full of meaning necklace, marked by love



our new marked by love {audrey’s necklace} is full of meaning.

i am so excited to tell you about it and hope it will be meaningful to you or someone you know.

it’s meant for moms who have lost a child, but can be worn by any woman, any mom.

angie smith and i put our heads together to create a necklace

that would bring hope and be a reminder of life and love.




angie and todd lost their baby girl, audrey, shortly after she was born.

it’s a beautiful story and you can read it here.

grab a couple tissues.



it’s a simple, beautiful piece

that will touch your heart and resonate with all types of moms.

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and we’re giving two away.

leave a comment and tell us how YOU have been marked by love.

blog it, facebook it, tweet it, for extra entries.

please leave a comment for each entry!!

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view the new marked by love necklace here!

{GIVEAWAY CLOSED, thank you!}


  1. It’s very hard to forget someone who is very close to us and you have created a necklace we can say mother daughter necklace which is a reminder of life and love & its very precious thing for a mother.
    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  2. I am marked by love because I love and serve a God who took on all my shame so that I might know real love.

  3. My dear friend Kelly lost her sweet angel Reagan Noel soon after she was born at 24 weeks. I loved Angie’s quote about the necklace reminding her that Audrey was real and had weight. I think Kelly would be touched in much the same way and I would love to give one to her.

  4. I lost my sweet girl when I was young and in a horrible situation. My abusers caused a forced miscarriage, but I was able to hold her and I’ve never loved anyone so deeply. I love her with all I have and miss her every day. Angie so eloquantly put it…”she had weight in this world.” My awesome God is protecting her now. Her tiny life has allowed mine to be marked by love. And she’s allowed me to find that deep love in my relationship with Christ.

  5. Simply beautiful … we lost our son, Owen, to anencephaly shortly after the Smiths lost Audrey. Angie’s writing has been such a source of encouragement, often echoing our feelings.

    Your jewelry is beatiful!

  6. The year I was 15, I walked away from the young man who loved me. For no reason, just because. For a year, I almost hated him. I made choices I regret to this day. But he never stopped loving me…his love has marked me to the core. We’ve been happily committed for over 3 years, and someday, we’ll tie the knot forever. This beautiful necklace is a lovely reminder of how truly loved {and blessed} I am. I would get it personalized with our special day :: 1.6.07

  7. I have been wanting to give my sister one of your necklaces for quite some time. She’s a single (young) mom who will be fighting an uphill battle for some time but has never once taken for granted the blessing of her 13-month-old baby girl. Even if I’m not selected, I think I’ll be ordering this necklace soon!

  8. we’ve lost 2 babies at early gestation but have one miracle girl who is 7 years old now & we’re starting the adoption process through the state this friday if everyone would pray for us 🙂

  9. I was 28 years old with my first pregnancy…so exciting. Little did I know at 23.5 weeks I would learn what a stillbirth baby was. I miss Issac 20 years later. I would love to be reminded of his sweetness with a beautiful necklace.

  10. I am marked by love with having the opportunity to be a teacher to children with special needs. They are such a blessing to me and truly know the meaning of unconditional love.

  11. I have not lost a child but have obviously been marked my love by my two daughters. If won, I would pass this necklace on to a family friend.

  12. I have marked by the loss of a child and it is something you will never get over, My 5 year old keeps telling me she needs a sister and at this point that is not possible but I now she has an older sibling in heaven waiting for her

  13. I am marked by love through Jesus. I have not lost a child but feel grateful for the 3 beautiful daughters that were given to me to take care of here on earth. I would love to win one of your necklaces. Love your work!

  14. As a friend to many women who have lost babies and as an OB nurse who works with families as they gain or sometimes lose new family members, I like the meaning and weight of this necklace.

  15. I have three babies with Jesus, we lost them to miscarriage before they had names.
    I would love to have this necklace, but I have a high school friend that just lost her son last Thursday to a very tragic accident. His name was Paxton and he was 14 months old. His dad was backing up a tractor in their yard and didn’t know the baby was outside and ran him over. They have four other children. If I won this, I would want to give it to my friend.

  16. I would love to win this for a friend who lost 2 baby boys. I was definitely touched by love by their short, precious lives.

  17. My five precious children have marked my life with love — the first of whom awaits me in heaven and is sorely missed & deeply loved. I was also marked by the love of a dear little boy whose adoption failed after twenty months. Each has touched my life in a unique and powerful way.

  18. I love this necklace and would love to have one. I lost my first baby and now have my beautiful Owen. God is truly great!

  19. What a beautiful necklace….I have been searching for some time for something of “weight” that I could wear in remembrance and honour of our six little ones born into heaven.

  20. I love this necklace, I have lost loved ones in my life time but thankfully never a child. Natalee my one and only daughter is a constant reminder to cherish every moment we have on this earth.

  21. I have three amazing children to raise and three waiting for me in heaven. I have been so blessed by Angie’s story. Thank you for your generous give away offer.

  22. Such a lovely necklace!! I love it and would wear it proudly, sharing Audrey’s story each time I was asked about it!

  23. Before giving birth to my (now) 16 and 17 years olds, we lot 6 babies to miscarriage at roughly 12 weeks. It was an excruciating time for us as a newly married couple, but God got us through by grace alone.

  24. This necklace is so beautiful! We lost our precious little girl on the day of her birth. This is such a beautiful way to remember your child. Reading about Audrey has been so inspiring to me.

  25. Beautiful necklace. Makes me think of our 2 precious babies in Heaven, Alethia who was stillborn at 39 weeks, and baby Grace, miscarried at 5 weeks.

  26. I lost sweet baby Brady to miscarriage 2 1/2 years ago. I have precious 5 year old twins and a 14 month old baby girl. I will never forget our Brady and would treasure your beautiful necklace.

  27. Beautiful necklace, I am a mother of an 8 month old boy. He has touched me with a love deeper than I could have ever imagined! He makes me a better person every day.

  28. It was 2 years ago this month that I miscarried. I was 13 weeks along and showed no signs of any problems. It was incredibly difficult but the Lord helped me through it. I would love this necklace as a reminder that my baby was real even if I never got to meet her.

  29. I have been blessed with four precious babies(not babies any more). I ahve a friend expecting a little girl in July and this would be a great gift for her! If I don’t win, Ijust might order one!

  30. I am a new Christian and I feel that I am marked by love through my new love for the Lord. It is so excited for me and my family to start this walk together and I can’t get enough! Just yesterday my 8 year old brought me his Ipod and asked me to put some “God” music on it! I love that my husband, kids and myself are doing this journey together. It is a whole new peace, love and understanding in our house. Love it!

  31. God bless you for making these. So many of us need it. I am blessed to have a beautiful, living daughter, but still grieve for the baby that remains lost to me.

  32. What a beautiful story about Audrey- such a testement to God’s grace and love in a horribly difficult time wiht this amazing family. I have been touched by love by my three boys and the families of special children I work with at school. Thank you for your amazing blog and meaningful jewelry.

  33. I just found out that I lost my baby that we have been praying three years for. At least we got to hear the heartbeat one time. I have been marked by love with this baby and with my first.

  34. I have been marked by love through the birth of each of my beautiful boys and through the desire in my heart, placed their by God, to adopt a little girl one day.

  35. These necklaces are beautiful. My sister lost her first baby, a boy at 5 1/2 months and it was traumatic for the entire family. I know she would love to have one of these to remember him by.

  36. I lost my little girl to cancer 2 years ago and would love to wear one of these necklaces!!! Thank you for the chance to win!!!

  37. What an absolutely wonderful tribute to Angie and Todd’s baby girl. I have been following their story on Angie’s blog for awhile now and I am amazed every day by them. I too lost a child and so have been marked by the love that was lost. Your work is amazing and I would be completely honored to wear Audrey’s necklace.

  38. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful little soul! I would love to have this necklace as a tribute to my angel son, Logan. He lived for 5 extraordinary months, and our hearts are forever longing for the moment we are reunited with him.

  39. Love the necklace! I’ve been marked by love with the love of my husband and the birth of my two sons, Colin and Evan.

  40. Wow.. I got a necklace from you (from my husband ) at Christmas with my kids names on it, and I wear it proudly everyday! It’s beautiful as well as this new piece in memory of Sweet Audrey!

  41. I love the necklace! I love the simplicity of it yet the thought behind it. I have a nine year old “special needs” child and he is my reminder to love always. He loves all people and reminds me to love all too!!

  42. This necklace is beautiful! One of my bestfriends lost her daughter to cancer, that’s how we met many years ago my son also had cancer and he is a survivor. I would love to give Katie this necklace.

  43. Lisa – Thank you for your beautiful work and your beautiful heart. The new necklace is so full of meaning. If I were to win, this necklace would go to a couple in our congregation whose first child, Abigail Grace, was stillborn at 28 weeks and whose memorial service I preached. What a journey for them and for all parents of these precious lives who were gone too soon.

  44. I have followed Angie’s blog since she was pregnant with Audrey. I love her story and how she has chosen to share and use Audrey’s life! The necklace is beautiful and all the thought and meaning behind it.

  45. I have been marked by love by the love that Jesus has for each one of us and that he is holding our 16 month old son who went to be with Him, 7/24/08. His name was Brady and he was a funny, active, sweet little boy. I will never forget him, and have been blessed with other children, and because I value life and the chance to make a difference for God in the world, I too have been marked by love- and will choose to keep loving despite our heartache!

  46. This necklace touches my heart as I experienced 3 miscarriages all in the same calendar year. It was just 3 years after I lost my mom to cancer and all I wanted was to have her hug me with her loving arms. If I win this necklace it will remind me daily (I wear my favorite jewerly over and over) these sweet tiny ones are souls forever in heaven with Jesus. I have since had other babies but I have never and will never forget the three.

  47. I think the greatest way that I have been marked by love is through my relationship with my husband and my children. My children are all special to me. But having a miscarriage in January made me think about them even more. I am so thanksful for my two children who are here and think of the one who is missing all the time. We saw our little baby, and seeing “her’ has changed me forever. Through this experience I have been marked by Gods love and by my love for that child I will not know untill heaven.

  48. Beautiful necklace. I am the mom of two boys and a little girl due in June. We lost a baby between our boys; this baby as much as our others has impacted our lives significantly. Each of these precious babies has marked our lives with love. Thank you!

  49. Oh my goodness, so many comments. It’s amazing how Angies blog has brought people together in such a special way. Thank YOU for this special giveaway.

  50. Because Hebrew is a word picture language, you can “break down” words for added meaning. The word love in Hebrew, ahav, means “The Father’s heart revealed.” How true. I have been touched by love from the the very One who revealed love to us.

    I am forgiven, healed and loved, and in turn have the opportunity to give those gifts to others.

    Thank you so much for the question and the chance to win this meaningful necklace. 🙂

  51. I have a friend who lost here baby and is having a very hard time dealing with the loss. I know that this necklace would touch her heart and remind her of her sweet Cooper. Thanks for making this beautiful necklace with such a wonderful message. They might not be with us but they are loved and thought of often.

  52. “Marked By Love”, for me, means remembering that sometimes the smallest of beings can have the greatest impact on our lives. As one of the many, many women out there who have experienced miscarriage/stillbirth/infant loss, THANK YOU for providing such a beautiful way to memorialize our loved ones. The loss of our tiny babies is often minimized by those who have never had such an experience, and it is wonderful to be able to have a daily reminder of how beautiful and cherished their lives were, even if it was for a short time, or even if they never lived outside of us. Bless you.

  53. I know this is simple, but I have been marked by love in a few ways. The first is I’ve been marked by the beauty of the love of those that reach out unexpectedly. As a resident assistant I had the challenge of enforcing community values among my peers, yet so many of my peers responded with gracious love. They recognized that I enforced these values for their benefit and amazed me with the graciousness of their love.
    I have also been marked by the love of the many children that I have been privileged to work with. These student have made a mark on my life because I strive to love them. As a camp counselor and an intern teacher, I have had the ability to work with students. I cannot always tell them of the love of Jesus and I can only show them my genuine love and allow God’s love to shine through them. This is such a precious weight because Christ loves those children so much even if I cannot explicitly tell everyone of them. I get the opportunity to love them as much as I can in the short time that I have them in my sphere of influence, which for some beautiful campers is only a few short days. Yet hopefully through Christ in me they will be eternally marked by his love.

  54. I work at a hospital in many departments including mom & baby. I have taken care of many parents who have lost so many babies and are now celebrating a new life. Some have been adoptive parents going through the joy and uncertainty of adoption. I am also expecting our third baby after a miscarriage. I just feel like this necklace embodies so much feelings that cannot be described by words.

  55. I really have been “marked by love” all of my days…starting with my parents, my grandparents, sister, friends, my sweet husband, and our 2 awesome boys. My mother is in Heaven along with our 3rd child who I lost through miscarriage. Both of them have left lasting marks of love on my life and this necklace would be a great way to “feel” that love each day.

  56. my sister and brother in law went through some of the struggles of having their 9day old son pass away a few years ago. i love the “weight” it represents. there’s a pain with loving someone, but a joy in being loved.

  57. Your work is beautiful. I would give the necklace to a sweet woman at our church who lost her baby girl 12 hours after her birth.

  58. I’m not sure if this giveaway would extend to Australia, but I will comment anyway. My husband and I lost our baby girl Emily to stillbirth nearly 6 years ago now. I would love to win this necklace because it reminds me of Gods love for me in that time – as I was not a Christian but through this tragedy I found the love of God and salvation.. God made beauty from ashes in my life and recently my husband gave his life to Chris as well – Gods love for us is amazing and back then when Emily died I never would have imagined so much grace and love and blessings o be poured out upon me. It’s a beautiful, meaningful necklace Lisa!

