All Is Well

About 30 minutes after our plane took off for England, David started having rapid breathing. We gave him his inhaler–which helped a bit, but we watched him closely and worried throughout the 10 hour flight. After we landed we took him to the emergency room in London. It ends up he had pneumonia–thankfully we caught it early. Everyone at the hospital was wonderful. They sent us home with meds and within a day David was back to himself.
I am a worrier.
I worry about David’s health.
I worry about my boys’ safety.
I worry when I’m a passenger in a car.
I worry about what others think of me.
I worry if I give my boys enough love and attention.
I worry about my marriage.
I worry I’m letting people down.
And on and on and on.
And my worry never helps me or anyone else–not one single bit.

I wrote this poem on a walk in the English countryside and I wanted to share it with you–because maybe you’re a worrier like me. I hope it encourages you.

All Is Well

Stress and worry
Have helped me not
My joy they’ve taken
This moment forgot

My thoughts bundled up
In fear of unknowns
My mind distracted

My present disowned

Detached from what is
I guess what may be
I imagine the worst

Dark and doom I see

Instead of the light
That always surrounds me
I am safe and secure

God loves me profoundly

My path is before me
God planned every part
Before my first step

From the end to the start

Life’s mysteries to me
Are by God fully known
I am His child

He cares for His own

When sorrow takes hold
And the light seems so dim
His grace and love find me

My hope is in Him

When the pain of this world
Crowds in to oppress
My God gently holds me

And shows me His rest

My worries don’t help me
I’m beginning to find
They wreck and they ravage
I am free, I can breathe
Nothing can alter
The path I am walking

My God will not falter

Today I will practice
Letting go of control
I am held by God’s hand

All is well with my soul

I will learn to be still
And quiet the fear
Today is a gift

My God holds me near


  1. Blessings to you Lisa for some much needed support with your poem. A partner in hospice, a special needs young adult, 2 jobs… stress is definitely my first name these days. Learning to ‘turn it over’ to the Guy that can handle it for me… and realize after reading so many beautiful comments, I don’t have to walk my path alone.

  2. I’m a worrier. I once took a shower because I convinced myself that my husband had been in a fatal motorcycle accident (he hadn’t) and I wanted to be clean when I got the news because I figured I wouldn’t care about such things for a while. Point is, I understand being a worrier. But I think that if worrying doesn’t rule your life, you shouldn’t fret about it. If you hadn’t been worried about your son, you wouldn’t have taken him to the hospital so quickly, he wouldn’t have gotten treated right away, and he wouldn’t have recovered as quickly. So, good job worrying Mom!

  3. Thank you so much for this beautiful poem. My son is going through a medical crisis right now and it has been difficult to stay positive. You remind me that God is always present and will carry us through this. I will save and treasure your words.

  4. Love reading your blog and I tell everyone about you. My husband bought me your Brave Love ring and then for Christmas our daughters bought me necklace with our grandchildren’s names. Love both pieces. But I really love reading about your realistic journey, struggles and triumphs. So glad that David was ok. Reading your latest story about your trip to England made me realize we all have to stop and breathe and try to enjoy more and worry less! Easier said then done I know.

  5. Hey Momma! I think the worry comes with the title. I’m a worrier, too. Your poem is beautiful. I hope it help give you and others some peace. There’s an old southern gospel song called “Living by Faith” that has gotten me through a lot. The first verse is “I care not today what the morrow may bring: if shadows or sunshine or rain. The Lord, I know ruleth o’r everything, and all of my worry is vain.”

