Love means to be BRAVE. who is the bravest person you know?


feels like it’s time for a giveaway!!

we are giving away 5 brave love necklaces.

yes, five! yay!!

just leave a comment and answer this question…

**who is the bravest person you know?**

blog it, tweet it, facebook about the giveaway for extra entries

make sure to leave a comment for each entry.

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happy thursday!


  1. The bravest person I know is a little girl named Journey who has struggled with an enlarged brain since birth and has needed muliply life threatening surgeries. She’s a little hero.

    Love your work and style…so glad I happenned upon this page.


  2. My husband lost his battle with cancer on 11-15-07, he lived 14 months from date of diagnosis, He was unbelieveably upbeat and an inspiration to those around him. I pray that I can be as strong in my life as he was in his. He was the bravest person I have ever known.

  3. My grandmother is the bravest person I know. She has battled with daily pain from a chronic disease for 85 of her 97 years of life! Most importantly, she lives with peace and faith in Jesus. I hope to become more like her!

  4. My son Aaden is the bravest little guy I know. He had heart surgery at 5 months old and is having another one at the beginnning of 2011. He’s almost 2 now. i can’t even imagine all that he has gone through already in his short time here in this world. God bless to you and your little boy too!

  5. My friend Jenn is the bravest young person I know. She has a 2 year old, 6 month old twins and just lost her husband to cancer 3 months ago.

  6. The bravest person i know is my husband. He’s had to face so much adversity growing up. But through it all, he became an amazing husband and father.

    thanks for the chance to win!

  7. Bravest person I know…it’s a tie. My mom, she’s amazing. Can’t think of only one reason. My sister in law. She’s a childhood cancer survivor who’s getting on a heart transplant list. Tireless fighter.

  8. I could name a few but, will go with-my step son. He has a complicated life. My husband and I love him so much. We will never stop fighting for and believing in him! He is a brave little soul!

  9. I know two ladies who have beat breast cancer. One person at the age of 36 and the other 76! I admire the strength each has. Both were at very different stages in life and expressed how strong their faith was which gave them strength and hope. You are a brave person Lisa everyday!!!!

  10. The bravest person I know is my grandma. When her father passed away 2 years ago, she took her mother and her down-syndrome brother in and moved them in with her. She takes care of them and their health problems, in addition to my grandpa and his health issues. As if life isn’t crazy enough, she is always there for my mom and I whenever we need to talk. My grandma and my mother have taught me selflessness and unconditional love.

  11. My sister AND my niece

    Just a few days after my sister was released from the hospital after major back surgery her 1 year old daughter caught a virus that left her in the ICU on life support for months.

    My sister was supposed to be on bed rest for three months. She got three days. She spent every single day and night sitting beside her daughter’s bed and saw horrific things as she helped her daughter fight for her life.

    They fought together and won! My sister may need another surgery as she wasn’t able to heal properly but my dear niece is now out of the hospital and getting better every day.

    We were told she would be brain damaged- at the ripe old age of two she knows all of her letters and can count to 20.

    We were told she would never eat on her own-I witnessed her down a meal larger than my own just yesterday.

    We were told she would never walk again-She can now walk 12 steps on her own, climbs ladders and is learning to ride a special bike.

    My sister and my niece are the definition of BRAVE and have inspired me in so many ways.

    Thank you for letting me share with you.

  12. My friend Alene. She was diagnosed with breast cancer about 5 years ago. She had strong faith in God and with much prayer and treatment, she overcame it. Today she is cancer free and loving life. She is such an example of bravery and hope. I think sometimes the bravest people are the ones who have the best outlook on the outcome of the situation.

  13. My husband is the bravest person I know. 3.5 years ago he visited an island nation in South Asia to help with tsunami relief work. While there he felt like God wanted him to move there. So, he up and did it. 1.5 years into that, he came back to the States, we got hitched and then he took me back there with him. Knowing very little of the local language, in a muslim country who doesn’t always like Americans, with a new doe-eyed bride on his arm. Brave brave brave. Or crazy. You choose.
    I think the bravest people are the ones who view life as an adventure.

  14. My friend Jeff, who lost his battle with cancer, he continued to live every day of his life to the best that he could, bring glory to his God and acknowledging the love of his family. If I am ever faced with a terminal illness, I pray that I can meet it head on with the grace he exhibited in his life!

  15. don’t know if the giveaway has ended, but thought I would still try. the bravest person i know is my sister Christina. thanks for the chance to win {maybe}

  16. My Mother is the bravest person I know. She has been a Christian for most of her life and truly does let God take care of her. We are both concerned about the world issues and she tells me “If she didn’t know that GOD was in ultimate control she would be scared where we are headed as a world”.
    She is my absolute best friend and has always loved me UNONDITIONALLY. That is so hard to find.

  17. Right now, you are the bravest person I can think of. I have two pictures of me posted on the internet. That’s it. I don’t want anyone to know what I look like, because I hate me. I wish I could be like you and post on Wednesdays. I admire you for doing it. Thank you.

  18. I would have to say my husband.He is always working to provide for us.I stay at home because of some health issues and I am also type 1 diabetic who takes 3-4 shots daily.We have a 13 yr old daughter who understands everything.We are hoping to take a family vacation next year.That is something we have never been able to do.Doctors and hospital bills always come in our way.I love the necklace.

  19. My dad is a retired NYC police officer. He is the bravest person I know. According to my 3 year old, and me too, “PeePaw is a hero!” We love him!

  20. Ki, a single Korean mom who raised two boys and sent them to college while cutting hair for a living. She came to the US twenty plus years ago. She recently became a US citizen after her second son was settled into college. She just got her passport and is so excited.

  21. my husband….he’s a soldier…and deployed to iraq this past year….and just took it all in stride~ proud of him…and i admire SO much how brave he is! (:

  22. My dear friend Ann’s twelve year old daughter Faith who is having spinal surgery tomorrow is the bravest person I know! She has fought physical issues everyday of her live and never complains or gives up. She depends on her Heavenly Father to be her strength and always looks for the positive. After tomorrow she will stand two inches taller and not have to wear a brace ever again! Very Brave!

  23. my new son. he’s in an orphanage in ethiopia for the next couple weeks until we can bring him home. he’s been through a lot in his little life and he doesn’t know how much he inspires me.

  24. the bravest person i know is my mom who lost her battle with lung cancer this year. being so far away was so hard but i talked with her everyday and she was so strong until the end……

  25. I am a pediatric nurse and I think some of the bravest people I know are the kids that are dealing with cancer. They always have a smile on their faces and seem to cheer me up. Thanks for the giveaway! Hope I win one!!

  26. LOVE the necklace. The bravest person I know… hmmm… this is hard. I would have to say my friend Jen. She follows God’s calling for her life even when it isn’t easy. Since we graduated high school (almost 10 years ago) she has lived in foreign countries, in the mountains, in big cities, in the boonies… wherever she feels God needs her to be. She has given up comfort and security in worldly things to live a simple life with only basic needs. She has sacrificed a lot and does it with a happy heart because she knows she living in His will. That’s bravery.

  27. The bravest person I know is my friend is my mom. She has been through a lot in her life but continues to help others everyday and in so many ways.

  28. The bravest person I know is my friend, Christine. She has gone through so much in the last few years, including the loss of her beautiful daughter to cancer. She’s an incredible woman.

  29. I guess that I would say that my husband is the bravest person I know. I was in a car accident and suffered a brain injury and almost died. My husband, Dan, took care of everything, was at the hospital daily and still managed to get our two boys off to school and wherever they needed to go.

  30. The bravest person I know is my husband. After being diagnosed with a congenital heart condition, that wasn’t caught until the age of 12, he has been through so much in his 26 years. In and out of hospitals for the majority of his life…you name it his has lived through it. He always overcomes any obstacles placed in his path. Everyday presents its challenges and he always battles through. He lives life to the fullest and has the best sense of humor. You would never guess by looking at him (or even talking to him) that he has lived through as much as he has. He is truly an inspiration and I am so blessed to have him in my life!

  31. The bravest person I know is a friend of mine from junior high who is battling breast cancer. We had lost contact for years, then reconnected on Facebook right around the time she was diagnosed. She has three small children and her attitude amazes me everyday.

  32. It’s very humbling to read these stories-it’s easy to say we are all brave (without the superlative ending of the word).

  33. The bravest person isn’t someone I know personally. She is a mother in our town who is battling something no mother should ever battle. She has small children and is due in December with her 4th. Her 2nd child, a son who happens to be born in the same month and year as my son, has a brain tumor. A very aggressive growing tumor. He’s in the hospital having undergone just his second of many chemotherapy sessions. The boy is struggling and isn’t recovering well from the chemo session, which is delaying the next session. But time is of essence here and they can’t afford any delays with how fast the tumor grows.

    His mother has a tremendous amount of pressure on her. She’s feeling a million different emotions, obviously, and I honestly don’t know how she doesn’t just explode. She’s my hero for handling this horrible card life has dealt her. I wish I had an ounce of her bravery.

  34. The bravest person I know right now is my daughter. She is nineteen, single and pregnant. Although she hasn’t decided if she will keep her baby, she has many brave challenges and decisions to face ahead.

  35. Rebecca – a very brave young woman who has a 2 1/2 yr old boy and 4 week old twins that were delivered at 32 weeks. They weighed under 2 lbs each. She spends all day at the hospital trying to hold and be with them and comes home in the evening to be with her darling little boy and husband. All while recovering from sickness and c-section. She is the bravest person I know right now.

  36. julia…her mom passed away from breast cancer yesterday. julia was by her side through this entire journey…completely selfless…this would be for her!

  37. The bravest person I know is my daughter Makenna. 4 1/2 years ago her older brother passed away from a brain hemorrhage and everyday she gets up and goes on with life even though she misses him terribly. She is 15 and living without HER hero. Anything she finds with his name on it she buys and if I win this, it will be another thing for her to remember him by.

  38. This is a hard one to write today; but my sister – she has always been brave.
    But today her brevity is tested to the max.
    Her precious daughter ran away yesterday , with her boyfriend, both under 18. We have no idea where they went or if they are safe. I know it sounds like one of those awful, typical bad teen stories. I don’t know how my big sis is going to get thru this month. She was so very brave today. And will have to be braver tomorrow.

  39. The bravest people I know…my cousins…who, after taking care of their little boy for 2.5 years, watched him pass away… :(…they kept trucking on.

  40. The bravest person I know right now is my friend Jen!! She’s a warrior mom out there fighting her son with Down’s and her daughter with Type 1 Diabetes. Her strength and faith is validation of God’s presence with us every day!

  41. the bravest person i know is my best friend. she has recently lost her mother to cancer, and is such a strong individual. it hurts me to know she is hurting, but she is so brave everyday she gets out of bed. for that i love her and draw strength from her everyday, only to return it to her in a hug, when i see her.

  42. The bravest person I know is Jesus, he died on the cross so that we could be forgiven for our sins and God know this world is full of it. He is the most unselfish , loving and will never judge you. Where would we be without him? And miss lisa , you have done a beautiful job on your jewerly. Anyone who recieves this piece you are generouly offering will certainly enjoy it.

    Thank you for this opportunity,

  43. Sometimes the bravest person I know is myself. I can’t speak for others and I can’t know how brave they are. But I can say that I have just bravely survived the worst year of my life. There are no words to describe the excruciating pain that I’ve had in my heart, but I know that I am a survivor and that my brave love is now the gift that I can share with others.

  44. The bravest people I know are the friends we have serving in Afghanistan and the loved ones they left at home.

  45. My mom is the bravest person I know. She is a breast cancer survivor. And just a year after she had a double mastectomy, my dad was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It wasn’t cancer, but the surgery left him unable to speak, communicate, eat, walk, sit up, or take care of himself in any way. She was by his side day after day in the hospital, never ever giving up hope. And then followed him to the nursing home for more treatment. When it was confirmed that nothing more could be done to help him recover, she took him home. He was a bed patient in their home for 6 years. For all those years, she took care of him, gave him all her time and attention. She fed him, bathed him, sang to him, got up in the middle of the night to check on him. He lost his battle in October of 2008. She lost her soul mate…the love of her life. She turns 72 tomorrow. Happy Birthday Mom!

  46. the bravest person i knew was my sister-in-law & best friend, susan. during her three year battle with colon cancer she never gave up and was always positive – not matter what she was facing.

  47. The bravest person I know is my sister- she takes care of three kids, has a fourth who is about to make her a grandma at 41 (!), she lives with an autoimmune disease which makes her joints swollen and painful, runs a business & a household, has had multiple (luckily, non-cancerous) lumps in her breasts and lives with the threat, any day, of finding one that is cancerous. And she does it all with a smile! (well, most of it). : )

  48. The bravest person I know is….my youngest SON. He is only 2 1/2 years old, but has gone through so much. My son was born with a severe hemorrhage in his brain, taking up almost 1/2 of his brain. He has overcome all the doctors diagnosis: such as dying at birth, never walking, & never talking. My son has gone through so much therapy and so many different procedures to help with his right side hemiplegia. Despite all of the mountains my son must climb, he always faces each of them with a smile. He is extremely brave. He has taught me to find joy in ALL of life’s imperfections.

  49. The bravest people I know about would be the young men and women who enlist and re-enlist in the military these last nine years since 9/11. To give up their safe and comfortable homes to go to a foreign land to protect people like me is very brave. I hope they know that their sacrifices are not in vain.

  50. Right now I have to say that Tanner and Devin are the bravest boys I know. They were with their father , camping, when he suffered a massive heart attack and died. Totally unexpected, out of the blue. Tanner is 13. He spoke at his father’s funeral a few days ago and was superhero strong. They are so good to their mother.

  51. Today my sister-in-law is the bravest person I know … she just had a 10lb 6oz baby without any meds!!!!! WOW!!

  52. A friend of mine who was in a very abusive relationship and got out. She’s moving on as best as she can, and is sooo brave about everything she’s facing.