  59. After 4 years of marriage and 3 of infertility, God blessed my husband and I with our first pregnancy. We lost that baby at 10 weeks. I was so angry that God would do that to me! Now, 4 years later, I see God’s grace all over me and my husband. We have grown so much closer together and closer to God our Father and now our sweet baby’s Father. I would love this necklace to remind me that God’s love is never ending even when we may not see it or feel it. He cares!

  60. I am blessed to have a beautiful son who just turned two…I know that not every mother is so lucky to watch their healthy child grow. I cherish each moment with him and I love seeing the world through his eyes – it’s like being reborn.

  61. Beautiful piece. My sweet daughter, Kaitlyn, is a preemie at 23 weeks and 6 days. She is my constant reminder of being marked by love.

  62. I have been marked by love by watching my daughter walk through the pain of losing her baby through miscarriage. This necklace would be a wonderful reminder of baby Noel who awaits us in heaven.

  63. I have a very dear friend who lost her infant son a year ago this month. She is working through her grief, but still has so many struggles. I can’t even imagine! I would love to give her this precious memory necklace as a remind of her sweet Max & God’s grace that has carried her this far and will continue.

  64. I am a mom of four kiddos who, thank God, are beautiful, and healthy and whole. We had one miscarriage after the first two kids were born – it was a hard pill for my hubby to swallow. Each pregnancy mattered to us – baby or no baby. We were so lucky and blessed and i don’t have a reason to gripe or complain – so I won’t! Love the new necklace; beautiful and special with such profound meaning. Thanks, Lisa!

  65. If I really think about it, I’ve been marked by love in so many different ways: parents who are still together, my Savior who loves me in spite of me, my husband who is strong where I am weak, and two great kids who remind me daily that love is what is important in life!

  66. our son has a dx. of down syndrome. He constantly reminds us of how precious life is – he helps us see the things that really matter….he was been a gift of love to us.

  67. My first marking was being pregnant with a baby that I miscarried very early on. in His perfect timing, I got pregnant a 2nd time the weekend the first baby was due. I delievered a healthy baby girl in Dec. 2006 and a boy last May. The pain of that miscarriage still runs deep, but am reminded daily of God’s gifts.

    Such a beautiful piece of jewelry. Will be passing this along to my husband for a Mother’s Day suprise.

  68. oh lisa,
    i so love your stuff!i am the mom of ten,one darling with special needs.
    this would be tangible evidence of the fact that she carries as much weight as other children.
    thanks for the opportunity.

  69. I have 4 precious children ages 31,18 and twins that are 16. All though we have faced challenges with 2 of my children I would not trade them for the world. I would have the word “redeemed by His love” on the back of my necklace!

  70. We lost our daughter two years ago Thursday. I completely understand the ‘weight’ Angie speaks of. What a beautiful gift you have given her.

  71. I have not been marked by love ( through the loss of a child but have faced infertility issues).
    I have been marked by love because God has BLESSED me with my loving husband- my best friend. Hope to be one of the chosen ones to wear this beautiful piece.

  72. Fortunately, I have been marked by love by many fabulous people – my mom and dad, my grandparents, my twins and my best friend Amy who died from cancer before her 35th birthday.
    I adore your necklaces, Lisa – and it’s so wonderful that they mean so much to the people who wear them!

  73. How have I been marked by love? Marriage and my two babies have marked me with love. Our friends also just lost their 4 month old at the beginning of February. I would love to win this necklace for them. Just a simple reminder that he will always be with them.

  74. I am a photographer with NILMDTS, and I have seen more than my fair share of grieving parents marked by love. However, one of them stays with me in a special way. Mom lost her very wanted baby to a cord knot at 37 weeks. She was a single mama who had undergone insemination to get the baby she always wanted. The love and loss in that room was palatable, and I think it stuck because she was literally grieving alone. So many times I go into the room and the mom is surrounded by friends and family, but this one was not. I have kept in touch with her and I know she would treasure this necklace as a reminder of her sweet baby girl.

  75. My close friend miscarried her baby girl a few months ago at 17 weeks. What would have been her due date is coming up next month, and obviously it weighs heavy on her. If I win, I’ll be gifting it to her.

  76. We’ve lost 2 babies at 12 weeks. I don’t know if they were boys or girls, but I named our eldest Hope and our youngest Brogan. I’d love to have this necklace to remember them by.

  77. I am a mommy to three beautiful boys, one already in Heaven. Our middle child, Noah Josiah, was born very ill at 31 weeks in an effort to save his life. He was a little fighter and pulled through the delivery, beating the odds. Noah was our little miracle (and still is!)! He was just PERFECT in our eyes. The Lord called him home the next day, and our lives have been forever changed. We are better for having known him and having walked this painful road. The Lord has met us each step of the way… one day at a time…

    I love that this beautiful necklace also carries WEIGHT, as did Noah’s life. These precious children have left us MARKED BY LOVE in a way that is simply indescribable. Noah’s life forever changed ours. Thank you for creating such a beautiful keepsake in honor of our babies, no matter what age they were when they left our arms…

    I found Angie’s blog shortly after she lost her Audrey in 2008 (Noah passed away in March of 2008). I have followed her blog since then, and have found such encouragement in her writings… She has brought a “voice” to my grief on many occasions. Thank you, Angie, for the “company” you have provided in grief without even realizing it. I am so sorry for our losses, but so thankful that she has used her voice to praise the Lord and share her story, despite the pain involved.

    This necklace would be a beautiful, tangible reminder of our Noah’s precious life… A life marked by love. I would welcome it also as a conversation starter… an opportunity to share Noah’s story!

  78. I’ve been marked by love in so many ways!
    I have 4 beautiful children. My oldest daughter, Kennedy Harper is 6. Next, is my beautiful daughter, Aubrey Raigan – she’s 3. Then there’s Joslyn Grace. I never really got to meet her as she went to live with Jesus 20 weeks into my 3rd pregnancy. But I was marked by her love. Her sweet little flutters and the joy to nurture her for the 20 weeks that she was with me! I never imagined love you could have for a child that you’ve never held alive. Those few minutes with her in the recovery room are forever marked on my heart. And then there’s Mister Haden Benjamin. I’ve known him for 36 weeks now! His movements are so welcome and consoling. He’ll be here with us soon and I cannot wait to meet him face to face!!
    My husband’s love and support. The wonderful GRACE of my Lord! I have been marked by love in so many, many ways!!
    Thank you so much for a chance to win this!!

  79. I was marked in December of 2004 when my husband and I lost our first daughter, Taylor Grace, during my 24th week of pregnancy. Instead of running away from God, we turned to Him and were saved together in January 2005. What a reminder this would be…that my child is with Him and we are saved by His grace!

  80. Last year my husband and I were overjoyed to be expecting our second child. We were devastated to find out at our 14 week appointment our baby had passed away. My biggest fear was because we didn’t know the baby’s gender or have a name for it, it would simply be forgotten. I have done everything I can to hold on to the memory of the sweet baby I will never hold.

  81. Hello! Thank you to Angie and Lisa for such a beautiful necklace; you are both inspirations! My daughter survived a precious three days before going home to our Lord in her father’s arms on June 7, 2009. One of your necklaces has been on my “wish” list since I discovered Angie’s blog and then your jewlery! Thank you for the chance to enter!

  82. What a beautiful piece! Like many others, I, too, have a baby waiting for me in heaven – one I never got to hold here on earth. While that fills me with sadness, I also have 3 beautiful “babies” here with me, and I couldn’t imagine a day without them!

  83. A very dear friend’s son Andrew was delivered stillborn just over a year ago. I would love to win this for her so she knows he is never forgotten.

  84. I have been marked by love by the loss of my son Caleb on January 8th of this year, all the other babies I’ve miscarried in addition to him, and all the sweet mamas I am meeting on this journey God has chosen me for.

    I am so moved by the fact that this necklace has “weight” to signify that these children have made their mark here. Literally, I bawled when I read that in Angie’s blog. My son was 4.9 ounces and 8.6 inches long – something that has great significance to me. I’m too overcome by emotion to say much more right now, I hope a simple thank you will suffice.

  85. I was marked by love for the first time on July 24th 2009 when I delivered my son Bryston still. And marked the second time with our rainbow baby Peanut who we lost December 21st, 2009. Having my babies and then loosing them has taught me the true meaning of the words unconditional love and how that love doesnt just cease to exist when they’re gone.

  86. Your work is beautiful and bringing such wonderful remembrance of those little ones whom we’ve lost! We miss our little guy every day.

  87. I have been marked by love and God’s grace with 3 beautiful sons. Would be honored to wear one in Audrey’s memory!

  88. I love all of your jewelry and this one is just so special. I have been “marked by love” in so many ways and would love to wear this necklace in memory of my Mom~I miss her so much and love that this necklace has a hidden message that no one else knows is there! Just beautiful!

  89. The story of my life is one of sacrifice, redemption, grace, forgiveness and God’s relentless pursuit. I am a very blessed mom of 7 children . My children range in age from almost 20, 17,15 ( phase 1 ) and (phase 2 ages 7,5,3 and 2 )
    My plan was to marry the LOVE of my life and have 6 children . My not so loving choices and consquences resulted in 2 divorces , 2 abortions, and at least 3 miscarriages. I am the wretch the bible speaks of. I realize now that God is the LOVE of my life. Please don’t misunderstand…I adore my husband and my children . My faith, hope and LOVE is in God. To God be the Glory !
    Ephesians 4 :32 Be kind to one another and forgive one another just as Christ forgave you.
    John 3:16 speaks volumes to me that not just her or just him but God so LOVED the world he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
    1 Corinthians 13:8 LOVE never fails

    Thank you for creating such beautiful jewelry and ministering love to so many. I enjoy seeing Jesus in you and your work !
    BIG Love from Pegram, tn.

  90. First of all thank you for what you are doing. Our son Joshua David Moore died of heart failure at the University of Duke Hospital, September 1987. Since that time I have spoken at numerous hospitals, to Nurses, Doctors, and Funeral Directors on, “What it is like to come home empty handed.” If for some reason I am selected, your neckless will go to my wife of 30 years who had to recover from a C-Section in our military hospital 4 hours from Duke. She was there while he had his first heart surgery. I went back to get her and we stayed at the Ronald Mc Donald House for about 2 weeks. His second heart surgery, was unsuccessful. As the story of Job in the Bible goes-stay faiful and our God will provide. To us He has-we now have two (2) young men; both Eagle Scouts. One is an Honor student at Florida State with a 3.97 GPA. Our youngest will graduate from high school this summer and has a full scholarship to Webster University. So, in closing – stay faithful.

  91. That necklace is beautiful in many ways. If I did win it I would give it to a lady in our church named Nelly. She lost her daughter who had Rett syndrome/Angelman syndrome. I think that she would absolutely love it!

  92. Hi I love your jewelry such a gift He has given to you! My sister lost her 17yr. old daughter in a car accident she died instantly and my sister is still very much grieving , Mar 27th would have been her 20th birthday this would be a very special gift I do not know if it would be able to bring her peace but I think maybe it would help some ……….thank you for the chance. Keep up the beautiful work amazing truly amazing!

  93. What a wonderful idea! I lost seven children after the doctor told me I would be unable to have children and each one is with me forever in my heart. Each of these precious babies have marked my heart with love and have helped me be marked by love by the two precious children that I have.

  94. My nanny and her husband are waiting patiently to adopt a baby. She has been with us since 2005 and is leaving in June as they hope to have a baby by summer. I would love to give her this necklace as a token of our love and appreciation.
    “While you waited you loved us”
    Madi, Ella and Leo
    I am crying as I am typing this . . .

  95. My dear friend will celebrate her son’s first birthday on March 30. Sadly he only lived a week. I would love to be able to give this wonderful necklace to her.

  96. I have been marked by love by my amazing family. God brought together this Southern country girl with a Michigan raised boy. We say that only “Divine Intervention” could have ordained this love. 😉 We have been married for just over eight years and have two beautifully amazing daughters. My family is a blessed mark of love upon my life and soul.

    I can’t Tweet or FB this because I gave those up for Lent, so I’ll take my chance on one entry and see what happens. 🙂

    God bless!

  97. I lost my little Amy 3 weeks after she was born. This sunday we remember her 4th birthday.
    Thank you for the giveaway and the chance to win.

  98. My good friends just lost their little Audrey Lucille last week. She was diagnosed with anencephaly at 20 weeks gestation. They made the choice to carry her as well. Unfortunately, she died in the womb last Monday-a month shy of her due date. I would love to win this charm so that I could give it to my good friend.

  99. The most obvious is by having the enormous priviledge of raising my 4y/o son. Can not compare it to anything else I have ever experienced. The love is sweetly unconditional. What a lovely necklace. Love the inspiration!

  100. Beautiful! My friend just lost her baby 2 days ago…would love to win this for her but if not….I will buy one anyway! She was only 6 weeks and didn’t have a name yet….any suggestions about what to put on the back of the necklace for her? If anyone sees this just tweet me the idea….@shope31.


  101. I would love to win this necklace for myself. I had a miscarriage a little over 2 years ago, and then was blessed with my son in January 2009. My son was diagnosed a rare genetic metabolic disorder (mild luckily) at 3 weeks old, and everything that we have been through with him, and the journey’s we are continually taken on with him and his disorder, I truly am reminded every day what a blessing he is, and how God has given him to me to treasure and love, and to make the world aware of his disorder. I would love to have this necklace so that he will always be close to my heart, no matter what.

