warm sun, warm hearts



yesterday while the boys were in school, i almost didn’t know what to do with myself!

i worked for a while, ran a couple errands and then felt a little lost.




so i took my new 55-200 lens (a valentine’s surprise!)

to the park and took my time walking around and taking pics.

it was a quiet time.  and much needed.




and the sun was so warm on my shoulders.

i definitely need alone time-that’s how i recharge.




but i was sooo ready to pick the boys up from school!

and we went straight over to snofari for frozen yogurt.




they always have a dairy free option-which is perfect for david.

and matthias wanted to help feed his brother.

which completely warmed my heart.

and obviously, david loved it, too!




what’s warming YOUR heart today??

  1. Oh, Lisa. Looking at your blog tonight has so warmed my heart. The photographs are just beautiful and I love the complementary design and the sparse but poignant verbiage. I’m going to have to put you back on my blog roll. (Long story.) That last picture: what an angel. You know he is a special child, too. His sibling will forever change him. And research is showing that to be a very positive thing.

  2. on tuesdays i “babysit” my two grandsons – one is 3 and one is 1 1/2 yrs old..it was so lovely here in the so cal desert that we got to play outside in the morning. Bryson (3) had to go potty – so as he was going into the house he asked if i would watch his brother for him while he was gone!! AWWWWW- what a good brother i thought – the minute he came out of the house he went over to brother and pushed him down in the dirt! SHEESH!! my grandsons warm my heart for sure.

  3. Hi Lisa, I enjoyed your article in Artful Blogging. I just love your images. I love your style, how you focus on the subject and the softness of your images. They’re absolutely beautiful!

  4. I found your blog through Artful Blogging and I love your story! What a precious tribute to your family. Your boys are so beautiful! (As well as your jewelry!) I look forward to visiting again soon. Have a wonderful weekend,



  5. Finding your blog today after I read my latest artful blogging is something that REALLY warms my heart.
    Your blog is beautiful beyond words, Lisa, and your art are simply stunning!
    Bless your work and your heart.
    Will be here again soon.

    Ria Nirwana

  6. I agree, these photos warmed my heart. Also, there was a dance at Max’s school tonight. Usually, he wigs out at big, crowded events like this. But he went in, he danced, he played with other kids. That totally warmed my heart.

  7. Finding dairy free treat options for my little guy always warms my heart. That, and finding inspration for some great photos. Lucky you to receive a 55-200 lense for Valentines Day. What type of camera do you have?

  8. I used my camera to photograph some art accumulated over the years – all made by my babies’ hands, mostly in pre-k and elementary school. I know they aren’t babies anymore, but all that artwork is too precious to chunk! Plus now, I can enjoy it whenever I want! (:

  9. to be honest, it’s been a crazy day…so to come home and sit down at the computer and look at your pictures….that is the most calm and warmest part of my day!
    cheesy? oh, well….it’s the truth!
    thanks for sharing, as always!

  10. Warming my heart today –
    Sunshine on my face – ( spring is coming )….
    My 3 year old boy telling me” Iam the best Mom the the world “- awww…
    Anticipation that tomorrow is Friday ….
    My two new necklace’s that I just ordered from you coming soon in the mail !

  11. What a lovely post Lisa:) The pics of your sweet boys enjoying themselves together and your happy words after the last few stressful weeks for you have warmed my heart:) Also the thought of creating a surprise afternoon tea party for my girls to have after school today, and knowing they will love it warms my heart too:) Wishing you a wonderful day Lisa ~ Tina x

  12. Conversations with people and light streaming through my windows are warming my heart today. I’m glad you had alone time. I need that to recharge as well.

  13. warming my heart? I am 39 weeks pregnant w/ baby girl #3. I went to the doctor today and I’m 3 cm dilated, so we’re looking at the baby coming any time now… my heart is so full of anticipation! I cannot wait to snuggle w/this sweet girl.

    Our kiddos are such a blessing!

  14. I love mimosas, is one oif my favourite flowers!
    I’m going to update my blog with a post about your necklaces and bracelets, they’re so lovely and everyone should hear about them! Hope you’re ok with it 🙂


  15. When I found out I was having a second boy I was a bit depressed with the idea that I was not going to have a daughter to share all those girlie moments with. Friends and family, my husband included who has a younger brother, told me how special the bond is between boys and there is nothing better. I found this really hard to understand. Now, as my youngest is about to turn 1 and my oldest 3.5 years old. I am observing this for myself. It is truly heart warming. Seeing the picture you posted of your sons feeding one another depicts this perfectly. It just melts my heart to see them interact and form that instinctual bond.

  16. Hi lisa yes recharging is so important for is. So glad things are back to “normal” for you and tour family and happy david is doong well!

    My heartstring necklace is warming my heart today. My sweet kids too! And your blog and sweet photos always warm and inspire me.

    Have a great day.

  17. Reading your blog warms my heart. Never ever fails!!
    Blessings to you and I hope you have a wonderful afternoon! 🙂

  18. My husband has been home sick the last two days with a cold. This afternoon he was feeling up for a walk and needed to get out in the fresh air. It is beautiful outside today. The sun is shining and the sky is bright blue with a dash of puffy white clouds. We strolled a few blocks with our dog in our quaint neighborhood and just enjoyed the breeze. Moments like this always warm my heart. 🙂

    Your Valentine gift seems to be treating you nicely. Your photos are stunning!


  19. Oh what treasures you have! Those boys are beautiful!!! David is so loving…how lucky for you. My heart is warm today because I pick up my beautiful granddaughter after day care today. Just having her run to me calling Mi Mi is what warms my heart. Thanks for the great pictures.

  20. Just found your store and blog via Loralee’s Looney Tunes blog. I love your photography as much as your jewelry! I think that your teenie tiny initials necklace is going to be a must have for me, a great way to celebrate having two children in my life now!
    Asheville, NC

  21. New love warms my heart today. I just text him this morning and told him he is the sunshine in my day. So exciting to find love again.

    I’m am new to your website and absolutely love checking in to see all of your wonderful, inspirational photography. I am going to treat myself to a new camera with tax return money! My kids better beware 🙂

    Lisa Leonard, Mukwonago, WI

  22. just looking at your pictures & reading your words warmed my heart today…..love that picture of David smiling – absolutely beautiful!!! Blessings!!

  23. seeing the pics of your boys…..that warmed my heart. And as I type this my two girls are calling me to come back to bed and snuggle……my heart is definitely warm.

  24. my heart was just warmed reading your blog today…so glad you’re able to recharge. funny how you do feel lonely at first. we also have a son (17) with special needs. recharging days are much needed in order to step into the next day. you’re an inspiration…keep on going 🙂 my heart is also being warmed today because i will be teaching my very first ‘ranger’ class at our local scrapbook store. can’t wait to share with all the ladies some very fun stuff:D

  25. I have to say how sweet Matthias is. It is not always easy for the “other ” brother.
    So much attention is paid to the child with special needs. We have a similar situation at
    my home. It’s a daily effort to keep things equal/ fair. Great job Lisa !!

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