  53. The bravest person I know is my grandmother – in 1940 she fled all the way from Yogoslavia to Austria and later to Germany with two children an without her husband (who died in World War 2).
    Later she got four more children with her second husband (my grandfather). They never were rich, but my grandmother was always very creative and sewed clothes all day and night for other people to earn some money while my grandfather worked in a factory. Both are / were the most positive people you can imagine. Today, three years after my grandfathers death, my grandmother and I run a little online shop, were we sell things we sew together. I wish I had her energy (she is 87 now!!

  54. My 3 year old nephew who is the bravest, strongest little guy I know. Over the course of 2 years, he fought leukemia and a life-threatening infection and HE WON! Since he wouldn’t be able to wear this necklace, he’d want his mom to have it. She fought right along with him, every day, every minute, always right by his side, being as brave as she had to be to give him the strength he needed.

  55. The bravest person I know is my 19-year old son, Tim. He lost his brother (my oldest son, who was only 21 years old) last year. Somehow, Tim managed to stay on the honor roll in community college, do volunteer work, still practice his drums, hold down a PT job, and maintain his relationship with his girlfriend. It’s been a very hard road for all of us, but I believe in all of us, too! Especially my brave son, Tim. xoxo

  56. My three sons are heros to me. The trials and pressures they face on a daily basis while remaining Godly young men inspire me to be a better mom.

  57. It is my mother…She grew up with a schizophrinic mother, 2 drug addict brothers and a father who worked alot. She had a different kind of life…At about 29 years old my mother moved in my grandmother and cared for her as well as my brother ,sister and my dad. My grandmother past 2 years ago that was a difficult time for everyone especially my mom. As months passed my mom had to think about getting a job because for almost 20 years she got payed by the state to care for my grandmother it wasn’t much but it helped with the bills. My mom did not have a high school diploma, so at 49 my mom decided to go back to school and get her GED…and she did it! Not only did she get her GED she also got her vet tech certificate and now works at a vets office..she loves it! Not only does my mom work a full time job but she also is now caring for my 87 year old blind grandfather. She is thoughtful, compassionate, loving, humble and the bravest women I know and she is my mom 🙂

  58. My father in law is the bravest person I know. He just passed away from a hard battle with cancer at only 64. He also had Lou Gehrigs disease and was told he had only 5 years to live…that was 25 years ago. He fought through so much pain for so many years all because he loved us. Pain that brought tears to his eyes very often…pain that eventually became too strong for him to hold on anymore. All the while being the best husband,father and grandfather anyone could ask for…That’s Brave!

  59. without a doubt, the bravest soul i know is my 18 year old son, mackenzie. he was diagnosed with a severe seizure disorder at the age of 5, after immunizations. he has been living with this disorder for 13 years now…longer than he lived without it. he made us better parents, better friends, better people. he has taught us so much about life & love….and this all adds up to him being the bravest person i know….and he happens to be our son 🙂

  60. Okay , here is true bravery…My family lived off of a major hwy . when I was growing up and a 18-wheeler hauling gasoline hit a horse on the hwy outside our house . We woke to a big explosion and a man screaming for help.. It was the driver of the 18 wheeler he was caught in side as his rig was a blaze . The wreck was about the length of 2 football fields from our home but, you could here his cries for help very well.. My Dad told us all to stay put he was going to see if he could help this man , knowing well that the gasoline he was hauling could blow again .. He went and pulled this man out of his 18 wheeler cab .. while all the neighbors watched …. My Dad was badly burned that night but, did not recieve treatment ,The truck driver came back after his recovery from 3rd degree burns to 50% of his body to thank my Dad and tell him he was his hero and had no doubt saved his life … My Dad was a quiet man he kindly said he did what God would want anyone to do … My Dad, my hero, then and now…

  61. I have two who both exhibited their bravery in the same situation 🙂

    My mother was diagnosed with Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma shortly after she became paralyzed on her left side (she’s a runner). During that very scary period in our life, I watched as my father (who has known and loved my mother since he was 13) carried her to the bathroom, bathed her, cut up her food and fed her, painted her toe nails, dyed her hair, rolled her over in bed, and loved her with the love that can only come from our Father in heaven. I also watched him as he ran to the hall of the hospital every 15 minutes be cause he would not allow my mother to see the fear and tears in his eyes, although she knew every time.

    I watched my dad as he finally allowed himself to sleep at home, come to the ICU everyday for nine months with a freshly baked quiche or frittata for my mother’s breakfast. I watched as he attempted to coach her through her experimental therapy and to help her walk again. And I watched him (a NON-RUNNER), cross the finish line of mom’s first half marathon after her recovery. And, I watch him every day as he wonders when the cancer will come back, and refuse to let it determine how he and my mother live their lives.

    My dad and my mom are the absolute bravest people in the world.

  62. Today I would say my son’s first mother. I love him so much that I can’t imagine having to give him up for anything.

  63. The bravest person I know would be my mom, for taking care of 9 young children when my dad went
    abroad for a few years.

  64. Wonderful necklace, wonderful blog – I just found you for the very first time this morning, already saved as a favorite!! The bravest person I know is a Facebook friend of mine, Swedish Lena Maria, who was born without arms and with 1 1/2 leg in 1968. She had the toughest start in life but was really lucky when it came to parents as they stood behind her pushing her to set up goals, to never stop dreaming. She is not only Special Olympic’s winner (swimming) but also a singer well know in – Asia! She’s beautiful inside out and so incredibly brave!!!!!

  65. The bravest person I know at the moment would be my boyfriend. We have been together since jr high (15 yrs) and 10 months ago today we were blessed with our beautiful baby boy. He has been an amazing partner throughout the years, and an AMAZING father to our son. My son & I are very grateful for him and his will to take care of us 🙂

  66. Such a sweet necklace. My mom raised 6 kids which amazes me, especially now that I have 2 of my own. She is brave in so many ways!

  67. I would have to say the children I work with. They are unabashed by the things that life has in store for them, but at such an young age they don’t care! They take whatever is thrown at them and they work through it! Without hesitation they share what’s on their mind, whether you want to know or not. They wear their emotions on their sleeves, along with other bodily fluids; and they could care less. To them the world works itself out every time, and sometimes not the way they think, and yet… they are satisfied with even the smallest victory! They have so much to learn, and so far to grow, but it doesn’t scare them in the least!!! The bravest individuals I know are Preschoolers!!!

  68. Lisa, I think you are pretty brave. After following your blog for a year now, I have read about some pretty tough situations.

    But I would have to say that my dad is the bravest person I know. He watched his wife face and succumb to cancer. He was left with 3 very young children who he has raised quite well. In the face of impossible situations, he some how manages to come through with his head held high.

    I could a dozen more people like him… Thanks for making me think of this. I need a dose of bravery this week.

  69. the bravest person i know about is my birth mother. although i have never met her, now that i have had my own children, i know how brave she must have been to give me up so that i would be able to have the best life that i could. that is true love and true bravery. i am so grateful to her everyday.

  70. My sister is the bravest person I know. After decades of being told she couldn’t conceive, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Pure faith.

  71. The bravest person I know right now is a childhood friend Traci whose 7 yr old son passed away yesterday. He had brain cancer, they only knew about 2 months. She found strength in God. She found strength in her husband, friends and community. So, even though I no longer live near her and can only follow on Facebook, today, shes the bravest person I know.

  72. my daughter! she is fearless and watching her live so confidently at age 4 is inspirational to her mama.

  73. My 6 year old son Connor because he is never afraid to talk to anyone. He believes the best in people!

  74. The bravest person I know. . . is my grandma. She has lived through many triumphs and trials and still continues to shine. Her spirit is like no other. But honestly, picking one person is hard. I see bravery all around every day in little things.
    My sweet 12 year old cousin, who has cerebal palsy, but lives to the fullest. His momma for giving him life even though she knew there would be complications. My adorable son, who has gone through some rough medical testing this past year.

  75. When I posted this to FB I got responses on my wall. Wanted to share them here, to add these ladies to the giveaway!

    Judith Fogel My mother. She survived Auschwitz.

    Rachel Katz Brunke my college friend, Suzanne Herel. She was the victim of domestic violence and is now sharing her story to help others and to raise awareness in order to enact legislation for a domestic violence database. Please read her story here:

    Melanie Houston Sutherland my Sister (adopted).. she lost her mother to breast cancer when she was 11 her father was committed to Bellevue and she came to live with us. (my Grandmother and her Mom were in a “support group” it was the 60’s… those things weren’t official yet)… She got married and had her first son who had Downs Syndrome. They adopted another son who also had Downs, and had a 3rd son who is right as rain. In 2005, her adopted son Nick dies of a catastrophic pulmonary embolism. Her eldest son Paul died last year on the 4th of July from lung issues also. She keeps her head up, even though the police questioned her in both deaths. She is one of the sweetest people and she keeps plugging on (fighting for rights for kids with Downs, she sat on the Downs Board at Children’s Hospital) when people faced with similar problems would just roll over and quit. She’s not only brave, but she has a strength of character that I’ve only seen rivaled maybe once or twice.

    Kim Pekin A husband of one of my clients is the bravest person I know. A plane crashed into his house, killing his daughter and seriously injuring his stepson. He tried to rescue them both, but the fire was too much for him. The rescuers said his feet were literally melting underneath him. He was burned over almost his entire body. He was in a coma for about a year. When he awoke, he found his wife had left him and took the stepson with her. During his recovery, he met another woman and fell in love. They eventually married. This man ADORES his wife. They conceived a baby, and asked us to be their midwives. Their baby was born at home in their birth pool, into the dad’s hands! Makes me tearful just thinking about it. His bravery and courage to continue living and to go on to have more children after all hea went through inspires me!

    Jennifer Hoh My friend Sarah. Diagnosed with Breast cancer while newly pregnant with her son, she put off treatment against recommendations to allow him a healthy birth. Her cancer spread to her liver, spine and brain. 7 years later she’s STILL fighting a very aggressive cancer, and just had to stop chemo for a while because of C-diff. But she’s fighting and fighting and fighting to be there for her two boys. She’s amazing!

  76. The bravest person I know is my daughter. She is four years old, and has autism. She has come such a long way already, and I am so proud of her! Life is not always easy for her (every day has its struggles), but seeing her smiling and happy just makes my heart melt. 🙂

  77. My Mother-in-law! She overcame an abusive relationship and raised 4 kids on her own…one being my most amazing husband. Cant thank her enough for giving her son to me. He has taught me unconditional love…which he learned from her.

  78. My sister…who fought breast cancer for seven years! She suffered so much because she wanted to be there for her five YOUNG children. She was brave every day, even when she didn’t even know it.

  79. The bravest person I know? No contest: my friend Denise. Denise’s beautiful first born succumbed to pediatric brain cancer at the too-young age of ten and a half after a five year battle with the monster. Through it all, Denise exhibited strength, courage, hope, and grace in unimaginable quantities. And toward the end of her daughter’s battle, she demonstrated just how brave and hopeful she is by conceiving another baby. Brave enough to give birth again in the midst of such tremendous loss. And while she deflects all praise and credits her now-gone angel daughter for her strength, Denise truly is a brave and beautiful hero.

  80. The bravest person I know without a double is my youngest son Oliver, who is 6. He’s was born with a rare, life threatening, digestive disorder. This little guy has had numerous surgeries, pokes and prods, and frequent and long hospital stays. Yet through all this, he greats the world each day with sweetness, patience, and humor. Ollie never dwells on his limitations. He’s an inspiration to all those around him and loved more than words can say…

  81. The bravest two that I know are my children. My son who fought a life threatening birth defect and is such a strong little man now and my daughter who has done such a good job with our move to a new town. Making new friends and loving every minute of it. Both of them make me proud!

  82. My husband! He has let his shield down and accepted Chirst into his life. He was so reluctant for years but slowly took baby steps to where he is now–even through all of the “not so sure” moments and times when he lost all TRUST. He is BRAVE.–

  83. My Dad was the bravest person I’ve ever known. He spent his life helping others wishing always to be left anonomous in his efforts. He was a state and national football hero, a highly decorated WWII hero, and he built a thriving construction business from very little, except good old fashioned hard work and grit. He also represented struggling businessmen and families in his political career of 8 years. I have never known anyone as helpful and generous as him. There were times he actually saved strangers lives in unusual life events, such as car accidents, near drownings, choking, and heart attacks. If anyone asked for help he would be there without hesitation.

  84. My three little kiddos…my precious triplets born almost 3 months early. They have been tough, brave little troopers from the very beginning. Love them SO much and am SO proud of them!

  85. the bravest person I know, passed away a couple years back. She was like a second mom to me and I will never forget her…I still miss he so much!

  86. The bravest person would be my husband, who let me convince him to leave his homeland (Brazil) and come to US with me. Since then we went through a long 18 year marriage and he is still married to me! Even now when I get very hopeless about my career, he still believes in me!! He is brave for sticking around all these years!

  87. I think my oldest son is one of the bravest people I know. I think he is always quietly reserved even in situations where other kids his age would be stressed. He just takes things as they are & goes with it.

  88. I am a high school special ed teacher in Mississippi and the bravest person I know is one of our faculty. Mrs. W (I will call her) was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer before I ever came on staff and she is still fighting the battle. Not only does she take treatments and do all the routine “cancer fighting stuff,” but she still teaches. EVERYDAY, I say. The chemo has injured the nerves in her feet, something that all teachers need to be in tip top shape due to all the standing we do. Instead of letting that get the best of her, she got a power wheel chair and is still trucking! Literally! If anyone is a teacher at this school, it is here. Her students may never hear what she has to say academically, but they will NEVER forget what they have taught her about life…Be brave!


