matthias {age 6}


right now

you love to draw. for hours sometimes

you have an awesome imagination

you dress up as a jedi or pirate as soon as you get home from school

you have a kind heart

when you are hungry, you get sooo unreasonable

you want to have your own office

when you grow up, you want to be a jedi AND an animal rescuer

you think your auntie chrissie hung the moon

you know i’m worried about david’s surgery and that makes you worry

you still snuggle with us every morning

you ask insightful questions

you melt my heart pretty much every day

you make our lives 1,000x more fun.

{matthias, i love you}


scroll down for the brave love giveaway!!


  1. Matt has something to hurry home for and look forward to everyday. We all need that. I just wanted to let you know that I am and will be praying for David’s surgery and your peace of mind. I have this little plack on my computer that says “I have everything under control. Love, God” (I’m still working on not worrying, and I’m a senior citizen, that’s why I bought the plack!)

  2. Happy 6th birthday Mathias!!! What a talent for drawing he has!!! His picture of the pirates is AMAZING for someone his age! You have a beautiful family!!!

    Patty from TX

  3. Tell him my boys think he did an AWESOME job with that drawing. They were mighty impressed and they are tough critics when it comes to sword fighting drawings!

  4. kids so know when their mom is worried! the other day anna got a new pair of shoes and one of the kids prayed that anna would someday run in them. i seriously bawled! praying for david and praying for you and steve. isn’t it great that we have such an awesome God?!!!!

  5. I saw your things on the savy southernstyle website and they are just gorgeous, I really love the you’re the cream in my coffee. I too love coffee, I have bookmarked this site to visit for christmas shopping. Just love your stuff.

  6. what a wonderful idea. what more than a little note/letter from mom to mark the milestones. love it. perfect for their scrapbook. (or as my husband calls “their crap box” since i haven’t actually made the scrapbooks yet. hehe. someday.)

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