hello monday {link up}

It’s a new week {and we are getting closer to christmas!}

hello watching our favorite holiday movie–elf, charlie brown christmas, love actually and little women

hello fireplace and clam chowder with these crunched up and sprinkled on top. yum.

hello carols and christmas music playing throughout the house and in the car {especially this album}

hello getting warm clothes for a trip to omaha to see cousins–we can’t wait!

hello complete lack of self-control when it comes to all the desserts and candy around me.

hello more christmas shopping to be done. are you done yet?

hello healthy. right now we are all cold and flu–for the first time in a month.

hello monday–it’s going to be a great week!

link up in the comments or just leave a note–and let us know what you’re saying hello to today!


  1. Hello! Nebraska! Funny how many of us here, read Lisa.

    Lisa, I hope you have a great trip to Omaha. I’m down the road, in Lincoln. May your time here be blessed.

  2. I like Christmas movies too. We watched Elf the other night and it cracks me up every single year. I’m done with my shopping. Finished today. It’s quite shocking, because I’m a Christmas Eve shopper. I must be getting older and wiser. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Hello to the moon above me and the frost below my feet on my walk to work this morning. Hello to a fun week at work {really!}. Hello to saying goodbye {I hope…} to the stomach flu at our house. Hello to eating lots of cookies. Hello to a baby shower. Hello to a date to see the play of “A Christmas Story.” Hello to seeing the old-school “Muppet Movie” with the kids, and hello to our annual trip to see “The Nutcracker.”

    Have fun in Nebraska, Lisa!

  4. Hello to rain…but clear skies ahead…so they say.
    Hello to a bowl full of sugar cookie dough just waiting to be shaped, sprinkled and baked.
    Hello to lots of holiday activities this week.
    And hello to just trying to relax and enjoy it all!
    (caught Little woman on TV too…love it)

  5. We’ve begun Christmas around here too. But I was disappointed with Charlie Brown Xmas on TV. They took out the part where Schroeder plays piano music until Lucy recognizes the baby-piano version of Jingle Bells. Uuuggghhh. But the Vince Gueraldi Trio, Charlie Brown Christmas CD was on the player while we decorated the tree.
    As soon as I read your comment about good health, I had to sneeze. Don’t jinx the good health.

  6. I live in Omaha! Love that you are visiting! Bring those warm clothes and snow boots!
    Hope you can do some fun things around town. Maybe I will see you out and about!

  7. Hello to a cold, crisp and sunny day in Ontario!
    Hello to my shopping being done!
    Hello to a busy week of working, baking and getting ready for entertaining!
    Hope you all have a great week!
    Happy Monday!

  8. Hello Gratitude Journal Monday at feel LOVD everyday!!!

    So happy you’re all healthy and I’m praying it continues for you all during this blessed holiday season.

    happy monday

  9. Today I’m saying hello to a relaxing day off, a manicure (first one ever!) and pedicure in beautiful Burlington, VT and a gorgeous, sunshiny day.

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