Are you choosing a new word for 2012? {necklace}

Can you believe it’s almost 2012?! Wow!

Which means it’s that time again. We are teaming up with the amazing Ali Edwards to inspire you and to finding meaning every day in 2012! You can read more about Ali’s one little word online class here! It’s going to be amazing.

My word this year is ‘cherish’. I want to soak up the moment I am IN and slow down a bit. I want to take more pictures and snuggle longer. I want to enjoy my family and let go of my to do list.

Check out our new word of the year necklace here. It’s the perfect piece to keep around your necklace to remind you about what’s important. Use coupon onelittleword for 15% off! Hurry, coupon expires Monday, January 2nd at midnight PST.

Are you choosing a new word for 2012? Share your word with us and tell us why it’s meaningful!


  1. My word is “Action” as in “Actions speak louder then words” This is my year to stop talking and start doing! Find my voice and share it with others, take initiative, help others in need and any other way I can make things happen!

  2. Hi Lisa,
    My word is HOPE.

    I didn’t pick it. God has been whispering it to me for days.
    Hope is the word I heard in a movie I watched.
    Hope is what jumped off the page in my Bible reading the other day.
    Hope was the name of the woman I was behind in line.
    Hope is in the title of an eBook I downloaded and read straight through last week.
    Hope is and has been all around me.

    I’m not sure why God is speaking it to me, but I do know it is my 2012 admonition. Thanks for being an inspiration, to reflect, to ask, to focus.

  3. My word for 2012 is “intentional.” I want to be more intentional about spending time in God’s Word, making plans to spend special time with family + friends, even be more intentional about wearing all of my jewelry (I tend to stick with a handful of my favorites…when I have so many pretties!) Ultimately, I want this year to be a year where I take the time to stop and enjoy things – and not to simply just “get through the day.”

  4. My word is recovery. My family went through so much last year that hopefully 2012 will be the year of recovery for us all.

  5. My word is JOY. Last year was difficult and amazing all at the same time. I searched for a word for 2011 and finally got it in November – confidence. Confidence in my ability to hear God and know His will for my life and confidence in Him – that He knows what He is doing! This year I already have the word and it is JOY. There is so much to this seemingly small word. Count it all joy…. In His presence is fullness of joy…. The joy of the Lord is your strength….

  6. The word I chose is BLESSINGS for 2012. The last year and half has been very hard for me. I realize I have many “blessings” in life. Three adult children, 3 super grandchildren and dear close friends, living back in my hometown. Hopefully many more blessings in 2012!!!

  7. This year I was all set to select Grace, when I realized it wasn’t quite right, for right now (though it makes a perfect backup or companion to my main word). My new choice is spirit. After a very hard year, my spirit has been broken and I need to mend it. Rediscover who I am, put myself back together.

  8. My word for the year is perseverance! We are a strong family, who does not let life’s obstacles get in their way…and we’ve had our share of obstacles. We focus on the positive, and know that we are blessed no matter what~ we have eachother!! Happy 2012!!

  9. Joy.
    Saw a great line recently: You must choose joy; you can’t wait for joy to choose you.
    Choosing joy, and choosing to remember: The joy of the Lord is my strength.

  10. My word is “believe” We moved far from family and friends for a new journey in life. I chose this word to believe in ourselves, in our abilities, in others, and in the new surroundings and new friends.

  11. last year, my word was “intentional”. i’m still holding onto that one but i’m adding “growth”. growth in my life as a christian woman, a mama, a wife & a business owner!

    happy new year, lisa!

  12. My word for 2011 is *HOPE*. In 2011 I lost 3 of my grandparents, my husband and I lost both of our careers, we had to move in with family, and sell our house. It was terrible. But I am back into teaching, and looking to re-certify this year. My husband was just accepted into Police Academy yesterday. This coming year is just fresh with anticipation and joy, and hope of all good things. xoxo

  13. “contentment”

    To be content with what I have, who I am with, what I am doing and where I am – after all, it is where God wants me to be!

  14. Drat! My word is two letters too long! 🙁 I’m using “authenticity”. I thought of putting “authentic” on the necklace, but it just doesn’t feel right. If anyone has any suggestions for how I could make this work, please share. 🙂

    For example, my personalized license plate is UKRISTO for eucheristeo (thanks for gifts given in grace). I’m playing around with “authenticity” but not coming up with anything.

    1. I thought I’d go ahead and share why I chose this word. Long story short: two years ago I lost my husband (just turned 48) after a short battle with cancer. Last year, my mom passed away a few days before Christmas. The past two years I’ve just been living, doing what needs to be done — selling the house, moving to a new town, starting a full-time job, etc. I want and need to Live, but type-a person that I am, I have to have answers first. How do I want to live? Where? More importantly, who am I? So my word is “authenticity” — in several ways. Living an authentic faith (following the model of Christ). Living an authentic life (who am I as a person, not as a wife/widow/mother, etc). So that’s my focus for the year.

