If you are really, really tired…

…then just lay down right where you are. Someone will probably come along and cover you up. It’s a good thing 🙂


  1. Funny how they do that, isn’t it!
    Last week my daughter fell asleep leaning over the arm of the couch.
    Must be nice to be so relaxed!!

  2. WOW! I wish my kids would do that! How precious!!
    OR I wish I could do that and my kids would walk by quietly and cover me up:)

  3. I can image you had a sweet dream –such as getting presents from Santa Claus even you had slept on a hard floor!?
    You’re lucky to have someone to keep you warm and let you have a sweet dream, David.

  4. Oh David, I’m sorry you are so tired you had to lay down on the hardwood floor. I’m glad some kind soul came by and covered you up!

  5. So, so sweet! Wouldn’t we all like to do that?! Especially during the madness of the holiday season. Just lay down and take a little nap! 🙂

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