  102. I have been “marked by love” by having 2 wonderful daughters, and a husband who cherishes me. But mostly, I’ve been “marked” by the the love of my Father in heaven. I can feel His amazing love each and every day!

  103. I have been marked by love in so many, many ways. I do have 2 beautiful children and have lost 2 as well. I almost lost the 2 that I have, too! My oldest is recovering from her 7th brain surgery and my youngest was almost lost to miscarriage, but somehow survived. Both of my girls are fighters and have brought me so much joy to my life. I never knew I had so much love to give!

  104. What a beautiful necklace. I would love to win one of these for one of my dearest friends. She had three miscarriages before giving birth to a beautiful little girl. She has often mentioned how she would like a way to remember them. This would be perfect for her and such a treasure to remember that God”s plans are not ours but his and that he marks us and teaches us through all things.

  105. I was marked by love two times over when my sweet niece and nephew were born in 2007. My lovely nephew was born perfect and screaming is alive and well today. He is such a light. My beautiful, perfect little niece was born still. They are the world to me, and I just love this necklace. I would love to honor Olivia with it, and may consider purchasing it. Great job, Lisa. This is gorgeous, and such a beautiful tribute to little Audrey and every angel that has touched our lives.

  106. What a beautiful necklace and story of Audrey’s life. I am blessed to have never experience a loss of a child. My two children have definitely made a mark of love on my life…….

  107. I LOVE your work and follow you..It would be an honor to own one of your neckleses..I would love to have one with my son’s name on it..he died from Crib Death on my very First mother’s Day!…Thanks for this special gift to the two lucky ppl that receive it..blessing Shi~

  108. How beautiful! My daughter Alexandra left her mark of love on me. When I was pregnant with her I wasn’t sure about parenthood and being a Mom. I wasn’t sure if I was really ready for it all. After losing her, it was then that I realized how ready I truly was (and am) to love a child and be a Mom. Alexandra taught me how to love even more and I know because of her I’m more ready than I’ll ever be for parenthood.

  109. What a beautiful idea. My sister lost a baby during a very horrific preterm labor experience last year. I searched for something I could give her to help her remember her little one. I got her a personalized necklace, but this would have been perfect. I am marked by love everyday by my own little ones and my family that loves me.

  110. My daughter Emilie died on february 5th 2010. Three days before i ordered a necklace LLD with the name of my husband, my son and my little girl. Because they are all specials for me.
    But i was looking for something special just for my girl and me. Makes me feel she is here again with with me, forever. I miss her so much.
    Well i found it now. It’ s just perfect. The thing on the back is just perfect, it can be a message for my daughter, a message of love. Just between me and her.
    So LOVE is for L aurent (husband), O phelia (me), V ictor (my son), and E milie (my daughter)- Love for my family.

  111. I am currently going through my third definite miscarriage (in less than a year) and have a suspected one before this (just over two years ago) and have been looking for ways to honor their memories. This would be an awesome memorial I could physically carry with me at all times. Thanks so much for creating this necklace!

  112. After struggling through fertility treatments for just over 3 years, we lost our one and only pregnancy. 3 years ago today, I was excited, full of joy and love. And in a few short weeks, experiencing a heartache I never thought possible.

    We miss her every day.

    But I wouldn’t go back in time and choose to never have been pregnant. The fullness of my heart while she was with us is something I’ll be forever grateful for.

  113. My daughter Mackenzie died when she was 4 months old. Her identical twin is now an amazing 3 yr old but there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t long to hold her sister. This necklace is lovely.

  114. i lost twins back in October and Ive been looking for something to keep them close to me. I think i might have finally found it. Thank you!

  115. P.S. I forgot to add this. I love this design, and thank you so much for honoring sweet little audrey. I know this means ever so much to the Smiths!

  116. God has marked my life with the gift of His own Son. He also provided the earthly gift of loving Christian parents. My hero (my father) was diagnosed with a brain tumor and lived his final months at home with the help of Hospice…memories of his life and gracious Home-going continue to encourage me to be faithful to Christ in the daily things. Just 5 weeks after Dad’s earthly departure, I met an incredible Christian man and married for the first time (at the young age of 38!) We were thrilled (and shocked) to learn that God had created a new blessing in our lives with the news of our pregnancy (at ages 42 and 47). Our baby’s heartbeat stopped beating during the 3rd month…our hearts continue to thank God for His faithfulness and extreme comfort during times of loss as well as blessing. We look forward to the day that we are able to see our sweet child…he/she holds our heart while God holds us in His hand! You new design “speaks” volumes–thank you!

  117. I carry a testimony of the Love of my Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. He has drawn me closer to him than I ever could have imagined through a chronic illness. Praise God that I am completely healed, and that he sent me this trial to teach me and show me the might of his power.
    I am forever grateful

  118. What a beautiful way to acknowledge the gift of life. Each precious life carries weight in this world and like a ripple in the water they make a permanent impact on people, whether they know it or not, whether they live 15 min. or 115 years. Death is constantly happening to those we love. The necklace is a deep and meaningful way to comfort a grieving heart and to remember and treasure the life we can no longer hold in our arms.

  119. Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful necklace. I lost my first baby in January. Two nights ago, I was searching online for a necklace as a memory of our first. I was so frustrated because I couldn’t find the perfect one. Today, I read Angie’s blog and came across this – it is perfect. I can relate to knowing that my baby had weight in this world. I am marked by love everyday by the Lord, He who provides and is my strength through the loss. Again, thank you for the giveaway – you will be touching the lives’ of those who recieve the necklace.

  120. My daughter’s umbilical cord separated from my placenta during labor. She lost half of her blood volume and was born very white and lifeless. It took 35 minutes to get heart sounds and they told us it was almost certain she wouldn’t make it but if she did after her brain being without oxygen for so long that she would certainly live as a vegetable. It’s amazing how marked by love you can be for a life you have experienced for such a short time.

  121. I miscarried my first baby in 2006, 3 weeks later my husband left for Iraq. It was the most difficult time of my life. The meaning behind this necklace has touched my heart. I honestly understand what having “weight in this world means.” The should-have been’s eat you alive some days. I now have a healthy and extremely active 2 year old, and my husband returned from Iraq 2x safely. I know that I am blessed beyond bounds, but I can’t help but ache every single day for my sweet angel baby. Please take a minute to read a blog I wrote about my sweet baby’s story…


    If I don’t win a necklace, I will most certainly be buying one and telling my friends about this piece. It is beautiful and it will bless many mommies. Thank you for offering a giveaway…this necklace is truly priceless. 🙂

  122. I posted on facebook about the giveaway but I’m not sure if you need the link to see it. I’m not really sure how to do that! Hopefully someone will see it and think about how they have been marked by love. It’s a nice reminder of our everyday blessings!

  123. We lost our precious son, William David, at 37 weeks in August of 2008 due to an unknown cause. It still feels like yesterday and sometimes the grief is overwhelming. I am currently 28 weeks pregnant with a little girl due June 5, and we plan to call her Audrey Caroline, because we love the name and because Angie’s blog has played a huge role in God’s healing in my life. This is a beautiful necklace. Each child is such a blessing never to be taken for granted. I have been touched by love by my Savior, Jesus Christ, my husband, and my wonderful 4 children God gave us prior to losing William.

  124. I have lost quite a few relatives and feel that when I remember them in family traditions it reminds me of the love they gave. I will be marked by their love forever!

  125. My sweet hubby and I have 3 amazing boys that we love with all our hearts. Two summers ago we found ourselves unexpectantly (but excitedly) expecting! We went in for our 16 week check up to find that our little girl’s heart had stopped. To make a long and painful story short…we realized that sometimes the miracle is when the healing DOESN”T come. What I mean is…God could have easily healed our little one’s heart…but it is no less a miracle that He didn’t. He did a great and miraculous work in our family even without healing our daughter. Do I wish she were with us? Absolutely. However, I am so thankful that He loves us enough to allow us to feel pain and grow even closer to Him in the process. That is how my family knows we are marked by love…we have a Father who allows us to experience Him fully…

  126. I was marked by love today as I looked into the pale face of my 70 year old father as he recovered from survery to remove a tumor from his pituitary gland. our family has held our breath and cradled our hearts waiting for everything to turn out well.

    i would love to have this necklace to gift to a friend of mine who lost her first child earlier this year to a rare disease. what a neat necklace. love all of your work and your stories that you let us become a part of everyday.

  127. In September, my husband and I had just moved back to his hometown and I was trying (but failing miserably) to adjust when we found out we were pregnant. I had been struggling with living far away from my family and friends and the pregnancy, although unexpected, gave me some sort of comfort. At about 8 weeks, I miscarried. It was emotional and painful. However, now looking back, I can see that through it all my husband and I were able to draw closer to each other and to God and find comfort in that maybe we just weren’t ready. I would wear the necklace for our baby whom we never were able to meet, but whom I know is dancing in glory land with Jesus!

  128. This is so beautiful- and it would be an honor to wear it in memory of our sweet baby in Heaven and in honor of our 4 children here with us on earth. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

  129. Marked By Love. I’m marked by love all around me. Love in the relationships around me, love in the beauty around me, love given to me by my Savior. The significance behind this necklace brought me to tears when I read Angie’s blog. I can imagine the joy you must have felt in creating a piece that holds such significance. His beauty and ability to create is so evident in your work!

  130. Beautiful. My friend just lost her daughter 16 to brain cancer. What a beautiful gift of love for her.

  131. I have been marked by love with the 2 children that I have here on earth as well as the 2 pregnancies I recently lost to miscarriage. I’ve been looked for a necklace or bracelet to remember these babies and this would be wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity!

  132. This beautiful necklace is not just a necklace, it is a symbol of love. I had prayed so long for a baby, and the day I found out I would have one was the happiest day of my life. I was high risk on account of being diabetic. I took five shots of insulin and checked my blood sugar 9 times a day for the sake of my sweet baby. Everything was going fine. She was growing and happy inside my womb. The doctor said everything was going normal. My husband and I had so many hopes and dreams for our little girl. We picked a most precious name, Esma, which means “All the beautiful names of God”, in honor of God blessing us with our little girl. One day our baby was fine the next she was not. I carried her to 26 weeks. I went to the ER not feeling well. They came and told me my baby was not moving and had no heartbeat, she was gone. I had to deliver my stillborn baby girl, Friday, March 12, 2010 at 6:45 am. The worst day of my life. I shall never forget it. The thought of her love is what is getting me through these days. I would be honored to recieve this necklace. I know so many mommys have lost their babies and I wish every one of us could have one. This necklace would be so much for me because it would keep Esma’s memory alive and her love and our love for her alive. I was so close to having a healthy baby, 10 weeks, such a short time. I was counting down the days. We had her room ready and waiting, now I can’t even go into the room. We have shut the door. The only thing that gives me comfort is knowing that she is in Heaven with God and she is now a true angel. I know that the pain will numb after awhile, but her memory will always live in my heart and she will forever be my little girl. Esma lives on in our hearts and our love. I would very much love to have this neckalce as a gift of that love my baby and I shared and will always share.

  133. So lovely. What a wonderful way to remember. I have two sweet boys, and a baby girl waiting for me in Rwanda. They have marked me by love, and I am blessed to have all three of them.

  134. My cousin lost her son to a heart defect when he was 3 months old. I was wanting to give her this necklace as a beautiful reminder that his life too had “weight”.

  135. My husband and I have been blessed with five beautiful children. My brother and sister-in-law lost a precious baby at 12 weeks. I would love to be able to give this to her to remind her of HOPE and LOVE.

  136. If I win this I will gift it to my aunt who recently lost her 27 year old son, Ryan, very suddenly. Her grief is all consuming and I know she appreciates tangible things right now that help her to “feel” his presence as she adjusts to this world without him in it. Thank you.

  137. i think this necklace is just beautiful. we have all been “marked by love”…i know i sure have…and many people i love have too…angie’s story is one that touches my heart immensely. what a treasure this would be – a reminder of what we have lost…and what we still have to be thankful for.

  138. I have a friend that lost a baby boy almost 7 years ago. I can still feel her pain and his presence. I would love to win one for her. Her son’s name was Palmer.

  139. What a beautiful piece to represent life. Life is precious and all the more when a mommy knows the feelings of loss. Having lost two babies and being blessed by five in all, is something I thank God for every day. I am sorry for so many losses described on this page and pray for many hearts to be touched and healed by GOD. This neclace is truly a blessing for those who receive, may it be anyone on this page.

  140. While my husband and I are waiting for God to give us our own baby, we are foster parents for newborns. It’s been so amazing reading all these comments and seeing this community of love grown by loss and other tough times. I know you wish you could give away more than 2, but I hope alot of people buy it, too!

  141. I have been marked by the love of the sweetest, girliest, prettiest little princess whom Jesus blessed us with for only 3 and a half years. Jenna is with me every day and I know she is a part of that “great cloud of witnesses”, cheering me on until the day I will finally see her face to face again. There are times when I get weary of this path but I know she would want me to dig deep and make her and Jesus proud.

    Jenna has not only touched my life – her story has changed the lives of many. She still speaks today, just like little Audrey does.

    Thank you for making this amazing gift for Angie, and for offering us a chance to win one, Lisa. I love your jewelry and I know the winners of this giveaway will treasure it too.

  142. I am blessed to have two healthy children, and know that this necklace would be a constant and tangible way to remind me of the preciousness of that blessing. Simply beautiful.

  143. What a beautiful reminder. I actually had a miscarriage last week, it was my first pregnancy. We hope the Lord chooses to bless us in the future with another child.

