by the shore {cayucos}

Last weekend we headed to Cayucos to get hot dogs and play at the beach a bit. It was a gorgeous day and we were with the cousins. Can I share pics with you?

Ah–such a good day! We are on a plane today headed to New York. We’ve never been and we can’t wait.

What does your weekend hold?


  1. awe! how fun! looks like the perfect time 🙂 we love it up there, happened upon it just by the Brown Butter Cookie Co signage off the freeway!

  2. Have so much fun! A stroll through Washington Square is well worth it!

    The hubs and I are leaving the kids with Grandma and heading to eastern Washington with all my brothers and cousins, minus one, for a day of wine tasting Saturday….in a limo! Wow. Happy Spring!

  3. Oh you must share your trip with us. I have never been to New York and have always wanted too! Have a wonderful time.

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