(more) birds at twilight.

yesterday at twilight a flock of crows decided to spend some time in our front yard. there must have been at least 100 birds. pretty cool , but a little scary if you’ve ever seen the birds. i couldn’t pass up the opportunity to snap a few shots, though. i especially love the one with the moon. what a poser.


  1. This is totally off the subject of your blog but I have been trying to contact your email address [email protected] b/c I received your necklace with the two little hearts and freshwater pearl as my gift for having my second daughter and the chain broke. I am so upset it has been a couple of weeks and I truly miss wearing this beautiful and inspiring piece of jewelry and someone who is in charge of your email inquiries hasn’t responded about how to replace the chain. I love all of your work and I loved reading the story about your precious son….
    thank you.

  2. thanks for your encouragement everyone! becca–i didn’t use picnik to edit these, well i used picnik for the collage, but i just antiqued them in iphoto and lightened them a bit. xo

  3. I’ve had this obsession with artistic looking birds growing in me for awhile. I was even given the Sweet & Simple Bird Necklace you have displayed on the side for Christmas. Love it! And love these pictures!

  4. I too love the Poser! What a wonderful picture.

    I so look forward to your postings. When I open my reader and your blog is bold it is the first one I click on. I always know that what I find when I open it will transport me to where ever you have taken pictures. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent, beautiful family and your heart with us. 🙂

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