what i wore wednesday

i’m linking up with lindsey for a little fashion inspiration!

this was a happy outift. above, polka dot top, old navy. yellow cardigan and wedge sandals, both from target. jeans, big sky. rosette necklace, allora handmade.

this was my cozy saturday outfit. we did a lot of lounging around and took a drive up perfumo canyon road. so fun! above, brown tank, local shop. green military style sweatshirt, target. jeans, anthropologie. boots, vintage {ruby rose}

another cozy outfit. ruffle top and green sweater, both from a local boutique {french quarter}. scarf, anthropologie. jeans, big sky. yellow flats, target. molded heart bracelet, my shop.

here’s our question for today! you find yourself with an hour or so in the middle of the day.

would you rather grab a cup of coffee and pour over an amazing book in a quiet corner

or enjoy a foot soak and pedicure while chatting with a sweet friend?


  1. Definitely the alone time with book (or preferably notebook!) and coffee.

    I need alone time to recharge and I don’t get NEARLY enough to suit me. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. hi barbara! it’s from a local shop called ‘model home furnishings’. it is so cozy. shop is located in grover beach. make an appt to see the showroom and look through catalogs.

  2. Hi Lisa,

    I am new to your site and I love it! Your fashion is very inspiring! My husband grew up in SLO county (I’m gathering that’s where you live). We now live in the Chicago area and miss home so much!

    I have a couple of questions because I LOVE that mustard yellow color! Are the shoes you are wearing the Women’s Meronaยฎ Marlis Suede Sliver Wedge Shoes – Mustard? I wasn’t sure. Also did you recently purchase that yellow sweater? It is mustard yellow also? It looks that way in the picture, but when I look on the Target website, all I see are brighter yellows.

    Thank you so much!

    By the way, I would love to have a cup of coffee in a corner with a good book. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Thanks for responding! I found those shoes yesterday online and love them, but unfortunately, they only have size 6 1/2 left. ๐Ÿ™ Bummer. Thanks anyway!

  3. Whoa! I’m brand new over here, and I LOVE every single one of these outfits… all of these are my favorite colors ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll be stopping by more often, you can count on that.

  4. Definitely the latter! One of my closest friends and I had a pedicure and girl talk during our lunch hour on Monday- we’ve both been going through a lot and it was the only free time we could find. Holy cow, was it ever worth it!

    PS- LOVE that top outfit!!! I think an Old Navy and Target run may be on the horizon for an upcoming lunch break… ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I love the top outfit!! You look so beautiful!! I would choose the pedicure with a good friend. It’s hard to fit those times in so if we’re both free it’s a bonus!

  6. I just had to leave a comment to let you know that omgosh I am LOVING your outfits this week!! I am SO inspired! You’re such a sweet, beautiful woman Lisa. Thanks for sharing your blog with us!!
    God Bless.
    Elizabeth ๐Ÿ™‚

    PS: pedicure with a coffee hehe ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Adorable outfits! When I piece something together I think about you taking your own picture. Would I want to post my outfit on the ‘nets? Sometimes I would and sometimes I would not, however, you’ve got me trying some new styles!

    I would pick the pedi and the chat with a friend. I’m training for a marathon so my feet need a good scrubbing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. You look great in those jeans in the first pic! Love that happy outfit-can’t wait for it to warm up here so I can use you for inspiration! : ) take care!

    ps- I’d take the coffee and the quiet time to make some lists!

  9. Oh man, now that’s a TOUGH question!! I would have to say BOTH!! Neither of those things are frequent enough!

    I think I’ve only commented once but this question has me daydreaming….

    Happy Wednesday…and I adore your “What I wore Wednesday” posts ๐Ÿ™‚

    Angie from Ohio

  10. Today, I would for sure go with the pedicure with a good friend. But that is probably because we moved overseas six months ago, so I am in a major “missing my girlfriends” zone right now. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love your outfits–and your hair, so pretty!

  11. Great pics–collaboration is a wonderful idea!

    I would choose the coffee/book followed by the mani/pedi/friend. I need balance. Balance means everything, right? ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. I prefer a cup of tea and a good book, at least for today, because the weather here is so dreary I don’t want to leave my home.

  13. This is easy, I would choose the pedi and chat with a friend…I don’t like coffee at all. BTW I went to target to look for your wedge shoes you bought there and couldn’t find them…did you buy them recently? Thanks for sharing your wonderful outfits.

  14. foot soak and chat. I’m social like that! love that first outfit. I have the green rosette necklace and a mustard cardigan…might have to go buy the polka dotted shirt! you like great like always!

  15. Coffee, book, and corner for this mama!

    Love your outfits, as usual! And now I am thinking I really really need a green statement necklace, since I have a similar mustard cardigan.

  16. I want it all!!!!! Pedi, coffee, and a chat with my bestie, with no interruptions!!! Am I being greedy??? perhaps, but still want it all. As always, love the outfits, but I have developed a shopping addiction since reading wiww….not good, but soooooooo much fun. Thanks for the inspiration ๐Ÿ™‚ never knew I could find so many great things at Target. Our mall just got a new store called Papaya….love love love….so many cute things for great prices

  17. Hey! You look adorable (as usual). Love the yellow shoes. I think I need some now. I also just figured another reason why I always enjoy you (I just took the indi class and loved your posts)…anyway – your curly hair! You remind me of my sister! <3

  18. Can I pick both? I really love both…and really need both, too. Hit with another round of sick little kiddos…this time the croup. Spent the wee hours of the morning in the ER getting my baby a breathing treatment. Ahh…I will try to cherish these days with my littles and know that quiet corners and foot soaks are in the years ahead. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Oh, and love the first outfit especially. You’re always so adorable, Lisa!