  89. The bravest person I know would be my daughter-Lacey is 13 and she is always there to help anyone any time or place.I had a teacher to tell me the other day what a wonder person she was and that we had a did a fantastic job raising her.We have never had a family vacation because I have had a lot of health issues related to my bladder and my diabetes.So I have had several surgeries to help with it.She is always very understanding.I love her more than life itself.My father passed away Christmas Day 2007 from cancer and she said”God got the best present ever-my papa.”He has a 1997 Ford Ranger truck and she has laid claims on it for her to drive when she gets 16 because Papa would like that.

  90. My dad was the bravest person I know. He lost his battle with prostate cancer 5 years ago, and we just celebrated another birthday without him. To honor him, we all paritcipated in a 5K event for Hospice over the weekend, remembering all of the people who bravely battle cancer.

  91. Like many of the previous comments, I’d have to say my mother. She’s a breast cancer survivor and had the earliest stages of colon cancer. She also was the sole caregiver to her step mother-in-law for 9.5 years (who was an invalid). She’s an amazing woman of God!

  92. One of the bravest people I know is my son Jonathan. From the very moment he was born he was a fighter. He is now 10 years old and has a lifelong condition. He has undergone over 15 brain surgeries and sure to have more in his life. Through it all he keeps a smile on his face and a positive outlook on life. He certainly lives life to the fullest. He never stops to amaze from advocating to what he needs and caring for other people in his class. Jonathan is very brave in my book.

  93. My friend CIssy who recently lost a sister and brother-in-law (husband and wife) within the span of 5 days, and her parents and oldest sister will probably soon pass. Although her heart is breaking, everyday her faith helps her to see the beauty in her midst.

  94. My mom….she’s going through a divorce at 55 and is devastated. She’ll be fine, but it’s hard to watch someone you love so much in so much pain….

  95. That person is my son Jarrett. He is seven years old and has been through more than most adults. Having open heart surgery at two months old he is just an amazing boy. He never meets a stranger, asking them if they believe in Jesus. He is not ashamed to take cards and pass them out at school trying to save souls.

  96. Bravest person I know: My (almost) 3 year-old son. He has been through a lot in his little life and is so resilient and strong.
    Thanks for a great give-away, Lisa! Love the necklace!!

  97. My bestfriend is the bravest “lover” I know. She has a gift of knowing just how to love someone and she will stop strangers on the street to practice it!

  98. I didn’t realize this until I had kids of my own, but now I believe my grandmother is the bravest person I know. She raised four kids by herself on a fruit pickers income in the 1950s and 60s, which is something I cannot imagine doing! I never realized how much bravery is involved in motherhood (parenthood) in general until I had kids.

  99. My sister Anne is the bravest person I know. She is a warm, enthusaistic yet quiet, mom and wife and friend. She has lived with and through the impact of illness and alcoholism and drug dependency in her own and our whole family. She is a lover of nature and words and the spirit that lives deep down all of us. Her home is a place of welcome and joy. When I forget that the spirit is there she reminds me.

  100. The bravest person I know? Well there are *2* of them.. They would be my kiddo’s… It is sooooo different for them, then it was for us growing up.. Times have changed so much…. So we just try our best, so they have a great childhood filled with timeless memories, while preparing them for this big world…

  101. Right now I would have to say all of the wives who have husbands serving overseas and they are here taking care of little ones. I don’t know if I would have the courage to let my husband go! I think they are so brave and I am so grateful for the sacrifices that their families are making on our behalf!

  102. The bravest person I know right now is my sister in law who is struggling with a brain tumor at the age of 53. She has wonderful husband and four beautiful daughters who are putting on a benefit for her this weekend (Oct. 23) which I can’t attend, because I live out of state, but would love to be able to send something.

  103. how did I miss this one! thanks for the reminder on your 10-18 post!!

    one of the bravest people I know is a sweet lady at our church named Barb. She is AMAZING! She took care an an ailing husband, took in her grandkids (she is the youngest grandma ever) while her daughter in law batteled cancer – then found out she herself had cancer – and NEVER once was afraid or worried or overhwelmed! To me that is BRAVE!

    thanks lisa

  104. The bravest person I knew was my friend Kris. She died back in May from breast cancer that had migrated to her lungs and brain. Through hundreds of tests, chemo, radiation, a change of doctors, and finally facing death, she was BRAVE! I hope I can be as brave as her.

  105. my mother in law. She was 8 boys – we loves them and they love her, but I can’t imagine all the hard work it took. Also, I have to say I think those who are and have served this country to protect it’s freedoms are the most amazing people ever.

  106. The bravest person I know is my mom. With 9 children to take care of, she always had time to sit down with us individually and tell us how much she loved us. She taught us to respect ourselves and others and to be kind to those less fortunate. Even on her death bed she worried more about whether or not her children would be alright after she was gone. I thank God every day to have had such a wonderful MOTHER!

  107. My Mother and Father. They both lost their mother’s within a 6 month period and have helped to support my paternal grandfather’s battle with Alzheimer’s through their own losses.

  108. The bravest person I know is my friend Jen Gray! She was written about above by Megan Seager..I too will give the necklace if I win! She is an amazing mom to a very special girl Jordan Joy who was born with amniotic band syndrome! She has endured many surgeries with JJ and always puts her trust and joy in the Lord. She is such an encouragement to so many! I would love to see her with this necklace!

  109. The bravest person I know is my mom. With 9 children to take care of, she always had time to sit down with us individually and tell us how much she loved us and she taught us to respect ourselves and others and to be kind to those less fortunate.

  110. My dad is the bravest person I know. He raised two daughters by himself and never complained about it. He is truly my hero and the person I look up to the most. I admire him for being so brave. He and my sister are my best friends.

  111. My husband is the bravest person I know! He has diabetes and heart disease. He just had to have another stent two weeks ago. He never gives up, he is still so determined to take care of our daughter and me. That is the most inportant thing in the world to him. He is so brave about everything and he is so awesome!! I love him so much!!

  112. The cancer patients I work with. They are the bravest people I know! They receive treatment that takes a huge toll on their bodies without even knowing if it’s going to help them in the end….BRAVE!

  113. The bravest person I know is my 16 year old daughter. I say this because I am a very shy person and she is the complete opposite. She makes a new friend every day, seriously. At school she stands up for the special needs children and makes sure that each one of them that she knows realizes that she is their friend. She loves performing and will get up on that stage and do the silliest things and not care what anyone else might think about her. She is brave to me because I have always lived my life standing in the background afraid to do things that might make people notice me.

  114. The bravest person I know is a woman at my church, who has become a good friend of mine. She have two wonderful children, one of which has an extremely rare disease. So rare, that there really isn’t anyone to turn to for help or support for his condition. Even with that, she takes each day in stride and never seems to get worn out by all of the things of life that have been put her way. She amazes me every day with her strength.

  115. My mom is the bravest person i know without a doubt…she is a single parent who lost her husband at a young age but did a wonderful job raising me and my brother alone

  116. my mom is the bravest person i know. she braved stage IV breast cancer and beat it only to turn around an almost die from a major heart attack while we were on our family vacation this summer! she maintains her courage as she faces these battles and is such an inspiration to all those around here.

  117. I think the bravest people I know are those dear friends who have lost little ones in the womb. Each has older kids who don’t understand and immediately need their capable, peaceful mommy despite the pain of the heart.

  118. My dear friend, Kate, who is a 40 year old mother of three. She was diagnosed this year with a rare form of cancer, that does not have a positive prognosis. She has already had chemotherapy, surgery to remove one lung and part of her diaphragm. and has just started daily radiation treatment. In the midst of all this, she and her husband have GROWN in their faith and love for Christ, hope in HIM and the gospel, and radiate Jesus to everyone. She is beautiful. She is incredibly brave.

  119. Can I say myself? I am working hard to have courage. To accept. To love. I agree with what you said that loving well takes great courage. And I am working hard all the time to have that kind of courage. To live my life fully in love with people who love me.

  120. That was an easy question to answer until I got here…and then the tears filled my eyes. Although there are many brave people in this world of all different walks of life that we all can think of… I think of the three closest to my heart. First (and in no particular order), Mr. D, my soul mate, best friend, one of our town’s bravest men of blue…(24 years already) , and adoptive dad to my 2 most precious gifts in life. Which brings me to no. 2 and no. 3 bravest, God’s gift #1 my 16 yr old son who has worked so very hard to overcome Tourettes and plans a career in law enforcement following in the footsteps of the brave man who he calls “Dad”. And then God’s gift #2 ,who after being misdiagnosed 4 years earlier was then told as an extremely healthy 12 year old boy, that the shadow was indeed a brain tumor. He said, “ok, but can i get back to school? I’m missing science class.” Just my little thoughts on my “Brave Men”. My prayers are with all of the brave others above who need to know that the rest of us are praying for them too.

  121. The bravest person I know is the hospice worker. Tammmy, that worked with my grandmother & grandfather, at different times, when they were both at the end of their lives. She is my hero and showed such love and compassion. I can’t even imagine working with people whom you know you will be saying goodbye to so soon – where your job is to ease the last days of their lives. It must take so much bravery to risk your heart breaking over & over again, or watching the families of those you are caring for go through that process.

  122. The bravest person I know is my son who struggles with a learning disability. He started a new high school this year where he knew no one. He is making friends, doing well, and is finally as happy during the school year as he is in the summer. He’s developing some confidence and self-esteem. The transition was hard for him, but he was brave and it paid off!

  123. I don’t know that I can say I have one person whom I consider brave.
    Some of people I consider the the most brave would be, my sister who was brave for battling through stage 2C ovarian cancer and beating it 1 1/2 yrs ago!
    The brave men and women who fight each and everyday for our freedom! That’s bravery!
    All NYC firefighters who risked their own lives to save the lives of so many people on 9/11.
    Stephanie Nielson who fought off death from a horrific plane crash that just about took her life!
    There are just so many whom I consider brave that I can’t really narrow it down to just one.

  124. The bravest person I know is my SIL…in the past two years she’s lost her mother to Ovarian Cancer, her father was diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease, yet she keeps being positive and looking forward. She just gave birth to a baby boy last week with a cleft palate and he is now in NICU and will be there for at least the next month and then he is facing surgery. She’s staying strong for her Husband, 4 year old son, new baby, and her Father! She’s incredibly brave!

  125. the bravest person i know right now is my pawpaw. he’s battling serious and terminal heath problems. he knows he’s dying and i can’t imagine how scary that must be for him. i know he’s having to be brave because it is always scary to face the unknown, but he is facing it. he has brave love. if i win this necklace, i will wear it as a reminder that this life is short and that we have to love bravely and face the unknown so that at the end of our life we will look back and know that our life was full and we will have no regrets.

    *i facebooked it so this is my extra entry:)

  126. the bravest person i know right now is my pawpaw. he’s battling serious and terminal heath problems. he knows he’s dying and i can’t imagine how scary that must be for him. i know he’s having to be brave because it is always scary to face the unknown, but he is facing it. he has brave love. if i win this necklace, i will wear it as a reminder that this life is short and that we have to love bravely and face the unknown so that at the end of our life we will look back and know that our life was full and we will have no regrets.

  127. My grandmother “Granny” for sure. She has had a difficult life but continues to have a smile on her face and enjoy life. She recently had and beat breast cancer!!

  128. The bravest person I know is my little cousin. For the last two years she has watched her Daddy battling cancer and she has been the most helpful little girl in the world. She is only 6 years old and she helps out daily as much as she can and still manages time to play and be a “little girl” like she should. She knows that Daddy will soon be gone and she is ready to not see him in pain anymore. This is the reason why she is the bravest and most amazing person I know right now.

  129. The bravest person I know is my Mom. Not an original answer but…she is. Battling ovarian cancer, the first round of chemo did nothing. She went from an 80%+ survival rate to less than 20 in 3 months yet…gets up and goes to work every day she can, is battling through round 2 of chemo and keeps a smile on her face practically all the time. She is handling this with more grace and dignity than I could ever imagine possessing. She truly is the bravest person I know.

  130. The bravest person I know is my 17 year old daughter. She headed off to college in Colorado this past August. We live in California and she does not know a single soul in Colorado. She has already made many dear friends and has even joined a sorority! I would never be as brave as her . . . to head off into the unknown, leaving everything I know and love.

  131. The bravest person I know is my 16 year old son, Riley. For 8 years he has helped me, as a single-parent care for his little sister Bailey who was diagnosed with TYPE 1 diabetes. While Bailey’s physical struggle is hard, atleast five injections a day, occasional hospitalizations, Riley is the healthy sibling who quite often comes second when our life screeches to a halt. And it does. Cancelled trips. Cancelled visits. Cancelled dreams for him as he shifts into super responsible mode. He is a striking and tall young man, striking handsome on the inside too. I believe he is the bravest person I know and we are all learning from his empathy and patience. But, I don’t want him to feel too brave, I hope he can voice his needs too,

  132. i think it would have to be christina levasheff. she watched as her beloved son’s body was taken over by disease. in the years since his passing, she has honestly walked through grief and showed me how it’s okay to be where you are at and to not force movement or happiness when it isn’t able to find a home yet.

  133. The bravest people I know are entrepreneurs – because the follow their dreams and never look back.
    – Danielle
    other-option AT hotmail DOT com

  134. The bravest person I know is my 4 year old daughter, SJ. She’s been through numerous surgeries throughout her short life and even endured & conquered a nasty virus that almost took her life this spring. With open-heart surgery on the horizon, she continues to be the warrior that we adore. She always has a smile on her face in even the worst of situations. I wish I had her courage and I am honored to be her mama.

  135. My Children. They are dealing with the humiliation of published acknowledgement that I had my husband arrested for a dui this week. He is a wonderful Christian man well-know in our community, but he has a terrible disease. Any child, spause, parent, friend dealing with this illness is my hero right now. After a year of struggling with my faith, I am so thankful for the moments of grace I have felt these past few days.

  136. Love the necklace, The bravest person I know would be my 18 day old son who caught a virus when he was 5 days old which made him look like he had extreme sunburn which was very painful for him even with the drugs.

