Hey friends! I’ve been so excited to tell you about Orange Bird. I met DW at Meg’s craft weekend last year and we hit it off. That girl is amazing and full of heart! Her and Birdie have combined efforts to sell handmade goods and make a difference.
In their own words…
The Orange Bird Shop is an online store featuring handmade items with all profits going to benefit some of “the least of these” in our world. Right now, all of our profits are going towards The James 1:27 Project, a mission in Kenya, Africa, that serves widows and orphans in need. Specifically, we are raising money to cover the cost of a housing and water cistern project for a widowed mother, named Francesca, who is living with HIV/AIDS, and her three sons. It is a win/win situation when you shop at The Orange Bird Shop…you get an awesome handmade item and Francesca and her family get a livable house and clean water!
I think this sock monkey cozy is too cute! And how about this hand warmer for $7–I love anything heart shaped! When you shop at Orange Bird you’re helping bring clean water to this family. Read more about it here. And ‘like’ their facebook here.
I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE The Orange Bird! Thanks for letting me know about them.