david update {part 1}



we drove down to LA to meet with a pediatric ENT

who did a quick examination of david’s nose

and confirmed yes, there is a bump inside

and he doesn’t know what it is, or why it’s there or if it’s a big deal or not.

even though i tried to push him to give us more by asking,

‘what does your gut tell you?’

and he said his gut wants a ct scan

and that surgery is inevitable in the next couple weeks.

so we are hanging out in southern california and waiting for a ct scan appointment.

and we’ll most likely plan the surgery for after blissdom.


you know how you feel fine, and you do all the things you usually do, like sip coffee and laugh at little jokes and bathe the kids and enjoy a great slice of pizza…and then someone gently puts their hand on your shoulder and asks you if you’re okay and you suddenly fall to pieces?  that’s pretty much where i’m at.  i really think it’s all going to resolved easily and quickly and we’ll look back and say, ‘that was a crazy few weeks’.  but when it comes to david, there is this really soft and tender part of my heart and seeing him in pain or at risk can turn me into a pile of mush.  man, i love that kid.


thank you so much for your sweet comments and tweets.

i’ve been reading them all day and they make me feel so loved.

  1. I’m sending David good thoughts, white light and prayers his way. His siblings and parents, of course, are also included. Blessings to all of you.

  2. Praying for you Lisa. We love David and your family. Let us know if you have any extra time while down here…we’d love to see you guys.

  3. Is that an In-N-Out cup? I miss that place! One of those filled with a chocolate shake might help pass the time!
    Know that you have someone praying for you on the “right coast” this morning.
    Hugs from Boston!

  4. Thinking good thoughts & sending them your way!
    Stay positive and think positive & everything will be okay.
    Hugs to you & your family!

  5. Hugs. I am blessed with a healthy kiddo. When she was 2 she got rotavirus and was so sick she literally collapsed in a pile of jello if she tried to even stand up… was to sick to even whimper when they stuck her to start an IV. Rotavirus is pretty minor in the scheme of illnesses and such but it got her bad. And I remember well that feeling of trying to hold it all together for her but inside feeling what you said, falling apart… because it is so hard and so scary to see the child you love so much in pain or be afraid for their well being. Hugs. Continuing to send good thoughts your way.

  6. My gut never says order a CT scan. It always says, “Feed me!”
    Sorry they are prolonging this. In Dallas, I would have no trouble getting a CT done before Friday.

  7. I do know what your saying. During my most trying times, I often say: I am OK just don’t be TOO nice to me…that’s when I crack.
    Wishing you all well.

  8. hugs & prayers to you Lisa!! please keep us posted on how he is doing. when you get back into town it would be great to catch coffee. xoxo becca

  9. Thinking of you, David and your family, wishing you strength and hoping you get the CT done soon and the news is good.

  10. Oh Lisa. Not too sure what to say, but prayers and hugs to you and the whole family. Know too, that it is fine to have the times when you are laughing and sipping coffee and times that you break down. It’s all part of the process.

  11. I’m praying for you, there’s nothing like thinking there’s something wrong with your child. As women of faith, we lift our children in prayer all the time, and we have to remember that we are to be anxious for nothing. It’s hard when it’s happening, but pray, and release it. I read this devotional that said to tell God what you need and then instead of repeating your petition….REpetition, you should just start thanking Him for answering your prayers. He always does. Be blessed.

  12. My daughter’s had a rough few weeks and I feel about the same right now. It’s going to be ok. For both of us. Know that you have lots of people thinking positive, supportive thoughts & praying for you & David.

  13. Hi Lisa,
    I recently ran across your blog and have been enjoying it along with your BEAUTIFUL line of jewelry.
    As I read your post today my heart ached for you and I just wanted you to know that I will be praying for you and your family. May God grant you grace to keep your eyes on Him in a way that would carry you through this time while trusting in His promises of love over you and your family.

  14. Hang in there, it will be fine! I must tell you, I know what you mean about having a special softness in your hear because my second daughter was lacking speech and often had issues at an early age. After going to a “special” school for 3 years and seeing speech therapists for years, etc. we’ve got her more on track, but she still always has this special place in my heart because I know what she’s all gone through.