  19. i just want to say that i pretty much love every. single. outfit. you have ever posted on here. if i could just switch you closets i would do it in a second. your style is such an inspiration to me. i saw an ad for a target dress and thought of you! i just went to leave for target, to buy said dress and red cardi and found my car battery is dead! i hate it when stuff like that happens!

  20. Great outfits as usual! As far as the question goes, I love adult conversation, but having 2 little ones, so I’d have to say the quiet corner would win out since I get very little of that.

    P.S. I loved the entry about being a mother f/a few days ago; it was so uplifting, as your blog always is. You guys are always in our prayers.

  21. I love your looks! you look soo comfy yet classy, fun and stylish though. I always try to do that but don’t always find the right combo. My problem is finding the right jeans i think????

  22. Coffee and book, please! I just received Mary Beth Chapman’s “Choosing To See” in my Amazon order yesterday. I’m 130 pages in and love her story so much! She is truly inspirational and loves the Lord so much. A wonderful read. Pick it up!

  23. Pedicure wins any day – especially when you are 33 weeks pregnant and can no longer reach your toes!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Loved your outfit post for this week, Lisa! You wear a scarf so well!

  24. Easy … a cup of coffee and a good book. As a mom and a college student quiet time is a must! Also, with the semester almost over I would love to be able to read something for fun!

  25. love the outfits!

    about the question-
    my answer would depend on the amount of reading lately for college. some days friendship would be better ;o)

  26. I would love the pedicure and time with a friend but all of my really best friends live far away from me! And I love the Old Navy top – I have one, too, except in reverse – black with white dots!

  27. You always look the cutest! I adore that first outfit! I have so say, I’m so jealous of how adorable everyone else seems to look in a cardigan! ;D

    -I would prefer the book!

    -Many Smiles!

  28. Putting those two activities together is my idea of a PERFECT day! However, if I had to choose one, I would choose the pedicure with a friend right now as there is just not enough time to visit with friends lately and my feet could seriously use the pedi!

    By the way – those are seriously your “cozy” Saturday clothes! Your husband is blessed – my Saturday clothes are yoga pants and a hoodie! ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. Lisa, I love your outfits, as usual. Especially the ‘happy’ one! Made me happy to see it!
    And both of your ideas sound so wonderful, can’t I just pick both!?! ๐Ÿ™‚ Annnnd….love the heart bracelet….it’s on my wishlist to my hubby for Valentine’s Day. He bought me the Fly Free necklace and I wear it all the time.

  30. Man I love your style!!! For me I would say it depends on the day. But I seem to favor relationships and conversations. I like having the time to cultivate relationships with my friends. Then throw in a pedi, perfect!! But why not grab a coffee with the pedi, oh how I wish that is what I was doing today!!

  31. I’d say both sound absolutely lovely right now, as I am sitting at work in front of the computer. I’d choose friend time first, it is just as healing as time alone!

  32. I finally did it. I had to start my own little What I Wore Wednesday—
    I only I can keep it up as well as you and Lindsey ๐Ÿ˜‰

    This is too much fun.
    Lisa, I adore your outfits and getting inspired by your loveliness.
    Thanks as always for sharing your pretty life <3


  33. an hour in the middle of the day? Unheard of in my world but I would say time with a friend. You look adorable!

  34. Now that’s just too hard to choose! I love catching up with friends, but I enjoy my quiet time, so good Heavens! I guess it would come down to: if a friend is available, that one….

    But, if no friends available, a book and some PEPSI would be heavenly. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  35. I just love your style. I really keep saying I am going to do WIWW one of these weeks but I am so intimidated by you girls with your adorable clothes and hair.

    I would pick coffee in a quiet corner with a book.


  36. ahh, you are so cute!

    True story: I am wearing that same polka-dot top from ON today, but mine is grey with coral spots!

    I think today I’d rather a pedicure & a chat, but usually I’d say a quiet latte & book. I’m feeling spunky today ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. I just have to tell you, I love the pictures of you sitting in the chair, I so want to get a chair like that for my entry way.

    I also love all of your clothes, you have the greatest style, you inspire me, I have looked at so many cardigans and sweaters lately!! Sadly we dont have a Target up in Canada…yet, they are coming!!

    For your question…..hhhhmmm I think read a book while getting a pedicure would be great!!

  38. I’m a coffee and book type of girl….do like pedicures and spa days….but the “escape” a book can provide is priceless….

  39. I always love your outfits, Lisa!

    My choice would be to have coffee with a friend while getting pedicures!

  40. Could I start my day out with coffee and good book and then meet my friend for the pedicure?!!!! That would rock!

    Love your happy outfit!!!


  41. Love that first outfit! So stinkin’ adorable!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I would go with the coffee & good book! The perfect way to spend a couple quiet hours in the middle of a busy day!

  42. totally love the first outfit! your outfits are always inspiring! thanks for sharing!

    as for todays question….i want to combine the two…i would take the coffee AND the pedicure with a friend! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  43. Can i pick a mix of both? I would prefer sipping a grande peppermint mocha, reading a magazine while enjoying a pedicure solo! I love that yellow cardigan btw, I was at Target last night and picked up a white one!

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