

i met up with marijke (mar.I.ka) and tim the other evening to snap a few pictures.  they recently got engaged and they’re in the process of planning their amazingly creative and budget friendly wedding.  hmmm, maybe a post for another day?  but anyway, they are darling!  i know marijke through a mutual friend at my old church and besides the fact that we are now friends, she also helps with customer service for lisa leonard designs.  i am so thrilled for marijke and tim-they are a great match.  and check back next week because the inspiration for this photo shoot is a new necklace that we’ll introduce on monday.  and i am so so excited about it!!  happy friday!


  1. Hey….this is really random! I’m trying to get in touch with marijke to ask her where her bridesmaid dresses are from. Does anyone know how I could get in touch with her?

    -Shelby Patton
    [email protected]

    Thank you so so so much

  2. I love these pictures. They must be thrilled with them! I know you use Picnik, but which features help you achieve this look?

  3. LOOOVE the pictures, great location, love the sun flash or whatever it is called 🙂
    Can you tell us again what process you put your pictures thru, I love the soft mutted look, tried going back thru your blog but can’t find it. Thanks!

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