  6. Hi Lisa,
    I am a worrier about everything also, unfortunately. My son was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis disease at the age of five and had to have his large intestine removed. The end result was an ileostomy bag for two years and then J-pouch surgery. He is now ten years old. and his brother is almost 13. I am a single mother and worry about them constantly and pray that I am raising them “right”. I just want to know I love your jewelry……it is absolutely gorgeous. I have 2 of the stacking rings with my boy’s names on them, and I bought my mom a beautiful bracelet. I can’t decide what I would like to purchase next. 🙂
    Michelle Langdoc

  7. That is the most beautiful poem I’ve ever read.. so hard to let go of our worry and turn it over to God, especially for Moms. Thank you, it is lovely

  8. Beautiful @LisaLeonard! I have struggled with worry my whole life for as long as I remember. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Thank you for this beautiful poem. Our thoughts of worry mimic each other. I should have an ulcer. I do know when I am present with our Lord and let him take the steering wheel, I feel so peaceful. Unfortunately for me, it is something that I repeatedly have to work daily on.

  10. Thank you for these beautiful words and like many posts came at a good time. I am sitting in bed not being able to get to sleep. My son sent me a text to pray for him and his teammates who were leaving for a dangerous training mission tonight. I will keep this poem along with my Rosary on my nightstand

  11. Thank you for this poem. I’ve always been a worrier and of course it has been multiplying since I lost my son September 7th,2017. And he was only married 21/2 weeks. Need all the help and calming words available for my broken heart. Will copy and save. Sincerely Sue

    1. We know the pain of losing a son, and it’s made me a terrible worrier-thank you for these comforting words

    2. So terribly sorry for your unbearable loss. I am going to pray for you. I pray that God or his Mother will send you some sign that will bring you comfort. God Bless you.

    3. Oh Sue, my heart aches for you and the heartbreaking loss of your son. I pray God will comfort you and give you His peace that passes understanding. ???

    4. God Bless!!!! Lost one of my sons 27 years ago. You will forever be changed but with Gods help you can and will survive. When you’ve done all you can do, just STAND!!

    5. So sorry to hear of your heartbreaking loss of your son! I hope you find some comfort knowing I’m praying for you! Please treat yourself well and practice extra self care during this time❤️?

  12. So beautiful, so true. Thank you so much! God sent me your poem on a day I really needed it! God is good, all the time!

  13. I’m printing this out! Beautiful ❤️ The older I get the more anxiety I have …not over myself but over my family–will read this over and over-thank you ?

  14. My son has been in treatment for the last 2 1/2 years for leukemia. He was diagnosed with one month left of his Junior year of high school. He never went to class his entire senior year. He was able to graduate with the help of some amazing tutors. He is now preparing to leave for college. He will be more than 3 hours of mountain driving from home in good weather. He still has another year of treatment and my anxiety is pretty high. No matter what is happening with our children the world we live in leaves us with worries. Thrilled for my son so I’m trying to enjoy all the moments we have together!

  15. That was beautiful! All mothers worry incessantly! We need to trust and believe that everything will work out. Thank you for sharing!

  16. Lisa your poem is beautiful and many mothers can relate to your worries and feelings. I have cared for my disabled husband for the past 20 yrs and he has not been working at all since 2003. He has a degenerative bone disease that will either suffocate or starve him to death. He has spend many years in excruciating pain and it continues. He is now in a wheelchair all the time and can do almost nothing for himself. He is my soulmate and husband of 30 yrs and we have never had an arqument of any kind (2nd marriage for each of us). I will hate to loose him but at this point it is so hard to see him suffer even more than he already has. And yes I worried at first and finally after being overdosed and nearly loosing him after hip surgery – I had to hand it over to God and know that He was there with us thru everything including many surgeries and then being told they could no nothing else. So I thank God for each day we have together and rejoice on days he has a “good” day. Bless you and your special little guy there and for sharing your words in a poetic way.

  17. Wow…that is exactly me. I have four little girls and my worry has grown with each arrival…for all your same reasons.

    Thank you.