  144. After struggling to conceive my husband and I became pregnant, then lost our baby before my first trimester was up. Your jewelry’s art brings a peaceful feeling into my mind, no matter the pain I still feel. Thank you for thinking of all of us women who struggle with this every day.

  145. Our little Samuel is never far from our hearts as we entertain the thoughts of him dancing, and singing with Audrey on Heaven’s streets of Gold! Your work is truly a gift from God!

  146. Our daughter was stillborn at 34 weeks and we lost one child to miscarriage. I love having little reminders of her throughout my day! This necklace would be perfect. It is beautiful!

  147. Our 3 month old son went down for a nap in November and never woke up. We have been deeply marked by the love of our son Gage. His 3 months have left the mark of a lifetime.

  148. What a beautiful, special piece of art. I have been marked by love in the births of our 3 children, the assurance of one day meeting our first child that was not born, the blessing of a wonderful husband, and mostly by the redeeming love of my Saviour.

  149. I lost my sweet baby girl, Madeline Grace to the same diagnosis as precious Audry. I have read her blog for awhile and am glad to see that you have created such a beautiful piece in memory of all of our precious angels. Thank you for making life a little more beautiful!


  150. This is so beautiful. I lost 2 babies to miscarriage. What a wonderful way to remember them. They are in Heaven with Jesus, and they are never forgotten.

  151. My second daughter Addison was diagnosed with a chromosomal abnormality at 21 weeks called Triploidy. We were told at that time that her condition was incompatible with life and were given the option to terminate the pregnancy. Instead, we prayed and trusted in God that whatever happend was part of His plan for our lives, and we carried on. Most children with triploidy do not survive even the first trimester of pregnancy, but our daughter did and she decided to join us at 37 weeks gestation and lived for 13 minutes. For me, Addison was a journey to God. I learned to simply trust in Him and His plan for me, as I had never done before. She marked our hearts with God’s love, and we learned through her how precious even a moment can be and that we can be an example of faith by simply trusting.

  152. I was marked by love in 2007. After successfully battling lymphoma, I found out I was pregnant. Things were progressing along until my 11 week visit. There was no longer a heartbeat. I had to have a D&C 4 days before Christmas. But all things work together for good! I am still waiting for God’s plan for my family believing that our family is not yet complete. God is good all the time!

  153. My life has been marked by Christ’s love for me. I was sexually abused as a child and always felt unwanted and unloved. This necklace would be a reminder to me that I am loved, by the Creator of the universe!!

  154. My family was marked by love at the loss of my cousin’s little boy. It was deeply felt by all of us, as my daughter is the same age as her little boy and it was so sudden and so unexpected. This would be for her.

  155. I lost my first pregnancy to miscarriage almost 11 years ago. It was devastating as several of my girlfriends at the time were also expecting their firsts. I don’t want this necklace for me, though. I want it for my mom. She lost her firstborn when he was 26 due to a congenital heart defect. It was just over 10 years ago. He actually died 2 days after the due date of the baby I miscarried. He was a blessing in this life and I would love for her to have something tangible to hold whenever she thinks of him. No matter the age, loss is hard. Your jewelry is beautiful.

  156. One of my girls isn’t perfect. Physically. She is very flawed. Most people would say she has no weight in this world, and some have said it to her face (her little mind is just fine, its her body that is not so fine). But God created her in His perfect will, and in that, just like everyone else, her life carries much weight. She is so loved by us and by Him.

  157. Gavin is my reason! We are blessed that he has survived!!! Gavin was fearfully and wonderfully made and I praise God for that!! TY lisa

  158. I have 2 wonderful boys that have made their mark on me. However, I have a friend that lost her baby boy at 28 weeks, so I would give the necklace to her.

  159. Words cannot describe the beauty with the necklace and depth it has with not only my family but to all those who have lost a child through miscarriage/stillbirth/genetic disabilities, etc. Your work is beautiful. Thank you for your ministry!

  160. would LOVE to have this to give as a gift to give to my friend who lost her first baby at 36 weeks. So sweet!!!

  161. I have recently been through the pain of finding out that my husband is not the man that I married, that he broke our covenant, and now I am no longer married. This has left a mark. However, I have been surprised and humbled by the love my family and friends have shown me. Never before have I been so hurt and rejected; never before have I been so loved and cared for. And that love–that’s what I am believing in. That is what is the mark that I want to be there in years to come.

  162. What a beautiful necklace! March 18th will mark 3 years since my precious Ellianna was still born. The pain is as real now as it was then. I was forever changed by her life and would love honor her through this necklace. Even though I delivered her, I never got the chance to hold her. I can’t go into detail because frankly, the details surrounding her birth are too graphic. My heart still aches and longs to hold her in my arms just once. I would absolutely love this necklace and the gentle reminder that one day i will and she will be whole and made new.

  163. 5.1.01 Met my future husband
    12.20.03 Married said husband
    1.24.04 Christofer Antonio came into my life (he’s 6 now!)
    4.30/5.1.09 Lost Tofer’s baby brother or sister.
    9.3.03 Gave my life to Christ…all the many ways I’ve been marked by love.

    I would love this reminder!

  164. I have lost four children… all before 20 weeks. I can not wait to meet those children someday, to embrace them and hold them. Loosing a child is hard I would say the hardest thing to deal with.. I have dealt with tragic things but nothing came close to the heart ache I felt each time I had to say good buy to my baby. I do have five living children who bless my life everyday. I could not be more thankful I get to see them grow up and be a part of their lives.

  165. What a beautiful and sentimental piece! I had a miscarriage awhile back, yrs later God gave me a son that is now 5 yrs old that I was told would not survive in utero and I was recently blessed with boy/girl twins which weren’t supposed to survive in utero either. Due to HELLP Syndrome and a platelet issue during both deliveries I never got to witness the precious births of any of my children, but I’m truely blessed beyond words to have given life to my 3 amazing kids. They are my heart. Since God has given me much more than I’ll ever deserve, I would love more than anything to give one of your beautiful pieces to the mother of my beloved best friend that past away tragically a little over a year ago. Kris was her everything and her heart. His mother never got the chance to say goodbye to her precious son and this necklace would be a token of Kris’ everlasting love for his mother. Thanks so much Lisa for your kind and generous giveaway’s and for the chance to win!

    God Bless,
    Meredith B

  166. I have a friend who lost her little boy last fall (he was born at 20-some weeks and didn’t survive) I would love to win one of these for her.

  167. What a precious design, the “weight” factor makes it even more meaningful. When Angie described that it reminded her that Audrey was real and had weight, I cried. I’d wear it to remember my granddad who has passed and to remind myself that his love is still very much alive inside me.

  168. I would love to be marked by love. if it werent for her blog I dont think I would have greived so well. love your necklaces.. please mark me with love for makayla hope.. I love 2 december babies..

  169. I would love a chance to win this. I have read Angie’s blog from the beginning and love her heart – and yours too, Lisa!

  170. amazing necklace…I have 2 angels in heaven waiting on me and one day, I can’t wait to hold them and tell them how much I love them!

  171. Lisa, that design is just so perfect and beautiful. I’d love one with ‘My Dad’ on the back as he wa such a special and important influence in my life until he died in 1998. We weren’t close when I was really young as he was a general practitioner (doctor) so was very busy. I am also the youngest of three children so they used to get most of his attention until they left home. We ‘connected’ in the most amazing way when I was about 17 and were like 2 peas in a pod from that day on. I treasure every single memory I have of him.

    I can’t have children, which saddens me because it means a part of him will not carry on when I’m gone. It wasn’t meant to be for whatever reason and I feel so blessed that I have such treasured memories of a very special man! Smiles

  172. Marked by love…oh wow. Marked in so many ways. When I think of “marked” I think of something that stays with you. I’ve been marked by love by my family, my husband…and my heavenly Father. I think God “marks” each of us by love in different ways. For me, He has drawn me to Himself through depression. I know, sounds crazy. But through my lowest times, He has been the closest. He has shown me more about Himself in those times and I think I might not have seen Him so clearly had I not been in the valley.

    Love the necklaces!! BEAUTIFUL!!

  173. marked by love through my children, the three that i have here with me on earth, and looking forward to the day when i see the baby boy who was born too soon in october 2003.

  174. I have been marked by love through my 3 brothers or sisters who are in heaven – my mom had three miscarriages after I was born. She talks about seeing them in heaven often… and I can’t wait! Gorgeous necklace.

  175. I’ve been marked by love by my twins, Lila & Cole, who I lost last year at 22 weeks pregnancy. I have longed for a piece of your jewelry and would be so honored to wear a piece that was designed in Audrey’s honor. I found Audrey’s story before my children suffered her same fate and knowing her story helped carry me through it.

  176. I have been marked by love, by the way my family, friends, and church has supported me throughout these last three years being a single parent. My husband just left one morning with no warning and it was devastating for me and my three children. It has been amazing to watch God taking care of us through it all. <

  177. i have wanted to order the heartstrings necklace for a while for this very reason. as a tangible reminder of the baby i miscarried at 14 1/2 weeks and of my best friend / sister-in-law who i lost two weeks later. it’s been a little over a year and my heart still aches for them daily. this necklace is such a beautiful piece 🙂

  178. Angie is such an inspiration to many babylost moms. She was especially kind to me. There is no doubt my daughter Carleigh has marked her love all over me. My whole life has changed because of her and I would never want to go back. Our daughter was given a fatal diagnosis halfway through my pregnancy and I carried her to term. I never knew that one could love a child so deeply that they had never even met, and I had even experienced having a daughter before her. Knowing we had such little time with her made me cherish the moments even more. I didn’t get to spend time with her alive as she was born still but I will never forget those moments of holding her in my arms. She was perfect to me in every way and so beautiful. She has taught me to love deeper and brought me to a greater faith in God. I will never stop loving her or missing her until we are together again.

  179. Lisa, I have been a long-time admirer of your work and I would LOVE to have Audrey’s necklace! I have been struggling with infertility and this will remind me to have hope and trust that the Lord knows what He’s doing in my life!

  180. I love the symbolism tucked into this necklace, that the lost child had weight in this world, and the warmth left behind. I would love to win this for my friend who lost her little boy to cancer.

  181. One of my closest friends lost her first baby at 5 months along. I think about her and my friend daily, and this necklace is amazing and has so much meaning. If I win – I’m giving it to my friend. Thanks for posting the contest!

  182. I would love to win this necklace for my dear friend Rachel, who lost her baby Wesley in her second trimester. Not only has he left a mark on her heart, but on the hearts of all who know and love her.

  183. A sweet friend lost her little girl this year just as Angie did Audrey. They sang “I Will Carry You” at her service. This is a beautiful reminder of children that ‘mark us with love’ then go to heaven.

  184. I have definately been marked by love through my 2 beautiful daughters. I would love to win this though to give to a friend of mine. She has experienced being marked by love through her children (6 here and 3 more in heaven). She would love this. Thanks for the chance to win…

  185. What an absolutely beautiful piece of jewelry with wonderful meaning! Just love your jewelry and would just love to win this piece. I have lost 2 babies but am blessed with 4 beautiful children!!1

  186. So sweet of you to do such a meaningful piece. I have been marked by love in so many ways. We had the joy of being pregnant 5 times but they all ended before we met out babies. We are also foster parents and are able to love and reciev love by precious kids. We never know how long we have them but we cherish everyday. My prayer is that Gods love them mark their hearts just as He has mine.

  187. I have two beautiful daughters that have truly marked my heart! We had a miscarriage October of last year and have recently found out we are pregnant again. God is truly awesome!!

  188. I just wanted to let the other moms know I posted a poem that sustained me in the first moments when I didn’t know if I could survive the pain of the loss. It was amazing how God brought this poem written long ago by a Christian woman into my life and I hope it can help to heal yours. Thank you all for the encouragement and strength you have brought to me today…

  189. Lisa, I’ve never seen your jewelry until today, how cool! I’ve been marked by love with two crazy redheads twice now and am so blessed by them both.

  190. facebooked it 😀 I’m sure my friends will be thrilled to see your stuff, I love it. Hoping hubby sees it too and buys me a necklace on here w/out me asking lol.

  191. i would love to win one of these beautiful necklaces for my brothers sister-in-law. she just lost her baby two weeks ago to complications and it has been heartbreaking. i would love to be able to gift it to her, for a sweet reminder of her junebug (their sweet baby girl was due in june).

  192. What a beautiful piece of jewelry – I would love to wear this piece to honor my beautiful children Landon and Madeline and also our tiny angel baby that did not make it into this world.

  193. I saw this on Angie’s blog this morning and had to leave before I could come by here.

    What a beautiful necklace, Lisa. When Angie described its weight and how you designed it from her comments about Audrey having weight in the world….it just did me in. Such a thoughtful piece.

    I’m marked by love by my grandmother whom I wrote about recently. My children. My soon-to-be granddaughter. So much love.

    Thank you.

  194. Whether or not I win, I’d like to make the special purchase. We lost our sweet sister Savannha in 98. My sisters and I would love to have these special necklaces.

    God Bless.

  195. 18 months ago today I was marked by love when I met face to face my sweet baby, Harrison, for the first and last time. He went unexpectantly to be with Jesus. Thirteen months later, to the day, his sweet little sister, Charlotte was born. So today is also her fifth month with us here on earth. I am also marked by love with my two older (5 &3 year old) children, Gavyn and Emilia.

  196. I was marked by love the Christmas that my dad was seriously sick and out of work, and all the teens from church got together to buy us each wonderful Christmas gifts.

