you are enough

you are enough-01
Guilt says do more, be more

Grace says be still and rest

Guilt condemns

Grace forgives

Guilt screams and yells

Grace whispers kind words

Guilt gives up

Grace moves forward

Guilt scratches and claws

Grace soothes and comforts

Guilt piles on

Grace lightens the load


Guilt brings despair
Grace is a ray hope

Guilt points the finger

Grace is a hand to hold

Guilt rolls it’s eyes

Grace smiles with warmth

Guilt is a liar

Grace is a truth teller

Guilt says you’ll never be enough
Grace says you are enough, just as you are


  1. Beautifully expressed. I think all us women are susceptible to guilt. Guilt the ultimate liar, Guilt the bully, Guilt that poisons and attacks the bravest of women who have been programed throughout the generations to be able to do all, be all and leap tall buildings effortlessly and perfectly and when we fall short, guilt is there waiting in the shadows to attack our very soul. I salute you Lisa for your courage, strength and beauty, shining your light helping other women in the fight against guilt.

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