  18. Once you find your soul mate you marry and after of being married single you decide it’s time to start your family(your legacy). We got the good news we were excited both families were happy. You see we were the both left in our families who didn’t have children, so needless to all was right with the world. Than boom the floor dropped out from under us and at 4 and half months I miscarried. His name was Braheem. A year later it happened again this time a little closer to 5 months. His name was Michael.
    A year later yup you guessed it only this time no son but a daughter. When I deliver her she came alive scratching at the inside of my thighs. I almost lost my mind. She put up a fight to live and more than my life I wanted her to but it was not be. Monay joined her brothers. Two years not that we were evening trying ee had said we would help my sister who has lupus raise her son. Low and behold we were pregnant and I carried for 25 and half weeks. Our son is getting to turn 20 and yes we are truly blessed.
    Worries yes plenty but I know that comes with being a wife a daughter a sister most of all a MOTHER my most important role in the world.

  19. This couldn’t have come at a better time. It is so me. Thank you for your beautiful post and poem. You have helped me without knowing so. I love your jewelry and it has a special meaning for me. I have one of your pieces which helped me through a very difficult time and hope to one day acquire another. They are so meaningful to me, just like this poem. Thank you for sharing!! Hugs for you all. We are not alone. There are many of us who experience the same for our own different reasons. Stay strong and don’t lose the faith and the hope God offers us.

  20. Beautiful poem, Lisa. Please take time to give yourself the same hugs you are giving to others. Your beautiful family is very lucky to have you.

  21. You have a beautiful soul Lisa … I love your stories about you and your family. Please keep sharing as it truly makes my day a brighter one!

  22. As wife, Mom, Woman this is what we do, but with four children…now grown, husband in failing health, I worry! I try to remember to take that deep breathe and say a silent prayer. It honestly brings me to calm and to carry on and be there for all of them!

    PS: after all is settled and done, I go to the shower and let the tears flow! You are doing well.

  23. Thank you, Lisa, for sharing these beautiful words. I, too, have been a worrier all my life. I worry about all the things you mentioned, and a million more. I have just survived one of the worst years of my married life, and without going into detail, I will say that I am ever so slowly coming to the realization that I will, indeed, be okay, no matter what storm I am in the midst of. Thanks for everything.

  24. Your poem was very heartwarming and oh so true….it is very hard to “Let go and Let God”…but he is in control and he hears our prayers. God Bless you and your beautiful family!!

  25. Your poem came at the perfect time for me. I am beginning a transition in my career and it’s a bit nerve racking. Your poem reminds me that I need to trust that God is in control and I need to let Him guide me with no resistance. I pray that my body will make it through another school year and allow me follow my dream.

  26. Thank you for posting your calming thoughts. I too worry about things out of my control. Worry has caused me to miss many special and happy moments. I suffer from anxiety and people tell me o just get over it. Easier said, then done. I know God is the only one who holds my destiny and my worry is useless because I have come to believe God has a plan for me. Maybe not the one I chose, but what he feels is best. I have also learned to turn things over to him. Without God in my life, I would have never made it through the hardships I have encountered. My dad left me at age 4, I ended a marriage due to abuse, money problems have plagued me and now I am blessed to take care of my 95 year old mother. At time, I break down from the stress of working, taking care of mom and the shear loneliness of going through life alone. But, I am never alone. Because when things are at it’s lowest, God is there I king me up. I wear your silver bar necklace with 3 stones in it. One represents my grandma, who took care of me while my mom worked as a single mom. The other is for my mother, who has shown me what a strong woman is and the last stone represents me. My stone lies within he middle of the 2 strongest, kindest, honest and carin women I have known in my life. Thank you for providing me with this beautiful necklace, which I never take off. I am so happy to hear your son is doing well. You are a wonder mother and wife and please know God is always with you❤️

  27. I like your honesty. And your product. And your stories.

    So, a month and half ago, I ordered rings with my kids names on them. Received them. They were beautiful. But didn’t fit. I contacted your company and got the instructions on how to return. Did that. And haven’t heard anything. No rings. No $ returned. Nothing. Contacted your customer service a month later and was told they’d get the rings back, resized, when they were received. Nothing.