  197. So pretty. I actually stumbled on your site earlier just to look at the jewelery, I’m pregnant and want something to represent all my kids and saw you had a necklace for little Audrey even before I got my blog update from Angies blog. Its so pretty and so sweet and I just read her comments about how it has weight to it b/c of her comment of wanting Audrey to have weight in the world and that it warms as you wear it. So beautifully symbolic 🙂

  198. My cousin lost her sweet daughter Sophia shortly after birth in a similar situation to Angie and Todd’s beautiful daughter Audrey. I would love to give her this necklace as a way to embrace the beauty Little Sophia brought to this world. I know she would cherish the gift but the reminder to love and cherish the time spent with her sweet daughter even more.

  199. I lost my first baby to a miscarriage at 10 weeks gestation. We strongly believed the baby was a girl and we named her Macy Jane. I would love to have one of these necklaces to remember my Macy!

  200. I lost a niece when she was just 6 weeks old. My heart was broken. The necklace is gorgeous and would give me a token in which I can use to share memories and remember.

  201. Such a beautiful necklace for a beautiful girl. I would be honored to wear this sweet necklace and have it remind me of those who have lost (I lost the twin to my sweet Emma) and my 2 beautiful girls that the Lord has graciously let me have here. Ruthie and Emma!

  202. We had a miscarriage before our son and daughter were born. Having already been at 12 weeks, I just did not think we would miscarry. My husband and I were heart broken. This would really be a great token for us. Where there is great love, there is great loss.

  203. What a beautiful necklace! I read all of Audrey’s story a few months ago and it was so touching.
    I am blessed with a 15 month old baby boy and a husband that is wonderful father to him. They have blessed me with their love. 🙂

  204. Everyone says it’s a different kind of love when you have kids. And you can’t truly understand that until you’ve lived it. And perhaps almost have lost it. Emma’s a tough cookie, just like your David. And I thank God that she’s still here with us!

  205. I have not lost a child, but my very dear friend lost her 17 year old son to suicide on Mother’s Day of 2009. Of course, we’ve all held our own children close to our hearts ever since, and we are continuing to lift up our friend each and every day.
    Mother’s Day is drawing near and it would be so wonderful to give her this lovely necklace as a remembrance of her son. It’s going to be a tough day.
    We’ve all been marked by love while comforting and supporting our friend and by keeping the memory of her son alive.

  206. For the past (almost) 5 years, my husband & I have struggled with infertility. While God has used us and grown us many times, we were certain the arrival of our first neice was going to be the dawning of a new day. In the early morning hours of July 7, 2009, my beloved sister gave birth to the sweetest baby girl I’ve ever seen, Sydney Caroline. She unexpectedly went home to live with Jesus just 61 minutes later. What this necklace can share (among other things like Angie shared on her blog) is the greatest story of love & hope… Jesus tells us the greatest gift is love…Sydney did nothing but bring love to our lives & the lives of others & through the sharing of her story, we’ve been able to share the gift of hope ~ Jesus! I would love to give this gift to my sister as Sydney’s 1-year birthday is just 4 short months away. What a beautiful necklace & line you’ve created.

  207. the other day while running errands my daughter says ‘mommy what are those big rocks’ i answer ‘gravestones – its a cemetery where people are put when they pass away’ – ‘you mean die mommy’ – ‘yes, when they die’ – she goes on ‘is that where grandpa clair is’ (she’s named after him) and i say ‘yes, but his stone is at another cemetery’ she says ‘can we go there sometime to see his stone and take him a note and a picture of me and carter (her baby brother) so he can see what we look like’ – ‘of course we can, but he all ready knows b/c God lets him see you’ (insert tons of tears and happy thoughts through out… and we’re taking flowers too!)

  208. I have been blessed continually by Angie’s blog and the necklace is just as touching! What a sweet physical reminder of a precious life. I’d love to have one of my own in honor of my two sweet kiddos and another sweet baby of mine I’ll meet in Heaven some day.

  209. i love audrey’s story. her parents are such amazing souls. i read audrey’s story {probably last year} and it touched me so that i told some friends and family. thank you for making this gorgeous necklace to remember audrey.

  210. We had a miscarriage before our son and daughter were born. Having already been at 13 weeks and hearing it’s heart beat, I just did not think we would miscarry. My husband and I were heart broken. All we have ever known was it’s heartbeat, and this necklace being a heart, would really be a great token for us. Where there is great love, there is great loss.

  211. I shared on this blog recently how my son died during birth on his due date and how God surprised me with a pregnancy 2 months later and now I am three months along. Lisa’s blog has been such a Godly encouragement and inspiration to me. I often feel alone, forgotten and have trouble trusting God like I did when the pain was most immediate.
    Reading everyone’s comments today was such a blessing, to know I am not alone and so many women are faithfully following God and praising Him in the midst of such intense pain! There is such strength in our Lord’s body of believers and so much love in His presence. When I want more from Him or have trouble hearing Him He just tells me He loves me, and this is what this necklace will mean to me – His love etched into my heart and I plan to surround it with the names of my children.
    I had been trying to decide which necklace to get with my children’s names on it. I needed to be able to wear Joshua’s name around my neck to show that he is real even though I can’t wear him in the sling I planned to carry him in. I am so glad this one will hold heat and feel heavy against my neck, I am crying just thinking of it, Thank you Lisa and Angie for knowing that is what we need!
    Please don’t enter me into the giveaway, my husband was already planning to get me a necklace but I will be blogging about this necklace to hopefully spread the encouragement to friends I know who have recently lost babies – http://www.lovelybud.typepad.com

  212. I remember the 20 some pregnancy tests I took waiting for more than 1 line to appear. I remember when I finally saw 2 lines. I remember that as the moment I fell head over heels, unconditionally in love with my baby. I remember dreaming of my baby growing peacefully inside me. My baby needed me, and I needed it. I remember the doctor’s visit when we heard the heartbeat for the first time. Tears streamed down our faces at the thought of how real our baby was now, and that we could make that little heart out of our love for each other. I remember them changing due dates for the 2nd time because baby kept measuring small, I remember being concerned and not questioning it. I remember we didn’t have another ultrasound scheduled until 20 weeks and that is when we would find out the sex of the baby. I remember thinking that was too far away. We heard the heartbeat at 7 weeks and 5 days. To wait until 20 weeks just wouldn’t do. I remember making the appointment at the 3d ultrasound place that told me they could tell us what we were having at my current gestation which was 14 weeks at the time. I remember the happiness when I first saw our baby on the screen. The tech had a hard time determining what sex the baby was but after flipping me and baby, side to side a few times she determined we were having a GIRL! I remember being amazed how much she had grown since 7 weeks. She had hands, feet, legs, arms, elbows, and everything else. Her heart beat was music to our ears. I remember crying with happiness as we watched her bouncing around within in me. She needed me to live, and I needed her too. I remember the tech asking me a million times if I was sure I was 14 weeks along. Of course I was sure. Every day that went by was an accomplishment and one day closer to us meeting our beautiful baby. I knew exactly how far along I was. In fact, I was actually 15 weeks along based on my LMP but the due date kept changing. I remember the happiness so vaguely now. I remember the tech saying she was seeing things that were “concerning.” I remember I wished at that time that I could rewind life and never have to hear what she was going to say. I remember her saying our baby had hydrops and possible hydrocephalus. She, like everyone else, said baby was measuring small. I remember her saying things like “if she makes it term.” I remember how it felt to have my happiness ripped from me like I had stolen it from another and never deserved it anyway. I remember the short lived denial, and the quick entrance of sadness. I remember her saying she would talk to the doctor and call me that night. She never called, she didn’t call the next day either. I remember when the phone rang on Jan 2nd. I remember how lightly she told me our baby had hydrops and hydrocephalous. I remember making a doctor’s appointment and thinking that the sonographer had some nerve lying to me about my own baby. I remember the doctor at the office scanning my belly. I remember seeing our baby girl in there bouncing around as usual. I remember the doctor saying “fetal cystic hygroma,” and, “we’re sending you to the specialist right now.” I remember crying so hard in the office of the maternal fetal medicine doctor’s that they let me in a back door away from the waiting room and other pregnant bellies. I remember them scanning my belly again and telling me “this isn’t good.” I remember the burn of the amnio while they were discussing the multiple chromosomal abnormalities that this could be. I remember condtions such as Triploidy, Trisomy 13, and Trisomy 18 being possiblities. I remember them saying they would call in a few days. I remember the ride home in the car with my husband and my baby pleading to be back in the denial phase so this wouldn’t hurt so badly for just this second. The days waiting for the amnio results, those I don’t remember. I remember the genetic counselor calling on Jan 6th and saying he was sorry. I remember the words: “Trisomy 18.” I’ll always remember those words. I remember different people’s words and other doctors saying, “Incompatible with life.” There was talk of termination. I remember we had to make a decision. I remember how cruel I felt as I prayed to God to take our baby girl into his arms so that a decision wouldn’t have to be made by us. I remember thinking that I would never have thought I would ever pray for the death of my child. I did pray, I do remember that. As a week went by, we named our baby girl Grace Willow. We went to the 3D ultrasound place for the last time to get a good look at our baby girl. You could already tell she had her daddy’s nose and her mommy’s cheek bones and feet. We got a recording of her heartbeat put into a stuffed bunny. We also got a DVD of her movement and a CD of all of the ultrasound pictures. I remember the days going by feeling her little flutters here and there. I remember the day of our last ultrasound on Thurs the 14th. We sat in the waiting room forever, today was the day to make a decision. Again I found myself pleading with God to take my beautiful girl into his arms. I remember using words with him like “NOW,” when discussing when I needed him to take her. I hadn’t felt my baby kick yet, she was only 16 weeks. 16 weeks on that day. (17 weeks based on my LMP before the due date changes). However, while pleading with God, my hand on my belly, I remember the one kick like feeling that I felt. The first and last. When they placed the ultrasound on my belly, the doctor said the hydrops had gotten way worse. I looked at her for the last time as he held the machine over her chest and said, “oh honey she’s passed. There is no decision that needs to be made.” I was thankful she never had to suffer and I was horrified that she had left us. I remember being told not to eat after midnight for surgery the next day. I remember the dilators they put in my cervix to prepare for surgery. I remember Jan 15th, the day I woke for surgery, putting my hands on my belly in the shower and crying. For a day, she was in two places at once. I remember the car ride to the hospital thinking I can’t do this. I can’t be separated from her. She needs me, and I need her. I remember knowing I was being unreasonable. I remember not caring. I remember the oxygen mask over my face while they tried to put me to sleep. I remember the burn in my arm. I remember not breathing in the oxygen from the mask because I was too busy screaming and crying “I love you Grace.” Over and over again. I remember the nurse hugging me and crying with me as I fell asleep. I remember waking up without her. I remember reaching to my belly for her and finding emptiness. I remember the pain in my heart, I remember it so well because it hasn’t left. They gave me her tiny footprints, and small keepsakes to remember her by, and it’s not enough. My body and heart aches to hold her, and I can’t. I barely remember the happiness I felt before my baby died. I’ll get there someday I’m sure. But now, 3 days later, it hurts even more. I’ll always be her mommy and she’ll always be my daughter. We never got to hear her laugh or see her first steps. We listen to her heartbeat in the stuffed bunny multiple times a day. Just a reminder that she was real, and she was ours. I am trying to take comfort in the fact that she has grown wings and is flying with angels now. As for me, my tears haven’t stopped, my feet remain on the ground, and I’m wingless. I remember Grace Willow

  213. I have been marked by the love of my tiny baby Hope who left us much too soon and the two miracle babies who later joined our family through adoption and birth.

  214. My life has been so impacted by Angie’s story. It has changed the way I parent our beautiful blessings Jesse (6), Aysia (4) and Brianna (2). Your new piece “marked by love” is absolutely beautiful!!

  215. my precious big brother was killed in an accident when i was a little girl. i don’t remember him, but i am marked by stories of him and my mother’s undying love for her little boy. i am going to buy this necklace for my mom. the anniversary of his death is friday.

  216. We lost our first son, Sammy several years ago – but Jesus has faithfully brought healing and growth from such a sad and painful experience. So many women share this road – I was amazed at how many who have known this heartache rallied around me with love and support.
    Thank you for creating a way to keep the memory of our sweet ones with us – your necklaces are both beautiful and touching.

  217. My children are my mark of love. I have 2 beautiful daughters here with me and our precious Zach who is waiting in heaven for us.

  218. I don’t want to be entered into this contest because there are so many people more approriate. I just want to say that I think that this is a wonderful thing you’ve come up with and I’ve admired Angie’s strength for a long time. Thank you again!

  219. I have 2 beautiful boys and had 1 miscarriage. Always wanted something to remember that life that was lost as well as the busy life of my boys. What a wonderfully beautiful idea!

  220. Absolutely beautiful and stunning to wear the ones we remember in life until we meet them in eternity with our Creator around our necks. Wow!

  221. I feel like everyone who has come into my life in a close way has marked me in some way. Especially my children, from my oldest step-daughter, my three middle daughters and my baby boy. Through joy and pain they are a big part of my story and my heart.

  222. I have been marked my love by my family – my husband who returned to me five years ago after being separated for many years, my amazing son, and the hope of another child someday (struggling with secondary infertility). Beautiful necklace!

  223. I lost my beautiful son, Luke on January 4, 2010 a few short hours after he was born. He changed my life for the better and I am and will forever be marked by my love for him. I love this necklace and the inspiration behind it- what a beautiful, beautiful idea. Thank you, Lisa!