    Thanks for keeping us posted, take care – Stacey

  15. Lisa, this may be a trying time for you, however, God does not allow you to go thru more than you can handle. You CAN do this!! God is on your side. We are saying prayers for you and your family. Don’t believe in the negative stuff that you sometimes hear with this kind of thing. God is in control!! Be careful as to what your ears are hearing, it does have an effect.
    Stay strong and enjoy he wait time in LA. I have a medical issue with my 5 yr old but she is here, and funtions like a normal 5yr old. She is our blessing!! It’s not fun to be at the Dr. and hospitals seeing them “hooked” up but keep your prayers going. That’s the only thing you really can depend on.
    Take care…this too shall pass!! He will be fine!!

  16. praying for your family and hoping you get the answers from the doctors that you’re hoping for. i don’t have a child with “special needs”, but i have a special sis so i do understand (some of) what you’re feeling.
    ♥ Cheri

  17. Lisa, you are a great Mother! From one Mother to the next, there isn’t anything on this world like loving a child. I feel your pain and understanding how you are feeling completely! You are in my thoughts and prayers. David is a ray of sunshine….

  18. What a precious gift David is. Our kids seem to tap into a part of our hearts that we didn’t know existed until they came along. A mothers love/worry is deep. You will be in my prayers!

  19. I come from out of the blue here, but I wanted to send good thoughts, healing and love you David’s way. Thank you for your heartfelt blogging. Will be thinking of you all…Stay strong, mama. xo

  20. I am thinking of you from Italy!!we are all thinking about you, David and your lovely family!Don’t miss attentions for Matty too, I am a sister of a special need child and I was always put aside when he was ill..it was very sad for me..don’t forget attentions and hugs for Matty too!thanks 🙂 love

  21. I know just what you mean. Good luck. Everything will be fine. That is my mantra when things go awry with Michael. I’ll share it with you, too, because it really will. After all is said and done, it will just be a bump in the road. xo

  22. lisa….
    thinking of you today as you face uncertain health concerns regarding your son! it is a hard place to be. i went through a little of that with my son through the whole month of december. while waiting a couple of weeks for several blood tests to come back on my son…..was unnerving. my mind thought the worst as we knew something was going on in his little body. there were moments my worst fears got a hold of me and moments where i let the sweet Lord bless me and calm me in those thoughts. no matter what, He held my aidan…and he was in His hands…not my own. as i am certain the long wait was a lesson for me….all was well in the end regarding his tests. thank You, Jesus. i trsut that all is well with david…and no matter….he is in the Lord’s hands and He holds you in your fears and roller coaster of emotions.
    much love to you and keep us posted because we care about you and your family!
    shannon stinson

  23. Poor David, and Lisa, Steve and Matty. Just what he doesn’t need, more problem stuff. I’m sure this will be just another memory on your list with David in a few weeks, but meanwhile, it sucks. Hang in there.

  24. just popped in after yesterdays post to see if there was any news…hang in there..your a wonderful mom and you obviously have alot of “online friends”..who really care…continue to do what you do BEST…(caring for david)..we’ll be here for you

  25. I know what you are going throught Lisa. I almost lost my husband 12 weeks after our wedding. He was not expected to make it through that night but he did. I know that the Lord has big plans for him. I have watched him suffer for 12 years now. Surgery after surgery and it’s tough to watch someone you love so much suffer, especially when there is nothing you can do. We have our Faith and that is what pulls us through. We may never know why. I am praying for all of you. I have read your blogs for awhile now but never left a comment. You are truly a remarkable woman. God has Blessed you with a gift and by sharing it with us, it makes us keep going too. Going through the trauma has made me who I am today and for that I am thankful. Please give little David a hug from me and let him know that he is loved.
    Hugs from Canada!

  26. Sending warm, positive thoughts your way…and praying for the strength a mommy needs when her kids are hurting. Thinking of you!

  27. I always enjoy reading your blog and looking at the pictures of your beautiful family. You have become part of my morning routine when I sit down with my coffee. Big hugs to you and your family, you’re in my thoughts.

  28. It’s okay to fall apart… it means we are human and experience deep emotions. You hang in there. David will be just fine. The great physician holds him is His hands.

    I wish I could be at Blissdom to meet you! The sad thing is that I live about 10 minutes away from Opryland, but can’t afford the registration right now. Go figure! Maybe next year. I know it will be wonderful.

  29. God is able to do exeedingly and abundantly more than we could ask or even imagine. Asking for healing for your sweet baby boy. And peace and comfort to wash over his amazing mommy.