  137. The bravest person I know is my grandmother. She is a classy lady who stands up for what she believes in and loves her family boldly. She is a wonderful role model and so brave!

  138. my friend M. She is amazing. She is brave. Right now she is being very brave and venturing out to try something new that requires great courage. I admire her greatly.

  139. I know many brave people and it’s hard to choose, of them is a dear friend who lost her fiance a few months before the wedding, my husband for losing his best friend and a friend who is battling breast cancer. They are all in my eyes are brave, strong and amzing people.

  140. The bravest person I know right this minute is my son. He is working very hard his freshman year in college and having to put up with a very very challenging roommate. I can’t believe his strength, and I admire his ability to take the high road and deal with the situation with class and dignity.

  141. The bravest person I know is my Mom. She was diagnosed in March of 2009 with breast cancer, which as it turns out stemmed from a kidney cancer tumor she had removed 10 years ago! She went through radiation and chemotherapy with pure strength. In December 2009, it was decided the therapy was making her sicker at a faster rate than it was making her well. After discussing the situation with her oncologist, she opted to stop therapy and come home. It is October 2010, and she is with us although is unable to move about as she had all her life. Even through the loss of her independence, her generous spirit is still strong. She is still with us and all things considered doing much better than they expected. She is an amazing women and we love her dearly.

  142. Bravest person I know is my little girl. She is two and at 4 months old had open heart surgery and spent weeks in the hospital recovering and weeks at home recovering. She smiled through most of it and is always such a trooper even when sick..

  143. The bravest person I know if my mother in law…who 2 years ago had cancer..she went through chemotherapy and radiation..then..when she was finally in remission..she started to lose her eyesight….due to the cancer..but they realized it too late… she completely lost her sight..through it all she has been incredible!!

  144. my dad! no matter how he was feeling he always went into work to support his family. he now owns 4 restaurants and they are doing very well. sad that he also suffers from severe headaches that been undiagnosed but he still goes on with his day the best that he can with no complaining.

  145. My mother-in-law, she has cancer and her days are limited…. she embraces everyday with a smile. She is awesome!!

  146. The bravest people I know are the ones who work at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary every day, caretaking animals who’ve been thrown out like trash by the people they loved, and helping them learn to love again.

  147. The bravest person I know is a friend named Renea… She had a brain tumor that she called Bubbles…was told by several doctors all around that it was inoperable…WRONG.. they removed it at M.D. Anderson in Texas and she is back home. She suffers some pretty severe and painful side effects but she praises GOD everyday that she is alive! Go RENEA!!!

  148. my mom is the bravest person i know. we are going through a lot of family junk right now and she hasn’t lost her cool one bit. the family stuff is splitting my extended family in two but mom is keeping on.

  149. My mom is the bravest person I know. She has been through so much physically but still pressed on through faith in Jesus Christ. And all the while continuing to lead a godly life and teach her kids to do the same through her example. What a blessing she is!

  150. The bravest person I know is a friend of mine who still tried to have a baby after her first two sons died shortly after birth….no one thought she should try again, but she did and now she has a beautiful little girl who is 1 1/2 years old now.

  151. the bravest person I know is my husband. He grew up without a family, lived in some foster homes, but was able to find his way and get education, a doctorate, became a well respected professor, and all by making his own way, finding jobs wherever he could.

  152. my brave person is my husband, he takes care of us no questions asked. we have had to move for work for him. and it always works! 😀
    I love him!

  153. My sister is beautifully brave. She lost her first baby and now has three beatutiful ones to hold. She holds her family together and is generous with her time and talents. She’s battled depression and obesity and conqured both. I love her to pieces!

  154. The bravest person I know is my hubby… he takes risks, loves his family unconditionally, and sticks with me though our crazy life!

  155. My dad is the bravest person I know. He has lived with cancer for almost 6 years now. Has to take a “chemo” pill every day to keep the tumors from growing again and the ones that have come back from getting bigger. This pill makes him sick for about two or three days every three weeks but he continues to work and be a great husband, dad and grandfather!

  156. One of the bravest people I know is my birth mother. I enjoy mother hood because of her. I get to her the sound of feet running through my house, and the kisses early in the morning when they get in bed with me to snuggle. I hear the laughter and the tears, but I get them all because of her.

  157. The bravest person I know is my mother. She raised me by herself, ran her own businesses, built houses, moved away from everything she knew to get me a better education, went to college while I went to high school and earned her degree and was top of her class, inspired me to go to college and then graduate school to become qualified to do a job I love everyday, again moved away from everything she knew to follow her dreams, and embraces life to the fullest everyday. She is an inspiration to me to not be afraid, not not hold back, to leap for my dreams.

  158. The bravest person I know is my daughter, Michelle. She takes on anything for right with a passion. She flew to Liberia alone to adopt two children to add to her already beautiful family. I’m proud of call her my daughter.

  159. My women friends are all so brave…whether we are facing huge obstacles or courageously loving our husband, kids and our God day in and day out with passion….I am so encouraged. Love the necklace…love, love, love.

  160. The bravest person I know is my 2 year old nephew, Peyton. He has been diagnosed with Medulloblastoma. In the past few weeks he has had 3 tumors removed from his brain, 3 shunt surgeries, and is now undergoing chemotherapy. He will be having chemotherapy, radiation, and at least one more brain surgery over the next two years. He has been through so much but he always keeps us all smiling and laughing. He is a fighter and we believe he will beat the odds of this horrible disease. He keeps us believing. That little boy is our whole world! Every day I thank God for the blessing of having the most amazing nephew and thank God for giving him a Daddy and family that love him very very much!

  161. My mother is the bravest person I know. My parents divorced when my brother and I were young. She moved back to her home state to start anew with us. Went back to school to make a better life for us. When she met my stepfather came into our lives she brought an opportunity to us where we were able to move to europe. That was one of the best experiences in my life after having my children and meeting my wonderful husband.

  162. My daddy. He served our country in the U.S. Army for nearly 30 years …. he just recently retired, but is now working for a government-contracted company that helps with logistics and soldier training and strategy in Iraq. My daddy will be flying out to Iraq next year – and will be away for 1, entire year. Although we will all miss him terribly … I am so honored and proud to say that I have such a brave father – a man who loves the U.S. dearly!

  163. The bravest person I know would have to be my husband. The last 3 years have been hard for us financially. He is self-employed and has taken every job that has come along just to have money coming in. He has applied for nearly 400 jobs. He has always been self-employed and for 25 + years that was great. When the recession hit it was hard. But, we still have our home, still eat and still laugh. He is the best!

  164. The bravest person I know right now is my grandma. She is battling cancer for the thrid time in 18 months. At 77 she is fighting it with all she has and even though her tratment makes her feel like a truck ran her over, she still gets up and goes and never gives up on the fight for one more day. I hope to that strong.

  165. The bravest person I know….that is a tough one. I think that my friend, Danielle is the bravest person I know at the moment. She and her husband have been trying so hard to have a baby for years now. She has decided to make one last attempt at it. If this doesn’t work they will look at adoption options. She has been through so much, and through it all she has had faith that whatever God has planned for her will be wonderful. I admire her courage so much.

  166. My husband, Cameron is the bravest person I know. He is a firefighter. Running in when everyone else is running out. . .I don’t think it gets any braver than that. His faith in God is amazing and his perseverance is admirable. He’s definitely my hero.

  167. The bravest person I know, is my dad. He has been through many different accidents (hit by a drink driver amongst others), and surgeries (most recently for cancer) and I just have always though of him as my hero!

  168. My dad is the bravest person I know. He worked several different jobs while we were growing up in addition to building up his own business just to make things nice for our family.

  169. The bravest person I know is my mom. She has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. She is facing it with peace, acceptance, and love. she set an example that we all should follow.

  170. my husband, chanler, is the bravest person i know. he works at a crappy job to make ends meet for us and he does so much for so many and it doesn’t occur to him how special he is for even a moment. (he’s reading a book to my son right now, complete with crazy voices, as i type this.) <3

  171. My mom, who has a mild case of spina bifida and eventually had to have a leg amputated due to nerve and circulation damage but who nonetheless had two kids, taught elementary school for 30 years and is an unflagging volunteer for her church and community.

  172. Myl ittle boy Jacob is the bravest person I know…He was born premmie and faught for his life so many times since then…he has a life threatening airways closure illness…that we are really struggling to figure this illnes out after 9 years…its unheard of really…he fights for breath…literally…on such a regular basis…yes he asks me if he is going to die…but i think that is brave too….he really is my hero and the bravest sou I know….thanks for the chance to win and thankyou for letting me share…xxx

  173. The bravest person I know ~ well don’t really know her at least have never met her in person, but her name is Judy Beasley and she has faced life and death with an amazing amount of grace.

  174. My husband, for braving it to work and back everyday, without complaining and without fail. 🙂 He is a steadfast medieval warrior! Haha. And I love ‘im!

  175. The bravest person I know, was my 20 year old brother Cory. He was killed in Iraq 2 years ago. I miss him everyday. But he lives on in the eyes of my sweet daughters. I know scary it was for him over there, but he never complained, just wanting to protect our freedom. Which he did until his last breath. Yes, Cory was and always will be the bravest person I know. xoxo

  176. My friend Amy. She travels around the country with 2 little ones, following her hubby and often living out of a one-bedroom hotel room while homeschooling. I think she’s so brave to go on these grand adventures as a family!! And I love how simple her life is without all that STUFF dragging things down–they can just get up and go!!

  177. I have several….my Mom who faught with all her might against melanoma never letting on how how serious the situation was because she didn’t want us to worry. I miss her terribly. My best friend who lost her husband and is raising her kids on her own….and doing an awesome job! My little girls who always try new things, things that I never had the courage to do!

    Love your site and designs- annie

  178. My husband. He decided to go back to school while married with 3 kids and now one on the way. he is going to school to better our future together. He is really brave!

  179. my hubs! he was recently diagnosed with a chronic illness and our life is upside down. he still makes me laugh, feel safe, and keeps me grounded in truth. love him!

  180. the bravest person I know is Jesus. He walked on this earth. He was scoffed, beaten and killed… for me, for all of us! That is bravery at its best!

  181. The bravest person I know lives every day in surrender to God’s will for her life … willing to look crazy in the world’s eyes. She embraces each day as a journey and wants to please only one … God. Going through trials and finding peace that passes all understanding. Praising in the storm. Bravery to me is not found in one specific person, but in the character of so many.

  182. My grown daughter. Recently divorced and mother of two small children. Alone and trying to start a new life on her own. As a stay at home mom, she has struggled to find a job that would be able to allow her to live on her own and provide for her children, not to mention the divorce itself. She had been brave and tried so hard to keep moving forward. How I wish I could take her pain away.

  183. Wow, it is really difficult to define just one person that I find the bravest… I think that if I have to pick “just one” I’m gonna go with my best friend. Although she’s been fortunate enough to live a blessed life full of love and good health, she is gay. She is stuck in a life that forces her to hide herself from so many people, and prevents her from being legally recognized as a family. She is strong, wonderful, and oh so brave.

  184. My students. I am lucky to be vice-principal at a school all for students will both physical and developmental disabilities. All of my students have a huge number of barrier to overcome physically as they are all medically fragile. Many of them have rare genetic disorders or other health conditions that limit their mobility and communication. They are the most resilient and wonderful children I have ever met. They meet each day with a smile and are so brave every day. I love my job and all the joy they bring to everyone they meet.

  185. My husband is the bravest and strongest person I know. he is not afraid to try new things, step out of his comfort zone. he is my best friend. I think your family Lisa is very brave,all of the challenges you continue to face with your prec ious son is a testimony to us all. God bless!

  186. The bravest people I know are the parents whose children I care for. I am a nurse in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and the grace and love so many parents show for their sick babies is amazing and touching.

  187. The bravest person I know right now is my friend Lisa, who was just given a fatal diagnosis for her second child. He is currently 20 weeks in utero, we are praying constantly for him and for her.

  188. My friend Sue. She puts her mind to something and does it. She wanted to do the iron man and didn’t know how to swim but she learned and finished the iron man.

  189. The bravest person I know is my mother – cancer survivor. single mother, all around beautiful embodiment of courage.

  190. The bravest person I know is my 12 year old son Garrett who has undergone 3 open heart surgeries! He is my hero and my miracle boy. He has had to endure so much in his short life and never have I once heard him complain or say life it isn’t fair! He was only born with half of a funcitoning heart but lives his life like he has a full heart! Lisa I have been following your blog and know what you are getting ready to go through! Trust in God with all your heart and I know he will take care of your boy! That is how I have made it through the last 12 years. I have had to fully trust God and give him my boy to watch over! I won’t lie open heart surgery is scary but we have the lord on our side!

  191. Right now, my sister came to my mind….she’s been through a lot in the past several years, but last year she decided to try to make a career for herself and go back to school in nursing. She has some learning challenges, so this is harder for her than the ‘average’ person so it’s been really tough. She doesn’t live near any of the rest of our family and has no support in that way…she’s doing it on her own. Last week, she had a final where if she didn’t do really well, she wouldn’t pass the class and she’d get kicked out of the program….well, she studied so hard, and I prayed like crazy for her and she got an A on the test!!! Whoo hoo!

  192. Gosh, for some reason that’s a tough question to answer. I have never really given it that much thought. I would have to say that it’s my Dad. Seven years ago he had to have quadruple bypass surgery. Facing that was terrifying for me, I could only imagine what it was like for him. Since then, he has had a lot of issues with his health, and through it all he perseveres and to quote my favorite movie, he ‘keeps on swimming’.

  193. I would have to say you.
    Being a mama of a special needs son myself ( Jonas is 4 with a mitochondrial disorder), I found your blog to be downright humbling…To see your creativity,hope,joy,beauty,vulnerability really inspires me to see my life for what it really is. BEAUTIFUL! I have a tendency to feel slightly victimish and overwhelmed, stumbling upon your blog has really given me inspiration and when I am down it has been wonderfully refreshing and fun to check in on you and your family. You are awesome, Thank you!

