saturday around town {winners}



two of my sisters (i have 6 siblings) drove home with me yesterday from LA.

having them with me makes the drive 10x, no 100x better!

so good to hold hands with my sweet husband today.

we’ve apart too much lately.




we’re getting a new chipotle in san luis obispo.  yay!

can’t wait to make it our new fave.




just to keep it interesting…

i have a twin sister and my two younger sisters are also twins

the four of us look a lot alike.

i {heart} my sisters.




david was in a silly mood today

and matthias was excited about his new lego book.


tomorrow we drive back to LA for david’s surgery on monday.

i’m pretty sure the car can drive itself by now!

we’ve made the drive 5x in the last few weeks.  seriously insane.

* * *


our three winners for the pewter heart {wall hanging}

Kelly Langner Sauer

Brooklyn V Photography

Cathy B

congrats ladies!  contact us at [email protected] for details.


you can follow me on twitter for updates with david’s surgery.

  1. TWO sets of twins…that is crazy and wonderful all at the same time…you had one busy mommy…i have a set of twin girls and LOVE having twins…so much fun…most of the time!

  2. hello lisa…

    congratulations to your winners. your Saturday post is so sweet and the photos are just lovely. i love chipotle. i am hoping for all the best for David’s surgery.


  3. Hi Lisa!
    Hope the surgery goes perfectly. I can’t imagine driving back and forth so much.

    Just a warning on the Chipotle… i live 2 minutes from one now. 🙂 It’s sooooo good, but it’s almost too close now— so be careful, haha.

  4. That is soooo cool that you have a twin AND your sisters are twins! I told my lil sis the other day…we should have been twins. Then we could have gone to school every year together. I just LVE sisters so I totally know your sister love! Still wishing I had a twin though 🙂

  5. so much fun to spend time with sisters! those times are too few, unfortunately! it is crazy (twins and all) how much ALL of you look alike! how fun to have such a big family. i am sure there is never a dull moment and it looks like you are all really close!
    thinking of you today as you make your drive with david and proceed with surgery. thinking of you! let us know how it all goes!

  6. Lisa: I was in SLO yesterday with friends from the bay area. We stopped in at Hands and I was so surprised to see your beautiful creations. It’s been ages since I’ve shopped downtown. I live in Arroyo Grande and work in Santa Maria so shopping is a rare occurance. It was like discovering a friend.

  7. OMG–God bless your mother…I have a set of 8 year old twins and a 10 year old and there were some touch and go days there at the beginning! You and your sisters look a lot a like and look like you enjoy each other’s company! Good luck with the surgery. thank you so much for your beautiful jewelry and hopefully the 20 odd people who’ve asked about my heartstrings necklace have ordered!!

  8. you and your sisters are adorable. again, i love how you love each other.

    Lord i lift david before you, for healing, for mercy, for You to go before and behind, and to be in all the details. I lift lisa to you,and pray for peace , for You to be tangible God, close, lavish your love on her, her family. continue to be glorified intheir lives in Christ Jesus. Amen

    chipotle is our favorite! i will def. feast there when i am in slo.

  9. your blog is so uplifting Lisa! beautiful photos of your family. Will be praying for David and all the decisions around the surgery. 2 sets of twins growing up… that must have been fun! My son just texted me from Malibu on long weekend(lives in Walnut Creek) said the weather there is 79…perfect weather! (ps thanks for the pewter heart giveaway…I emailed you….when you are finished with the events surrounding Davids surgery..let me know what info yoiu need.)

  10. Wow-I have 2 sisters and we look nothing alike. How fun for you all! I will be thinking of you all on Monday when David’s surgery goes as planned. All will be fine.

  11. I {heart} my sister as well. We are not twins, four years apart. But, we do look alot alike. Having a sister is fabulous, especially when she is your best friend!

    Happy Valentine’s Day! xo

  12. I am ridiculously envious of y’all getting a chipotle. I only get to eat it about twice a year *sigh*
    The nearest one is 2 1/2 hours away 🙁

    Y’all really do have a VERY strong family resemblance; all beautiful.

    Happy <3 day, sweetie.

    Prayers for David and y’all

  13. What gorgeous photos of you, your sisters and your gorgeous boys Lisa! You are so lucky to have sisters, I would love to have some:) I hope our three daughters remain close when they grow up, as you and yours seem to be! Best wishes are with you all for Monday 🙂 ~ Tina x

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