  30. You and your family are so inspirational! Really!!! I love reading your blog. The way you open your heart and the stories you share, make me feel like I am just checking in on a good friend! Please know that there are so many people out there praying and caring for you and your whole family! David, and Matty too, seem to be really great kids! You are so blessed!

  31. My prayers are with you and your family. Everything you said in the blog, struck a cord with me.
    We seem to have very similar family issues. Sometimes it feels like you get over one hurdle, and then something else happens. I guess God knows what he is doing. Sometimes I start questioning my faith. How about you? Why would God give these kids such problems ? Be strong and
    take care of you !

  32. Be sure to take time to nurture yourself – the falling apart moments will make less of an impact on you.. Maybe cocoa instead of coffee? (: Still sending good vibes your way from Texas…

  33. Lisa, I just had to write because I so understand! My younger son has Down Syndrome and his innocence makes it so much harder when he is hurting. And, quite frankly there is nothing more exhausting than having a child in the hospital and back and forth from doctors. Keep David safe and wrap him in a warm love cocoon. Hugs from us! Sue (and her two boys)

  34. Oh, Lisa…I”m sure you can feel the collective hug from all of us. As I read your words about turning to mush by being asked a simple question, I felt the lump in my throat. But just know that each and every one of your followers wishes, prays and KNOWS that all will be well with David. And your strength will be reinforced by that knowledge!! Giant HUGS to you!!!

  35. Trust that David is in the best hands possible – the Lord’s. God is in control of all things, even this, so do not worry and be fearful. Praise are raised up for him and you. May the peace of the Lord Jesus surround you and may His love and grace sustain you.

  36. Oh Lisa I am sending you all my love and a huge teary hug from across the miles. Our family will be thinking of your whole family and hope it is all resolved as simply and as quickly as possible for sweet David. I think you are an incredibly loving and inspiring Mum with the most gorgeous boys. Warmest wishes – Tina x

  37. i totally know where you’re at lisa. long ago, we were in a scary waiting situation with hannah (a medical issue too) it was misery on the one hand, but then the Lord gave me incredible strength and peace to go on with my days–and to take care of my other children. at the end of the day sometimes, i would sit on my bed and think: wow. i got through this whole day without feeling afraid or distracted by what’s going on. it was amazing, and supernatural. i know you can have that too. i’m praying for all of you. and oh yes, sweet little david–he stole my heart the moment i saw him. xoxox.

  38. HOpe that they caN GET YOU IN SOON FOR THE CT SCAN look on the bright side at least you got to have in n out burger….a shake? Hugs

  39. I am praying for your amazing David. God has him in the palm of His hand. I am also praying that He gives you and your guys an extra amount of peace these next few days.

    I received another order from your shop today and I just wanted to let you know that I am thrilled with it. I love my “one word” necklace and I know my friend is going to be crazy about her necklace with the names of her husband and 2 kids. I can’t wait to give it to her, but her b-day is not until May. We will see if I can hold out that long. It is perfect!

    You do amazing work. I have been thrilled with your jewelry and your heart for your kiddos is very touching. Hang in there!

  40. Dear Lisa & Steve too,

    We are praying for your strength as well as peace of heart and mind. You boys are blessed to have you as their Momma. We hope this trip has some simple blessings to bring you all joy, laughter and memories.

    Smiles and Blessings!

  41. Oh Lisa I know just that spot…it is so hard when our children are not well. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. My gut tells me that things will be ok…hang in there!

  42. Lisa, Thinking good thoughts for your David.I know the day you describe and it’s hard…sitting here, typing with one hand, my other arm holding Ruby (beautiful bracelet just under her little bum).

    And, my lip color is cherrybud by Aveda.

    hugs to you and your family

  43. Hi Lisa,

    I will say a prayer for David, for the doctors and for you & your family. I am really looking forward to meeting you at Blissdom, I am sure this will be on your heart while you are there. Be prepared for a hug.

  44. Lisa,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and especially David – hang in there! Thanks for taking the time to keep us all updated 🙂

    Hugs to you,
    Catherine S.

  45. You are so incredible! Sending you warm thoughts and hugs. We will keep David and your entire family in our thoughts and prayers. Continue to sip your coffee and laugh at those jokes and enjoy pizza, those silly things somehow tend to bring us comfort and small joys.

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