  194. Love this new necklace!! The bravest person I know would probably be my Grandma. She has raised 5 daughters, survived one husband and one late-in-life partner and is still going strong (well…not as strong as she used to be, but hopefully she’ll be around for a while still!) We share a birthday so I’m hoping some of her courage and strength will rub off on me 🙂

  195. The bravest person I know is my friend Jen. Jordan was born with ambiotic band syndrome. It is rare. She has undergone about 10 surgeries in her 4 years. Her hands, her feet, her face were all affected by this band that wrapped around her while she was developing in Jen’s womb. Jen has put her hope in the Lord alone, and it has been so clear how she has clung to HIS word through her trials. If I win this necklace, I will give it to her. She deserves it!

  196. My 18 year old daughter is the bravest person I know. At age 6 she was diagnosed with lyme disease and babesiosis. Her diagnosis was delayed which caused years of complications and lots of treatment. As a result of being infected with 2 tick borne illnesses she does not have a strong immune system and has been hospitalized several times for what should be minor illnesses. While in high school we found out that her tibias grew improperly and had to be rotated. This involved cutting the bones in half and holding them in the correct position with rods and screws. It took 2 years and 4 very painful surgeries. Unfortunately, because the lyme disease affected her peripheral nervous system, each time she had surgery she suffered from months of severe nerve pain that could not be controlled. What amazes me is her positive attitude, sheer bravery and her willingness to undergo surgery despite the fact that she knows how painful it would be. Her legs and knees have large scars from the surgeries but she does not try to hide them. Seeing her suffer has been unbearable. This would have stopped me in my tracks…I’m sure of it. But she is more determined than ever to press on and find a way to make the world a better place. She is now a sophomore in college pursuing a degree in biology and has decided to dedicate her life to cancer research. I would give this necklace to her so she could have a daily reminder of how brave she is.

  197. Luke Jensen, a family friend of ours, recently lost his battle with AML Leukemia. Luke was such a brave little boy, who’s hope was in the Lord. His family continues each day, bravely putting one foot in front of the other 🙂

  198. My mom….over the years she has been through so much and always came out on top to be stronger. I admire her strength, nothing can get her down.

  199. My dad. Visiting him today on day 4 of his chemo and he’s dealing with it soooo much better than I thought he would. It’s just the rest of us that are falling apart xx

  200. I am a hospice nurse and I took care of a 7 year old girl with multiple sclerosis. I learned so much about LIVING and being brave from that tiny girl.

  201. My co-worker Sheree is the bravest person I know. Her husband and son serve in the military and were stationed in Iraq at the same time two years ago. While they were gone, she took care of their homes and assitted with her husbands business, and managed to do her job in a top notch way. She recently found out her husband has been recalled to Afghanistan and her son is going back to Iraq. She says she is not brave, but does what she has to do. I don’t think I could even function worrying about them both! I admire her for her bravery and courage, and I would like to give a necklace to tell her so.

  202. Today…the bravest person I know is my uncle who passed away this morning from misery to glory after a long fight with cancer. Coming in at a close second would be his wife and my grandmother who will miss his presence the very most!

  203. My husband is a very brave man! We have many challenges here with our son who has some very special needs. My husband helps to keep us all “together” when the tough gets tougher.

  204. My son is the bravest person I know. He is almost 3 and may soon be diagnosed with being somewhere on the Autism Spectrum. Things are much harder for him to learn and he has difficulty communicating with us. Hoping and praying for the best for my son.

  205. The bravest person I know… son’s best friend, Sammy. He’s 4 years old. When he was in the womb, he was diagnosed with spina bifida. The Doctors told his Mom to abort. She refused.

    Beautiful Sammy was born in 2006, whisked into surgery after surgery and has defied so many odds I just cry at the thought. Things the Doctor said he’d never do that he CAN DO: walk (with a walker), talk, eat, hear, see, play, live without pain.

    He was diagnosed with epilepsy and possibly diabetes recently. When they left the hospital he told them he had a nice stay and had alot of fun.

    He is such a blessing to me and I love him SO much.

  206. That would have to be my son. He’s 10 and has ADHD/Asperger’s and every day presents challenges for him. He’s old enough now to know he’s different, but he never gives up. I tell him often that I’m proud to be his mom!

  207. It is a bit redundant…but my mom (and dad too!) At the beginning of the year, they found themselves with both their remaining parents living with them with sudden illnesses…after countless doctor visits and lots of time on their knees…they both went to be with the Lord in these last few months…it has been immeasurable…but they continue to encourage all of us in the midst of their fatigue and grief.

  208. Thank you for this giveaway! The bravest person I know is the mom of our foster baby. She is brave enough to release her children knowing it is what is best for them, even though her own heart is breaking.

  209. the bravest person I know is my dad. He is celebrating 3 years of being cancer free. He had Ocular Melanoma and lost his eye. He is still going strong though. He works, drives and makes windsor chairs. He is a godly example of a man of strength and wisdom. He is so brave to be out living life!

  210. Right now I would say MYSELF 🙂
    In December I’ll have three kids under 3!
    Wow! I can’t believe it myself!

  211. The bravest person I know is Hannah Kelly. Hannah was diagnosed with cancer in her arm a 3.5 years ago. She and her family lived in the Ronald McDonald house in Rochester Minnesota while she underwent surgery, chemo and radiation … This brave little girl is now in 8th grade, and thriving, while coping with the loss of some functions of her arm.

    Thanks for the giveaway! You’re awesome Lisa!

  212. I feel as I’m blessed to know many brave people. It’s incredibly hard to choose just one! I think I’ll just leave it vague and say that the many friends I have who have sacrificed an easy, comfortable, affluent life to step out and adopt waiting children. Many of these children are older, have medical needs etc. and yet these families are so committed to healing and helping their child. I am so humbled by their lives.

  213. The bravest person I know would have to be my mom.. she has faced so many challenges in her life, the breast cancer at 22, the loss of my father and still managed to raise 3 wonderful children. she is my hero and every day I am proud to call her mine.

  214. My ten year old neice just broke her femur bone- 8 hours before seeing a dr and go a full day and a half before surgery. Now she has a rod in her leg, is walking with a walker and needs an adult to help her go to the bathroom. We all know how ten year olds need their privacy! She is toughed out the pain and is staying positive.

  215. Ok, I’m entering this for my friend Shannon. She is a beautiful mother of 3 young kiddos. About a year and a half ago she was diagnosed w/a super rare form of cancer in her hip. After giong thruogh various tests and chemo she ended up having to have half of her hip/pelvic bone removed. Through more chemo and physical terapy she has regained the ability to walk (apparently the scar tissue from the procedure builds up enough to help her support her weight) but the cancer has come back in her lungs and vertebrae She has tried several different types of chemo, lost her hair twice traveled great distances to get the best care she can find. She is literally battling for her life and never complains.

  216. My friend Nancy is. She gave birth naturally to 3 boys (one of which was breech), survived a bitter divorce from a man who wanted nothing to do with the kids. She raised them completely on her own. Helped her middle child go through addiction and rehab, is helping her older child with his battle of bi-polar disease, and is teaching her youngest to use his wings and fly on his own … all the while battling her own demons of manic depression (her best friend was brutally murdered last year) and addiction (she passed her 2 years sober anniversary on Oct. 3rd!).

    I’m so proud of her and her brave soul.

  217. My son. He had ADD — you can practically see neurotransmitters firing in the air above his head — and pervasive anxiety. With all that, he has started several new schools, makes new friends and has an insatiable love of learning. I love his courage and curiosity.

  218. The bravest person I know is my daughter…She’s only 15 years old now but she is fearless, determined, strong willed, outgoing and courageous. Ever since she was a little girl I’ve always said her life theme song was from the Mia Hamm & Michael Jordan Commercial with the music playing in the background of .. anything you can do I can do better. I’m so proud of her and I am enjoying the journey of watching her growing into a beautiful young woman.

  219. My husband! He is a police officer & volunteer fire fighter and faces things every day that I can’t even imagine! He proudly does his job in the face of danger and I’m proud he’s mine!

  220. To All Parents like my husband and myself who are raising a child with special needs. No one can truly know what it is like to worry on a daily basis if your son or daughter will make it in this world once you are gone.

  221. Besides you??:) I would have to say everyone that is dealing with children’s health issues. My goodness they are all brave. To sit and watch one of your babies be sick is the most terrible thing, and those mother and fathers that have to endure that I pray for your strenghth and bravory!!!!

    My husband! To put up with our household takes someone brave! lol… We have a 2 children. One 13, and one 6mos. We didn’t think we could have another baby and 12 years later we had our baby girl. My husband is one brave man to endure this all over again at our age. Sleepless nights, changing diapers, cleaning up throw up, and working a job that requires 14 hours a day 6 days a week and still has the time to be an involved father going to ball games, school functions and doing bath time and reading stories!

  222. Megan, a close friend of mine. She is a young, single foster parent that just adopted two of the children she has been fostering for the past 2 1/2 years. She will take in the children that no one else will, the ones that have been moved more times than you can count on one hand in their short little lives. The children she just adopted are 4 and 2 1/2, she has had them since the youngest was born. The youngest had no prenatal care and was born 10 weeks early, the oldest was diagnosed “Failure to Thrive”. She took them on anyway and has given them a forever home. This is bravery, selfless-ness and love if I have ever seen it.

    And did I mention that next month she is going to Guatemala to volunteer in an orphanage?

  223. My best friend is the bravest person that I know. She is just one of those people who makes taking chances look easy. I am inspired by her every day!

  224. My daughter would probably be the bravest person I know. Even at the age of 4, she has been through so much. She was a very sickly baby, spending numerous nights in hospital emergency rooms for ear infections, burst ear drums, bleeding from her ears, 105 temps, acid reflux, etc. I was told by 3 doctors that I would not carry her and expect a miscarriage, but I proved them wrong and my miracle baby was born.
    Ive raised her alone–her father didn’t want her when i was pregnant. He came around for a year, and just recently left again, looking her straight in the eyes and telling her he’s “never coming back.” Counseling has helped, but we still struggle on a daily basis. She knows that “mommy and I are a team” and that i am never leaving her. Even through it all, she has such a sweet and loving heart. Her teachers at school adore her, and even told me that my daughter is the reason she enjoys coming to work. She said she is “such a blessing and has the most compassionate heart.”
    I would probably give her my necklace if I won (or at least let her wear it.) She LOVES jewelry and I know she would love to have a necklace with her name on it.
    Thank you for the chance to win.

  225. I am unable to narrow my answer down to just one person…I am blessed to have several very brave people in my life. My Mom, my Dad & my husband are all exceptionally brave. I am constantly encouraged & inspired by their kind, strong hearts.

  226. The bravest people I know are all the kids that I have the priviledge of working with every day. From birth to 14, they each have special gifts and special challenges that most of us will never have to face in our own lives. Each day they greet me every day with a smile or a big hug, no matter what. How lucky am I?

  227. my friend alison – who died after battling brain tumors bravely for 6 years… she was a wife, an amazing mother whose positive attitude and strength was so inspiring – even more so during my own battle with a brain tumor… xo

  228. My mother… (who I terribly miss) Cancer took her 16 years ago, when she was just 54 years old. I remember how brave she was — though her heart was breaking. We had so much more to share. She just kept worrying about me and how hard it was going to be for me to be without her. A BRAVE MOTHER TO THE END…

  229. The bravest person I know is my grandma. She has survived breast cancer and a brain tumor. She had a mastectomy and lost sight in her eye from the tumor. You could never tell either one of these things. She always recovered and then went back to being a nurse to help others. Even when she was able to retire, she kept helping others until the age of 70. She acts like she is 21… always on the go and always traveling even across seas. She is the most amazing, bravest person I know.

  230. The bravest person I know is my 19 year old daughter. She was born with Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum which means the the main communication center between the right and left hemispheres of her brain never developed and is totally absent. She is absolutely amazing! Life can be challenging and full of fearful situations when you can’t process information like normal people, but my daughter pushes through life like a champ simply because she’s brave enough to face it head on. She could stay inside her own little world, terrified of everything that she doesn’t understand, but she doesn’t. She gets out and faces her fears and attacks every situation with the bravest spirit I know.

  231. My mother-in-law! She lives with a medical condition daily, never complains, and is a constant reminder of God’s love. I am so blessed to have her in my life.

  232. Gosh, this may sound cliche or silly, but I’d have to say all of the wonderful mothers in my life. I think often of the quote that refers to your child as your heart running around outside your body and it is so true. For all of the mom’s in my life that are so invested in their children, who love them with their whole heart and who walk through some of lives hardest and scariest moments with their kiddos.

    Happy Friday!

  233. I am privileged to work with the bravest people I know. I work at a Cancer Center. It goes without saying that our patients have strength beyond measure and are true heroes in their battles with this horrible disease. What is often overlooked are the people who care for oncology patients. It takes a special person to meet, treat, and grow to love a cancer patient and their families and often times watch them die. Then this special caregiver gets up and goes back to work and does it all over again. It’s not just the doctors, nurses and therapists to which I refer. Every employee in the center, regardless of their job description, goes above and beyond their professional roles to provide compassion and care to our patients. I am honored to work with them all.

    Dr. Cindy Perkns, R.N., Ph.D.
    Clinical Research Coordinator
    Tuscaloosa, AL

  234. I lady from church. Her husband passed away 3 years ago from cancer, 6 months later her mother passed away from cancer, 6 months after that her brother passed away, also with cancer. Recently while sharing a thought on coping with hard things, she said, “I don’t know why I was asked to share, I feel like I live a pretty charmed life.” Wow. True inspiration.