  224. My son Jesse Clate is our miracle baby. After two years of appointments, tests, and negative tests, we finally got our miracle. He’s 7 months old now and I am constantly in awe of what an intricate little person God weaved in my belly when he made him. I am still baffeled. He’s such a happy little guy and everyone comments on that when they meet him. I am forever changed. I never knew how much I was capable of loving.

  225. I have not lost a child, but I have adopted 3 out of my five children and I think it would represent our family in an amazing way.

  226. I have been marked by love by my children—a daughter almost 9, a son 5 1/2 and our angel whom we lost 7 years ago March 10th.

  227. I am marked by the love of my husband and 2 sons. I love being a mom and wife and am thankful to the Lord every day for the job he has blessed me with. I know I am not the best at the job but I learn something new everyday.

  228. April 13th would have been my precious Amy Jo’s 14th birthday. Amy was born and died five days before her due date. She was beautiful! Her grave marker says, “Safe in the arms of Jesus”. My husband and I are so happy that she is marked by His love!

  229. I am marked with love by my daughter, Grace, who was stillborn in April, 2004, as well as by her four living siblings. Thanks for this opportunity.

  230. I am marked by my parents love! They have sacrificed much to give me much. My mother lost a baby before I was born, but she never talks about it. If I win this, I think I’ll give it to my mom, and hopefully remind her that her miscarried child is still remembered.

  231. I am marked by the love of my sweet sister. She manages to say the right things at the right time & she moved almost 10 hours away and I miss her.

  232. Our daughter, Holly, lived one short day ten years ago. Her short life forever changed ours. I love how the necklace has weight and warmth. Simply brilliant, and so very touching!

  233. My life was marked by love almost 8 yrs ago when we found out we were pregnant with our first child. We had tried to conceive for 7 yrs & finally our prayers had been answered. We went in for a routine exam at 8 to 10 weeks to find out that our little angel had not made it. Due to some tests that were ran on our baby we found out that we would have had a precious daughter. We named her Elizabeth Abigail. Again four years later our lives were marked by love with the birth of our second daughter Emily Faith. Your jewelry is beautiful & I would be so proud to own a piece.

  234. I’d love one of Audrey’s necklaces in order to open more doors to help others. When we lost our baby, I knew God had a plan and a reason. It wasn’t until later that I realized I went through our loss in order to help other women dealing with the same loss. What an amazing journey this life is!

  235. We were marked by love with all four of our beautiful daughters! But our baby daughter, Addison Belle, who now plays in heaven, gave us enough joy in her 3 short years to last us a lifetime….although we can’t compare the loss of a miscarriage, stillbirth, infant, or child, all are a great loss, my heart truly goes out to those mom’s that never held or knew their babies. ♥

  236. The necklace is beautiful!!!

    I have been held by love for the last 12 1/2 years as we have been blessed with 3 healthy children, the youngest of which turns 6 tomorrow (St. Patrick’s Day) and an angel to watch over us. Each of my children mean something different to me:

    Hannah (7/18/97) – made me a mom and is now making me pay for all my teenage antics.
    Jacob Albright (given to God on 1/27/00 at 20 weeks gestation) – showed me that I could love someone without ever meeting them. I didn’t know I had so much love in me!!
    Davis (7/2/01) – he healed me and continues to be sugar!!
    Matthew (3/17/04) – proved that cancer didn’t break my body.

    We have had many hills to climb, but with each other and the grace of God, we keep making it.

    Thank you for making such a wonderful tribute!!

  237. I am marked by the Love of Jesus!!! It sounds sooo cheesy. I know. But it really is what has marked me. I haven’t lost a child, but I have been marked by Love because of the death of Jesus.

  238. My greatest joy in life is being a mother. I have four children. One that died in the womb early in the pregnancy, a precious little boy, Jonathan who also died in the womb at 16 1/2 weeks, a beautiful daughter, Christy who is 21 and a wonderful son, Adam who was born 12 weeks premature 18 years ago. I have a beautiful mother’s ring with Christy and Adam on it along with their birthstones. I always secretly wanted to add Jonathan and Baby Frazier but I wasn’t so sure it would be appropriate. I don’t want them to be forgotten but it’s still hard to answer questions about our loss. Perhaps Audrey’s necklace, marked by love would be a way to honor my precious children in heaven. Thanks for creating keepsakes for mother’s marked by love.

  239. Our Angel Baby got his wings on April 15th, 2009 when he was born still. My little man is responsible for so many great things in my life. I appreciate my life and the people in it so much more and my faith and relationship with God has changed so much. It’s amazing how such an incredible loss can have such a positive impact on faith, love, and family. Maeson is Our Sweet Angel Baby!

  240. What a deep, heartfelt story! Thanks for sharing that! I feel I am marked by love by my two girls, Isara and Tamra, along with their wonderful father, Trevis! I am cherishing my family right now!

  241. I have been marked by the love of my beautiful 3 year old daughter. She reminds me every day of God’s unending grace and love.

  242. I love it. We lost our third child, Asa, in pregnancy. I was marked in a new way on that day. Love touched with grief . . . no words can accurately describe it. Above all I have been marked by the love of a Savior who will work all things for my good and His glory.

  243. I would love to give this piece to my sweet sister-in-law. She and my brother lost their first baby when he was 6 months old. It’s truly affected them and they don’t think they’ll have more kids. Having a reminder of Alan would be so meaningful to her, I’m sure.

  244. I’ve been marked by love in so many ways. . . both happy ways (my 3 precious children who I love so much) to the sad ways (I lost my middle child’s twin early, early on; we lost my sister-in-law to a rare form of cancer; my husband’s cousin was violently killed in the presence of her young son by his father). How blessed I am to have been marked by love in so many ways.

  245. I have been marked by love by my two amazing, beautiful children, and one angel in Heaven. Our first is our angel. Then we were incredibly blessed with a daughter and a son. They make me smile and laugh every single day, and I can’t imagine life without them. I am so thankful that they came to me at God’s perfect timing, even though I may not have always thought that it was my perfect timing, I know that God had it all under control, and He picked the most incredible time to bless us with these wonderful children.

  246. My sweet little 20 months old, Gracie, is my daily reminder of being marked by love. Angie and Audrey Caroline’s story inspire me to enjoy every God given moment with all of my loved ones.

  247. I love this necklace, so beautiful! I have a dear friend who lost her daughter last year and it has been so hard on her. I would love to have this necklace to give to her a a reminder of that precious girl.

  248. I have been marked by love by reading stories of heart ache and tragedy. I read blogs and listen to other mothers and can’t help but to squeeze my little girl a little tighter, sing to her a little longer and speak to her a little softer.

  249. What a beautiful piece. I have a team of 11 babies in heaven waiting for me. Their Coach sent them to homebase to be safe. They are missed. This necklace would be a sweet reminder of the Lord’s grace and faithfulness. Thank you!

  250. I love your necklaces!

    I have been marked by the love of God, my husband, my children, my family, and unexpected friends found in unexpected places. I have been marked by the love I felt for the 2 unborn children I never got the chance to meet in this life. I am constantly amazed by the impact those two tiny lives had on mine, although they never lived outside my body. I recently discovered Angie’s blog and have started working through it, crying tears of healing along the way.

  251. It’s not me, but my amazing husband who has a mark on his cheek from when he was born. When the surgeon was performing the c-section, he hit my husband on the cheek with his scalpel so he has a small scar there. I love looking at it, especially now that his mother has passed away because it always reminds me of her and the relationship he had with her.

  252. I am lucky to be loved by a man who has stuck by my side through so many things – loss of parents, a failed business, depression, bankruptcy, challenge after challenge – yet our marraige is stronger than ever. This life has brought us rain, but as the song says “if that’s what it takes to praise You, Jesus bring the rain!”.

  253. Marked by love – I have two of the most beautiful children in the world! Both were complicated pregnancies, but both are healthy and fill me with joy every single day!

    Beautiful necklace and such a beautiful way to remember life.

  254. hmmm … I suppose reading these comments might be theraputic for me and help me not feel so along.

    I had a miscarriage in October 2009 and am still reeling in it.

    this necklace is beautiful.

    every time I go to hit the link to buy one … i cry.

    i think because i’m sad that i am someone who “can” buy one. that i am a mother without a child.

    thank you for making such beautiful jewelry.

    love – lisa xoxo

  255. Angie’s description for this necklace made my heart cry. I have 2 beautiful girls but have also lost 2 babies. Not having anything tangible to remember them by is the hardest part, especially when you need to talk about it. This necklace is a beautiful way to start that conversation, but also keep the lost little ones close to your heart.

  256. What an amazing way to show that sweet Audrey’s life did have meaning. I know all too well how important it is for the children we have lost to have meaning in this world. I went into labor last year with our sweet baby Nate at 23 1/2 weeks. Our sweet baby did not make it and our lives have been completely changed since. I’ve been looking for a necklace to honor his memory but NOTHING has compared to this. I wish I had the money to just go ahead and purchase this necklace but I don’t right now. We have had another miscarriage since losing him. People don’t understand that making Nate’s small and short life matter and have meaning is so healing for us.

    Thank you for taking the time to create this beautiful necklace. I would loved to be considered in this giveaway.

    Courtney Cloud – Auburn, AL

  257. My husband and I lost Colten Robert on May 9, 2009. I was 36 weeks pregnant. He will be forever in our hearts. What a beautiful necklace! We are also marked by love with our oldest son Chase who is 3.

  258. Thank you for honoring Sweet Audrey. You continue her story & allow her life to continue! I am so in love with my man & my two boys! I don’t take life for granted.

  259. The way I choose to live my life is my celebration of my children, one living child and six children who died in their first trimester. My love for them, my loss of them, infuses everything I do. I honor my children in the way I caress my son’s cheek when he is sad and in the special smile reserved for my beloved. I honor my children when I take care of myself and when I give of myself to others. I honor my children when I’m generous and when I forgive. I honor my children when I feed someone who’s hungry, give someone a gift just because, and when I am grateful. I honor my children when I extend a helping hand to a stranger, when I smile at a child, and when I tell the living how I feel about them. I know my children would be proud of me and of the life I’ve created.

  260. I don’t have kids yet, but I have followed Angie’s blog (and yours) for a long time now. In a non-creepy way. 🙂 I have been affected indirectly by miscarriage with family and friends losing their babies, and it is such a deeply sad situation. But each loss has been eventually followed with an amazing miracle baby. So I guess that is how I’ve been marked by love — that God’s love is so great and perfect, and with each loss His perfect plan is always shown.

  261. That is absolutely precious. What a sweet reminder. We lost a sweet baby boy in our first trimester. And are now pregnant with another sweet baby boy. We have been marked by love… through Him, by His love, healing, and redemption. Blessings and Joy…

  262. I would to win this for my twin sister who lost her little boy a little over a year ago. It would be a perfect way to remember him.

  263. Our first pregnancy ended in the premature birth of our son, Quincy Monroe. We watch him kick his legs, flip around, and suck his thumb while in my belly. Then one day he was gone. We got to hold him, take pictures, and love on him before we handed him back to the nurses. He was perfect all the way down to his little fingers and toes. He was our first son, and he DEFINITELY marked us with his love. We have since had six more children (four girls and two boys), but our first son is never far from our thoughts and always in our hearts! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  264. Gorgeous necklace. I have spent all afternoon reading Audrey’s story. I am so in love with my three little girls.

  265. So many heartfelt and heart wrenching stories… mine no more special than the last, but definitely the way I have been marked by love. I lost my son Noah a day before his first birthday to a degenerative brain disorder… have been thinking for a long time about getting one of your necklaces engraved with his name but hadn’t decided on one until now… this one is simply perfect.

  266. I have a really good friend who lost her 11 year old son. I would love ot win this for her. Everyone who knew Zachary has been forever marked by love.

  267. We lost our son, Brandon, to a miscarriage. It has been a difficult and painful experience, but we have learned a lot and grown closer to God through the whole experience.

  268. I am blessed to be marked by the love of my sweet daughter, Caroline, whom we adopted at three days old and who continues to bring joy to every day of my life. I am also marked by the love of my Father in heaven, and I am reminded of His love daily, particularly during this Lenten season.

  269. Hi Lisa! I’m not entering this drawing for myself, but for my cousin. She lost her baby girl after having her for 19 days on this earth. This necklace would be a beautiful way to honor her sweet baby girl!

  270. By being able to be a mommy to my 3 kids. My middle child, my daughter, has a seizure disorder and is profoundly disabled. My experience of being her mommy has taught me to reach out for help and that there is beauty in vulnerability.

    This necklace is beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.

  271. One of my best friends lost her baby girl at birth a few months ago. I am reminded every day how blessed I am to have a healthy three year old. I would love to win this for her.

  272. I have been marked by love in many ways, my daughters Ashley and Savannah are so very precious to me. My dachshund girls Sophie and Lucy bring me so much love. My husband, Lan, has been a late in life blessing, such a wonderful man. GOD has marked by life with Love by bestowing all the above blessings on me..

  273. Lisa, your jewelry is goergous! I read Angie’s blog faithfully and I began to when I found out last July that my baby was going to die shortly after birth. Mason Asher was born on September 29th, 2009 and he died 25 minutes later. I have never felt a love so powerful as one for a child. This is the only child that my husband and I have had and we have been so blessed to meet him. Thanks for showing that you care!

  274. Your necklace is so beautiful! I lost a baby 2 years ago at 28 weeks. His name was Cash. I started having contractions and when I got to the hospital they couldn’t find a heartbeat..he was already gone. I was blessed with another baby boy almost 6 months ago, but I still miss and think about my first baby everyday. Angie’s story has really touched my heart.

