Interview: Addie and her Bubbie

I am so excited to share another Mother’s Day interview with you! If you missed the first one, you can find it here. Addison and her Bubbie are locals here in San Luis Obispo, CA. Addison works at a local boutique and her grandmother is a painter. How cool is that?! All the pics were taken at Bubbie’s house. The love between these two is so visible in these pics–and it warms my heart.

Growing up, what is a favorite memory of your grandmother?

When my grandparents lived in See Canyon, my Bubbie used to take my brother, Eden and I out on adventures. She would begin by telling us a made up story about what we were doing or looking for. Often times we were looking for buried treasure or hunting fairies. We would spend hours playing pretend and tramping through the creeks, collecting mushrooms and rocks. My Bubbie has an amazing imagination.

How has your grandmother impacted your life / What do you most admire about her?

She has always marched to the beat of her own drum. She’s chosen to do the things she loves most and puts her heart into everything she does. She has inspired me to do the same in my life. She does everything with love and she has taught me to love unconditionally.

What is your favorite thing to do when you get together?

Honestly, talk. She has so much wisdom and knowledge, when I am with her I try to soak up any bits and pieces of it that I can. I love walking away from a conversation with her feeling like I could conquer the world. But we also love to go antique shopping together and I absolutely love watching her cook.

Do you have a funny story or memory you would like to share?

Bubbie, is a funny story. She is a true wild child and she hasn’t stopped testing the waters since the day she was born, I think. Let’s say I have way to many funny stories to tell and none that she would approve of me telling. She is just wonderful.

What makes her better than any other grandmother?

She is so many things wrapped into one lady, a cook, a gardener, a painter, a dancer, a giver, a fighter. She is the best because she is Bubbie, anyone who meets her instantly agrees and instantly falls in love with her. She just radiates love, that’s what makes her the best.

Addison, thank you for sharing your grandmother with us! You both have such a spark and I love seeing inside your special relationship.

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Do you have a special memory with your grandmother? Please share it with us. I remember crying with my grandma after a break-up with a boyfriend, eating potato cheese soup together on Tuesday nights and she gave me my love for fiestaware! Grandmas are a special part of our lives. Tell us about a special moment with your grandmother.


  1. Walking up the winding stairs to my grandma’s second floor apartment was the transport to another world…a warm kitchen with smells of yummy dishes, books, movies, dress-up in her old clothes and the fashion shows she would cheer on. I’m lucky enough to still have my grandma. In July, I’ll be 40, she’ll be 90. We talk often. I’ll travel to celebrate her birthday. We’ll play endless games of Scrabble 🙂

  2. My Grandma Ida was a. maz. ing. She devoted her life to her family, and that included us grand kids. When my parents opened a restaurant, I stayed with her many weekends. We would play dolls, do crafts, dress up, from morning til night. She would walk me (she never learned to drive) to the ‘barbie lady’s house’ where her friend made Barbie clothes and I would pick out an outfit or two. She was still making full Thanksgiving dinners at the age of 93. When she became quite ill after a surgery this January, I was able to leave my family on a late Friday evening to travel 7 hours to see her. I arrived 40 min before she took her last breath. I was singing to her the song she sang to me as a little girl, “Que Sera Sera” . What a blessing…..a memory…. a gift.

  3. Love this!

    I love my Grammy so. My favorite memories of her are small ones, but they warm my heart. I love how she is always, always, always on my side. Against anyone. And she used to slip me a 20 dollar bill every time I saw her during college. She and my cousin Evie and I would color Easter eggs together each year. She believes in me no matter what. I hope I am like her one day!

  4. I just got to spend time with my grandma this weekend and it was so special. She just has this way of looking at me that makes me feel like the most cherished person on earth. I wish I didn’t live 3000 miles away from her!

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