david update

Hello friends!

We are getting back into the swing of things around here. It’s a little hard but it feels good, too!

If you follow me on instagram and facebook, you may have heard that David hurt his foot last week. Thank you so much for your love and concern. Seriously, it blows me away. Since I’ve been getting questions, I thought I’d fill you in on all the details here.

 Last Thursday, we had a big family dinner at my parents’ home in Southern California. It was a fun evening filled with lots of laughing, opening presents and kiddos running around. David was very brave and climbed the stairs all by himself a few times. Steve took a video and you can see it here. We were helping him down and on the very last step, he slipped and immediately burst into tears. I thought it just scared him, so we cuddled for a while. But when we stood up to leave, he refused to bear any weight on his right foot. He was fussy and nervous. David doesn’t have any words, but he couldn’t have communicated more clearly–something was wrong with that right foot.

My brother is a doctor, so he examined it, but couldn’t find any specific problem. After debating for an hour or so, we took David to the ER for an x-ray just to make sure it wasn’t broken. The good news is, it’s a sprain–no broken bones!

He won’t put any weight on the foot, so he can’t walk. If you know David, that means he can’t explore and get into trouble like he usually does. It’s been fairly frustrating for him. He scoots around on his bum or knees but he’s not able to move like he usually does.

It’s been challenging bathing and diapering him–and I’ve been feeling very thankful that he’s able to walk and have the independence he usually does. It will take a week or so before he’ll be able to be up and around again.

Thank you for caring about our sweet David. It’s been amazing to see him communicate about his foot and to see his determination to get around and live life. We love our sweet boy!


  1. Aw, David – I love how much you love to walk/explore/adventure – I am sure this won’t stop you for much longer 🙂 In my prayers!

    1. We’re just trying to keep him moving and bringing different toys to him. He can’t get around so he can’t be as rascally as he usually is! 😉
      Hugs to you Kelli!

  2. So glad it was not broken and I hope he will be better in no time. I enjoy reading your blog and love your jewelry. I bought a few pieces for Christmas for my daughter-in-law and she just loves them also.

  3. So happy his foot is not broken! Hopefully he heals soon. I have a question, my daughter is diapered also & will be for the rest of her life, but we cannot get diapers covered through our insurances, are you able to get yours covered? It’s been a long fight she’s 11 also, just curious if you would have any suggestions. Thank you!

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