Hello Eiffel, Hello France

France is on our minds a lot lately for three reasons; we just returned from France, we are BIG Tour de France fans and because of the recent tragedy in Nice. It’s a beautiful country with lovely people. The people of France are close to my heart.

One of our favorite days in Paris was visiting the Eiffel Tower. It’s such an icon! Seeing it in real life was magical. Traveling with David is challenging–but I’ll save that story for another post. Standing by the Eiffel Tower as a family feels like a huge accomplishment. I remember feeling that same thing when we visited Stonehenge–pics here. We want our boys to see the world–believing that we are connected to everyone. In every country, every culture we find we’re really not so different. In our heart of hearts we are connected by feelings of love, fear and hope. The more we see of the world, the smaller it seems.

It’s a brand new week. I’m starting out with thoughts and prayers for France. How about some hellos?
Hello Eiffel lisa leonard3Hello beautiful Eiffel. You take my breath away!

Hello Eiffel lisa leonard2Hello looking from every angle to get a sense of the bigness and beauty of the Eiffel Tower.

Hello Eiffel lisa leonard 4 Hello kissing and holding hands and being together.

Hello Eiffel lisa leonard 5Hello finally saying yes to one of the vendors and buying a tiny Eiffel Tower to take home.

Hello busy week ahead. Every day this week is full. Somehow I always imagine summer as so laid back–but we end up with a full calendar!

Hello art class for Matthias.

Hello dinner with friends.

Hello coffee. I’m trying to limit myself to one cup a day. I’m savoring every sip.

Hello last week of the Tour de France. We’ll be watching every stage.

Hello all day meetings and lots of planning.

Hello walking and soaking up the sunshine.

Hello France. I’m thinking of you today.

Hello to YOU. It’s a new week with beauty waiting to be found. What are you saying hello to this week?


  1. I’m saying hello to my birthday today, hello to my beautiful husband and kids, hello to God’s amazing creation and hello to your blog Lisa, which I love and read every Monday for your hellos. A great way to start my week. Thank you!

  2. Beautiful pics. As a longtime lurker I’ve come out of my shell to say that I would love to show you around, would you ever choose to visit The Netherlands.

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