well hello there

Hello friends!

We are all WELL and not sick and feeling very thankful! David has his last day of middle school this week {hello high schooler!} and Matthias finishes school next week.

Hello summer! It’s right around the corner.

How about some more hellos for a new week?

Hello fun door mat that welcomes us home every day.

Hello celebrating David’s promotion to high school with cupcakes and tacos. Yay!

Hello clean house that will probably be messy again in a few hours.

Hello pups who need baths. They’re shedding their winter coats.

Hello feeling grumpy and not knowing why? I think I need some alone time.

Hello sprucing up the spare room for guests {I say sprucing, but really I need to clean out all the junk that ends up in that room because I don’t want to deal with it!}

Hello reading this book and loving it! So honest and funny and insightful.

Hello wanting to try a new recipe for skirt steak tacos. We had the most DELICIOUS tacos ever at this fun spot.

Hello toting this bag around. LOVE!

Hello finding a few fun gifts for Father’s Day.

Hello to YOU! It’s a brand new week with beauty to be found.

What are you saying hello to this week?


  1. Well hello, Lisa
    I just found your blog through your jewelry ad on Facebook. You sound like a person who loves everything about your life and you have a beautiful family. It was refreshing to see something like this for a change.
    I did order a necklace from your site and I will be looking forward to receiving it. I had my three grand children’s names put on the charms.
    Good luck with your jewelry line, it is so pretty

  2. Well hello there! We are inching toward summer here in Long Beach. This week the students have regular classes–trying to get the academics finished! Next week is all fun–Knott’s, promotion and a Talent Show. Trying to keep sixth graders motivated for one more week is going to be a challenge!

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