    No rings. No money back. Nothing more from customer service.

    Frustrated. And, after spending $126 dollars with nothing to show I feel like II have exhausted all avenues so am trying this one in hopes it might help.

  28. This is a precious poem and one I need to keep near to me as my son will very soon leave for his first year of college. This bittersweet experience keeps my heart in great joy and great sadness and my worries for the impending loneliness I will feel when I see his empty room. And, my daughter learning to drive, to become more independent, when for me it is so hard to let go, even little by little. God be with all of us mommies and help us all to remember that our babies are Your children as well, for whom You love and care. Watch over our precious ones. To God be the glory.

  29. I’m so glad David is doing well! Your poem was just what I needed today AND everyday!! Thank you so much!!!

  30. Touching! Glad David is good! Blessings surround us! Big fan of your poetry and jewelry! Keep inspiring us with all of your talents!

  31. There is good a bad in everything everyday. We need both to learn and appreciate. Find the good and enjoy the beauty of it. Find the bad and learn from it to make you better. Smile, you are doing great I’m sure. You are loved.

  32. One of my favorite quotes is “Worry is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere “

  33. Thank you for this beautiful poem. I am going to try to read this every day and follow it. I am tired of worrying and it only robs of us of our joy. But it is something we consciously have to choose to stop doing!! With God all things are possible !

    1. Lisa so glad David is ok and yes I am a big worrier my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer 2 years ago had surgery and all is well but whenever he goes for lab and doc visit I am a mess until he is home
      Loved your poem wish I could save it
      Have a great trip

  34. You are so right, thank you… I’m reminded of what scripture says :
    Luke 12:25 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?

  35. Lisa, Anxiety and Depression have been my nemesis since I was a child. I am almost 71 years old and still plagued by both. I have been through years of therapy and medicine. God has been my only real source of comfort, although I have had a few compassionate counselors. In this life, we face so many trials, hurts, disappointments and losses. God is our only refuge. Without Him I wouldn’t have made it thus far. It has been hard and there are days I can only utter, “Help me, Lord”. Your poems are lovely and thought provoking. Keep them coming. God bless you and yours.

    1. Lisa, When I read your comment I clearly saw my own self. I am almost 70 and anxiety /depression have been a part of my life since age 12. Through pain, abuse, disappointments and losses I sought many counselors. A few were helpful but my faith carried me through. Without God on my life I would not be where I am today. God is Great! I am alone now but I know He is always with me. Good to know there are many faithful Christians on our world. Peace be with you and your mom.

  36. This is such a beautiful poem about letting go and letting God. We all can use a reminder of that every now and then. I get so wrapped up in the trials and tribulations that I forget I serve a HUGE God who goes before me and makes my path straight. He stands in the fire with us and for that I am so grateful. Thank you for sharing. May God bless you, your family and your business. (I am so excited to get my rings and necklace with my precious grand babies names on them.)

  37. Lisa…you have no idea how much I needed this today. Your words spoke to exactly everything I am going through and worrying about today as I am facing huge changes in my life, both happy and sad changes. God is using you in amazing ways to reach the lives of others. Thank you so much for sharing and may God continue to bless you greatly!!!

  38. So glad your son is ok. As moms when one of kids is sick or faced with troubles, we all feel it. Even if we’ve never met. I am a full-time working mother of 3 girls and I worry about all of them and my husband and my aging parents EVERY DAY. It doesn’t consume me, because work and life keep me too busy, but it’s always there lurking in the back of my mind. It’s so critical that we keep an optimistic attitude, but also remind ourselves everyday when we are stressing over unimportant daily trials and tribulations, that life is precious and things can change at a moment’s notice. Thank you for sharing your story and beautiful poems.

  39. Lisa, like all of the others that have made comments about being worriers, I am just like them. My favorite saying is to all of my family is, ” you do not need to worry, I worry enough for all of you!” As I have gotten older, I have learned that if I put that burden in God’s hands, I do much better. Thank you for the beautiful poem. I am going to keep it, where I can read it when life starts getting tough. Thank you so much!