  15. Support. I picked up the new Somerset Life today and found article about you and your family. My youngest of 3 boys also has Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (Brian is almost 18). Glad to see the article, find the blog, and discover great artwork too. Support – to and from – friends family coworkers, other moms, can make all the difference in the world!

  16. Hi Lisa, my word for 2012 is ”Acceptance” – I want to:
    – accept my body shape (I’m slim but my lower abs are icky in my eyes even tho I exercise them like mad)
    – accept that some people will go out of their way to be unkind in some way and not let it hurt me
    – accept that John is lovely just the way he is, even with all! of his idiosyncracies, bless him
    – accept that Chester (our 14 month old toddler golden retriever) will be a toddler for around another year and then he will be more settled
    – accept that I am going on a trip for 7 weeks to Europe – this is a very hard one for me because I can’t stand the thought of being away from this bit of paradise for that long! My soul is here!
    plus, plus, plus………………giggle
    Crikey, do you wish you hadn’t asked???!!! LOLOL Hugs with smiles to you and your gorgeous family and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  17. My word is “transform.”

    I plan to transform my chubby, out-of-shape body into a healthy, fit one. I want to transform my messy home into one that has order. And I want to transform my stale marriage into a caring, loving one again.

  18. I ordered the word of the year necklace last year and loved it…I was hoping you’d have another necklace this year. My word for 2012 is HOPE!! I have a HOPE and a future!!

  19. My word this year will be “step.” I tend toward extremes, and this is a reminder to me to keep taking small steps forward. Not leaping over into anything, or stagnating while contemplating …just…simply …take…the next…step.

  20. Ok, I’ve thought about this all day. The word for me in 2012 (and of course then my family of 4) is “Grow”. Time to expand our world, time to push our emotional and phsyical limits, time to be uncomfortable and yet at the same time be comfortable in the love of God.

  21. glow.

    2011 was a year of immense self-growth for me. It was painful at times, but I feel like I’ve shed an old skin and have a beautiful new one that I want to show off, metaphorically speaking!

    happy new year, lisa!

  22. Lisa,
    You are so inspiring. I love your creations and your blog is so motivating and comforting. When I read it, I feel strength and hope. It embraces me. I agree with you, my little word will be ‘Cherish’ my grandmother was rushed to the hospital on Christmas Day and again today. I fear losing her, she’s my love and joy and raised me. The unknown scares me and right now I am taking comfort the word ‘cherish’. I will have to remember it first thing when I wake up and right before I fall off to sleep. xoxo

  23. GREATFUL. So often I think we walk through life not realizing how blessed we really are. I have chosen 2012 as the year I am walking with the attitude of gratitude!! I’m gonna keep a smile on my face because God’s faithfulness in my little family is overwhelming ( I have far much more then I desserve) and the least I can do is SMILE 🙂

  24. Just ordered my one little word necklace — SAVOR was my choice, however, I couldn’t decide on just one word so I ordered the open circle bracelet with “find MAGIC daily” on one side and “TOUCH and be TOUCHED” on the other. I completely enjoyed my 2011 one little word “KISS” which had room for both positive and not so positive days, this year I wanted to spend 2012 finding the magic that touches my life and savor it on the days I need inspiration. I can’t wait for my necklace and bracelet. I absolutely love my other pieces.

  25. hi lisa! happy new year!

    First, I was wearing my “heart string” necklace the other day and received 3 compliments on it and when i shared the meaning and where it came from – all 3 said they would visit your website! 🙂

    My word for 2012 – Relish – I really want to just find appreciate and pleasure in the everyday little things – really soak up the love from my family; relish it all – my blessings and the unspeakable joy He brings to my life!


  26. finding one word is just so hard… I will have to pick between: believe, trust, adventure, faith, and cherish (that’s a good one!) With our first little one home almost a year I am soaking in every moment with him … now with our second adoption process under way I’m in that place of adventure and having to leap out in faith, believe that God can and will do it as I trust him for all the details. 🙂 Love… that’s another one. 😉 See? Told you it was hard for me to pick one word! haha

  27. Mine is humility because the only way I can truly love others and grow is stepping outside of myself and allowing God to work.

  28. I think mine will be “grow”. I’m hoping to grow in my faith, grow in my commitment to improving my health, and also, hopefully, to grow our family by adding another little one to it.

  29. My word is teach because I do this every day in hopes that my students will be inspired to continue the tradition.

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