hello monday!

hello blue skies and cool temps {but no rain this week!}

hello busy week, good-bye relaxing weekend

hello photos to edit and share

hello tall trees on a tall hill and a weekend drive with my family

hello clean laundry waiting to be folded

hello last week of school before spring break {2 weeks off school!}

hello doctor appointments this week for david {cardio & pulmonology}

hello visit with my sisters

hello gathering little things for easter baskets

hello new flowers popping up in our yard

hello warm cup of coffee and orange cinnamon rolls {yum!}

hello monday! it’s going to be a great week!

what are you saying hello to on this brand new monday?


  1. Love you website, Saw the contest from Little Miss Momma and had to say hello again. Hope to get a few things from you for momma’s day! xoxox

  2. Hello to a week filled with new beginnings, finding joy in the small things, and seeing God’s love through other’s eyes. I love your site after finding it last week and look forward to reading your blog entries each day now! :)Hugs, Jan in TX (JannyJan Designs)

  3. Hello to a new week after spring break. Hello to showing “The Wizard of Oz” to my film class. Hello to Girl Scouts with my girlie tonight. Hello to my last bowl of homemade whole milk yogurt {after a bowl for breakfast a day over 9 months, the 6 pounds were just not worth it!!}!

  4. Hello to my son who is home from a class trip – so hard to drop him off at school after their late return last night. Oh and the flowers that bloomed – hello and I’ve missed you!

    Beautiful post as always…

  5. Hello to:
    greening grass
    clean garage, all summer toys organized (yay!)
    a second pot of hot coffee
    a spring-break day home
    ideas for the Bunny to bring

  6. saying hello to a room full of students taking the aims test! grrrr….they hate this week, so i am doing my best to encourage them!

  7. Hi Lisa,
    new here. I have seen your sponsor link on Miss Mustard Seed’s blog and came for a visit. :o)
    I am saying hello to a week with less facebook and more in the face time with my kids, books, gardening, house cleaning, sewing for my shop, and lunch with friends.
    Hope yours is great!

  8. Hello, walks with friends. Hello, 31 Bits party. Hello to making muffins from the first time in I-don’t-know-how-long and trying a new recipe for veggie burgers (I’m so excited!). And hello, birthday week!

  9. Beautiful photos Lisa. I just posted your giveaway on my site.
    If there is anything else you want me to add just give a shout:) Thanks again so much for the generous giveaway.

  10. Oh, I hope your Spring Break is as great as ours was! We’re back at it this morning after two weeks off. Have such a great time next week!

  11. hello beach for quiet time, hello Old West Cinnamon Rolls in Pismo with my roommate, hello super short hair cut/color at 1 for locks of love!!! 🙂 xoxo

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