  275. My oldest daughter, has been marked by love of four precious children. Her oldest love baby, Ellie, was born with multiple heart defects, and suffered with severe cerebral palsy. Our dear Ellie, went home to be with Jesus in October of 2008 when she was 8 years and 8 months old. All in her family and all who knew her loved and enjoyed her, but none more than her mom and dad. They gave her a lot of love, time, and energy; and they would do it all again, gladly! I would love to be able to give my daughter, this beautiful necklace to wear and remember the love of her first born child.

  276. It was April 1990 after 6 years of infertility, surgeries, inseminations, monthly ovulation testing, temperature readings, scientific sex, emotional havoc, and waiting at in-vitro’s door
    that God removed all man’s efforts and
    Gabriel was born~
    and I was saved by the Father’s love for me.

    It was such a thorny way, but faith grew
    and I know now that I was saved by His love all along.
    I look at the names of women who have commented here who are in the grip of infertility
    and will pray for them, that they will not attach that condition to their worth, or being.
    Man said I would have none without intervention and today I have 3.
    All by God’s timing and hand.

    Learn to wait with a heart of thanksgiving.
    Be intentional about it.
    Cultivate it. Water it. Harvest that which can’t be learned any other way.
    Accept what His hand gives.
    Live in peace. Love your husband.

    {{* *}}

  277. It was April 1990 after 6 years of infertility, surgeries, inseminations, monthly ovulation testing, temperature readings, scientific sex, emotional havoc, and waiting at in-vitro’s door
    that God removed all man’s efforts and
    Gabriel was born~
    and I was saved by the Father’s love for me.

    It was such a thorny way, but faith grew
    and I know now that I was saved by His love all along.
    I look at the names of women who have commented here who are in the grip of infertility
    and will pray for them, that they will not attach that condition to their worth, or being.
    Man said I would have none without intervention and today I have 3.
    All by God’s timing and hand.

    Learn to wait with a heart of thanksgiving.
    Be intentional about it.
    Cultivate it. Water it. Harvest that which can’t be learned any other way.
    Accept what His hand gives.
    Live in peace. Love your husband.

    {{* *}}

  278. Oh I love it!!! I’ve followed Angie’s story since before Audrey was born…..so sad yet so inspiring!

    My life was marked by love when my son was stillborn at 20 weeks. Christian would be 16 years old now and not a day goes by that I don’t think about him in some way. About a year after he died, I took his tiny footprints to a tattoo artist and now have his tiny feet on my ankle. I love having him with me everywhere I go.

  279. I work in adoptions, and my life is daily marked by an intense love both on the part of mothers who are unable to parent the child that they love, and adoptive families who are given the gift of a child that they’ve dreamed of. I think these necklaces would be an amazing gift for the beautiful, selfless women that I work with everyday.

  280. I could not be more exicted for this line….I have so many I want to show this necklace to. Sometimes words cannot express what the heart feels, but what a touching way to remember those lost…..or even those dreamed about (in my case). I hope I win one to show off to all those who could use an extra special touch in life. God bless you!!


  281. I’ve been marked by love by my family – I am the oldest of six children. We’ve been dragged across the world by missionary parents, and we now live in five different cities – so far away from each other. We’re all watching the youngest – a teenager with Downs Syndrome – grow up. We wonder how life will go for him and how we’ll be a part of that life. Love is heavy, and beautiful.

  282. I would love to gift this to my Mum, it’s beautiful. Her first and last babies died at four days old, 34 and 12 years ago.

  283. What a beautiful and thoughtful piece! My heart was marked by love on October 03, 2008 when my beautiful and amazing son was born!

  284. I have been marked by love 6 ways, my hubby, my 3 living children and 2 miscarried babies. Awesome giveaway!!

  285. Lisa, thank you for once again creating such a beautiful work of art, this time together with Angie in memory of her sweet Audrey. My life has been richly blessed and deeply marked by the love of all of my four amazing children. This necklace not only reminds me of my three whose lives still grace this world, but it also reminds me of their baby brother who died waiting for a heart that never came and now lives in heaven.

  286. I lost a baby due to miscarraige. I never even was able to know if I had a son or a daughter. This child will forever be a part of me.

  287. I was marked by love many years ago when I accepted Christ as my savior but I didn’t quite know the extent of that love (probably still have much more to learn I’m sure) until my precious niece was born in September. Seeing her tiny body struggling so hard to live and looking at her now a thriving nearly 6 month old amazes me.

  288. 10 years ago this month I lost a child. We never got to find out if this child was a girl or a boy. I was only a few weeks along. This really was a blow to our marriage. My husband was working long hours, gone or sleeping all the time. I really thought that our marriage would end. A year later, I got pregnant again. Things began to get better gradually and now we have a beautiful marriage with three beautiful sons.

  289. My second son out of 5 precious children has cancer for the second time. He is not going to be healed here on earth unless God chooses a miracle. This necklace would be a beautiful necklace to wear to until we are reunited in the arms of Jesus.

  290. I have been eternally marked by love. I am a follower of Christ and a strong Christian because of a sweet girl named Haley. I never met Haley, but her life has forever impacted mine. She died when she was only 11 years old after fighting autoimmune hepatitis and pediatric lupus (only 4 other people in the world have this combination of diseases) for almost 5 long years. Not only did she take it on, but she did it with joy. She sang. Haley wrote songs about her disease in order to cope (songs like “Dirty Rotten Liver Blues”) and then started to write worship music. You can read more about her at http://www.caringbridge.org/ga/haley or at http://www.theyhaleyvincentfoundation.com. It was her words, her sweet voice, her life of joy and the love of God in her life that led me to be dedicate my life to Christ completely. I will forever be eternally marked by Haley’s love.

  291. After being pregnant 7 times and having three wonderful boys and losing four babies, I have definitely been marked by love! Some of that love is here with me and some of it is waiting for me in Heaven!

  292. Last spring I gave birth to my stillborn son Alexander on Earth day. Six weeks later, I found myself bleeding to death ( I died and was recovered) when they discovered that I had been pregnant with another sweet baby that we named Simon who was also dead. My twins have marked my heart with huge love…and huge loss. I will never be the woman I was before. Changed forever by their beauty…changed forever from losing them. If I were to win, it would be a precious reminder that they were made from love…and knew nothing by love. I would have treasured my sweet twins…our family would have celebrated them every day…this piece would remind us that treasuring them is possible in spirit…it would offer a reminder of the endurance of love. Thank you…

  293. I am lucky enough to be marked by love in many ways. What a beautiful necklace and a wonderful tribute to Audrey.

  294. What a beautiful reminder you’ve created. I lost two precious babies, both at about 6 weeks gestation. Though not a day goes by without my missing them greatly, I hold tightly to the hope that I will one day cradle them both in my arms.

  295. i have been marked by love in so many ways…through family and friends, my husband and children. but it took me a long time to learn that i was worthy of accepting it.

  296. I sit here with tears in my eyes, tears for my own loss and tears for others’ losses. Even though time makes the pain lessen, there’s always the scar of loss. (And right now I am praying for all who enter here, that God will comfort them and work mightily in their lives.) Thank you for reaching out to touch us with the give-aways. Of course I want to be entered, please!

    I lost our first pregnancy at 10 weeks, after four years of infertility. I got to see the scrap of the little life my husband and I had created. What a blessing! My baby was about the length of a quarter. I could see some of its face and could even count its fingers and toes (20 in all!). Baby footprints have since become very poignant to me. We were later blessed by God with a baby girl by adoption and then a biological baby boy.


  297. I love the necklace, the design, the concept. My nephew died 10 short days before his first birthday due to a heart defect. I miss him terribly, but am reminded, daily, of how good God is. The doctors thought he wouldn’t make it through the first surgery, two surgeries later he smiled in spite of pain, loved to cuddle, and drew thousands to their knees in prayer. Just under a year of life and that little boy had more of a profound impact on the kingdom of God than anyone I’ve ever know. And I’m better for knowing him and loving him.

  298. I could “tweet”, facebook, or blog… but I have found after reading these comments that are so many people hurting like my husband and I hurting. =) You have created a BEAUTIFUL necklace in rememberance of a precious story. Just reading the story, and these comments is enough for me. God bless you.

  299. We have three angels in heaven and three beautiful, healthy children here with us. My husband has held my hand and lived it all with me. What greater expression of love is there?

  300. Marked by love is a wonderful concept. I can’t imagine a better way to name it. Having lost a child myself, this is something I think will be of great benefit to many. Thank you for your work!

  301. facebooked it.

    My first two pregnancies ended in miscarriage. My babes in heaven are named Moriah and Samuel. Between them we adopted our beautiful daughter, Izzy. My third pregnancy was tumultuous but my babe survived eventhough she was born with a VERY rare chromosomal disorder called Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome. Norrah has many special needs and at 20 months is non-verbal, immobile and requires many therapies. Still she is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I love and cherish every minute with her. (except maybe sleepless nights with her… my heart cherishes them but my brain and body would say otherwise!)

  302. My first two pregnancies ended in miscarriage. My babes in heaven are named Moriah and Samuel. Between them we adopted our beautiful daughter, Izzy. My third pregnancy was tumultuous but my babe survived eventhough she was born with a VERY rare chromosomal disorder called Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome. Norrah has many special needs and at 20 months is non-verbal, immobile and requires many therapies. Still she is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I love and cherish every minute with her. (except maybe sleepless nights with her… my heart cherishes them but my brain and body would say otherwise!)

  303. Since our marriage 3 years ago, my husband and I have lost 3 in early pregnancy. We’re due to have our first in early July! Our journey to begin our family has made my marriage, heart and ability to persevere stronger than I ever imagined! We’re grateful for each gift each loss has given to us and will not forget our journey or the little ones whose hands we’ve longed to touch.

  304. I lost a daughter when she was 13 days old due to complications related to prematurity. Her twin is 4 years old now. When you lose a child, it changes you. Without the love and grace of Christ, I don’t know how we would have made it through. This is a beautiful piece. If I were to win, I would wear it with honor to remember my sweet girl in heaven and to honor my amazing daughter who survived.

  305. Hi Lisa! What a wonderful necklace! I have read Angie’s story – truly heartbreaking and touching. I appreciate so much what she shares.

    I am marked by love by Ricky, Travis & Sydney! I am humbled everyday by their unconditional love – my heart is forever marked by them! As it is also marked by my truly amazing and wonderful extended family who is ALWAYS there for me and has helped create me into the person I am. My heart is also marked by their unconditional love!

    Love this and what it stands for! Please consider giving the necklace to someone else IF by chance you draw my number – I would of course LOVE to have it but I honestly want someone else to receive such a lovely reminder of their mark of love!

    Have a great day!

  306. This is so beautiful! My wonderful son is in heaven–we have all been marked by love through his 18 years of life here. Bless you

  307. I was marked by love when, at 21 weeks along in my pregnancy, I was blessed to find out I was having twins.

  308. We were marked by love on Feb. 26th, 2001, when our beautiful son Quinn Thomas was born still. What a beautiful way to hold him close to my heart. LOVE IT!!

  309. I lost two babies last year, both at 8 weeks – one to miscarriage, one to an ectopic pregnancy – and never got to hold them or even see them on an ultrasound. I want them to have weight, too. I miss them desperately.

  310. my good friends had twin baby girls about a month ago. they were 12 weeks early, and one of them was twice as small as the other. they were both doing pretty good for about 2 weeks, when the little one got an infection and passed away instantly. this little family has only been a family for not even a year. these twins were honeymoon babies. anyway, it’s been such a crazy ride for them, and i would love to get my friend Jess, a necklace with her little girl’s name on it. her name is paetyn. but they called her Sweet P. the other baby is still going to be in the hospital for a while! but is doing good!

    the reason i want to get her one is because my little sister passed away when she was 2 months old of SIDS. me and my twin sister were 2 at the time..and my little sister that passed away also had a twin brother. it was very hard on my mom. we were so little and didn’t understand, but my mom got a necklace 20 years ago with “bailey jane” engraved on it. she still wears it to this day and i always thought it was so neat. i would love to get one for my friend so she can always carry her little girl with her!

    love your jewelry..you are so talented..

  311. My salvation, my wonderful family, my beautiful children….so many ways I have been Marked by Love. I love your work, and what a wonderful honoring of Audrey…her precious life has touched so many.
    Just tweeted @kaylan3

  312. I am in tears over the possibility of having a tangible way to remember my angels.

    A good friend of mine, my living daughter’s godfather, often reminds me that he is praying for us, and that he has enlisted prayer warriors on our behalf as well. That is a huge way that I feel loved!

  313. I love this necklace Lisa. I know Audrey’s story. This post brought tears to my eyes. I am marked by a loving husband and four beautiful children… three here and one in Heaven. I miscarried my second pregnancy almost 4 years ago. My daughter had wanted a baby sister so badly, I became pregnant and she was sure it was a girl. Not long after I lost that baby and it broke all of our hearts. Abby and I named the baby, and though we never did find out the sex of the baby, we named her Clara. I went on to have two sons after that who are such a joy to me, but I will never stop wondering about what Clara would have been like. I long for the day when I meet her in Heaven.

  314. My dear, sweet Grandpa passed away 3 1/2 years ago. There isn’t much time that goes by when I don’t think about his laugh, his jokes, his zeal for life. I can’t wait to give him a hug up in heaven someday!