  235. The bravest person I know is my mom. She is the “mother” of everyone in our family. She takes care of everyone (her sisters, nieces, nephews, my family, EVERYONE) and always puts other people first…even if she’s not feeling well!! She’s had a couple of cancer scares (thank you Lord that they ended up false scares) but she continued, even through those difficult times, to care for everyone else. If I could half the woman she is, I would be so blessed. :o)

  236. I work in marketing for a children’s cancer hospital, and the sweet babies I write about every day to raise money are the bravest souls I know.

  237. My Mom is the bravest person i know right now as she was just diagnosed with breast cancer and is preparing for a fight that she is not willing to lose!

  238. The bravest person I know is my mom. She was raised by a mother who had a mental illness, but my mom survived and blossomed. She is beautiful and artistic, and spent her life teaching others about the joy of music. She is a kind, compassionate, and passionate mom and a wonderful grandmom. I only hope I will do as well with my daughter. Thank you for the giveaway. I would love to give her this gift.

  239. My friend, Crystal. She is finding the courage to end an abusive relationship and do what is best for her baby son. She is so brave and strong, and yet with all she is going through, she still finds the time to be caring, supportive, and empathetic to all of her friends. I don’t know how she does it! We’re all anxious about her upcoming court date and hoping this will be over, although we know it a sense it will never truly be ‘over’, for her. Better days are ahead. And she soooo derserves them!!!

  240. The bravest person I know would be my friend Rob. She passed away last year from ovarian cancer.
    She put up a inspiring fight and I look to her for my inspiration.

  241. the bravest person i know would be my daughter. She went to heaven to be with Jesus as an infant. She is brave and gives me so much strength to get thru things. I look to her everyday for the strength and patience to get thru each day:) She is my brave angel.

  242. The bravest person I know is the sweet birthmother who gave us our little Hope 3 years ago tomorrow! She trusted us fully and didn’t even need to meet us before handing us our angel swaddled so tight. We love you Antonette!

  243. the bravest person i know is my cousin, lori…who is caring for her mother who has had alzheimer’s for over 10 years now…she also, at the same time, cared for her dad until the day he died from his battle with cancer. she has done it – the entire time – with a smile on her face, and takes each moment and seeing it as a blessing. that has got to be hard to do…i really admire her..

  244. The bravest person I know is my Dad. My mom died when I was just three and he was left to raise 4 kids all under 10 all by himself. He raised 4 happy, healthy, productive children, and He’s an amazing man.

  245. Is it terrible to say that I am the bravest person that I know? Here is why……. I feel that I have shown true bravery to myself, I moved away from my home and everyone I know, to pursue a relationship that I felt would be THE relationship and have now been with my husband for 13 years. Before we became serious I told him that I would most likely not be able to have children and he simply said “we’ll adopt”. We tried fertility treatments for several years and each month braved the intense procedures with no success. Soon after we stopped fertility treatments, I found out that I was pregnant, only to miscarry two days later. Two years later we adopted our daughter, she is now five.

  246. my friend Velda — married early on to a spouse abuser, finally found her soulmate who helped her raise two of the greatest men I know, lost that spouse to cancer in less than 4 months during her youngest son’s senior year in high school, she remarried to another cancer widow and raised his second grade twins girls and another son, almost lost this spouse in a burn accident spending up to a year in the burn unit in Tampa. She has recently battled breast cancer and is not in remission, and they’ve just been told this spouse has cancer as well. She smiles, and loves God, and plays with grandbabies and lives like there is no promise of tomorrow!

  247. The bravest person I know is my daughter Lillie who is 3 and has has 2 open heart surgery’s! She is the bravest little patient ever! She has taught our family so much about faith in God, patience and love! Her imagination and doctor skills on her stuffed animals is amazing! I hope to grow up to be like her.

  248. My husband is brave – he does everything with such a happy heart. He doesn’t always get to see where the path is taking him, but does what he needs to so that his family knows they are loved and supported. Truly an amazing man!!

  249. hi lisa,
    i can say, having met you, the bravest person i know right now, is you.

    i don’t know how it must feel to be facing such a serious operation with your sweet son. but i hope you will continue to find the place inside you, to comfort you, when you need it most.

    thinking of you,
    with love,
    lori (happy necklace now lives in germany, i paid it forward ☺)

  250. The bravest person I know is my son, Zach. He was an only child for ten years and all the while he was growing up I was always amazed at how he would start something new, like a sport, and just put himself out there. For example, he has basketball camp every summer and that first day, when he doesn’t know anyone, he just goes out onto the court and starts playing.

    He is the complete opposite of me in that respect. I was the 3rd of 4 children and I would NEVER have done that. In fact, I would have refused to get out of the car. I’m still a scaredy cat.

    He is my hero ( and this is only ONE reason why 🙂

  251. The bravest person I know is a woman who never gave up on her dreams. She is one who finds something of value in each moment, each experience, and most of all sees value in the heart of each person she meets. Human beauty, intelligence, or clothing never get in the way to her…she is the one who looks for someone needing a friend, a smile, or just a touch. She is gentle and quiet … laughs heartily, teaches and plays with her children, and cry’s with others that are hurting. She gives of herself rather than money, and recognizes that each person’s worth is not decided by anything or anyone other than the same God she serves. This was my Mom….always gracious, always patient and loving, never a harsh word….a lover and follower of Jesus Christ. She walks the streets of heaven now….Can’t wait to see her again.

  252. My friend Dallas is the bravest person I know. Her son was hit by a car and has an aquired brain injury and a couple of months later her daughter was diagnosed diabetic. She refuses to have any animosity towards the couple who were in charge of her son at the time of the accident. Her relationship with her husband is stronger that ever. Every day she gets out of bed and deals with whatever life is offering her with a smile on her face and hope in her heart. She is my hero.

  253. I am brave, I have been told.
    I don’t know if brave is the right word though, because when life hands you circumstances, we all just do what we have to do, don’t we?

    I was born with CP (Cerebral Palsy).
    I am 44 years old now,
    Single. Mostly alone, because death, and the grief of having a disabled ‘child’ has separated my family.

    I am one of the ‘lucky’ ones; I walk, drive, am able to live independently, and I was even able to work full-time at one time.

    But, being this kind of lucky takes a lot of work.
    I have had more surgeries than I can count.
    Spent over 35 years of my life in physical therapy appointments.
    worn braces on my legs,
    get Botox injected in to my legs- every four months.
    Feel at once abundantly blessed, fortunate, and conspicuously different.

    I couldn’t be true to myself or to God by not trying to do my best with the life I have been given; does that make me brave?

    I dunno- but it is a lovely necklace!

    Thank you for reading, and hearing my heart Lisa!

  254. Right now a friend’s daughter. Her mom is dying of cancer right now and for her to stand by her mom and family has got to be the bravest thing. She loves the Lord, she loves her mom. If I could win one of these and give it to her, that would be wonderful. I would still buy it if I don’t win.

  255. oops–I posted this under “What I Wore on Wednesday” instead of here. Repeat:

    My dear friend, Susan P., who knew your sister in CA, sent me to your site when she saw my silver jewelry, and am I ever glad she did!

    To answer your question, **who is the bravest person you know?** I reply it is currently my uncle, who is battling bronchioalveolar carcinoma. He is age 64 and an avid bicyclist who, in the fall in Michigan, is still at it, despite being Stage 4. He’s hit some real lows, but seems to be experiencing miraculous healing! Before him, though, it was young (age 3) Mary Claire, who fought against & lost to a brain tumor…

    On a daily basis it is my friend, Tiffany, whose son is autistic and often escapes from their house on a whim, only to be tracked by ankle bracelet so he can be safely returned home. For each of these (& more) faith plays a major key–we thank God for his grace & amazing mercy!!

  256. My mom. Six years ago my younger brother died suddenly when he was 19. Now that I have a child of my own almost everyday I think about how devastating it was for her, and would be for any mother. Beyond the daily thoughts of my brother, I I also reflect on the strength of my mother during that awful time and those thoughts get me through my own down times.

  257. The bravest person I know is my oldest son Seth. He will be 10 in November. He is special needs and has autism and even though people have treated him differently and made fun of him…he is nevr shy, is always friendly and outgoing and makes friends so easily. I wish I had his confidence.

  258. I’d have to call a tie, between my father, and my son. We’ve nicknamed them IronMan, and Superman…they’re both so brave!!

  259. The bravest person I know at the moment is my little sis who just had to return to work after maternity leave. She hates leaving her little girl in the mornings…it takes all she has to walk out the door!

  260. Oh this is hard…so many people, in so many ways, big and small….but I would have to say my mom. She has been through so much change in the last few years, from having to give up her home and relocate to a smaller home away from the coastal community she loved> She had to leave a job she enjoyed and was good at, and had to take one that she doesn’ t like but has to keep because my dad is on disability and can’t work (making my mom the breadwinner.) My mom also got her own horse, at age 55, a few years ago and has overcome her fear of horses to become a cowgirl. Even after getting bucked off her horse a year ago, she got back in the saddle, as scary as it was! My mom was also recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and her job is very physical so she is often dealing with pain. But she works out, eats well, makes time for her horse, and her hubby and her family….she is so loving! I love her and I am so proud of her!!!!
    Beautiful necklace, thanks for the chance to win! 🙂

  261. bravest person i know is my son cameron, who suffers from reactive attachment disorder and has a really tough life right now, as we are getting him help to heal. amazing kid.

  262. My niece Aubrey is the bravest person I know right now. Her 7 week old baby just left the hospital after 4.5 weeks of being there. Baby P almost died about a month ago, had heart surgery less than 2 weeks ago, and amazingly went home today! God is so good. And Aubrey has been strong and courageous through it all. Changed forever. I love her!

  263. My mom, she has battled Lymes Disease and chronic debilitating migraines for the last 20 years. Through all of the pain and difficult days, she somehow has a smile and a warm hug for family and friends. The depression had gotten so bad at one point that she considered suicide…she thought she was too big a burden to us. In her last cry for help she reached for the bible and thought to herself,….Iwith my eyes closed, ‘m going to open the bible and point to a spot on the page. That message will decide my fate. The message she pointed to was one of everlasting love and faith that love overcomes all pain and sorrow. From that day on she has continued to fight for her life. She still battles horrible days, but she is MUCH better. Praise the lord for reminding my mom of her strength, and of those that love her dearly.
    My mom is the bravest person I know. (-;

  264. The bravest person that I know is my mom. She is so strong. After having an open heart operation thats went wrong. She survive that way, raise me, send me to college, and continue to help me know with my son. Love you mom.

  265. The bravest person right would be your little one to not know what is ahead of him and I pray that all goes well. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. We are enjoying our first grandson and know that each day is a gift from God and what we do with that gift is up to his parents and those who touch his life everyday.

  266. My husband. I am proud and blessed to be married to a man that is willing to fight and defend and be brave for me. I heart that guy. 🙂

  267. The bravest person I know is my father. After farming his entire life with his father he is taking on the challenge of harvesting the crops for only the 2nd time in all of his 58 years without his hero, his Dad. My Dad is brave & so grateful for everything he has everyday.

  268. My friend Beth is the bravest person I know. Shes been through so much in her life and keeps on forging forward! Shes in med school now at the top of her class and nothing seems to stop her.

  269. The bravest person I know is my friend, DeAnn: wife, mom (of 4), daughter (of a dad with early-onset Alzheimer’s), Air Force Major and breast cancer survivor. She’s real and yet, super-above-the-curve fantastic.

  270. My Mom. She escaped an abusive relationship with nothing but the clothes on her back. She has since made a wonderful life for herself. Her example gave me the courage to leave an abusive relationship as well.

  271. the bravest person I know is actually a young mom who passed away yesterday from an 12 month battle with pancreatic cancer. She went through so much pain and suffering but never focused on herself, just always encouraged others. I pray I never have to go through the fires she did but could live life with a fraction of her bravery.

  272. That would have to be my husband, whom I don’t think I give enough credit to everyday for all that he does. I think I will go call him and tell him that I think he is the bravest person I know.

  273. Actually both my Mom and Dad, My brother just passed away and to watch their strength during this whole ordeal is amazing!

  274. The bravest person I know is anyone who has to deal with health struggles day in and day out…they are so brave tackling each day and fighting through it!

  275. I sat with my husbands grandmother today, watching her struggle to breathe as her body shuts down. The hospice has said she has days left and I realized how brave she is, facing the unknown of life after death. It has to be so frightening and yet she bravely told her daughter last week that she was ready to see her other family now.

  276. The bravest person I know is my oldest grandson Alex who has had more than 30 surgeries in his life and still every day teaches the rest of us what bravery really is. His dad, my son and his mom are brave every single day. We are blessed to have this boy in our daily lives. I would love to get a square necklace with the names of my two grandsons on it, Alex and Todd! Your work is beautiful.


    I came over from Saavy Southern Style and Low Tide High Style although I already have you in my favorites waiting to order one of these days, now I am thinking Christmas gifts for my daughter and daughter in law.

  277. Proudly, I would have to say myself 🙂 I am quite proud of myself in the last 12 months 🙂
    I have had A LOT of health complications after the birth of my daughter…SO MANY doctor appointments, surgeries, nerve damage, and physical therapy. I think I have remained very strong and most importantly positive through it all and have continued to try to be the very best mommy I can be 🙂 I LOVE being a mommy and it makes it all worth it. It has been the most challenging year of my life I can honestly say…but I am proud of how I handled it. Wow, I feel better just writing this 😉

  278. My dad is probably the bravest person I know. In his life he’s overcome a brain tumor and prostate cancer. He’s been suffering the effects of a stroke the past 7 years. Life always seems to be throwing something at him and not once does he ever complain.

  279. My Mum is definitely the bravest person I know. She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 20 years ago, she is unable to walk, has lost the vision in one eye and is in severe and constant pain. She also lives on her own. She never complains and never let’s it get her down. She puts her trust in the Lord and lives each day to the fullest!

  280. My husband is my hero. He is preparing to enlist in the Navy, and I could not be more proud of him. I would love to wear the Brave Love necklace to represent my brave love 🙂

  281. The bravest people I know are my special education students who face so many struggles in their lives. Things that are easy for all of us are difficult for my kids but they continue to work. They are truly brave heroes.