  40. Yes, I love your poem. I’m raw with depression right now. I had been married for 47 years and learned my husband has an addiction I can not deal with. I’m alone and at times lonely. I’ve moved to another state leaving everything including children and grandchildren. I never thought at 70 I would be in this situation. I do know that I’m standing for what is right and that God is with me. Yes, doing and standing for right hurts more than some will ever know. Thank you for a chance to tell my story.

  41. Although you had EVERY right to be anxious about his health, especially on a long flight, here’s something that I use as my mantra when I get in a worried state…”Don’t borrow trouble.” I’m so thankful he’s better!!

    We can’t predict ANYTHING in this life, so I also go with the words in Philippians 4 – Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (here’s the best part…) And the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    It doesn’t say the situation will be taken away, it just says we can handle it better.

  42. Anxiety and worry has plagued me for weeks now. It has almost become debilitating. My son and husband were in an accident on July 29. My husband (who we think experienced a panic attack while driving) had a seizure and passed out at the wheel. My son, 19, had just got his permit and only knew how to drive an automatic transmission car and my husband’s truck is stick shift. Even so, he had the mindset to see what had happened, grabbed the wheel, gave the stick shift a swirly motion (which put it in neutral) and climbed over my husband trying to push the brake but only pushed the clutch. The truck continued to move forward so he just wrenched the wheel and ran them off the road and into a fence. Thankfully they were both okay except for a black eye my son got when the truck jumped the curb and he hit his face on the grab bar. But after that, my anxiety kicked into high gear. Now the state is wanting to suspend my husband’s license for 6 months until he is seizure free. If this happens he will lose his job and my son will have no ride to college in two weeks. I am in a panic. I can’t sleep, I have no appetite, and I lay awake at night and worry about every possible horrible scenario from this. Your post was so timely for me. I am such a control freak. It’s hard for me to just let go and let God. I want to, really bad, but no matter how hard I try, I still want to be the one in control. And you know how that ends up. My son’s financial aid has not come through yet and if it doesn’t by Monday his schedule gets purged. It goes on and on. All the things out of my control. It’s gotten the better of me, I’m afraid. How does one let go and let God take control? I need help.

    1. Don’t lose hope. It will all be well. Things happen for a reason which we don’t know as we don’t know God’s plan. Stay strong and pray. I will pray for you and yours.

    2. You poor girl!!! The biggest thing you can do is take control of only what you can control. There Is always that fear and the catapult of it all when you look ahead to the “what ifs” which can be paralyzingly and debilitating, which is where you are. You need to focus on the here and now, and remember that God does have control and he will bring you to it and bring you thru it. Look for options for your husbands transportation issue. This could Be a good thing to happen if he has a hidden health issue that needs attention- Gods way- ask co workers if they live close and can help or someone in the neighborhood or family. Or you may have to take him and you may be juggling your drive times and you spend more time on the road and hours driving, just do what you have to do and get it done. Your son did an amazing thing and it saved their lives- Gods Way- giving him confidence – he did that he can do anything! His college will fall into place, I go thru this every year with 3 of mine, my last one just a week ago got his funding and yes I worried a little but only allowed myself 24 hours after that it’s out of my hands we Will deal with it. It’s not the end of the world, just need to take a different route and it may take more time if it don’t go our way. What I’m saying is only allow 24 hours to mentally attack the task and after that you just deal with what has To be done and the best route for the out come!! Keeps that anxiety at bay when you set time limits!! Remember God brings you to it he will bring you thru it, but only if you believe in him and yourself and make a plan!! Prayers it all falls into place!!! Good luck and Godspeed to you all!! ❤️?? Oh and Lisa, this is perfection on Gods word and relating to everyday life!! LOVE IT!!! And so glad all is well and David is on the road to recovery!!! ❤️ He’s your grounding to God and all that is beautiful!! You are blessed!!

