hiking the bluffs montana de oro

We’ve been hiking a lot lately and it’s been so fun! One of the easier hikes we’ve done is off the beaten path and absolutely breath-taking. It’s land owned by PG&E so you have to enter by walking past a gate and sign into the ranger station. The views are staggering and the landscape is easy to navigate. Check out these pics.

Maybe we should have a gathering in San Luis Obispo and I’ll take you to my favorite restaurants, show you some beautiful hikes and of course we could do a little thrifting too. Wouldn’t that be fun?


  1. i certainly hope you create some physical collages of these photographs! that one of the shoreline above the flowers is stunning!

  2. A weekend in person would be nothing short of enchanting! Love that you guys are getting out on all these hikes. I especially love the shot of the water down below with the cool rock formation.

  3. Absolutely beautiful pictures-thanks for sharing!
    I don’t think I would ever want to leave that place after a day of hiking 🙂
    Would love to join you in San Luis Obispo, but living on the East Coast makes that a little difficult…
    If you ever make your way out to Philadelphia- would love to share a day at the beach, and of course I have my favorite thrifting spots as well!
    Thought for the day-a stranger is just a friend you have’nt met yet.
    Have a great day!!!!!

  4. Beautiful and what a great family activity! But, you’ve seen Erin Brockovich, right?! PG&E and anything environmental?!

  5. Yes–have a gathering! How about the week of July 6? We will be in Morro Bay that week visiting from AZ!

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