life lessons from david

David is eleven and a half years old. Sometimes I have to stop and absorb that–it seems like just yesterday he came into our lives and turned everything upside down {and made life BETTER}. When he arrived I felt broken to bits, but as we regrouped and healed, I began to grow and learn. He’s taught me about what’s important and what’s not. He lives life with passion–and I want to be like that, too.

But lately, I don’t know, it’s like he’s growing and changing and doing new things every day. He’ll walk up and take my hand and lead me to the front door–letting me know that he’s ready to go out for an adventure. Or he’ll climb up on the couch next to me and lay his head on my shoulder–completely melting my heart. When I arrive to pick him up from school, a huge smile takes over his face and he throws his arms around my neck. At dinner, he pushes away the spoon if it’s food he doesn’t want and pushes my hand toward the food he does want. He’s able to communicate his preferences and initiate affection–and with each step of growth it’s like a window into his soul. I know him better and I understand him more. It deepens our connection and it makes my heart want to explode

Here are some life lessons David’s been teaching me lately.

1. Give kisses. Lots and lots of kisses {over and over}

2. Take baths whenever you want. Take multiple bathes a day. If you’re dirty, sad, your tummy hurts or if you just need a good soak–go hop in the tub.

3. Hold hands whenever possible.

4. Eat your favorite foods every day–especially vanilla yogurt.

5. Smile at strangers

6. Music heals the soul and should be played as loud as possible all hours of the day and night.

7. Always keep a cozy blanket nearby

8. Don’t hold a grudge. It’s not worth it.

9. Jump in puddles and dig in the dirt.

10. Soak up THIS moment and don’t worry about tomorrow.

Oh friends, just writing this list is making me tear up. I want to live more simply and soak up the moment. I want to be happy and not grumpy. Are you learning any life lessons lately?



  1. Love seeing David’s smiling face! Such a sweet boy, and looks so ready for a good adventure! And, I would have to agree with all of his teachings! 🙂 wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season! Miss seeing you all!

  2. Liked and commented on Instagram. What a great Giveaway. Thank you so much, Lisa and Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  3. I have a son with severe Autism. He and his twin brother are six. He has taught me each of the lessons you listed. With each new milestone, we all share in the joy. It helps us all to appreciate life and the little things, which in his/our world are very big things. Also. through actions and behaviors, his brother has taught me to be more patient. I have taught all three kids to love, love, love with all their hearts and that has come through in so many ways.

    Thanks for sharing! An awesome reminder for me and others.


  4. I feel like I’m falling in love with that little guy more and more. I can only imagine that the decision to share so much of your family with us was one that required bravery and vulnerability and I just want you to know how thankful I am for that. I have hundreds of blogs in my reader, but only a handful that I feel really connected with and yours is one of those because of how you share you heart. Love you, Lisa. 🙂

  5. Lisa, I resonate with soaking up the moment. In the last several months our community has faced tragic deaths of an 18 year old cousin and a young husband, both totally unexpected. I am learning more and more to treasure the gift of now. It is teaching me to prioritize relationships.

  6. Thanks for your blog. David taught my kids and I SO MUCH ALSO. His sweet spirit and hugs are wonderful. He taught my kids to look at a persons heart, and even if that person is different they are made in God’s image just like us. We miss him, and think about and pray for you all often.

  7. I have so enjoyed following your blog posts about your family for the last several years. The lessons from David….it’s perfect. Thank you for sharing with us!

  8. Yes, I know all about this kind of love, too. My grandson was diagnosed with Autism at 2 yrs. old. I have seen his growth and changes. He’s 9 now and I have him over for a week at a time (gives his parents some respite and us some wonderful bonding time!) We give/receive many kisses, also! And he LOVES the water! I choose to focus on the things he “can” do, not the things he “can’t.” He is smart, funny, loving and very active! I cherish him so much. Blessings to you and your family!

  9. What an angel child. Praise Jesus for this. I love this list – it is packed full of things that truly matter most in this life. Wow. You said writing it brought you to tears – reading it brought me to tears. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Thank you for the beautiful picture of David and your blog post. Having my own little special needs guy, I love that he brings us the same joy and reminders of how much he has made our life better…just like David. May God bless you all!

  11. Every story about that little guy just makes me smile….what a little sweetie! We could all learn a thing or two from David!

  12. You are so blessed to have David and he is so blessed to have you. I have a friend that gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with both physical and developmental delays about 12 years ago. She was never able to accept her and for the past 10 year, grandma has been guardian and mom to that sweet girl. It makes me so sad. I know blessings would have abounded if my friend had found your strength and courage.

  13. I don’t comment much, but read often. Although you have written beautiful words before, I think this is the best post ever! Such beauty in the words and the message and the sweet boy. Thank you

  14. I needed this post today. Thanks for reminding me of simply things that bring joy. You truly inspires me. And David what a gem!

  15. xoxoxoxoox to you and David; my heart has swollen five times its size just reading this. I am so with him on smiling at strangers!

    I am learning to ask for help. Just in general. Everyone always seems so happy to do so when I ask. And I am happier, too, but it’s a hard practice to get into when you are a little bit (just a leeeetle) controlling.

  16. Reading this I’m tearing up with you. How blessed you are to have David as your son, and how blessed he is to have you as his mommmy…a mama who takes the time to stop and see him for the God-gift that he is. My boys and I would be blessed to take this list to heart!!

    Thank you for sharing.

  17. Thank you so much for this day-brightening post…honestly the best thing, besides God’s words, that I’ve read all week! So thankful for what he has done in and through you…

  18. That David is one brilliant kid! I love that the things that make him happy are things so many people can apply who have let joy slip through their fingers.

  19. Good Morning, I have been following your blog for a few years now and have never commented, but I feel today is the day to thank you for the life lessons you have taught me! Thank you David!! and Mattias too! You and your family are a true inspiration and give me a reason to smile everyday and I THANK YOU for that!! Is has been enjoyable to watch your family grow and reminds me everyday just how fast time passes while I watch my own 13 y/o daughter become a young woman. I love your pictures and how they capture the true meaning of family connection and the unconditional love that is always growing. It is hard to realize until you become a parent just how much love you have to offer. Continue to grow and may the holiday seasons be bright. P.S. I also enjoy your jewelry that I have purchased and wish that I had taken the time to look up your shop when I was in your town a few years ago, I am from upstate NY. This picture of David in the tub is precious…..

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