  282. Currently, the bravest person I know is my friend, Erika, who is a loving wife and mother. She had a sweet baby girl three weeks ago, Hannah, who is in the NICU with some very serious problems with her heart, lungs and liver. Erika has been so strong, faithful, and amazing. She is so brave and so strong – knowing that Hannah would have special needs and choosing to love her unconditionally before she even took her first breath.

  283. My mother. She moved with my father across the Atlantic when she was 22. She has made many moves for his job and she never complains. She is far away from her parents and as an only child, is very brave for coping with aging parents.

  284. My mom, definitely. My dad went to prison when I was four and my brother seven. No one expected this and it shocked everyone, most of all my mom. My mom step to the plate in her usual perseverance, raised my brother and I all by herself and still managed to be an AMAZING person after the devastating event that changed her life. I don’t remember much from that time but my life has been blessed in love. She has always been a positive force in my life and a guiding light for my faith. The word “Brave” doesn’t even manage to touch upon my mother.

  285. I would say my two girls. Prior to coming to live with us they were in foster care. I don’t know if I will ever get the whole story from them but you only need to be around them for a few minutes to discover they are amazing. They came to us when they were 8 and 6 and have been with us for 2 1.2 years.

  286. My daughter, Rylee… born a month early with Down syndrome and a heart defect… spent 57 days in ICU. First heart surgery at 20 days old… 2nd heart surgery at 3 months old. Everything she does takes twice as much effort… but she shows determination and never gives up.

    She is amazing. Definitely the definition of brave.

  287. The person who comes to mind right now is my friend Leah. She is 40 years old and has two teenage sons. Leah has cancer throughout her bones, but she is one tough fighter. Her saying is, “She who laughs LASTS”.

  288. Without a doubt, my sister. she works full time (and excels at her job), is a single mom raising two unbelievably respectful and kind little boys, always makes time to encourage others, organizes church functions, takes care of herself by running/biking/swimming, and always has a smile or hug to share. she is strong, and brave, and is an excellent role model to me and everyone lucky enough to cross paths with her. The adversity she has overcome is tremendous and her courageous spirit is something to be admired.

  289. Bravest Person: My parents. Their story is plain, but through the plain they raised two kids and they still hold hands! That’s a lot, I think!

  290. My husband is the bravest person I know. He works very hard so I can stay home with our two boys. He works in real estate which is very up and down but through it all he keeps a brave face and faith. He is a wonderful man, I am so blessed.

  291. I have to say my grandmother. She raised 7 kids in a foreign country. My grandpa was a missionary and not home a lot. He was kicked out of a country and she found out after he was gone. She packed up the house, the kids and made her way to meet him on her own. She has always been supportive and never seems to have anything bad to say about anything. I could only hope to someday be as selfless as she is.

  292. My mother is the bravest person I know. She was widowed at the age of 31 and left with six children to raise on her own. I never heard her complain or question why this had happened to her. She is a true Proverbs 31 woman.

  293. Morene Thompson. She and her husband have adopted 14 orphan children and given their lives to give those kids the world, and most importantly, a family.

  294. My little girl is the bravest person I know. She is three, she is fearless, she will happily go up and make a new friend and she loves to put on a show. Having always been an introvert, I consider her very brave.

  295. My grandma…she has always set a wonderful example of how to work hard, persevere, and love your family, come what may.

  296. One of the bravest people I know is my sister, as she’s dealt with chronic back pain for over half her life. Her continual trust in God and His plan for her life is a great example to me.

  297. I would have to say my grandson. He went away to college. He never has been away from home for more that 4 days and it’s been 2 months and he is loving it.

  298. My uncle. 8 years ago they gave him 6 months to live when he contracted a rare lung cancer from asbestos he was exposed to when he rehabbed low-income housing. Praise God he is still alive today and does so much to give back to his small town just outside of Tucson.

  299. lisa, what a gorgeous necklace! my grandpa is so brave and courageous! he battles mesothelioma daily (cancer caused by asbestos) and he was given 3-6 months to live last december. it has almost been a year. His faith in the Lord is so strong and he amazes us on a daily basis by his positivity and ability to keep on fighting through the cancer.

    thank you for listening to my ounce of his story.
    regina_dixon763 at yahoo dot com

  300. Lisa- I am a special education teacher…everyday I am surrounded by heroes! My students are very brave!
    Love your craft, and love your blog too!

  301. The bravest person I know is son. No matter how difficult or scary the task he doesn’t back down and works hard until he accomplishes it. He is an amazing example!

  302. my aunt, who passed away a few months ago after a brave 4 year fight with ovarian cancer. the cancer and treatment both ruined her body, but she did not let it stop her from enjoying as much life as she could. she knew death was certain, and she lived every moment like it was her last.

  303. My Grandaddy. He fought in WW II and earned a Medal Of Honor and Purple Heart. He later battled heart disease and lung cancer. He lost his fight 5 years ago next month, but still lives in my heart as the bravest person I know. He never complaned and always had a smile and a hug for me. I miss him so…..

  304. My youngest son’s middle name should be BRAVE! He makes the best of every day and holds his head high. He is never bothered..always goes with the flow. He is a brave soul and I am blessed to be his Mom every day!!!! LOVE him

  305. My daughter…she’s handling the middle school transition well, but struggling with the stresses daily. 1st quarter report cards coming tomorrow and her lowest grade is 98%. I’m so proud of the wonderful person she has/is becoming.

  306. The bravest person I know is my Grandma. She’s outlived 3 husbands, breast cancer, and skin cancer. She lives by herself on a farm that she worked herself for more than 30 years. She is one amazing woman, and I hope I can live up to her example.

  307. The bravest person is the adorable girl who is the birthmother to our new baby. She wanted more for him than she was in a position to provide. That is brave.

  308. Anyone battling life threatening illnesses from Type 1 Juvenile Diabetics to cancer patients have to be the bravest people I know. My heart and prayers go out to folks who fight for their very lives.

  309. i think the bravest person i know might be my grandpa. he’s so lonely since my grandma died, and he has so many health issues. we are with him when we can be, but oh grandpa…

  310. My mom is the bravest person I know. She has battled (and won!) cancer twice. She dedicated the last two years to thoughtfully, gracefully, and kindly caring for my dad who was fighting his own losing battle to cancer. My parents had booked a cruise on my Dad’s favorite trip before he died unexpectedly. Two weeks later, she went on the cruise BY HERSELF, in celebration of him. She missed him terribly and but overcame (most) of her apprehension and would have made him proud. She will continue to be the bravest person I know.

  311. The bravest person I know is my Dad. I grew up with 3 sisters so he was and still is a very brave man to endure all of us! Love him!

  312. Lisa, the bravest person I know is my sister. She moved cross country to crash on a friends couch, jobless and homeless a month after graduation college. Now she is thriving in a new city, with new friends and a fabulous set of opportunities in front of her. I would definitely give her this necklace as a reminder of that bravery!

  313. Right now I would say my twin brother. He deploys to Afghanistan in two days and his attitude and outlook for his stay there and leaving his new bride behind are incredible. But overall he gets it from my mom. She is absolutely incredible. She lives with a heart condition that has almost taken her life three times now, she has a serious kidney disease, she works, cares for my grandmother full time, and still offers to babysit all the grandkids, sometimes all at once. She lives life to the fullest and appreciates it all, and doesn’t shy away from the challenges like I tend to.

  314. My mom who raised 4 girls in the jungles of Brazil as my dad and her were missionaries. And she never complained about the lack of conveniences. She has survied his death and now the unexpected deaths of two of her daughters and she is amazing! Her peace comes from God and she is our brave one!

  315. the bravest person I know is my 5 year old son. This sweet child was born at 30 weeks, two and a half months early. He almost died so very many times. BUT he didn’t. His brave little soul fought HARD, every single minute, every single day for so long. And now, he is an incredible curious being, touched by the love of so many specialists, doctors, nurses, care providers. I wonder if it was the combination of so much different love, from so many different people for so long that created this special person that he is now. The journey of parenthood, life, always a blessing.

  316. The bravest person I know is my friend K.

    In her long struggle to start a family she has suffered three losses, thousands of fruitless Dr appointments, and unmeasurable heartbreak.

    Through all of this she has been a great support for many others in our community that are also struggling with infertility. She is always there the first to console or congratulate, a shoulder to cry on, and helpful with knowledge.

    She has been my friend and supporter through my own struggle with infertility and then through both my pregnancies. Never once has she been anything but thrilled for others while still waiting for her own dreams to become a reality.

  317. My cousin Isaac. Fought a very rare brain tumor at age 8, but was not able to beat it. He brought joy to everyone he knew during his short time on earth.
    thanks, Lisa, for the giveaway and inspiration!

  318. My 3 year old daughter, who wages war daily with the pain of arthritis. Her strength and patience in the face of adversity are a constant source of inspiration for me.

  319. I have a family of brave people.
    One of my bestest friends, Sierra Dawn…passed away from brain cancer on Sept. 28th. It was something that happened very quickly and unexpectedly, as the tumors has been shrinking and all of a sudden quadrupled and took our dear Sierra.
    My “nomination” would be for her parents, brother and her fiance’. They were supposed to get married this Saturday, Oct. 16th…but instead we are having her funeral. I can’t imagine the strength and bravery her family and fiance’ has to have to navigate something so difficult. We all have to be brave as she was as the cancer took her from us. I miss her dearly and hope I can be brave enough to make it through this difficult weekend.

  320. My husband is so brave. He just quit the job he’s had since he graduated coege to start over so he could move us clear across the country so we can be back with our family!

  321. My father.
    He served many tours of duty in Vietnam
    as a Chaplain
    and returned home
    to deal effectively with the demons of war
    and presented his family to this day, a loving, nurturing life.

    {{* *}}

  322. my husband… he takes risks and dreams bigger than anyone else i know, truly loves people (even when it isn’t easy), works REALLY hard, LOVES his kids, and adores me…

  323. i think that every day we each find bravery hiding inside of us, giving us the strength to make it to the next. Sometimes we just need to “be” brave a little more than others.

  324. my husband. he doesn’t do things just to please people {unlike me. ahem.}. he’s never afraid of a new challenge. he went into business for himself almost 9 years ago, has worked very, very hard and is extremely successful and well respected. and he always pushes me to follow my dreams and try new things, even when i’m terrified.

  325. The bravest person I know is my daughter(30 years old). She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at age 16, lost an ovary…had another cyst 5 years ago and lost 1/2 the remaining ovary. During the CT scans and ultrasounds, she found out that only one of her kidneys was functioning, so she had to have surgery to have a stint put in. During all of this, she only had two good cries….God has answered our prayers and she is now 14 years cancer free AND God has also blessed her and our family with our miracle baby…Mary Margaret. If I could be as brave as anyone, it would definately be my daughter

  326. umm … is it okay if the bravest person I know it ME?!? I’ve had miscarriages and keep trying again for one of God’s children to be a blessing to my husband and myself. I feel like it takes a very brave person to keep trying & trying. So … ME! 🙂

  327. The bravest person I knew was my Nana. I say knew because she passed away over a year ago from breast cancer at the age of 89. She was a wonderful woman, my second mother, who lived with me and my family and always had a story to tell from “back in the day”. She got through having her mother die in her arms, losing her husband to lung cancer and her oldest son to a mountain climbing accident with amazing strength (I never saw her break down) and was always happy to have her family around her. She was taken from us so quickly (2 months after her diagnosis) but I’ll always remember the last conversation we had, when she asked me how my boyfriend of 4 years and I were doing. When I told her we were great, she said “Oh good, I wanted to make sure you were taken care of”. Even in the face of her own death she wasn’t thinking of herself, she was thinking of her family and worrying about their well being. If she were alive today, this necklace would be for her.

  328. My dad! He is always able to face life’s challenges in the most respectful way. I admire this quality about him.

  329. My Nan is the bravest person I know. This past summer, she was really sick, and when she went in for a routine day surgery, she found out she had a hole in her bowel. Her body had literally been poisoning itself. Since then, she has had her whole large intestine removed, as well as her spleen. This has meant adjusting to a whole new way of life. She is still in the hospital but she has had incredible spirit throughout the whole ordeal.

    I also have to tell you that I learned this summer how brave I can be. I live with my Nan, and because she was in the hospital, I was home alone for a whole month. Although I’m 20, this was my first time being alone for that long and I have to admit, it was scary at times. Especially on August 18th.

    That morning, a Wednesday, I got a phone call telling me my Nan’s surgery to repair the hole in her bowel had been more serious than they thought; they had to remove her whole intestine and spleen. I cried, wiped my tears, and went to work because I had a party to put on for children (I was the Summer Reading Club Coordinator at the local library). On my lunch break, I checked my messages and there was a message from my dad’s girlfriend, asking me to call her as soon as possible. I did, and she told me my dad had had a heart attack the night before. I collapsed against the kitchen cupboard in tears. I was home alone and two of the most important people in my life were in hospitals where I couldn’t reach them. This was the first time in my life that someone so close to me was so close to death, and I couldn’t believe that it was two at the same time, and I had to deal with it alone.

    This was all 4 days before I had to return to university and begin my final year, as well as start a new job as a Residence Coordinator, running one of the dorms on campus. All of this alone was enough to make me nervous, without the extra scariness of two members of my family being so sick.

    Fortunately, both my Nan and Dad are recovering, and I am at school, working away so I can graduate in the spring. The events of this summer taught me that I AM brave, and I can deal with things I didn’t think I could. If I can get through this, I can graduate and go out into the world.

    All it takes is a little bravery.

  330. Bravest person I know is my little boy…SAM. He suffers from Aspergers and also has health issues related to his kidney’s. He is such a joyful and funny little man. He is an inspiration to our whole family.

