nurture creativity


lots of creating going on around here.  matty’s favorite thing to draw right now is superheros.  i can’t believe how much his drawing has improved over the last month or two.  how do you nurture creativity in your kids or yourself??


  1. By making sure we have unstructured time TO create…hanging out with nothing to do helps get the creative juices flowing!

  2. My daughter LOVES to sew. I let her steal my scraps of fabric & tell me how to sew them together. I have also begun letting her use my sewing machine to play with the fancy stitches. She totally knows how to use it!

  3. I think that encouraging my son to think and color outside of the lines so to speak has encouraged him to explore his creative. Children who don’t know that there are “rules” with regard to art tend to go full force into the creative, and that is a lovely thing. Exposing them to art, in nature and in museums and such allows them to see beauty in everything. Give them supplies, and they are good to go. And … it’s fun to join them. Who knew that coloring was so relaxing?

  4. That’s really funny………my 6-year-old son is doing the EXACT same thing right now with the superhero drawings!! He then cuts them out and has them “fight”each other. All the money we spend on the little plastic action figures and then he makes his own toys out of paper! The only thing is, sometimes the puppy finds them and chews them up and eats them. Good thing for nontoxic crayons and markers!

  5. Superheroes rock! 😀

    Hmmmm…. my little guy likes to sell cakes, tea, pineapple jelly and stuff at his little imaginary stand at the park lol 🙂

  6. I make it available: i.e. lots of crayons and markers stored on shelves easily reached, paper they can color on; music they can listen to; a piano, zither, triangle to play; access to Microsoft Paint, etc. I just make it readily available. I am one that loves to take pictures, change my blog look & header often, write poems, make a new recipe, etc. so my kids see me being creative often, so they view creativity as everyday life.

  7. Wow! Those are REALLY great pictures. My son is just a bit younger than Matty I think, but his drawings are no where near that complex. Maybe I need to get out the markers more often.

  8. We sing (out of tune) but we sing our own little songs…It’s a fantastic way to hear what your children are feeling and thinking….Instead of grumbling ( or praising) do this and do that…I sing it and they often express themselves in song in return…Four is the best age for this…My eldest loved to sing how much she loves her mommy’s happy wrinkles…(crows feet) …..They also seem to cooperate better when sang too…(I’ll pick up my toys if you STOP Singing Already!!! It’s an open forum, one that I love…..anything goes……Iv’e heard many things that I may have never heard otherwise..From I miss Daddy he works to much, to my mother is a grump, grump-grump-grump!!!

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