hello to you

Hello friends. We are thankful to be waking up to a new week. Last week was full–with good and hard stuff. Aren’t new beginnings a beautiful thing? How about some hellos for a new week?

Hello pups. My MIL last one of her precious dogs to a pit bull attack last week. Her other pup was badly injured. It is so heartbreaking. I’m still reeling from it. Our pets truly become part of our families, don’t you think?

Hello visiting the dentist this week. I am overdue.

Hello HUGE announcement. Steve has been working on this project for a while and it’s finally out in the real world. The response has been amazing–which doesn’t surprise me because his designs are incredible. Hop over and check it out.

Hello chilly weather and pulling out sweaters FINALLY!

Hello Halloween. We don’t have plans–maybe we’ll just pass out candy and watch a movie at home. Are you dressing up?

Hello trying new supplements for David to try to boost his immune health. I feel hopeful.

Hello new tile around the fireplace. it’s not quite done yet but you can see a bit of it in the pic above.

Hello thinking about praying for friends who are healing from surgeries and struggling with illness. Sometimes life is heavy.

Hello to you. It’s a brand new week with beauty to be found.

What are you saying hello to this week?


  1. I really adore your faith, hope, love bangle bracelet set- but have a larger wrist 🙁
    Would you please consider making your bangles in a larger size to fit a 7″ wrist??
    I am sure there are others with the same problem as me-Please consider offering bigger bangles!
    Thanks a bunch!

  2. I really adore your faith, hope, love bangle bracelet set- but have a larger wrist 🙁
    Would you please consider making your bangles in a larger size to fit a 7″ wrist??
    I am sure there are others with the same problem as me-Please consider offering bigger bangles!
    Thanks a bunch!

  3. I really adore your faith, hope, love bangle bracelet set- but have a larger wrist 🙁
    Would you please consider making your bangles in a larger size to fit a 7″ wrist??
    I am sure there are others with the same problem as me-Please consider offering bigger bangles!
    Thanks a bunch!

  4. Hi Lisa, I live in Alabama, Opelika, to be exact. I started buying your jewelry about 3 or 4 years ago. It’s so strange, I am drawn to the beautiful pieces you make. I say to myself, I don’t NEED this, but I WANT it so badly. So, I allow myself that pleasure. In reading your blog, I understand why I am so drawn to your jewelry, it is like your family is to you, LOVED, when you make it or when you sell a piece to someone like me that truly appreciates the simple things in life, God, family and all things beautiful. I hope your days are filled with joy and peace forever.

  5. Hi Lisa,
    I actually work for you in So Cal. I started about a month ago. I was referred by my best friend who has worked for BSD for many years. But now, here is YOU. OMGoodness. I had never heard of you or your jewelry line. I just started reading about you via your blogs and I am in such deep gratitude, like I am tearing up as I type this because I can feel your heart through every word. I see your jewelry now in an entirely new Light. What a beautiful amazing soul you have along with the beautiful faces and hearts of your amazing family. I am in awe of the way you express and write. When I first started here, they mentioned how your jewelry line came about and I was so excited because I dabble in my own creativeness as well. I am a Holistic Health practitioner and in some magical way, my path led me here. I now know why because my energy is connected to the most beautiful beings on this planet. I cannot thank you enough for the vibration you are emitting on this planet. I am so very grateful for your rawness and your ability to rise in Light daily. I want you to know that the very many people who work for you in all areas of this building are THEE most beautiful hearted people and they truly love what they do. It shines daily as they walk in and decide this is where they choose to be. What beautiful energy goes into your line, no wonder because you are the root. Have a beautiful day love, forever and always!

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