togetherness {updated}



loving this pic i shot just outside the hospital in LA.

i love that they are all squished together.

togetherness is a good thing, i think.

last night we enjoyed some good family time and yummy mexican food.

feeling anxious to move beyond david’s little surgery and back into our regular routine.

i’ll keep you updated!

* * *

{updated} we are home from the hospital and david did great.

i was so exhausted i feel asleep for almost two hours!

they were able to remove the whole lump (they think)

it was 1.5 inches l0ng-extending way back into the sinus on the left side.  insane!

and the surgeon told us he feel confident it is benign, but they will biopsy it to be sure.

yay!  so glad we are past this hurdle.

david was such a sweetheart-so patient and easygoing.

david and daddy are crashed out on the couch.

i’m thinking about ordering pizza for dinner?!

thank you so much for your prayers!!

  1. oh lisa, that is wonderful news about David’s surgery. i am so happy to hear he did well and now is past this hurdle. now you can all enjoy some quality time together as a family.

    {{{big smiles and hugs}}}

  2. I’ve only been reading your blog for a short time, but I’ve been interested to hear about David’s surgery. So glad to hear it went well. Prayers for a quick recovery.

  3. So happy for you guys that you are past this surgery and can move forward. I even feel a relief for you. Hope you guys have a wonderful and relaxing rest of the week.

  4. P.S. Lisa, what a great thing that you went digging for gold, as they say. That act of motherly love probably spared him from having it get even bigger. Keep on pickin’

    (I’m sorry about that. I couldn’t resist, and you DO deserve a shout out for keeping those little noses clean.)

  5. Wow that was quite large. I was not expecting it to measure in INCHES. Where did your little sweetheart fit it all? So glad to hear you are back home and that all went well. Praise God! David – you rock! What a trooper.

  6. I hope you got the pizza 🙂 Glad to hear all went well and thankful that lump was removed…its amazing that you found it when you did! Hugs to you all!

  7. So glad he did great and you’re back home! It really is exhausting to be the one waiting, isnt it? You think it wouldn’t be somehow since you’re just doing a lot of mental work… but goes to show, it’s tough being the mama. 🙂 Rest up!

  8. Hope all went well today! I had to laugh when I saw this pic, once when my girls were little and I was taking them to school one of them was upset and didn’t want to go. We saw a group of birds just like yours and I said, look, even the birdies are in school! Ever since then whenever we would see a big group, it was always fun to discuss which one is the “teacher!” Now, my grandkids say Look, Grammie they’re having “birdie school” Isn’t it funny how a little silly thing gets passed along from one generation to the next? ( now you know why my grandkids say I’m their silly Grammie!)
    And, see if YOU can guess which birdie is the teacher in your pic, pretty obvious, huh?
    You are all in my prayers! Debbie

  9. reminds me of that pixar short. With all the birds? hee hee.

    also, sounds like there’s much going on for your family. togetherness keeps things strong. beautiful

  10. Just said an extra prayer for David and your family. I hope all goes well and that he can be safe and at home in the care of his Mama very soon! **hugs**

  11. Hi Lisa,
    I have been a fan for a long time, just not a “poster” on the blog. I just wanted to say I love
    reading your entries, seeing your beautiful photos, and {heart} your jewelry.

    Just thought I would wish David and your family good thoughts and prayers today. Hoping his surgery goes very well!!

    A distant friend

  12. Thoughts and prayers for your family and most of all little David….he will be in my thoughts today…hang in there mama!

  13. That is a great shot. There is a telephone line near an exit that we often take here in Nashville. It’s right over an overpass on I40 and there are always a ton of birds at this particular spot. We love to see them congregating there.

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