  331. Wow, what a fun give away. I love your necklaces, they have been on my wish list for a while now! I would love to win! The bravest person I know is a sweet little 3 year old girl. Her name is McKenzie, and she has been fighting cancer since she was 16 months old. Her battle has been long, really tough, and completely overwhelming for such a little person! She has been so brave, never complains, and moved through each phase of the treatments with a smile! She has now completed the treatments, and is headed into remission! So amazed by her, and so love her spirit!

  332. The bravest person I know is my dad. My dad suffered a severe burn injury 12 years ago and was told he would never survive. He’s still with us and bravely starts every day with an attitude of thankfulness. He is our hero.

  333. The bravest person I know is my ever patient and loving husband for marrying me in the first place and for sticking with me for over 30 years.

  334. right now the first people that come to mind are my brother and his wife, who have just decided to give five years of their lives to the people of nicaragua. they are going over to help teach the people how to goat farm so that they can obtain a sustainable living source. they have never done anything like this before, but realize that God is calling them to more than just this life. and they are selling everything and following Him. we get so comfortable in “our” lives that we forget they belong to God. i am so proud of them for putting their trust in Him and going where He sends them.

  335. I would have to say my son. He is only 11 and has been thru more than most. On the days that I struggle being a parent of a special needs child I just think of everything that he has to go thru daily. I can always walk away and somewhat lead a normal like but he can not and he must suffer every day with his illness and the ignorance of society. He is my brave soldier.

  336. Hmmm….I know so many brave people, but I have to say our men and women in the military who put their lives on hold and do what I would never want to do. I am so grateful!

  337. hands down has to be my oldest son. he has fought many battles in the past five years with crohn’s disease…and conquers them each time.

  338. My husband. He is facing his 2nd deployment to Iraq and has seen so many horrific things–yet he has put his life in God’s hands and is calmly facing leaving again. So proud of him and grateful, as his being brave helps me and the kids to be brave, too.

  339. The bravest person i know would be my friend Amy. She lost her mother to cancer at age 16, and lost a son a little over a year ago. She has been amazing through it all and relies on God for strength. She is an inspiration to me as well as countless others. Thank you so much for the chance at this amazing giveaway.

  340. the bravest person i know is the a tough young woman named Tauni,she recently lost her job as our youth pastor but has kept her head held high and continued to come back each week even though she was terrified of not being accepted,that to me is bravery.

  341. My mother-in-law. I know not many people really get along with their mother-in-laws, but mine is the best. She showed breast cancer who is boss about a year ago and for that she will forever be the bravest person I know!

  342. My Husband is the bravest person I know. He is a firefighter and a paramedic. He is willing to go into a burning building to saves lives and property. He is smart, strong, unselfish, and very brave.

  343. My father. He is a cancer survivor and during his whole ordeal, I know that he had to be scared. But he radiated peace and bravery. I admire and respect him so much. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  344. The bravest person I know is my husband. He fights battles and wins them for God, my daughter and myself. I’m so thankful for him.

  345. I am a teacher and the bravest person I know would have to be a student and his family in our school. The student is in 7th grade and has a brain tumor that is slowing taking his life. He goes to school almost every day (now in a wheelchair). His mom wants him to live a “normal” life as long as he can. The community has really rallied around them and raised money for the family to help with expenses. The students in the district have held many fundraisers as well. When I see the family I just think of the mother and if that were me…

  346. My mom is the bravest person I know. She has faced cancer three times and is a survivor. She has handled it with such faith, strength and grace. She has taught me so much.

  347. I can’t compare with these amazing people and their stories, but the bravest person I know is my husband who is always putting our family first and constantly struggles to keep work going.

  348. My husband, Aaron. We were facing infertility together and discussing the possibility of adoption – he was totally against it, stating that he could never love another person’s child. He has now come full circle and embraces adoption. We have our sweet daughter, Ellie because of the miracle of adoption!

  349. The bravest person I know is my Dad. I see alot of people have answered this question this way as well. My Dad was the bravest Man I have met. He by no means was perfect in his life time. But he never tried to hide that. He suffered through many things in his life and was always there to extend Grace and Love to anyone who needed it. He would never judge someone for their falls he would help pick them say he had been there too and let me walk with you through this. He was an honest man even though it didn’t always portray him in a good light. He allowed himself to surrender it all to God in order to be used for His glory. I admire that especially as I struggle through giving it all to Him to be used for His kingdom and it is hard.

  350. The bravest person I know is me, because I never really consider myself brave; I’ve always been a fearful sort of person. About 5 years ago I faced some of the toughest situations with my daughter: in HS; she had been caught cutting herself; she told a friend she was going to commit suicide and we had to place her in treatment for one week; 4 months later from HS graduation she overdosed on some pills and we lived 2 hours away and couldn’t do anything. 2 months later she came home, and I got cut wrestling a knife out of her hands; she was arrested for domestic violence against me and spent 5 days in jail; the judge gave me a one year no contact order with her; he reversed it 6 months later after she fulfilled all the requirements of her judgment and got her record expunged as a first time offender. I prayed daily to God for her; He spared her life and we reconciled; God changed her. I had to continually entrust her to him. She is now a responsible young adult mentoring other girls and teenagers; I may have become brace, but perhaps she is the brave one: she chose life and we both chose forgiveness.

  351. The bravest person I know? Definitely my 7 year old son. He was born with only 6 fingers……all 5 on his left hand and only his thumb on his right hand. Unfortunately, he is right handed, but quickly adapted to being left handed. The amazing/brave thing about my son is that it doesn’t stop him. Not in his abilities to play sports (played flag football last year and is currently playing soccer), get dressed, write, play games, or in his ability to make friends or live a normal life. He embraces his “special hand” that God gave him and he himself thinks it’s pretty special and cool. He actually told his grandma out of the blue the other day that he likes his hand and that he wouldn’t want his fingers to grow . I’m a very proud momma! 🙂

  352. The bravest person I know is my sister, Cindy. She battled breast cancer, lost her husband and is now a single mom. Through it all she is was so strong and brave.

  353. I would say my four-year-old son . . . we’re finally over the hump , but he has come through a hard year of awful allergy attacks – not being able to breathe and scaring the life out of me. Yet he was the one always comforting me and saying he would get better. That’s awfully brave, I think!

  354. The bravest person I know is my aunt who is battling stomach cancer – she is so positive and uplifting to everyone around her!

  355. The bravest person in my life at this moment is my best friend and my cousin. She lost the love of her life last year and since then she’s been fighting to keep her house and feed her 4 years old son. Recently lost her job but still, she always has a smile in her face for those around her and listen to their insignificant problems.

  356. the bravest person i have ever known was my mommy. she battled stomach problems for 3 years before being diagnosed with stomach cancer. she lived with that ugly disease for 16 months before meeting her precious Lord & being reunited with my sister & her daddy. she fought hard & she was fearless. i remember asking her time & time again if she was scared & she always answered “no”.. she had peace about it all. she was such a trooper. i never heard her complain.. not once.

  357. My husband. He signed up for the military to pay off school debt and ended up over in Kuwait in 2004. I can’t imagine having to serve over there with the possibility of death always a reality, so to me, that’s brave!

  358. The bravest person I know is my sister who has MS. Despite this she continues to give back everyday (she works at a nursing home), and hardly ever complains about the pain she is in. She would give the shirt off of her back (and has before), to anyone in need.

  359. The bravest person I know is my husband for moving across the country so I could attend grad school, even though he had no job leads and we don’t know a soul.

  360. My neighbor, Nikki, is one of the bravest people I have ever known. She has faced countless obstacles throughout her life. Yet her spirit remains strong and she is always bringing joy in whatever way that she can to those around her. She is a role model for how I want to live my own life. I love you, Nikki!

  361. The bravest person I know are my friends (sorry, two) Nate and Julie. Their son recently passed away and yet every day they get out of bed. They are trying to make a new life for their daughter.

  362. My dad! after losing my mom and sister in a accident he raised his other three kids on his own and couldn’t have asked for a better dad!

  363. Wow! I sooo love this necklace 🙂 You are so talented, Lisa!
    The bravest person I know is my grandmother. She is fearless, independent and strong! Everyday I wish to be more like her.

  364. The bravest person I know is my sister, Lynne, who is battling non-Hodgkins lymphoma. She is an active part in her kids lives and since her diagnosis has not missed a school or sporting event.

  365. The bravest person I know is my neighbor, Marianne. We moved in last spring, and when we finally met her a few months later, we learned that this woman, whom we had watched fervently gardening her “Sunset Magazine”-perfect yard for months from our bedroom window, had lost her husband unexpectedly days before we moved in. She greeted us with smiles and cookies and apologies at being tardy to welcome us to the neighborhood {!!!}. In a mailbox conversation with her recently, she revealed that her younger son also died tragically in a plane crash with his new bride and all of their closest college friends a decade ago. That she is still cheerful and hopeful and full of faith after those trials, when one alone would be horrendous, is so inspirational to me. I am so blessed to have her as a neighbor.

  366. The bravest person i know would be my mum. She has tauught me strength and humility through her fight with 2 different types of Breast cancer at once. Right through the diagnosis, the double mastectomy and chemo, hair loss and now onto a 5 year treatment, she has shown me that no matter what you face, just as long as you show faith of love in your heart , you can overcome any obstacle with dignity and pride and a most radiant smile from the heart. Love you ma.

  367. The bravest person I know is my mom & tomorrow is her birthday! My dad was killed in a car accident when my sis & I were babies, my mom did a great job raising us on her own. She was our mother & our father. She moved us 1/2 way across the country (mid-west to the sw) 20+ years ago, away from all of our family for a fresh start. It was such a brave move for her & to this day I am still very happy she did.

  368. Right this very minute the bravest person I know is my daughter who is dealing with a very painful infection and is being as brave as she possibly can with an amazing attitude!


  369. The bravest person I have known was my Mom. She lived for 17 years in 24 hour skilled nursing care facilities. She had a brain aneurysm at 63 years of age and was left paralyzed on her left side.
    She lived with grace and a smile making friends with the staff who cared for her all those years.
    She still found joy in living with her handicaps and served as an inspiration to us all until the Lord
    took her home right after her 80th birthday.

  370. The bravest person I know is my mom – we lost my Dad to cancer 10 years ago and she remarried, only to lose my Stepdad to cancer 2 years later. She still faces each day with faith and love and lets her light shine bright!

  371. The bravest person I know is my daughter Lily. She just turned 2.5 and every day she is brave to me. It hasbeen only 6 months since we met her and she became ours. She was SO scared that first day and cried and cried. But since then she has put her brave face on, walked into our life and never looked back. Every day she has to be brave to experience new things, see new people, learn a new language and embrace both her past and her future. She has made such a difference in our life and we are so blessed to be her parents!

  372. my girlfriend Kristen (and her hubby Scott). Their 2nd anniversary is coming up on Saturday, and they have been through more trials and tribulations than anyone should have to go through in life, let alone their first years of marriage. Kristen pursued a relationship with Scott even though she knew had a congenital heart defect, and those two love the heck out of each other, I mean crazy, brave love. After being on the transplant list for over 8 months (and living apart) Scott just received a V.A.D. He was able to come home for a week and he is already back on the transplant list. They live life fully even while separated and even while facing such intimidating circumstances. Their love is inspiring.

  373. The bravest person I know is my oldest sister Tina! She is the oldest out of us 5 girls. When my mom passed away 5 years ago she had to step in and play the “mother” role. I am the youngest so she was always there for me no matter what! She was there to talk, complain too, and she was there to couch me on when both of my children were born. Having a family of her own she had alot on her plate. But she always seemed to find a way when one of us sisters needed her. I never thought in a million years that anyone would beable to fill my mothers shoes but she is doing an awesome job!! I dont know where I would be without her.

  374. My Mom for getting both knees replaced at once this year. She pushed through and impressed everyone at PT with how far she went so fast!

  375. The bravest person I know would have to be my mom. She has gone through my dad being in the military, three daughters of every personality type, and being a rock for our entire family.

  376. The bravest two people I know are the two birthmothers who made selfless, difficult, and brave sacrifices of love to allow my husband and I to adopt their sons. We are so thankful everyday to both of them for allowing us know the joys of being parents, and to have the great honor of raising two beautiful, wonderful, silly, rambunctious little boys. They are true heros to us.

  377. right now… my friend, Sheri ~ she has three precious little ones to take care of while her husband is deployed for a year.

  378. My kids. I can only imagine that it’s a challenge to be children of parents who are divorced, especially when the parents live in different cities. However, I’m often caught off guard by how caring and compassionate my kids are. And I admire that they rarely manipulate their situation to get the upper hand with their dad or with me. I appreciate that they are open and honest with me about how they feel even when it’s hard to say (or to hear!) They are pretty neat little people!

  379. Brittany is a 26 yr. old mother of two small children. Late Spring 2010 she was diagnosed with Stage 3 Non-Hodgkin’s Folicular Lymphoma. She is suffering greatly through chemo-therapy. She is struggling, but her attitude is always positive and she is constantly trying to help others see the need to celebrate every day! She puts forth great effort to spend quality time with her beautiful children, even when she doesn’t feel so great. She recently asked her fb friends to pray for a little boy who has the same condition as she has. Brittany is so brave–I’d like her to have a necklace like this to remind her of the fact that many see her bravery, and they are blessed by it.

  380. This Lisa…the bravest person I know is my sweet daughter who I almost lost 10 years ago….and her Daddy…well he IS the absolute bravest because he is the reason I still have her here today. His fearlessness..kept her alive. I’m fortunate to know two… 😉 I’d love a necklace with my hubby and children’s names as a reminder.

  381. My mom is the bravest person I know. As a single mom for most of her life, she led a godly life and worked and worked to give me everything.

  382. It would have to be my mom. She musters on, day after day, despite her only son having pushed my parents out of his life. As the mom of two little boys who I love more than life itself, I cannot imagine the pain her heart must feel every single day. She longs to hug him again and feel a true connection.