what i wore wednesday (a little late!)

wednesday evening already!? and only two outfits to share. but…

tomorrow is turkey day. yay!!

i’m linking up with lindsey for what i wore wednesday.

it’s been really cold around here. well, cold for california! about 60*.

jeans, banana republic

ruffle top, h&m

cream sweater, brown scarf, target

leather boots, frye

thin sterling cuff

gray dress, dark gray jeans, gap

wide brown belt, banana republic

cream sweater, brown flats, target

brave love necklace


we just ordered christmas pics

{with loosely coordinated outfits}

today’s question!

do you take a family christmas pic? and if so,

do you coordinate each person’s outfits??


  1. This is the first year with a baby… and yes we will be taking family Chirstmas pictures. I like the idea of everything making sense and that the colors go.. but nothing to matchy matchy.

  2. I usually try to find a good photo of the family taken at some time during the past year…especially now that both girls, 22 & 25, live elsewhere. My favorite was when they were little…(3 & 6 I think) and we got a great shot of them underwater in the pool with big smiles on their faces….since we live in “sunny” Florida…it was perfect.

  3. Love your WIWW as always!!! You look adorable. I hope you post a pic of your family Christmas pic, you have the most beautiful family 🙂 We took our very first family portrait just this week for christmas…it’s our first professional picture together as a family EVER (and my kids are 2.5 and 4.5…it was about time!). My husband and I wore dark grey, and the kids were in shades of dark blue, it matched OK. I just wish the kids would have been a little more cooperative with the “smile” 🙂 Good to finally have a picture of us all together though!

  4. The answers are yes and yes. We’re as corny as they come. Matchy-matchy is just how we like it. Every year we pick a different color theme. Last year was blue and white. The year before black, red and grey. This year we’re going the traditional xmas route – red, green and white!

    And we’re taking our pictures tomorrow as we do every year. We skip Black Friday and make it family picture day and Santa picture day! I can’t wait!

    Now I’m off to finish Thanksgiving lunch – ham, black beans and rice, chorizo stuffing, mashed potatoes and creamed corn. We’re Cuban so we combine our foods with the more traditional turkey day offerings.

    Just wanted to wish you and your beautiful family a blessed Thanksgiving, Lisa.

  5. we just had our family picture. aaron, eli and owen wore the same shirt(gap outlet – blue dress shirt with a brown stripe), which aaron was not happy about. emily and olivia wore brown , anna wore an adorable shirt with orange, brown and blue in it. ken and i both wore brown too. the photographer took pictures of anna for the girl power 2 cure website. have a great thanksgiving from canada!!! i’m thankful for you and your family!

  6. Love your style – AND – I’m inspired!! I was thinking today (Thanksgiving) of just wearing something comfy and no too fashionable. However after viewing your CUTE outfits – I’m goin’ for it!! Gonna wear an adorable skirt that’s just been sitting in my closet, waiting for an occasion. Well, today’s the day. Thanks Lisa. I love visiting your blog and your photos are gorgeous.

    Family photos? I’m a sinlge mom, so I did have a professional photo taken of my son and I, but no coordinating colors, etc. I did have visions of that , but it didn’t happen. (We had them taken in Cayucos back in Sept- ya know, on the day it was over 100 degrees. Crazy!) 🙂
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. you just have the cutest style ever!!! I always look forward to all your posts. You have a way with making things feel very comfy and at home in all the spaces you create….and it totally carries over to your awesome outfits!!

    I hope you have a beautiful thanksgiving.

  8. We always did fun pictures instead of traditional. We’ve had one sitting among a litter of baby pigs, the kids looking completely bored/rolling their eyes in front of a museum sign while on vacation, one of them with their hands on the hood of a cop car in a vacation town, in front of the World’s Largest Ball of Twine (by one man) in Darwin, MN. The best one though, was taken at a baptism, the four of us and I was holding the baby (my cousin’s babe). It was a great pic of all of us, so I used it. I also wrote our Christmas letter, telling about how we all had done in the past year. I also had a paragraph about how Baby Camron was getting big, learning to crawl, etc. At the bottom of the page, in tiny print, I added that he was not OUR baby. Many people commented that it was the best ever, wondering if I had had another baby or if one of our kids (aged 18 and 13) had! People still talk about the Baby Christmas letter!

  9. I cannot wait to have children. I will dress them up in silly outfits and we will all pose for family Christmas cards. I never did that as a kid, but always wanted to.

  10. We take a group shot, and I would like us not to clash with clothing, but the last couple years, I am less concerned about that and just thankful the kids (age 21-12) will still cooperate! Last year we were at the tree farm and got some really good outdoor shots with pine trees all around. It was great!

  11. I am hoping to get a good picture this year…since I like things to be organized, the ideal picture would be to have color coordinated outfits, but with my oldest son Tyler, 2 1/2 that’s not usually gonna happen! Jack is 6 months and likely won’t be able to sit still long enough for a good picture. SO, this year, I’m just hoping for A picture of the 4 of us!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. We took our first family Christmas picture this year with our pup Roo and a bun in the oven!!! Can’t wait to send them out 🙂

  13. most years its’ just my kids in the holiday picts – and of course clothes match – but this year we did a mix-match. 3 picts on the card – 1 of my husband and older daughter (age 8), 1 of me and my younger daughter (age 4) and 1 of the two of them. coordinating colors – husband and younger daughter in white, me and older daughter in red – so its’ both colors in all 3 pictures – and we held the word “HO” in each one – so the card reads “ho ho ho” (with the 3 picts lined up). wish I knew of a way to post it here – it turned out SUPER cute!

    happy thanksgiving all!

  14. Yes! Coordinating is fun and it makes for a little bit extra special pic. Comfort is more important though, so we keep that in mind! I love any pics of my family.
    Happy Thanksgiving, Lisa, and to all your readers!

  15. planning to take christmas pictures friday. i don’t like us all to be matching in the same outfit, but the clothes have to look good together. Usually one person in a print or plaid and the other two people in solids that go with the first person 🙂

    hope you have a happy thanksgiving!

  16. Yes, we always take family pics every year. Quite hectic with 3 children, but such great memories to have. Oh, and yes, I coordinate the outfits. This year, we did turquoise and browns. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  17. We took a family pic two weeks ago! And yes, coordinating outfits are a must! At least a color theme. This year my daughter and I were in navy and my son and hubby were in gunmetal gray. Very cool colors…looked great! We don’t do one every year…last year was a Disneyland photographer’s work in front of the large tree on Main Street. But, I did bring my son’s Christmas shirt so he could wear it just for the pic. Paid $15 for the jpeg and voila, Costco card was finished!

  18. Doing Christmas pics on Friday, while everyone else shops. The pics are of my three kids and they will be somewhat color coordinated. Have a great Thanksgiving

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