    3. Dear Karen,
      I went thru some fear when my son disappeared and I couldn’t sleep or eat. Then I read if I couldn’t do something to fix it then the only one who could was God! So give it to God and see what he does. I sang a song every night “Trust and Obey for there is no other way to be Happy in Jesus but to Trust and Obey”! Thank God my son came home and we spent years watching him turn his life around! Now I try to turn everything over to Him before it gets out of control! God Bless You and your Family!

  43. Lisa thank you for this beautiful and true messsge of God’s love and protection over us? I too have been going thru some things lately that have made me fearful of everything and yet I know when God is trying to reassure us and make his presence in our lives known he will bombard us with signs to show us. It’s just that often we don’t pay attention or are so blinded by “life” that we miss his signs. Your message was a clear sign to me today and I know God spoke thru you to reassure me that He is always with me and will never leave my side. I feel wrapped in his love and protection. So thank you so very much for your words and for letting God use you to touch my life and the lives of so many others. And I am so happy that all is well with David? God is so good❣️ Bless you?

  44. Thanks you for your beautifully written poem. Our God is good all the time. All the time God is good. You are a beautiful woman, a patient, kind and loving mother. Keep the faith

  45. Beautiful words that I relate to 1000%. I’m constantly pleading with God to help me stop worrying and let go of what I can’t control , and rather to live in and enjoy the present. It’s so hard and so very elusive. It’s a constant struggle.

  46. I can so relate. You are not alone. So glad you caught our son’s pneumonia early. Being a parent is hard. We have so much responsibility. If you ever learn the answer to stop worrying, please share it.

    1. I’m so glad your son is ok. Breathing problems are very scary. My son has had a nebulizer since he was about 6 months old and one never gets used to the sounds associated. There should be a giant warning label before one commits to having a child – “Having Children Can Cause Serious Damage to Your Psyche.” But even if there were, its not like it would stop most of us…. Enjoy every moment, “now” is all that is certain.

  47. Beautiful. You came my way thru Emily. Good to know I’m not the only one who allows worry to overwhelm and take my peace. Thank you, so timely.

  48. Lisa, I am Kirsten’s mother and God’s spirit is speaking to me about worry, to trust and believe He is good in ALL things. I appreciate you sharing your heart.

  49. Beautiful post Lisa. So happy David is well!

    Your poem is full of light and truth. For me, best antidote to worry is gratitude–forcing myself into the present moment to remember God’s goodness–and that’s what your poem does. Love the photo of you three on the couch, and the white roses. ❤️?❤️

  50. I’m so glad I was raised to ‘Believe!’ Prayer has helped me through many situations in my life. And your poem is near to a prayer. I wish you peace, Lisa.

  51. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem! It is just what I needed to hear today. I enjoy your blog so much and feel grateful to you for your sharing. I am also a fan of your jewelry. Thank you again for sharing your heart that it may be a source of comfort to others.

  52. Thank God David is ok and bounced back so quickly.
    As for the poem… Wow, what a gift you have! Love this poem. It’s such a blessing, filled with such insight and vulnerability. Would you mind if I shared it?

  53. This poem is everything that I think of, every single day. I am consumed with fear daily. Will my children be healthy and safe, will my cancer come back, will my sister be okay so far from her family, etc. etc. I don’t know how to relax and I can’t seem to go one day without worrying. It’s refreshing to know that I’m not alone but it’s also sad that so many of us cannot truly live life to the fullest because we are consumed with the fear of the unknown. Thank you for sharing.

  54. Oh goodness. I SO needed this today. Good to know I’m not alone in my worrying nature. 🙂 My life seems so dark right now (divorce, ex-husband’s addiction causing distress for our girls, new job, second daughter starting college, third daughter back to high school, etc). It was a needed pause in my day – reminding me that even though I feel like I’m in the valley of shadows, there will be a light in the future and God will lift me up. Thank you and thanks for sharing your lovely family (in all beauty and trials).

