LA the not so fun way {updated}



looong day today

but hopefully productive.

the ENT clinic called this morning to say they wouldn’t sedate david because he is congested.

but he’s congested because his nose is filled with a bump and he also has a cold.  bad combo.

and david’s pediatric ENT was in surgery all day

so we went to the ER and waited 5 hours to see if we could get the CT scan.

and finally we did.  big sigh.

so tomorrow we are hoping to meet with the pediatric ENT to find out the results

and map out an action plan.

the boys were such troopers.

matthias prayed last night and thanked God that we could take this fun trip.

he got a coloring book in the hospital gift shop and mcdonalds for lunch.

so easy to please!

and david was such a snuggler and didn’t complain at all.  sweet guy.

thank you for your sweet tweets and comments.  i am so so blessed by my online friends.

* * *

UPDATED We just got a call from the pediatric ENT. They were able to read the ct scan (phew!) and it looks like David has a mass that is completely blocking the left sinus cavity.  It is contained to the left sinus and does not extend into the brain or anything crazy like that.  They’re not sure what the mass is, and next week they will schedule him for outpatient surgery to remove the mass and send it to be examined.


this is good news so far!  feeling very, very relieved the mass isn’t any bigger than we feared.

we’ll have to wait a few weeks to find out what the mass is, but we suspect it’s probably a benign bump.

okay, now i need a massage and a glass of really good wine!


  1. blessings that the Lord send a Band of Angels to wrap their Loving arms around & your family & hold you close, we will LIFT you in prayer for your son to be well, forThe Lord to give the physicians wisdom & talent to care for your son=that his health will have a natural comfortable turn around and that he will heal and recover from this. You will be in my thoughts & prayers. I adore your blog & dream of getting a necklace. ((((HUGS))))

  2. Thank you for sharing this blog with everyone. I love to read about Matty and David. I have a sister-in-law with CDLS who has also had reflux and stomach issues. I just blogged about her 37th bday. I am a high risk ob nurse and a long time ago I read about your delivery experiences with David. It was a very important story for me to read. Being a nurse who has seen many babies born with many different problems, I think it was helpful to read the patients perspective. I think I am a more compassionate nurse because of your story. Thank you.

  3. Thanks for the update. Glad to hear it sounds good. Keep the faith and just BREATHE….we are hear to support you. God bless you and your family.

  4. SO glad you were able to get some answers! You deserve a large glass of wine and some relaxing down time for sure!

  5. I so wish I could get that glass of wine for you! You and your hubby deserve it. And thank you for reminding me how it is for parents in the ER and Rad Dept. We do the best we can, but we don’t really know what it’s like. We should all have to walk in your shoes at least once!

  6. Yay! Fingers crossed for an easy surgery with super positive results! So, so happy for you and your family…what a relief! xo

  7. So glad that you received a bit of positive news…here’s to hoping it’s good from here on out! Oh, just as a side note I ordered your Illuminate necklace & received it yesterday…I can’t even begin to tell you how much I LOVE it! Thanks for sharing your creativity with all of us!

  8. Huge sigh of relief. I know David will sail through all of this with flying colors. He’s such a trooper and role model at his tender, young age. In the meantime, I continue to send out prayers, good thoughts and white light your way.

  9. Go get that massage and glass(es) of wine. Glad the news was good and that you are getting somewhere.

    LOVE the picture of your guys walking together on your sidebar. So sweet.


  10. Girl, you don’t deserve a glass of good wine…you deserve the whole darn bottle! Keep up those positive attitudes…it really does make all the difference.

  11. I think that you deserve a massage after the last few days of stress. Thank you for sharing the update on David. He will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. Awesome!! Yes, a massage and some wine – now you can head to Blissdom and breathe a bit easier! And wont David be sooooooooo much happier when he can breathe better!!

    Thanks for the update! Safe travels to you over the next few weeks and I know you will keep us updated!! Thanks for sharing and being the sweet person and inspiration you are!

  13. oh dear one…i praise with you on the good readable scan and pray for a safe removal of the mass. i pray for rest and community to continue to surround you in this time-we really can’t do life without trusted family/friends around us, can we?!! i’m so thankful you have both. peace to you and yours.

  14. All of you are in my prayers. Glad the bump is isolated, that’s always a good sign. Sorry that you’re going through all this but please know how much we all care and pray every day for a fast healing for David.

  15. Thank you Jesus for answered prayer on David’s behalf. All glory and praise is yours! Please continue to place a hedge of protection around David in the coming days. Give wisdom, strength, comfort and peace. Thank you for the overwhelming favor you have shown the Leonards during this uncertain season. You are an awesome God … our awesome God!

  16. love the “light”hearts in the street photo…very subtle like love…it is everywhere if you look a little deeper! Hope that your ENT appt goes well and that you can have some answers for sweet David. .

  17. Did you notice all of the heart shaped lights in your car / street photo (the whitish colored one in the top half)? LA is pouring out its love for your sweet little family. <3

    Good luck with everything!

  18. Lisa – I am an RN who cares for kids having sedation for radiology procedures here in Atlanta. Many times, I am the one who has to deliver the bad news that a test has to be rescheduled due to “technicalities” like what you’ve described. Your post reminds me to remember each person and family and situation when I have to be the bearer of disappointment. I am so sorry things haven’t been the smoothest, but I wholeheartedly believe that God has his reasons. He loves you, David, and your family and wants only the best for you. I know you know this, but I am just affirming to you that He will continue to take care of you all! Much love to you all…I look forward to your update posts!!

  19. So sorry to hear that things didn’t work out like you planned. Praise the Lord for little ones finding delight in the simple things (mcdonalds and coloring books). Hope today goes better! Praying for strength and patience!

  20. I love the presence of peace, joy and love in your blog entries, no matter what else is happening. I pray the Lord would breathe words of love to you all today and hold you in His arms.

  21. continueing to lift you and your family up and prayer. we are thinking about you as you press forward in this craziness. hopefully answers. hopefully easy fix. i am glad that the boys are handling this well….hopefully that will continue. i pray the Lord will lift your spirits and comfort you in a way that only He can do.
    love to you and yours!

  22. We’re so happy to hear that despite all of the difficulties the boys made it through the day with their spirits up. My David and I pray for you and your David every night in his bedtime prayers. Know that you have love all the way on the east coast.

    Love in Christ,
    Lydia, Andrew, and David Tatum

  23. i am sure you can feel how many of us out here are praying for you through this. You are all troopers. Matthais is easy to please because he has an awesome example of a mama who knows to appreciate the little things. And David snuggles must make everything seem okay. Will pray for good news today!

  24. Hi Lisa. So glad to hear that David has had his CT-scan, I have been thinking of you constantly. My warmest wishes for the ENT appointment. What incredibly sweet boys you have, such a long week for them but they sound like such troopers:) Warm Aussie hug to you Lisa. Remember to take care of yourself too:) Those boys need a well looked after Mummy (and Daddy for that matter) 🙂 – Tina xx

  25. I pray that you are able to get a plan of action tomorrow. I know the waiting can be so hard. You are blessed to have such sweet boys. I too only know you through your blog, but I am honored to know you this way and to have the privilege to pray for your family and your precious David.

  26. Lisa, I only know you and your family through this lovely lovely blog of yours, but am thankful to know you this way. I love the reflections you have of your boys in this post. Children certainly are good teachers for us and keep us grounded — and it seems that your boys are doing that during what is surely a trip with challenge and anxiety.
    Prayers for you!

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