friday love

time to recap the week with instagram! i’m linking up with jeannett at life rearranged. so fun!

1. i woke up in seattle last weekend. so good to get away!

2. our new play every day necklace

3. ice cold sodas for a BBQ

4. flying back from seattle i took a pic of morro rock through the plane propellor

5. out for a late breakfast with my sweetie

6. stacked up fiestaware plates

7. the stacks in morro bay {david was home sick, so we went for a drive}

8. fresh flowers, a gift from my friend katie

it’s friday–and we are ready for the weekend! what are your weekend plans?


  1. my goal: relax and enjoy the time i have with my husband before he goes to work for 3rd shift (yuck)
    maybe go to the neighborhood pool and catch some rays
    love your picture idea and the numbers 🙂

  2. We have a baby shower and a handmade show to go to – fun times!!! I think we’ll sneak in a swim today too. Sunday is church day – so it’s all about church 🙂 I love your new summer line – the pinwheel is darling. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Having a garage sale this weekend! It’s very liberating to get rid of unnecessary things. Makes all the more room for the new stuff!

  4. Weekend plans… hmmmm! Might sleep in tomorrow morning, followed by a good run. After that, off to do some fundraising for our school building in Ghana. We launched a photography auction online, add to that some lawnmowing and odd jobs, we’ll get a little bit closer to our goal this weekend!

    Sunday is church & Bible Study with my women’s group!

  5. I’m totally going to do this on my blog once summer comes! Thanks!

    This weekend I am going to…
    …veg tonight with my daughters since grades were due for my graduating seniors at 3 today, and I finally can relax. Daddy will be at his staff party, so we’re watering the garden, baking cookies, making pizza and watching “Tangled”…again.
    …go for a hike on the new boardwalk at Nisqually Wildlife Refuge between Olympia and Tacoma with good friends tomorrow and enjoy a picnic.
    …host my best guy buddy from college and his wife and their son for Saturday and Sunday! Yay! Nothing like a “family sleepover!”

  6. I feel the same way about Seattle (and I live here :)). My parents are visiting (delicous meals full of laughter and love!). We are wrapping up our 3 week celebration for my daughter’s 7th birthday. It’s all been such fun (but I am one tired Mommie 🙂 and loving every minute!). Enjoy your weekend!

  7. I heart everything about you! I am so glad I found this and all your wonderful awesomeness! How do you tie your scarves? You have some fantastical way of doing it, and I want to figure it out!

  8. My family and I are going camping on the river w/our wonderful friends and their kids. It’s a bit cold here in Wisconsin this wknd, but nothing beats a wknd of camping and a camp fire! 🙂
    Enjoy your wknd Lisa & Family!!

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