dying to share the new molded heart bracelet with you

i have been dying (okay, not dying but so excited) to share the new molded heart bracelet with you.

i’ve been wearing one for the last few weeks and loving it.

the heart is hand-molded and hand-cast for a thick, organic feel. so pretty.

and you can customize both sides. i have my boy’s names of one side and ‘my heart is full on the other’.

sweet. simple. and pretty. i think it’s perfect for every day. but especially mother’s day!

mother’s day is coming soon–it’s only about a month away. so now’s a good time to get shopping!

and tomorrow we just might be introducing the molded heart necklace, too.

how would you customize the molded heart bracelet?


  1. I truely believe you are a talented young woman. It is obvious with all the items that you have created.
    May the lord continue to bless and keep you.


  2. Oh, Lisa… you keep going on stuff that I just LOVE!!! This I think is my favorite so far… totally unique and beautiful!!!!!
    BTW, you need to send me a stack of business cards because I swear at least 3 people ask me about where I got my jewelry each time I wear one of your pieces (which is almost everyday)!

  3. Hello there! I just tumbled over here from one of Nichol Magouirk’s tweets. What a lovely, inviting place you have here! I just want to pull up a cushion and stay a while! I adore this bracelet. You do such beautiful, inspiring work!

  4. These are absolutely gorgeous. I can think of a couple people who these would make great Christmas gifts for! 🙂 Sure hope Jane Seymour doesn’t come after you for using “Open Heart” in the name, though. 😉

  5. Maybe the song my husband & I first danced to at our wedding 19 years ago. Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?
    Love the necklace!

  6. so beautiful. I am running out of wrist room, I love your jewelry so! I would definitely make it coordinate with my family tree necklace by listing all 4 of our names (bill*debbie*julia*claire)

  7. Adorable! I’m going to have to put it on my wish list. I would put my daughter’s name on it, Adeline Rose. Back in the day I would have snagged it up in a heartbeat, but now I’ve got my little girl (and no job, I was laid off a month after I returned from maternity and the job market is just awful right now) so the only thing I buy now is diapers and formula!

  8. {LOVE} this…even better than the one I have from Tiffany! I think I will have to order for me and my bestie!


  9. My heart is really heavy today and then I saw this bracelet…what a beautiful way to be reminded of what is really important. I’ll add it to my ever-growing wish list!

  10. I love your idea of putting my family’s names (2 kids and husband) on one side and “my heart is full” on the other. That bracelet is beautiful. It really seems to speak to me.

  11. Oh wow Lisa, beautiful bracelet. Mother’s Day is this Sunday in Ireland /UK and some countries in Europe. Would personalise it be adding my son’s names – so gorgeous… on my wish list!

  12. I would put “Forever” on one side and my husbands name “Thomas” on the back. We don’t have kids yet, but when we do I would definitely add their names. What an awesome new design!!

  13. i too would put my sons names on one side – and the words, I Am Blessed on the other side. i thought a little pearl on the end would be pretty – but there’s one there!! so i think add a little crystal next to the pearl..it’s very pretty. you are very talented.

  14. Love this! I never wear bracelets but I think I have to rethink this!! I’d definitely get my kids’ names on it.

  15. I love how you have your little tag with your logo on it, too!

    I’d put my girls’ names on one side and my husband’s on the other!

  16. hmmmm…I think I would write ‘my love is complete’ on the front and my fiance’s and I’s first name with our wedding date on the back

  17. I love this bracelet! Definitely my girls on one side the other side would have to be my favorite quote 😉

  18. very nice, I noticed this just this morning in your store!! I think I would put my kids names on one side, and my husband and mine on the other!!

  19. I would put my daughter’s name and my granddaughter’s name…and on the back I would put, I love you forever and always…my daughter is my miracle child as she is adopted(got her when she was two days old) and she survived ovarian cancer at the age of 16…and she went on to give us a precious miracle granddaughter, Mary Margaret(now age 2) This is a miracle since she only has 1/2 an ovary….they are now in the process of adopting a baby to join our family….LOVE this braclet!!!!

  20. I think I would customize it with:
    “I love you forever and ever no matter what”(maybe that’s too long?!)

    Which is what I tell my children each night at bedtime…

    1. would be so sweet to do
      ‘i love you forever and ever’ on the front
      and ‘no matter what’ on the back.
      love that idea. xo

  21. Perfect for Mother’s Day! I’ll be becoming a mother in ~8 weeks and I think this might be the Lisa-Leonard-something I order! Well, this and some of the things you debuted last week!

  22. deifnitely with my daughter and sons name on the front, love this.. will have to add it to my wishlist. 🙂

  23. “Christ’s love compels us…” 2 Cor. 5:14 is one I would like – that verse always reminds me where my motivation should come from!
    I also would love one to say, “James 1:27” on one side (to reference the verse, “Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unspotted by the world.”) and the name Cawa (Russian spelling of Sasha) on the other, for the boy in Ukraine who is the son of my heart. We’re working to raise money to visit him – he’s no longer eligible for adoption, and we’ve commited to be family to him, so we are going to his orphanage this summer, to “visit the orphans” and hug our boy! We’re looking forward to spending time with all the kiddos! (you can read about him on my blog, if you’d like) http://busyblessedbeautiful.blogspot.com
    I love your work! It’s beautiful, and it’s so inspiring and meaningful.

  24. my heart is full,,,,,I have 4 children and 3 grandchildren,,too many to do names,,but they sure do fill my life with joy,,I Love this one too,,,

  25. I would put the word loved on it. This is such a beautiful bracelet. I can see why you were so excited to introduce it! 🙂

  26. Love it! I’d probably pick a favorite scripture reference to put on it. It would be very tough to decide!

  27. This is a really great bracelet 🙂 I love when you use the pewter! I think I’d make it say “still here 11.25.10” to celebrate a really painful anniversary, and having it be one year behind me. I’ve been looking for an appropriate piece of jewelery to celebrate having that day one year behind me for a while, and I think this is perfect!

  28. I would definitely put my boys names on one side. Love the phrase ‘my heart if full’! You are full of ideas, keep em coming 🙂

  29. OH! I love it! I would put my husband and my name on it….I SERIOUSLY (like the past three holidays) have told him I want some of your jewelry…I even left up your shop site one time with a sticky note. To no avail. But this bracelet and soon to be shown necklace…well, this puts me over the top. What’s a girl to do???

  30. Gorgeous! As I was scrolling through the post I was thinking, “I wonder if that could be made into a neaklace?” Can’t wait for tomorrow!

  31. Oh my gosh Lisa, I LOVEEEE this bracelet!! I would also really love it as a necklace too! Hearts are the best!! I would put our 3 names. Me, husband & son! I am going to put this on my Mother’s Day wish list for sure!!! Have a blessed day!

  32. Im not usually big into hearts but this is beautiful liSa! It looks amazing on the model. If I had one? Hmmmm…Id want it to say “You are my sunshine” on one side and mine and hubbys names & our wedding date on the other.

  33. OMGoodness! That is the most adorable beautiful bracelet!!! I’ve been trying to find a bracelet and I think that’s it!! Definitely on my mother’s day list. It’s to die for! All of your new designs are gorgeous…keep them coming. :))

  34. I love it!!! “My heart is full” is the perfect saying! That is truly how I feel and would put my beautiful girls’ names on it!!

  35. Definitely with our family names! Now you MUST stop. I cannot wear anymore jewelry at once. I love all of my pieces from you, but there’s one teensy problem – I can’t decide which piece to wear each day! If I wore them all at once, I fear I’d look like a gypsy! Going to drop the hint the sweet hubbys ear. He usually catches my drift.

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