Eric Carle inspired Lorax project

After seeing The Lorax movie last weekend, Matthias and I decided to do an art project together. Well, he needed a little coaxing {he’s got strong opinions about what he wants to create} but after a few minutes he got on board.I had an idea to do something inspired by Eric Carle, I love his artwork, don’t you?

We started by painting a piece of paper completely orange. This would be used to cut out the shape of the Lorax.

We used watercolors for this project.

He was determined not to have any bits of white show through on his painted orange paper.

I also painted a piece of thick, white paper completely yellow–for the mustache and eyebrows.

While the painted papers dried, we worked on creating the background on a canvas. First Matthias sketched some truffula tree trunks.

To make the trunks look stripe-y we used water down black paint and then dabbed a napkin here and there on the trunk to soak up paint in certain spots. The truffula tufts were fun to paint in a swirly motion.

We drew a little dot above the top of the tree trunk and then painted swirly lines coming out from there until we had a nice fluffy tuft. The Lorax is cut out of the papers we covered with paint. I drew a pattern for us, but you could use a coloring sheet like the one found here for a pattern, too!

We each did our own project, but Matthias’ turned out way cuter than mine!

We are huge Dr. Seuss fans over here. For David’s 5th birthday party we had a Sneetches celebration.

Have you seen The Lorax?


  1. Can I first say, as a HUGE fan of yours I feel RETCHED that I haven’t stopped by for a while. (I have been out of the loop I actually wrote a lil about that here SO I’m sorry I haven’t been around. Now, I gotta say I’m doing the “entries” for your AWESOME giveaway on TT&J and my sweet precious daughter Alice and I have been looking thru your site, pics, for what seems like an hour now. I haven’t even been back to TT&J to complete the entries!! We are having such a wonderful time looking thru your life. Alice especially loves precious David, as that is also her daddy’s name. She wants your David to come over and meet her David/Daddy. Thanks, Lisa for opening up your life to us. Tonight it touched a sweet little 3 yr old. OH….I almost forgot. She, Alice LOVES Matthais’s Lorax painting. 🙂

  2. What a wonderful project! Eric Carle is fantastic, there is a great video on-line of Mister Rogers visiting with Eric Carle, and it is fascinating to see him in his studio working!

  3. Ahhhh! I love it!This is something I would love to use in my classroom someday! I love your log so much! You are such an inspiration!

  4. Hi Lisa, I LOVE everything Dr Seuss and his older stories are my complete favourites. I almost know Green Eggs and Ham and Fox in Socks off by heart at the age of 49. The Sneeches really captured my imagination when I was young. the movie The Lorax isn’t here in NZ yet. Hugs

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