what rocks about being a dad {part 2}

As Father’s day approaches we are doing a “what rocks about being a dad” series. You can read Part 1 here! I’m super excited about today’s interview – you’ll see why!!

Our dad today is my husband and the father of my boys – Steve! He is a wonderful husband, an amazing dad, he loves people, cycles for fun, and he runs Lisa Leonard Designs!

What is your favorite thing about being a dad?

I love watching my boys learn and grow. David constantly amazes me with the new ways he interacts with his world. Matthias is this driven little artist who’s always creating new super heroes and challenging the way we look at the world.

What have you learned from your Dad that you want to teach your own kids?

I’ve learned a lot from my dad about the enduring value of wisdom for your family and those around you. I talk with the boys about real wisdom pretty regularly. We’ve even spent some time memorizing Psalm 1:1-4 out of the Bible together.

What is one of your funniest dad moments?

When David was a baby, I was watching him one night while Lisa was out. He was crying and crying and I couldn’t figure out what to do. I patted his back (still a usually effective thing to do!). I gave him gas drops. I vented his G-tube (gone now for years!). I tried playing with him. I rocked him. Finally, I gave him a little medicine, just sure that was going to be the answer. It wasn’t. I was at my wits end. Then Lisa called and I unloaded my exasperation on her. She simply asked, “Have you fed him yet?” “What?? Feed him? You think he’s hungry?” Funny thing—apparently babies need to eat more than every 6 hours. Oooops. (Note: no Davids were harmed in the re-telling of this act of parental stupidity.)

What is one of your proudest moments as a dad?

I heard about Matthias at school the other day…There was a hurt kid on the play ground and the yard teacher sent another kid to get ice while she stayed wit the child. The office wouldn’t let a student have the ice. Matthias was incensed! He couldn’t believe the injustice and lack of respect paid to one of his 8 year old colleagues! He wanted to know, “Does the school mascot say something about the quality of students at the school or not?!” What can I say—that’s my kid!

What things have you learned from your kids?

From David I’ve learned compassion—Lisa’s much more naturally compassion than I am. He’s also taught me the value of a deep belly laugh when we play together. It’s one of my favorite things in the world! Matthias is an example of diligence and hard work. He takes on projects, like making a super hero book for Lisa for Mother’s Day (yes Super Heroes, A-Z with 26 chapters of 2-4 original super heroes per chapter!), and he comes home from school and works on it every day until it’s done. He has a petty amazing work ethic for an 8 year old!


Thanks for sharing Steve! I’m so glad our boys have you as their dad!

Steve really takes the time to listen, play, & build relationships with our boys. I am so thankful for that!
Tell me – what do you think is one important quality for a dad to have?


  1. what a happy family..!

    I learn from my dad about anything,,
    he is the best man ever for me, my inspiration, my spirit..
    he always support me in anything…

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. What a great daddy you chose for your kids, Lisa!

    I think a great quality for a dad is imagination. My husband gets into the imaginative play with our girls almost as much as they do. They love him all the more for it.

  3. kids take us back to what is really and truly important. your boys just seem to glow when they are with their Dad…nice to see.

  4. Spend time with their children. As tired as my husband is after a long day at work he will never say no to our daughter if she wants to play, no matter what it is!

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