  55. Thank you for sharing! I am a worrier and it just stops you from enjoying life. I do try to remind myself that all will be fine-it always ends up fine. I’m glad David is better!

  56. So glad that David is back to himself! What a beautiful poem and so meaningful to me because “yes” , “yes,” “YES, I have been a worrier most of my life. Thank you for sharing Lisa.

  57. I am so glad David is Ok. The poem you wrote was so beautiful. I myself worry about everything in life. Thank you for writing this lovely poem

  58. I needed this today. Thank you for sharing & opening yourself up to the rest of us. Blessings on you & your dear ones❤️

  59. Beautiful, thank you for sharing. I needed to hear this today. Too much stress and worry in my life. Thank you!

  60. Your an amazing mom and you just know him so well his breath is your breath. Be proud of what you do. Remember worry steals our moments. You give your kids what many of us will never because of fear and worry. Rock on you warrior mom!

  61. Thank you ao much for sharing! I to am a worrier to the point it gets in the way of having fun. Everyday I pray ti Let Go—-Let God!!
    Blessings to you!!

  62. Luv it! Hit home perfectly. My worry gets in the way of enjoying fun things! Thank yiu for sharing! I pray everyday to let go…let God!!!

  63. This is beautiful. I am a worrier. My dad is 91 and his heart is failing. I am a nurse and on call for him 24 hours a day. I worry so much and I know I’m doing all that I can do. Also I want to tell you that I bought a ring with my granddaughter’s name Madelon who was born in Aprilon it. I wore it to work but it was a little loose. With all of the gloves that I had on and off, I lost it. I work nights. Anyway I had looked thru all of the garbages and had given up. I was in my last room before the end of my shift, the sun was just coming up. There was a beam from the sun coming thru the window which pointed right to my ring in the floor. I couldn’t believe it. God Bless.

    1. Thoughts and prayers going out to you and your Dad. I lost mine 2 & 1/2
      years ago suddenly at age 82. My Mom passed away 2 weeks ago after a 4
      month battle with cancer. She was 77. I was her caregiver. Hardest thing I have ever done but would do it over again in a heartbeat. Miss them both so much sometimes I can hardly breath. Be good to yourself.

      1. Beautiful poem !! God bless you and your family . Excited to receive the ring for my daughter it’s her first baby my first grand daughter ! ?

    2. Worry is proof that we do not trust God. It is work and a learned practice to trust the God we say we know.
      We must learn to walk what we talk.
      God is faithful and good and His strength never fails us.
      Blessings as you walk the path of faith.

  64. This little poem is Beautiful and exactly what I neede at this time . I myself worry myself sick thank you for this .

  65. Such a freeing revelation. If only we weren’t so absent minded and losing sight of the fact that God holds us in the palm of his hand. Can’t get any safer than that.

  66. I love it! I’m like you. In the end, I’ve spent numerous hours, stressing over something that ended up being fine. I don’t know how to stop it. My kids tell me not to worry, but I just tell them that’s what moms do.

  67. That’s so beautiful and from the heart. I also am a worrier. I’ll bookmark your poem so I can be reminded to not let worry steal my joy. Thank you! ?

  68. Glad everything turned out ok. Our children always come first and when they hurt, we hurt. Love and prayers❤️??

    1. Glad your family is well. I spent my children’s childhoods worrying. What if….. I am trying not to worry away my time with my grandchildren. Through events in my life I too have learned our Lord has a plan for each of us. Your poem is beautiful and speaks to me. Thank you.

      1. Lisa we should be twins. My husband says if something bad can happen -I would think of it. My kids are 42, 38, and 37 and I still worry about them. I’m going t be 65 in December and I still worry about my siblings. I pray someday I’ll be worry free but I’m sure it won’t be in this lifetime. I understand your heart!

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