the terrible, horrible, no good…


very bad day.


recap of yesterday.  i wake up late. rush around to get the boys ready.  the atm machine eats my card. feel like i’m gonna freak out.  wait inside the bank for 20 minutes. find out i’m waiting in the wrong spot. wait another 20 minutes.  feel like i’m gonna freak out. pick david up late from school.  almost run out of gas. feel like i’m gonna freak out.  david has a very ill-timed poopy diaper.  take both boys into handicap stall in store to take care of it. hear person in wheelchair complaining right outside the stall that people should leave handicap stalls open for people with disabilities.  feel like i’m gonna freak out.  come out of stall.  make sure she’s sees david’s two fingers and smile (because otherwise i’ll cry).  buy myself a gigantic diet coke.  breathe deeply. and repeat.


  1. Does your site have a contact page? I’m having problems locating it but, I’d like to send you an email. I’ve got some ideas for your blog you might be interested in hearing. Either way, great site and I look forward to seeing it grow over time.

  2. oh wow…what a day. my heart broke as i imagined how you were feeling changing your son’s diaper and knowing you were going to “prove” your son’s disability. (my son also has physical differences.) i don’t know you (but wear your jewelry every day so you are thought of often!) but share your “stall” feelings…i am sorry.

  3. There is no doubt in my mind that your awful day was made just for that precise moment you and your beautiful children walked out of that handicapped stall. Bet that woman thinks twice about being snarky from here on out. Im sorry your day was so terrible. I think it taught a stranger a very valuable lesson though. I hope your weekend was beautiful.

  4. i’m sorry, but i am relieved to know that they have “horrible, terrible, no good very bad days… even in san luis obispo”


  5. Oh no! That’s tough. I cringed at the bathroom stall part. I HATE to ever use that stall because I know that it is the only option for some folks. But, now most bathrooms have changing tables in there and you have no choice! Ach! Hope your weekend is wonderful!

  6. Awwww…. we all have days like that… hope today was better. My opinion is that handicap stalls are for (1) handicapped people (2) mothers with babies whose diapers need changed, because that IS where they usually put the pull-down diaper changing thing (3) mothers with small children who need mom to go in with them because, have you ever tried to fit yourself & your child in a regular stall? I have, when the handicapped stall was taken by a sole perfectly fit non-handicapped person!

  7. Check your phone bill and make sure no one called Australia. Yeah, days can be like that. Sorry you had that day. Glad you got through for another day…hope it was much better. Love you. love and hugs to your family πŸ™‚

  8. Yikes! Sounds like a rough day! I hated those!!! I LOVE that Diet Coke was the fix at the end of it all! Made me smile! I ***heart**** Diet Coke!

  9. … sorry about the horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day…. Glad you made it through to the other side! Somehow bad days aren’t so bad once we’ve slept and greeted a new day.

  10. I am sorry you had such a bad day. Be proud of yourself for keeping your composure in front of your boys! I hope you have a better tomorrow!

  11. Oh, this made me giggle. Not so much at your expense but that I’m not alone. Ahhh, diet Coke. If I can hold it, I usually save my freak-out suppression for a nice glass of red wine at the end of the day.

    If it helps you any, you are really making a lot of blog readers’ day over on my blog today. I hope you have a chance to read all the nice comments they’re writing. Hang in there Lisa!

  12. I sware it is those days I miss the MOST!…Oh, do savor them “K”..they will be over all to soon..and you’ll be stuck without that surge of mommy love freak out!…and you did live to share it with us!…I hope the coke like self medicating..hahaha Blessing shi~

  13. Holy Moly! Lisa, you are a goddess! Your metal work is OUTRAGEOUSLY beautiful and so is your blog. Sharing your real life blessings and struggles is inspirational and TRULY great karma, indeed! I’m here via Cathe Holden’s blog, {another AMAZING sister, indeed}.. I, too, hope your have an easier day today, dear gal! Your family and your photos: breath taking! Chin up, luv!

  14. I’m so sorry you had such a day. There is one thing I don’t understand–why we have to “leave” the handicap stall for someone who is handicapped. Why can’t they wait in line just like we do if all “our” stalls are being used? That was very rude of that person, and very short-sighted of them to think that only they get that stall. Anyway, praise to you and to God for your smile instead of lashing out at her. I love following your blog and you have an absolutely beautiful family!

  15. I’m sorry! I hope today is better!

    As a side note about the bathroom scene, I am so grateful for family bathrooms! As Michael gets older (he’s 8 now) the strange looks are starting to occur ( a *boy* in the *girls’* bathroom!). I love, love, love the family bathrooms!!

  16. Lisa,

    ohhh…I’m sooo sorry for your funky day. Makes the lovely ones even lovelier, doesn’t it? I think for me the worst part is feeling so out of control I could just cry!! (well scream, but I’m past temper tantrums, I think!) πŸ™‚
    My feel good treat is a cranberry limeade from Sonic during happy hour – when they are half price!

    Hugz to you and the boys.


  17. Yep, sounds like “one of those days”! I loved your reference to Alexander – one of our favorite books at our house. Here’s to a much better day for you!

  18. Boo for a yucky Thursday! I had a crummy day too. I had to change my baby’s shirt 4 times before even leaving the house (and left an hour and a half late…..). My toddler had a mini tantrum over a cup not fitting into her play kitcehn (while getting baby ready). Then, my absolute favorite pair of jeans ripped in a place that can’t be repaired. So sad!!!! I know, it’s nothing that’s the end of the world but it just makes you want to scream. Here’s to a much better Friday and weekend too!

  19. If you feel that kind of day coming on again, perhaps you could try having a Diet Coke along with your morning prayers, it might help πŸ˜‰

    I’m so sorry you’ve had that kind of day… Please don’t feel bad about the handicap stalls… A handicap stall doesn’t equal “perpetual availability”.

    His mercies are new each morning — what a relief, eh? :o)

  20. Oh bless you for being so humble and being able to calm yourself with just a Diet Coke! It would have taken some tears and chocolate for me to recover πŸ™‚ We all have those days and we are so lucky to be able to come home to warm homes with cozy babes and be grateful for so much else when the world stops spinning so frantically. Have a great weekend! That will certainly be better!!!

  21. Rough! I’m so sorry. The handicap stall thing is so tricky – I don’t want to be in someone’s way, but that’s where they very often put the changing stations. Can’t win!

    Hope today is better!

  22. Ugh! I hate days like that! Sounds like you handled it with grace and patience (even if you didn’t feel like it.) What a wonderful Mama you are!

    Hoping you have a much better day today!

  23. I wish you an easier day…today I got in the car to drive the kids to school and was very puzzled to see that y gas gauge read as below empty. Remembered that my husband borrowed my car last night. Drove to nearest gas station (opposite direction of school), put in just enough to get kids to school. Drove to school, raced in with kids – 2 minutes late. Asked the principal, “Are they really late?” in a really stressed out “They-are-never-ever-late-please-don’t-make-them-fill-out-late-slips-and-put-it-on-their-permanent-record” voice. He shook his head sadly and walked away. I filled out the late slips.
    My pre-schooler was subsequently late, too.
    We are all out here doing our best and knowing we all have days like this. If we make each other laugh it’s great. (I smiled when I read about the diaper change in the handicapped stall – we have all been there and I always feel guilty. Big points to David!)
    Love your blog. It’s nice to know you and your family are out there.

  24. Handicap stalls are not “reserved” for anyone in particular. They are made to accomodate those with disabilities, but anyone has the right to use them. I have heard that same complaint when using one when all the other stalls were full.
    Sorry you had such a rotten day! Today is Friday….time to get happy that the weekend is finally here!

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