hello healing

***Hello Monday is where I greet the new week with an open heart and a fresh perspective. It’s a new beginning–and there’s so much to be thankful for! Join me by leaving your own hellos in the comments section or linking up a hello monday post there!***

For the last week, I feel like I’ve been exhaling. I didn’t even realize I’d been holding my breath! Over the last few months David’s had severe GI pain with cramping, arching, constipation and hours of tears. He’s been inconsolable. But a a couple weeks ago we saw a new GI doc at UCLA. We’ve switched up his meds, feeding schedule and routine. And I can’t begin to tell you how much HAPPIER, more comfortable and more content David is! We are elated!

Being on this side of the pain and physical issues David was facing gives me more objectivity. In the middle of it, we were just in it, surviving and coping. Being on the other side, I can appreciate how hard it was, how drained I was and how grateful I am for reprieve. My sister used the analogy that when you’re running from a bear, you don’t stop to think how scary and dangerous and terrifying it is, you just RUN. But when the bear is gone, you realize, WOW that was awful! That was terrifying. That was exhausting. Now that we’re not being chased by a bear, I can exhale and we’re all healing. And feeling very, very grateful that David is thriving!

How about some hellos for a new week?

Hello lone tree near the ocean. You make my heart happy.

Help little birdie, perched on a gray, quiet morning.

Hello waves that soothe my soul.

Hello sister who understands my heart.

Hello feeling grateful. Hello exhaling. Hello healing.

Hello endless sky.

Hello writing with a calligraphy pen. So fun!

Hello gathering a few little things for Easter baskets.

Hello painting a bench yellow. {Pics soon!}

Hello something very very beautiful to share with you this week!

Hello early bedtimes that make for happier mornings.

Hello praying for these friends who are in Haiti right now. Will you join me?

Hello brand new, week full of healing and hope!

What are you saying hello to this week? Leave some hellos in the comments section or link up your own hello monday post there!


  1. Great news for David and ya’ll. I love your sister’s analogy. I sometimes forget that I am constantly running from a bear when maybe I should look back and see that is really a cute puppy. Hello Monday oops wait it’s Tuesday. See what I mean! 😉

  2. So happy to hear that David’s feeling much better. It is no fun when our kiddos don’t feel well, especially when dealing with things that aren’t always an easy fix. I’ll be here in Wisconsin (where it’s snowing. again. but, luckily not sticking) living vicariously through your warm weather posts here and on instagram. Can’t wait to see the bench!

  3. I am so happy to hear that David is doing better. What a difference a day to the doctor makes! Thank goodness. By the way. I love your “hello” script. Did you just do that with a calligraphy pen. If so which one do you use? I love it and I love your Monday hellos! Have a great week. Xo

    1. Yes, it was just a calligraphy pen. I’m not sure what nib I used–I’m such a beginner and I’m just having fun! Happy monday to you!

    1. Holy week! I was so moved at church yesterday, considering all that happened in one week–from being welcomed to crucifixion. My heart is grateful.

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