Look at how beautiful my Full of Love necklace is! If you’re looking for a heart necklace, this beauty is so full of meaning.
I am prone to judge myself harshly—I wasn’t productive enough, honest enough, kind enough, thin enough {I could go on and on about my not-enoughs!}
I’m learning with practice, therapy, time, and patience to be more gentle with myself. All is well. Everything is okay. I am loved. I am worthy.

Full of love—that’s what the necklace is called {and what it symbolizes}. Pouring out love for family and friends. Taking time for quiet and reflection—time to nurture our own heart and believe we are worthy of time, energy, fun, play, silliness, happiness, goodness. We don’t have to earn our worthiness—we are already loved and worthy.
This heart necklace is so unique! The hand molded pendant shows the artist’s fingerprint, making each one a one-of-a-kind treasure. It’s the perfect little piece to wear around your neck every day. Your heart is so full of love!
Hi good day, the necklace is cute and unique it is made on silver or white gold? How much that necklace cost?and size as well.
Hi Belle! My Full of Love necklace comes in sterling silver, as well as 10k and 14k yellow gold. You can check out the pricing, size, and more here: Full of Love Necklace