it’s all about relaxing and playing {slip*sliding}


at the santa barbara zoo they have a hill they kids can slide down with cardboard.

daddy helped david get in on the action.

and he loved every minute of it! can’t you tell?

today is a all about relaxing and playing

winners for the ‘whoo do you love‘ necklace to be announce tomorrow.

* * *

any fun weekend plans?


  1. Linked from the design girl, her blog said leave a message at your shop for the contest, not sure if she meant here but here goes anyway. 🙂
    For a message on keychain it would have to be lucky because my kids are proof positive that I am the luckiest person in the world…though it could also be light because lightsaber duels are a way of life around the household. LOL

  2. Simple pleasures! Looks like a perfect day for your sweet fam!
    We enjoyed the zoo in Jacksonville, Florida yesterday with our precious granddaughter, Malli.
    Nothing sweeter! Love the weekends!

  3. How fun! It is rainy here in VA. We went to Home Depot and out to lunch. Now having friends over! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Today is the first day of the Paralympics in Vancouver! So excited to see them. I’m gonna wonder around downtown all weekend and take it all in. and the weather couldnt be better!

  5. I love your blog Lisa; your lovely photos always show so much warmth and happiness; very inspiring! This weekend is all about my daughter Lauren’s 19th birthday tomorrow – today made her a Hello Kitty cake and am still sewing a pretty cushion for her, gifts still need wrapping and it’s 10.30pm. Mostly I have made a giant mess! Enjoy your Sunday xx

  6. Looks like fun. Your boys are handsome. I just ordered the cutest necklace from you, can’t wait to see how it turns out. I used to live in Carpenteria, near Santa Barbara, it was pretty. I’m loving our 60 degree weather today. Life is good.

  7. My two very best girl friends (since 7th grade) are in town for the night. : ) I could not be more excited! Looking forward to a fun girl’s night out–complete with designated driver.

  8. Hi Lisa, gorgeous photos of David, great smile!! I’d love to slide down a hill on cardboard even at 47! So love doing things like that.

    Yesterday I made a really exciting discovery. I found hazelnuts beneath two trees I thought would NEVER produce nuts. They were here when we moved in 5 years ago and no joy until now! I was so excited, I screeched with joy. Check out my blog to see the photos. I’ll post them today. Big hazelnut smiles

  9. Going to south bay area to celebrate my parents bithdays which were in Feb. (my father took a fall and needed the month to recover – Praise God only bruised!!!) Sunday we sing!!!!! and growth group fabulous potluck (thanks Charlie for the BBQ!)

  10. we’re having a ton of friends over for a cookout on this rainy afternoon! my hubby is smoking bbq pork all day so our house smells like charcoal right now!

  11. That’s awesome! That was always so much fun, even though I think I always ended up in tears for some reason. 🙂
    My plans this weekend: eating and watching tv. Basically being a bum.
    Have a great one!

  12. That looks like so much fun!!!

    It is still a bit cold here in New Enlgland so our weekend plans include…..daddy skiing with the boys, middle sons first time!!! Me and baby girl painting toenails, making pillow forts and playing with paints, playdoh, scissors and paper…tonight and tomorrow hockey games…..we are still in winter mode….but not for much longer!

    Hoping your weekend is everything you hope for!

  13. My fun weekend plans? Hanging out at home with my husband, son and daughter. Maybe a pizza for dinner followed by a movie (usually either CARS or MONSTERS INC.) =)
    Have a GREAT weekend!

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