I Wore segments. I loved your post today about precious David. What a perfect analogy to David and Goliath. Beautiful.

    Take care. I know we’ll meet in the clouds!

  51. I LOVE when you write about David (but I love everything you write:) I hope that some day your David and my Abby can meet. Abby also has CdLS, and many of the qualities you describe above can be said of her. She exudes happiness in her her smile, laugh and actions, and even the coldest of hearts cannot help but thaw when she’s around. How blessed we are that God sent these children into our lives and our hearts.

    1. Jennifer, I hope they can meet too! That would be amazing? Where do you guys live? Sending a big hug! xx

      1. We live in Chicago so if you ever find yourself traveling this way we’d love to connect. My mother-in-law lives in San Francisco, so unfortunately we don’t get to southern Cal too often.

    2. I am also the mother of a 24 years old son who has CdLs. He is my David. Always happy. Loves to hug and kiss you. He is the love giver. The hero. I don’t think I xould faxe the challenges that he faces and come iut always with a smile. No matter what he’s going thru. God sent us special angels to make us better person. I love my son and I am very proud of him. Btw I also has a nephew with Cerebral palsy.

  52. Thank you for sharing. Your David was given to you because your family was the one place he would receive the unconditional love he gets every day. You are a strong, amazing Mom!

  53. Your David is such a sweet soul.

    Reading your post today, it reminds me of a sermon our pastor gave a month or so ago on David and Goliath. One of the things he emphasized was how Saul tried to put his own armor on David, but it was too big and much too heavy…we must wear our own armor.

    Obviously God has fitted your David with just the right qualities to act as his armor (patience, love, bravery) so that he may serve Him and also bless those around him.

    1. I love this! Yes, I was struck by that part of the passage as well. He felt more comfortable without the armor! xx

  54. This is so beautiful! I love this similiarity the comparison – so very true.

    My own Galiath? Right now, its the past coming to try and take me down, telling me the things I was told ARE true, that I am not enough, that the desires of my heart are unrealistic and my priorities are skewed – that I wont cannot be loved well.

    I know these things are not true – so I sling my stone at my giants and watch them fall – and everyday they get weaker and weaker!

    Thank you for sharing this today Lisa!

    1. You are loved.
      You are beautiful.
      You matter.
      Thank you, Tiffany for saying the words so many of us feel and we’re afraid to say.
      You are brave!!

  55. After I briefly met you recently, I was wishing I’d taken the time to stoop down and get one of those neck hugs from David. I could see he is a love magnet. I hope I get the opportunity again.

  56. Lisa, I love your stories about David. Your journey with him is full of heartache and blessings and joy, and I love following them. I’m grateful for David’s smiling pictures and snuggle pictures, oh how he warms my heart! I love that photo with the nurse, what a blessing laughter can be!
    My husband faces his Goliath every day called depression. It is a constant battle for him, and I pray that he find his inner David every day, and get to slinging those stones! May the Lord continue to bless you and your family, and your amazing business (I’m a frequent customer!).
    Thank you for sharing pieces of your heart and talent,

    1. Depression is a huge giant–we’ve been there too. Sending you a big hug. Thank you for sharing your journey. You matter to me. xx

  57. I’m in tears. I love your blog and your words. What an inspiration to us all.
    Thank you for sharing.


  58. What a wonderful post today. I love reading about your sweet family and seeing pictures of your beautiful boys! This story is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thanks for being such an inspiration!

  59. Just beautiful. What a gentile reminder of who God is and how he allows us to face our giants. Praying for your family and that sweet David!

  60. Well this gave me my morning cry! But not in a bad way, just how you describe David and his facing of the day. Well just how he faces his life… I am going through a tough time currently (losing my job end of the month), but reading this makes me see that I too can get up and face the day just like David…and with a smile. Thank you so much for this today, I needed it.

  61. Your David is such a sweet, strong, brave boy. He faces the giant in front of him with no fear because he has faith. Faith just like yours and your husband. I am always touched by the beauty in the brokeness. Thank you for sharing.

  62. I found your site through Cool Mom, a piece on Mother’s day gifts. I saw the picture of your darling family, and there was your son. I knew instantly there was a reason I found you. I do special education advocacy and also have a sister with a developmental disability. Looking forward to following your blog, as well as making a purchase from your site!

  63. My son Brock faces his Goliath everyday. He is 3 and was recently diagnosed with Autism. He has very little words as well, but uses sign language and leads us to what he wants. He is extremely happy and loves to laugh. This helps me more than he knows. The unknown of this disorder rattles and consumes me most days. I hope that he is able to lead the life that he wants. I worry about how other children will treat him and how he will do in school. I know I need to enjoy and celebrate his accomplishments. I am leaning on God and my husband. This is the hardest thing I have faced . I love reading about others and how they cope . Thank you for always sharing.
    Amy Mumaw

    1. Sending you a big hug, Amy! The ‘now’ is beautiful–the future is unknown. Such a good reminder for me. xx

      1. That first last comment. I need o be reminded about how beautiful “now” is. My 11yo son was recently dx with Type 1 diabetes and he is such an amazing strong boy. I have a difficult time with it but he just goes on with faith and confidence

        1. My son was diagnosed at age 10 with Type 1 diabetes. He is now 17. It seemed so devastating at the time but now it is just part of his life. God can give you peace as he did with my son and I. There will be ups and downs on your journey but with prayer you will find comfort. I have told him many times I would take it from him if I could. Our kids are our heart. Prayers for your son. I promise it does get easier as you learn more about it.

    2. Amy,
      My son also has autism. He was diagnosed just before he turned 3. Very few words and we never taught him any signs. I was in denial for a very long time about it. He’s our first baby (and only…so far). He’s now 7 and in school and finding a good school has made a world of a difference in our lives. Your comment about the unknown consuming you made me think of a poem someone sent me very early on after his diagnosis. It can apply to all children with special needs. I even have a tattoo reminding myself of it. I’m not sure it ever gets “easy” but you begin to have more understanding and more patience and more love for all of the ins and outs of the disorder.


      I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability – to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It’s like this……
      When you’re going to have a baby, it’s like planning a fabulous vacation trip – to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It’s all very exciting.
      After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, “Welcome to Holland.”
      “Holland?!?” you say. “What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I’m supposed to be in Italy. All my life I’ve dreamed of going to Italy.”
      But there’s been a change in the flight plan. They’ve landed in Holland and there you must stay.
      The important thing is that they haven’t taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It’s just a different place.
      So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.
      It’s just a different place. It’s slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you’ve been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around…. and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills….and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.
      But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy… and they’re all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say “Yes, that’s where I was supposed to go. That’s what I had planned.”
      And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away… because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.
      But… if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn’t get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things … about Holland.
      God will guide you through your very own “Holland” 🙂

      1. My son is I and also has Autism. I could not sum up our lives any better than the Italy/Holland reference. It is not an easy life with a special needs child, but knowing I am not alone makes it so much more bearable especially on the harder days. Lisa, I just found this blog this morning and hooked after one post. God bless you and your family and thank you for sharing your life and thoughts with us.

      2. My son has also Autism, and so are my two brothers age 19 and 30. My single mom has been my rock, I know that GOD is watching over us, and like my mom said, there is a very special gift waiting for us in his kingdom, but for now let’s enjoy the gift we have in front if us.
        My son makes me a very person everyday.
        Bless you all, hung in there.

  64. Love, Love, Love these pictures!!! Especially the picture of David holding your hand!!! Thank you David for putting a smile on my face everyday!!!

    1. Isn’t holding hands one of the sweetest thing–so much significance about journeying together. xx

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