  315. My husband Clif and I had troubles getting pregnant for a year or more. I found a doctor, and went on fertility meds. After the third round, I became pregnant with out little girl…Lillian Joy Smith. Pregnancy went fine till towards the end when I had unexplained high blood pressure. Still, things were good. Went on bedrest for several months…had a scheduled induction, went to the hospital to deliver, when we showed up…we were told that there was no heartbeat. We had just been to the doctor the day before. So at 40 weeks 5 days,on November 13,2009, I delivered our baby girl, Lilly Bean, born still. 5 pounds 9 1/2. Beautiful…we still don’t know to this day what happened in those short hours between doctors visit and arriving at the hospital. But we know that God has a plan. We are now, once again trying to conceive. I am currently back on fertility meds. =)

  316. I have always admired your necklaces. I am marked by love everytime I feel and experience God’s grace. He presents Himself in so many ways: when I look at my husband, children, those I teach and learn from. . .

  317. I would LOVE to win one! My sweet girl–Cicely Grace was stillborn March 13, 2003–we just celebrated her 7th birthday–7th year that we have mourned her life and yet praised God for the huge impact her little life made on us and this world!

  318. My salvation, my wonderful family, my beautiful children….so many ways I have been Marked by Love. I love your work, and what a wonderful honoring of Audrey…her precious life has touched so many.

  319. I have 4 beautiful babies that have definitely made me “marked by love” However I think that if I win this necklace I will give this to a friend that had lost 2 babies to miscarraige one at 26 weeks. She is currently 15 weeks pregnant again and we are praying for a miracle baby.

  320. Your jewelry is so beautiful, it reminds me of how much I love my baby girl, I never knew what true love was until I held her in my arms.

  321. And? I’m wearing my ‘initials’ necklace today! The one my husband gave me from your site last year (for Mother’s Day). I had to link him and tell him how long it may take to ship :p I get so many compliments on it.

  322. It almost feels impossible to choose only one way in which I am marked by love, because God is so very generous to me, even if I sometimes seem to forget some of the many blessings that are always around me. Having a loving husband and 3 children… my family is a great gift from God and i am marked by love every day thanks to them, Joyful days, easy days, difficult days, EVERY DAY!
    Thanks for the lovely giveaway. Reading only a few comments, it is obvious how many are touched by “life” and marked by love.

  323. I met Barb only twice, but the mark she left on me is indelible. The woman was a phenom. She was involved in any organization she would get involved with. She was a very central figure in AA, she shared her whole heart and soul with everyone. She opened her hands and her arms to anyone who needed them. She was completely selfless and giving and caring.

    Unfortunately, her life was taken just two short weeks ago and she is missed by an entire community as well as her friends and family.

  324. I would LOVE to win one of these precious necklaces! It is just absolutely BEAUTIFUL and the meaning is incredible!!

  325. I have been marked by the love of 2 little boys and 2 little girls who are teaching me things I never dreamed I needed to know. These 2 sweet boys are my stepsons. While I was hesitant to let them into my life, they have never been hesitant about their love for me. I will be forever indebted to them for all that they have taught me. My little girls are teaching me things as well…and the love that I have for all of them is indescribable. I recently bought the”fly free ” necklace. Everyone asks me what it is and what it means. I try to live as fully as possible every day!

  326. Our journey to parenthood was long. We endured His plans all along praying that He would bless us with a child. Three years later, via in-vitro we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy. We will be celebrating his first birthday next month. He will forever remind me of God’s unconditional, enduring love and plans.

  327. My husband and daughter remind me everyday of how wonderful earthly love can be. I recently had a miscarriage. It was very early, but I often think about how much joy that child would have brought us as well. I know we’ll experience that joy again, hopefully soon! Beautiful necklace…I JUST ordered one of your necklaces last night for a dear friend fighting a cancer that (without a miracle) will most likely take her life. I can’t wait to give it to her!

  328. I am commenting on the new “marked by love” necklace. What a beautiful gesture – and what a lovely reminder to those who’ve lost a child. I cannot imagine. I have a friend who I haven’t spoken to in many years. We became friends in third grade. She lost a baby girl about 12 years ago. She was never the same after losing that baby girl. She took a picture of the baby – and she keeps that picture in a box. She has three healthy beautiful children, but will always remember the little girl she lost. I would love for her to have this necklace as a special reminder of the little girl she’ll always love and hold near to her heart! Thank you for sharing such an inspirational story with us!


  329. Lisa, your work and generosity amaze me!

    Marked by love? Every time my husband grabs my hand (without me asking :p ) and undeniably my children.

    I’ve lost loved ones. A baby. A brother. A father. Loss and grief are never ever easy. But for me, I live and love in their memories.

  330. This would be such a blessing. Saying a prayer for each and every other Momma who has a “heavy heart.” God bless.

  331. Beautiful…marked by Love by my sweet Savior who has gotten me through the past 18 months since my husband was diagnosed with brain cancer!

  332. I have an experience very similar to Angie’s, except my daughter had a chromosome disorder with her 3rd chromosome. I carried her for 36 weeks before she passed straight into heaven. I have three sons with me on earth, who I love and adore so much. I can’t wait to hold my daughter again one day…

    Audrey’s story has helped me so much through the past few months. That necklace is absolutely perfect. =)

  333. I lost my Dad two years ago April 19. He showed me what unconditional love looked like. He definitely left his mark of love on me and all of my siblings…I miss him deeply.

  334. I am now marked by love. Not by a husband or boyfriend or a worldy father. I am now marked with love by my heavenly father and a son who have taught me what love is suppose to be.

  335. I lost my son, Elliott, when I was 33 weeks pregnant on October 30, 2009. I was blessed to have 33 weeks with him and this necklace would mean a lot to me.

  336. Aren’t we all “Marked by Love”? Our heavenly Father has so marked us! 🙂

    I was particularly drawn to Angie’s website as a friend (Laura & Jay) whom Angie and Todd have met at Jay’s church in North Augusta, SC right after Laura’s father was shot and killed and Angie and Todd shared many tears with my dear friends. I read an article in a Focus on the Family magazine about Audrey Caroline and how Angie and Todd have handled and coped with things. Then I shared the article with Laura b/c Laura & Jay recently (in Dec.) lost their 40 week old daughter when Laura’s placenta ruptured just 5 days before she was to be induced. It was devastating to all who know them, and God has been their only constant source of strength. He has carried them through this and now, even through her sister Beth’s same struggle with a clotting placenta at 10 weeks pregnant. When I read about the giveaway today on Angie’s blog, I first thought, “Wow!! I’d love to give one to Laura in memory of their little Campbell Nicole who will continually live on in their hearts and minds!”

    Thanks to Angie and Lisa for providing this opportunity and for the awareness and support it raises for these little lives gone too soon, but still all in the hand of God. Our protector!

  337. We lost our sweet daughter … Gracelyn Jean Victoria … at 14 weeks. She was called home before entering this world … our hearts were willing to surrender her to the Lord if that is what would bring Him glory, but the loss is still deep and painful. I often symbolize her absence with a crown … a reminder to me that she has already won the race set before her … she has her crown. This neclace is precious … what a perfect way for us to keep her close to our hearts and continually thank the Lord that we were able to “know” her at all.

  338. My sweet friends Jeff and Marsha have lost 3 beautiful babies, actually birthing 2 of them. The last sweet baby boy was born on Audrey Carolines birthday. I know they would be so touched by this beautiful necklace. Thank you.

  339. I can think of lots of mommies that deserve this necklace. I know 31 of them personally. I am a photographer for Now I Lay me down to sleep. My first Angel was Aug 8, 2009.

    I feel that I am being so selfish wanting it for me….lol 🙂 but I would love this to be a token to the 31 Angels I have held, love and miss.

    What a amazing thing your doing..

    Thank you!!!

  340. What a beautiful memorial to the way Jesus makes all things new, how He brings life from death and meaning from profound sorrow. He is a good Savior.

  341. I have been marked by the love of my Holy Father, who shows me that even though I keep messing up here in my earthly body, he has way bigger plans for me than I can ever hope to imagine. Just because I’m me.

  342. Oh, how beautiful. I just love this and how much meaning there is behind it. We lost our baby when I was 22 weeks along, just 2 1/2 years ago – it was devastating. We had been looking forward to meeting him – our first boy after two girls – but the Lord had other plans. Oh, how we were marked by love the day I delivered him. We held him for 3 hours and felt surrounded by God’s blessings, even though they didn’t present themselves as we had dreamed.

    This necklace is perfect. On the back, I’d want it to say “Joshua Dale” – we named him that so that his name alone could bring glory to God and forever bless others. Joshua means “The Lord is my Salvation” and Dale means “valley” – so even in the darkest valley, we knew the Lord was near. I’d love the chance to share that story through a necklace!

  343. My Eli went home to be with Jesus three weeks ago. He was born Feb. 21 at 4:47 pm and was welcomed into Jesus’ arms two short hours later. As he left my arms for the arms of Jesus, he forever marked my heart and soul!

  344. I’m entering to win it for my sweet Aunt Lisa. Almost 4 years ago her ONLY 19yr old daughter Emily was driving back to college and drove into oncoming traffic and was killed instantly. She was wearing her seat belt and she was a safe driver!! They found her cell phone in her hand – DO NOT USE YOUR CELL PHONE WHEN YOU DRIVE!


  345. First of all, your work is beautiful!! While I’ve never lost a child, when my son was born he almost didn’t make it. I think all mothers are marked by love. I love this piece adn the tought and meaning behind it. Thanks for such a beautiful giveaway!

  346. I have the perfect friend to give this to. She is expecting triplets but will only be bringing home two of her precious babies. What a perfect reminder of the weight that Trip will always have in the world!

  347. tears.
    overwhelmed by all your comments from mommies, who like me have a child that was born into heaven. and though i mourn with them their loss, i am comforted by their comments, and rejoice that they are held by our good Father, fully living in “God’s love better than life.”

    my caleb would have been 9 today.

    losing a child, then telling the world you have 3, when you are mommy of 4 is lonely.

    i do wear a ring with caleb’s name on it. i don’t need to win this beautiful, thoughtful necklace.

    but i do want to thank you lisa, for tenderness and a offering a place to share our stories.

  348. I am marked by love when I look in my little boy’s sweet faces or hear them say they love me. They are such a blessing and in them I see God’s love. I have not lost a child, but I know several people that have had miscarriages and I have read the blogs of several that have lost children. I cannot imagine what they go through just to make it through a day. I know that it is only by God’s grace. Being able to see how they have gotten through is a true mark of God’s of love as well.

  349. My dear friends Sarah and Peter lost their precious daughter, Annie, at the age of 6 months last September. They are holding on to the Lord and trusting in Him. I would love to win this for Sarah, in memory of her sweet Annie.

  350. Lisa, this is a beautiful necklace. I love the idea of it being heavier than your other necklaces. We lost a little girl almost two years ago at 17 weeks, and sometimes I feel as though I’m the only one who remembers her. Her short life had meaning and weight–this would be a special way to remember her every day.

  351. Wow. Just…wow. May 1, 2009, I lost my first baby at around 8 weeks. Though I never met my baby, I knew she was someone special. Someone God created for a purpose. It broke my heart, but I was reminded that God had a plan. I grieved…and I moved on. Then, on September 21, I found out I was pregnant again! I was so thankful that God had given my husband and I a second chance…until I miscarried again six days later. To say that I was bitter is an understatement, and I am just now able to trust in God and His love for me again. Sweet Abiah and Ronan taught me something that nothing else in this life has–no matter what God does to prune me, no matter how different His plans are from mine, He loves me. He has marked all of us with His love.

  352. I would like to give this to my sweet friend who lost her baby boy a few weeks after his birth a couple years ago. She is now pregnant with her second and very anxious that things will be smooth, this time around. This would be a beautiful reminder of her first son….

  353. I would LOVE to win this for my friend Jana. She lost her little girl ‘Whitney” in Decemeber. Whitney wasnt even 3 weeks old when she passed away. Jana is really struggling right now through it all. I would love to have you simply mail her one 😉 thanks, jen

  354. what a beautiful piece to remind us of our precious babies who are now being held in the arms of Jesus. my sweet baby joined Him at just 9 weeks – and although i never got to hold him/her i am blessed to have been “loaned” that life for a short time. we are approaching the “birth day” for our little one, May 15, which also happens to be my birthday. i continue to struggle on a daily/hourly basis but will choose not to “waste the pain” – hoping to share and be of an encouragement to others.

    “For the mountains may fall and the hills turn to dust, but even then my faithful love for you will remain.” Is. 54:10

  355. Beautiful. I have not lost a child, but have a dear mommy friend that I have met online who recently lost her baby girl at 20 weeks. It breaks my heart for her. This necklace would be a great rememberance of her sweet Sadie.

  356. I would love to win this necklace to give to a friend who’s son is due in June… he isn’t expected to live beyond birth, but like Audrey’s family his family will be forever marked by love for him.

  357. What a beautiful way to remember our sweet angels. Mine flew to heaven almost five years ago. Thank you for the giveaway.

  358. I have never experienced the type of loss Angie and Todd suffered. I cannot imagine the pain they have gone through. I did have two miscarriages, and so often wonder how different my life would be with those children in it. I miss them, but know that I have angels watching over me.

  359. I have 4 precious ones in Heaven – treasures waiting for me. They all are a part of my heart! Our last little one, a boy, went to be with the Lord mid-pregnancy, in Nov. – baby Graham. What a blessing your jewelry is to so many!

  360. My cousin just recently found out that her baby boy due this summer will either be still born or will only live only for a short time after birth. I know that if I won this necklace it would be a special reminder to her each day of the love she has now and will continue to have for her son.